The Scare

Consequences and Unexpected Results



Jun Hyung hesitated at first, not because he was didn’t want to hug the maknae, he wanted to. He was just afraid if he did, he would start sobbing like an idiot. In the end, he knew he wouldn’t forgive himself if he didn’t do it. And these few days had taught him to not take anyone for granted. They thought nothing would ever threaten the six of them. Look how wrong he had been. He knew how close they had been to losing the maknae, and he shuddered just thinking about it. He stepped forward, into the welcoming arms of the maknae. This hug was quick, strong and intense. It rang of unsaid words, untold emotions, but most of all, love. The bond the six of them have, will never ever be replaced. They were brothers, and that was that. When they released each other, they gave a smile each. There was no need for words. All that needed to be said between the rapper and the maknae had been conveyed through the hug.

‘We’ll be going then. We’ll bring the mails and Doo Jun later. Rest well in the meantime okay? I wanna see those dark eye rings fade off when we come back.’ Jun Hyung said, eyebrow raised.

‘Ahh, hyung!’ Dong Woon whined, just for the sake of it. He was wiped out, in those few hours of talk.

Jun Hyung just smirked and left the room, raising a hand to the youngest before closing the door behind him. Ki Kwang poked his head in and smiled. Hyun Seung replaced Ki Kwang’s place, and widened his eyes.

‘Aish that Junnie…’ Hyun Seung said, while getting Dong Woon back onto his back, making sure he was comfortable.

‘Thanks hyung. Go on now. Go rest.’ Dong Woon’s bright grin peeked out and Hyun Seung nodded and left.


Dong Woon waited for their footsteps to fade to silence before letting out a groan. He was surprised when he didn’t feel any lingering fear of being alone. He guessed he was over that stupid fear now that he knew how much the others cared about him. He was no longer the lonely little boy. Now he had the members with him. If he needed anything, a call to them would send them coming. Heh, I wonder if they would deliver ice cream? Kekekeke I think not. But all jokes and poking fun aside, when it comes down to it, Dong Woon was certain that when he needed them, they would be there for him. That was all that matters. Knowing this gave Dong Woon a warm feeling in his heart. He smiled, a soft smile, one that shows contentment, awe, and love. His eyes crinkled, and a deep chuckle came out. He had never expected his little coma could have brought out such unexpected feelings and revelations. Now, he can say without qualms, without hesitations, that these five people are the brothers of his heart. As for some pesky feelings about one particular member… He decided to ignore it now. Not like he would acknowledge my feelings anyway. Dong Woon scoffed at his own foolishness, berating himself for thinking such useless thought. Some things were never meant to be, and there were no use thinking about it. Oh well, I’m not gonna care about those stupid feelings now. Not when I have better things to do, like sleep. He stretched a little, groaning.

‘Whew. That sure was tiring. We’ve talked for what? Three hours? Four? Hoo…’ Dong Woon muttered to himself, and succumbed to the pull of his tired eyelids. He was asleep within the next minute, not even stirring when the doctor came to check on him.


‘Should we wake him? He looks like he needs the sleep…’ Hyun Seung whispered. The door was opened a little, with Hyun Seung’s head poking through. Since the room was darkened, light from the hallway slanted through the slit and alighted on the sleeping man’s face.

‘We’ll go in and wait for him then. It’s best if he don’t wake up alone. But be quiet!’ Doo Jun hissed.


They skulked into the room like a pack of thieves, pausing when the door made a creaking sound. Their expressions can only be described as comical. Doo Jun looked like he wanted take apart the door with his bare hands and the other four just froze with fear on their faces. Whether they fear waking the maknae or the wrath of the leader, they will never know. When Dong Woon didn’t stir, they resumed their silent progress into the room. Jun Hyung cursed when he stubbed his toe into a chair, and muffled it at the last minute, earning a glare from everyone. He scowled, but didn’t say anything back like he normally would. Finally they sat down and let out a sigh of relief. Who knew skulking would take so much out of a man? But no sooner did the last touch the chair, everyone shot straight up again.

‘HYUNG!!!’ Dong Woon sat up and yelled, collapsing into a giggling fit in the middle of his bed.

Yells and shouts of alarm were heard, and a few muffled curses too. Dong Woon was still giggling while the others got over their fright and glared at the maknae. They gathered around the bed and the chortling maknae and glared down. Dong Woon looked up, and his smile faded away when he saw the dark faces of his hyungs.

‘Uh oh… Mercy? Please!!’ Dong Woon held up his hands before they could do anything to him.

‘Damn Woonie! You killed our fun! It’s not fair!’ Yo Seob pouted.

‘I’m not about to let you all murder me man! That was scary!’ Dong Woon gave back as good as he got, the maknae’s pout appearing too.

‘YAH! So the fright you gave us wasn’t scary at all huh?!’ Hyun Seung shouted back.


Dong Woon gave a sheepish grin, unrepentant. The others just looked at him and knowing chuckles were rumbled. Soon the chuckles turned into a full blown laughing fit. Not even Jun Hyung was spared. They could imagine their own faces when they shot out of their own chair. Dong Woon was demonstrating how each member looked and having fun at his hyungs’ expenses, though none of them really cared. They were glad to have this kind of time with all of the members again. Though, Dong Woon received a cuff from Jun Hyung when his face was being imitated since the rapper had a reputation to protect. He caught the twin glares from the leader and Ki Kwang but he ignored them. He turned back and looked at the still laughing Dong Woon and saw that the maknae was completely oblivious to those two. He saw Hyun Seung’s own concealed smile and he smirked, not bothering to hide it. No one would question his smirk anyway, they were accustomed to his ways.


‘How did you even know we’re here anyways?!’ Yo Seob was still pouting since he hadn’t a chance to get back at the maknae.

‘I’m a light sleeper remember? I knew you guys were here when Seungie hyung whispered that I was asleep, which I wasn’t.’ Dong Woon chuckled.

He saw Ki Kwang’s face and started laughing again, clutching he stomach. He was laughing at Ki Kwang’s expression. The muscle man still had a little of his deer-in-the-headlights look, his eyes wide and almost unblinking. Doo Jun poked him, and Ki Kwang finally unscrambled his frazzled nerves. He gave a sputtered ‘Yah!’ before smoothing his hair out, looking a little red. Dong Woon laughed even harder when he saw Ki Kwang doing what he always does whenever he got flustered.

‘Aigoo our KiKi is so cute!’ Dong Woon squealed, causing Ki Kwang’s face to light up and Doo Jun’s to tighten. Jun Hyung caught the changes again. He was watching those two closely, so he would know. He knew something was up with those two and he couldn’t wait to see what happens. He wanted to share his observations with Hyun Seung and he knew the older man would want to know that something was going on. After a while, they settled down and passed the time talking, dozing, or playing games among themselves.


[a/n: hi guys. im so tired... lolx first day of sch was tiring... then i got home to spazz over BEAST anniv and i died on the second day of school... then got hyper because of the hangout live streaming... sigh... hehehe anyways, update! yay! haha enjoy and comment are always welcome!!! :D]

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Honestly this is my first beast fic that have dongwoon as so hard to find him as main..and this fic is too beautiful and well written... I love everything about this fic
Chinakiakat #2
Chapter 55: This has left me fuzzy warm happy - I love it!
Chinakiakat #3
Chapter 46: I really love this story and am so glad I stumbled upon it last night, even if it has meant that I didn't sleep last night lol
Thank you :D
Chapter 55: *clapclap* brilliant ending authornim!!!!!! flustered woon is just too adorbs
Chapter 55: It was sooo good! I loved the ending. Haha especially where DooJun got whipped for five minutes! It was awesome =)
MsLonlified #6
Chapter 55: the ending is awesome <3 thank you for the awesome story author-nim! ^__^
Zayneer #7
Chapter 55: Thanks eonnie for the great story!! :):) *big hugs*
Chapter 55: awwww I almost cried >3<
this was wonderful!!
and a good choice how to end it! x33
unfortunatly it's over now >.<
but thank you very much for this story!!:)