Unplanned, But Will It Work?

Consequences and Unexpected Results




‘Hey guys! I’m back!’ Ki Kwang hopped into the dorm on one leg, peering about.

‘Hey! You’re back! We- WHAT HAPPENED?!!!’ Yo Seob yelled, seeing the bound ankle of Ki Kwang and the way he held it away from the ground.

‘I sprained it on the way to Win Win… it’s nothing bad. I’ll heal soon.’ Ki Kwang tried to put his main vocal at ease.

‘Hey, Kwangie! Wha- WAIT A MINUTE! WHO DID THAT TO YOU?!’ Doo Jun’s eyes widened at the sight of , who was hopping to the couch.

‘Aish. I just told Yo Seobie hyung I-’ Ki Kwang was cut off.

‘Ki Ki hyung~ Welcome back!’ Dong Woon rounded the corner coming out of kitchen when he spotted the bound foot of his hyung.

‘WHAT DID YOU DO TO YOURSELF, LEE KI KWANG?!’ Dong Woon stormed towards his hyung, demanding an answer with his eyes.

‘What’s going on here?! Keep it down people!’ Jun Hyung appeared from his room, Hyun Seung tagging behind.

‘I sprained my leg on the way to Win Win and this is the result. It was stupid. I tripped over myself.’ Ki Kwang tried to reassure the members. He now knows how Dong Woon felt. It was scary facing all five of them.

‘You tripped?! Aish! Kwangie! I told you to look where you were going before didn’t I? You’re always forgetting to look at what’s in your path…’ Yo Seob grumbled.

‘How long did the doctor say to keep off your foot?’ Jun Hyung asked rationally.

‘Three days. After that, the swelling should be gone and we’ll see if I need to rest it any longer. For now, I have to off it and elevate it.’ Ki Kwang explained.

‘Alright then. Next time please be more careful, Kwangie. Thank God it was just a sprain.’ Doo Jun was glad it wasn’t anything more serious.

‘I’ll go ice it now. I have to ice it regularly for now.’ Ki Kwang hopped off the couch he was occupying, with Yo Seob and Dong Woon supporting him. Jun Hyung went to get and ice pack for his foot.


Over the next couple days, they took care of Ki Kwang and didn’t let him move about. The swelling had gone down a little and he could put more weight on it, not that he wanted to. He was glad it wasn’t as bad it could have been, and he was extremely grateful to the members. Dong Woon had stuck by him and kept him company for the first day. He was glad he had Woonie to keep him company, and he noticed the leader always sneak glances towards them. Though the sprain was definitely not intended, things seemed to be going according to his plans.


He wasn’t the only one though. Dong Woon had felt the numerous glances the leader gave him and Ki Kwang. He was slowly starting to accept the fact that he would never have the chance to explore his feelings for the leader, and he was starting to let go of all his silly wishes. All he wanted to do was to focus on the injured Ki Kwang for now and not think about these messy things. Dong Woon did not see the signs that told him the leader had any kinds of romantic feelings for him, and he was starting to lose heart. He just needed a confirmation, to just see a hint that the leader might be feeling the same way he did. But none were forth coming. Even if he did confess to Doo Jun, he couldn’t be sure how the leader would take it. What if he was strictly heteroual? He couldn’t face the consequences of not being sure. It might very well destroy BEAST and whatever relationship they had. Dong Woon decided that it wasn’t worth it. Things were fine the way it is now. He couldn’t take the risk. I need to be strong. Forget it Dong Woon. Just accept the fact. You will heal, in time. Dong Woon finally made a decision about his feelings. He will bottle them up, and throw it away. There was no use thinking about these useless things any further.


Ki Kwang’s ankle had stopped swelling on the third day, and everyone heaved a sigh of relief. Despite his protests, Dong Woon still made sure he rests his feet, running his errands for him so he doesn’t have to move around much. The other members also did their part, keeping a close eye on him and not letting him get away with any silly antics. So the whole of his day was spent on the couch, watching TV, playing soccer with Doo Jun on their PlayStation, and watching more TV. Dong Woon constantly checked on him, and Yo Seob and Jun Hyung glances at him once in a while, to ensure he isn’t moving around. He felt trapped, but at the same time, he felt such a warm feeling in his heart. It was so full, it felt like bursting! The best decision he made was to join BEAST, and there was never any moment of regret. He was so touched by s, he teared up. He tried to hide it from them, because not only it was embarrassing, it would cause panic if they saw. Though, Doo Jun being the sharp leader he is caught the sheen in his eyes. He paused the game, and turned Ki Kwang to face him.


‘Yah, you okay?’ Doo Jun softly asked. He didn’t want to alarm the members yet.

‘Yeah. I’m just so grateful to have all of you.’ Ki Kwang sniffled.

‘Ah, we are grateful to have you too, Lee Ki Kwang.’ Doo Jun smiled at the man in front of him. Then he playfully snapped.

‘Now hurry up! I was winning before you paused that game! Pali, pali, pali!’ Doo Jun was nudging Ki Kwang.

‘Alright, alright!’ Ki Kwang turned back to the game. 



[a/n: hey guys. is this chappie boring? sorry! but the next should be better for you guys, i hope. comments please? no? oh well... oh i have three one shots lined up.. all of the drafts already done and sitting, waiting for me to type them out. check them out when i upload them yeah? :D]

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Honestly this is my first beast fic that have dongwoon as main..it so hard to find him as main..and this fic is too beautiful and well written... I love everything about this fic
Chinakiakat #2
Chapter 55: This has left me fuzzy warm happy - I love it!
Chinakiakat #3
Chapter 46: I really love this story and am so glad I stumbled upon it last night, even if it has meant that I didn't sleep last night lol
Thank you :D
Chapter 55: *clapclap* brilliant ending authornim!!!!!! flustered woon is just too adorbs
Chapter 55: It was sooo good! I loved the ending. Haha especially where DooJun got whipped for five minutes! It was awesome =)
MsLonlified #6
Chapter 55: the ending is awesome <3 thank you for the awesome story author-nim! ^__^
Zayneer #7
Chapter 55: Thanks eonnie for the great story!! :):) *big hugs*
Chapter 55: awwww I almost cried >3<
this was wonderful!!
and a good choice how to end it! x33
unfortunatly it's over now >.<
but thank you very much for this story!!:)