Yes or No

Consequences and Unexpected Results




The car ride to the studio was silent. Dong Woon resolutely avoided looking at him, Hyun Seung sat at the back sullenly, Jun Hyung gave up talking to the dancer when he’s in this mood. Yo Seob and Ki Kwang chattered quietly in front, and Doo Jun sat awkwardly between the chattering two and the silent three.


The rest of the day remained unchanged. Dong Woon still ignored him, Hyun Seung refused to talk to him, Jun Hyung was about to tear his hair out trying to get those two to be more civilized but his efforts were futile because those two were stubborn mules when they want to be. Jun Hyung casted the leader a look that said ‘You better fix this.’ And Doo Jun had just the intention to.


That night, he went out alone as before. He knew this was a risk, but if he could pull this off, it would be perfect.


He had a plan. A plan to finally get Dong Woon into his long waiting arms. He bought a ring and a bearbrick, plus a Chopper plush toy. He put them in place before placing a call.

‘Woon? Can you come over to the park now? I know it’s late, but please?’ it was nearing midnight and the park was deserted, perfect for his plan. It took some doing, but in the end, he won. Dong Woon said he’ll be there in five. He pocketed the phone and waited.


Dong Woon was grumbling as he put on a coat. The rest of them were up too, because, believe it or not, the leader had the audacity to still go out till late and they had all stayed up. Until he called Dong Woon. Jun Hyung immediately knew what the leader was going to do and he dissuaded Hyun Seung from going with Dong Woon. Dong Woon was just as clueless, but was grateful to be going alone.


He slowly made his way to the side entrance, the one which he uses the most often. Just as he was about to step through the gate, something caught his eye. There was something on the ground, near the side of the gate. He bent and picked it up. It was a bearbrick! There was a little note on the back of the bear, he plucked it out and read it. It was dark, the moonlight just enough for him to decipher the words, though he couldn’t really determine the color of the bear. He pocketed the bear in his coat pocket. The note was from Doo Jun and it said to go straight, following the path until the fork. He did so, wondering what did the leader planned.


Soon, he saw the said fork in the path and he stood there, wondering what’s next. He glanced around, and something brightly coloured caught his eye. It was a Chopper stuffed toy! It was holding the note in its hands and Dong Woon gently pried it away. He read the note, then squinted. The note said, ‘turn back and enter the park through the front entrance.’ Dong Woon huffed, but made the trek back to the side entrance, before turning and heading to the front entrance, once there, he saw something by the fountain. It was the silhouette of a man, a very familiar one. His back was to him, hands in front, blocked from view by his body. As Dong Woon walked closer, the gravel crunched under his feet, and his heart thumped faster and faster. Finally, he was a few feet from the leader. He slowed, not knowing how to proceed but Doo Jun saved him from that when he turned around and got onto his knees. Dong Woon’s brain froze and he could only stare.


‘Son Dong Woon, the beloved of Yoon Doo Jun, and the holder of his heart. Even though that idiot Yoon Doo Jun made a lot of mistakes, even though he hurt him, Son Dong Woon had never gave up. Yoon Doo Jun knew it was him at fault, but he did not know how to return the love he received. Now he knows, and would like to prove that once and for all his love for Son Dong Woon, if he would allow him another chance.


Dong Woon, I know I had hurt you in the past, and I know I don’t deserve your love. But this is me trying to say I love you, and I want you to know I really mean it. I would do whatever it takes for me to make it up to you. If you decide not to give me any more chance, I understand fully, but with all my heart, I sincerely hope you will accept me and my intention of making things right.


I love your smiles, your touch, and your sense of humor. I deeply regret that I was the reason for the disappearance of the above lately, but I will like to have the chance of bringing them back.


I promise to never hurt you again, never causing you any worry, pain or distress to the best of my ability. I promise to take care of you, love you, and if you allow me, spend the rest of my life with you. Will you accept my promise?’ Doo Jun raised his clasped hands, presenting the ring to the speechless Dong Woon. The younger man couldn’t believe this was happening. He had no idea what to think, what to say. He stared at Doo Jun in shock, yet unable to disguise the joy in his face.




‘Yes or no, Woon.’


‘I…’ locking eyes with the leader, he saw the sincerity of his words. ‘Yes.’


‘I promise, you won’t regret it.’ Doo Jun stood up, and gently slid the ring up Dong Woon’s left middle finger. Gazing into those deep brown eyes, he was glad he finally claimed this man for good. Now he had an excuse to see that beautiful smile every day, and he promised himself to make Dong Woon smile, no matter what.


Staring at each other, with the moonlight bathing over them, Dong Woon wondered if he was dreaming. When Doo Jun broke the eye contact and crushed him into a hug, he was sure if this was a dream, then he never wanted to wake up. Doo Jun whispered in his ears, and he finally let go. His tears slowly made their way down his face, and he clung tighter to the man who made him feel too much.


Doo Jun felt the sobs racking through the younger man, and he pulled a fraction back, but Dong Woon refused to let him go, so all he did was to rub comforting circles and waited for him.


Dong Woon’s phone rang in his pocket, and he finally peeled himself away from Doo Jun to answer the call.

‘Hyung? I’m with Doo Junnie hyung at the park.’ Doo Jun couldn’t hide the grin when Dong Woon called him Doo Junnie.

‘Yeah, we’ll go back now. bye hyung.’

‘Hyun Seungie hyung says we should go back and sleep.’ Dong Woon didn’t meet his eyes.

‘Woon? what’s the matter?’ Doo Jun fussed.

‘N-nothing! Let’s go!’ Dong Woon tried to avoid eye contact and he moved away. Doo Jun grabbed his wrist and turned him so that they were face to face. Using a finger to tilt his chin up, he looked at Dong Woon.

‘Woon, are you blushing?’ Doo Jun’s voice was laced with amusement. He promptly got smacked on the arm.

‘I’m not! Shut up! Let’s go!’ huffing, he twisted out of the older man’s grasp and stomped towards the gate. Chuckling as he followed, Doo Jun found this side of Dong Woon extremely cute. A flustered, blushing Dong Woon wasn’t something you see often.

‘Hey, wait up, Woon! My knees hurt!’ he yelled, exaggerating the slight limp he had. His knees really was aching, but not as bad as he made it out to be. Dong Woon slowed and turned back, just in time for Doo Jun to deliver a smacking kiss on the lips before the older man ran off, leaving Dong Woon stunned.

‘YAH YOON DOO JUN!’ the maknae yelled at the retreating back of his leader and gave chase.


‘Nope! Unless you agree to kiss me again!’ Doo Jun yelled back over his shoulder. The answering growl of rage made his grin stretch wider and his heart even lighter. 



[a/n: its another double! :D ]

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Honestly this is my first beast fic that have dongwoon as so hard to find him as main..and this fic is too beautiful and well written... I love everything about this fic
Chinakiakat #2
Chapter 55: This has left me fuzzy warm happy - I love it!
Chinakiakat #3
Chapter 46: I really love this story and am so glad I stumbled upon it last night, even if it has meant that I didn't sleep last night lol
Thank you :D
Chapter 55: *clapclap* brilliant ending authornim!!!!!! flustered woon is just too adorbs
Chapter 55: It was sooo good! I loved the ending. Haha especially where DooJun got whipped for five minutes! It was awesome =)
MsLonlified #6
Chapter 55: the ending is awesome <3 thank you for the awesome story author-nim! ^__^
Zayneer #7
Chapter 55: Thanks eonnie for the great story!! :):) *big hugs*
Chapter 55: awwww I almost cried >3<
this was wonderful!!
and a good choice how to end it! x33
unfortunatly it's over now >.<
but thank you very much for this story!!:)