
Consequences and Unexpected Results

[a/n: hey guys! i wanted to updat yesterday night but i was too tired to do the final editing of the chappie so im posting it now. hehe. sorry! thanks for waiting, and comments are very very welcomed! :D]


It seemed as if the moment had stretched into an eternity, when the two pairs of eyes met. Dong Woon froze under the stare of Doo Jun, who was looking at him with an unidentified expression. Doo Jun’s thoughts were racing. He had always cared more about the youngest, maybe it’s because of him being the maknae, or it’s just him being him. Doo Jun had his own theory. Everyone thought he gave special attention to the youngest because he is the youngest, but to Doo Jun, Dong Woon was more than that.


He knew the younger man’s likes, quirks and fears. Dong Woon liked to read sci-fi books, food and sleep. Dong Woon had a weakness for food, especially patbingsoo. He is sometimes 16D, and can be weirder than Hyun Seung is occasionally. But then again, the other members also knew those. But what they didn’t know was the maknae’s fear of hospitals. They all knew he was scared of bugs. They had heard his screams whenever one went too close to him, and had mercilessly, despite the fact that Dong Woon wasn’t the only one in the group who was afraid of bugs. Dong Woon had told him he hadn’t told anyone that he was afraid of the hospitals. He did tell them his past with the hospitals, but he hadn’t mentioned his lingering fear of them. Doo Jun was proud that he was the only who knew such an intimate detail of the maknae, even though he knew it was just foolish to think that way. Looking into the big, soulful eyes, Doo Jun lost himself in them, and his thoughts.


Meanwhile, Dong Woon was also thinking other thoughts. He was worried about the leader, even though he was the one who had just woken up from a coma, he can’t help but fuss and worry. He had always been the one who was concerned whenever any of the members showed even a small sign of being unwell, physically or mentally. He was always the one to give comfort willingly, and without complains. The hyungs rarely told him their troubles, but they had went to him for unconditional support and comfort. Even so, Dong Woon had his ways of finding out things by himself, much to the chagrin of his hyungs. Looking at Doo Jun now, he saw past the dark eye rings and deep eye bags, into the tired but determined eyes of the leader. He detected worry, relief, anger and other multitude of emotions, but what had struck Dong Woon the most was the soft look Doo Jun was giving him. He knew the leader paid him a little extra attention now and then, but he just assumed it was because he was the maknae, and didn’t think more about it. He hadn’t known the leader cared that much as to not sleep over the past three days just to ensure he doesn’t wake up alone in a place he really disliked. His stomach did a little flip just thinking of it. He was really thankful to Doo Jun but the leader looked as if he could sleep for three days straight, the way he held himself.


Each of them was lost in their own thoughts, not noticing how much time passes. They held the gaze, until commotion from the hallway made them break the connection reluctantly. They didn’t know what was the other thinking, but they didn’t have the time to worry about that. Three seconds later, the hospital door burst opened and the rest of the members poured in. it was instant chaos. Doo Jun managed to retreat to the wall before he was flattened by the horde of wild brothers currently descending on the maknae.


‘Woonie~! You’re awake! You know-‘

‘Dong Woon-ah! How are you feeling? You want-‘


‘Hey, you gave us a-‘

‘Are you really okay?’

‘I brought food! Your favourite-‘

‘Woonie, I wanna hug!’

‘No fair! I want one too!’

‘Me, me, me!’

‘Yah! All behind me, you pabos!’


And so it went on like that for the next few minutes. Doo Jun didn’t interfere. He didn’t bother to. The members would not be dissuaded from their actions anyway. They were worried sick the past few days and they needed to release their emotions before they go crazy. Doo Jun was sure Dong Woon can handle them. He always had, and today it was no different. Dong Woon always knew what to say to the members, in every occasion. So even though Dong Woon still looked a little weak, he quickly got the members to sit down answering questions and giving out tight hugs. Doo Jun was a little jealous because everyone had a hug except him, since he was standing at the wall until now. Finally, when the members were calm enough not to speak over each other, Doo Jun peeled himself away from the wall.


‘Now that Woon is up, we can breathe easier. I will go back to the dorm and clean up and rest then head back here again. What about you guys?’ Doo Jun looked at the other four.

‘We’ll stay here a little while more, before the nurses chases us away. You go back and take a long rest, Doo. Don’t worry. We’ll keep an eye on this guy here.’ Hyun Seung said, glancing at the maknae lying on the bed.

Even though Doo Jun didn’t wanna leave Dong Woon’s side, he knew he had to. It would seem really suspicious if he didn’t leave even when the maknae had woken up.

‘Woonie, I’ll go back first. I’ll come back later kay? You guys don’t give the nurses any excuses to throw out all out alright? And don’t over tire the maknae out.’ Doo Jun fussed.

‘Kay! Bye hyung!’ Dong Woon gave the leader a guileless smile, causing the leader to smile in return, knowing he was being dismissed.


Doo Jun left the room, closing the door gently. He was a little disappointed that Dong Woon hadn’t show any signs of wanting him to stay. He knew the maknae didn’t know Doo Jun had feelings for him, and he didn’t know to be glad or not about it. He also guessed that Ki Kwang might have a more than brotherly love for the maknae, but then again, he didn’t really act like it, because both of the youngest had been close in the first place. Aish, whatever! Imma shower, eat and sleep. He hailed a cab and headed back to the dorm.



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Honestly this is my first beast fic that have dongwoon as so hard to find him as main..and this fic is too beautiful and well written... I love everything about this fic
Chinakiakat #2
Chapter 55: This has left me fuzzy warm happy - I love it!
Chinakiakat #3
Chapter 46: I really love this story and am so glad I stumbled upon it last night, even if it has meant that I didn't sleep last night lol
Thank you :D
Chapter 55: *clapclap* brilliant ending authornim!!!!!! flustered woon is just too adorbs
Chapter 55: It was sooo good! I loved the ending. Haha especially where DooJun got whipped for five minutes! It was awesome =)
MsLonlified #6
Chapter 55: the ending is awesome <3 thank you for the awesome story author-nim! ^__^
Zayneer #7
Chapter 55: Thanks eonnie for the great story!! :):) *big hugs*
Chapter 55: awwww I almost cried >3<
this was wonderful!!
and a good choice how to end it! x33
unfortunatly it's over now >.<
but thank you very much for this story!!:)