That's All You Have For A Plan?

Consequences and Unexpected Results




‘What?! You mean, that’s all you’ve got for a plan?!’ Jun Hyung whispered(read: yelled).

‘Hush! Yes, it sounds lame, but hey you have got to admit it could work!’ Ki Kwang wasn’t giving up. Jun Hyung relented.

‘Hmmm, that just might work. But then, he is not behaving normally like he did recently. What if the plan backfires? Wouldn’t the situation be worse?’ Jun Hyung fretted over the possible outcomes of their plan.

‘I guess we should have faith in him. Leaving the situation as it is will not be good for anyone… And me. I need to resolve this soon so I can move on.’ Ki Kwang whispered the last part. Jun Hyung put a hand over Ki Kwang’s shoulders and gave him a reassuring squeeze.

‘Stay strong Ki Kwang. Since your mind is made up, then I shall try too. Let’s hope this ends well. Or else, we would be so screwed…’ Jun Hyung shuddered to think of what will happen to them if their plan backfires. They were planning to drive Doo Jun to confess his feelings by making him jealous. Yes, elementary, but also the best way to make him realise his own feelings for their maknae and hopefully drive him to action.



‘Aish, if only the vacation could have lasted longer.’ Jun Hyung stretched beside Hyun Seung in the car, his hands bumping into Yo Seob on his other side, earning a sharp look from the main vocal.

‘Yeah. Oh well. But we really should start preparation for the tour. We have to go over the setlist and practice them all.’ Hyun Seung joined in.

The two maknaes were at the back with the leader. The two were cuddling with Ki Kwang’s head on Dong Woon’s shoulders. Doo Jun was tense and Dong Woon was guilty. Ki Kwang and Jun Hyung were praying for their plan to work. The two of them agreed to create more ‘KiWoon’ moments in front of the leader, and so far, it was coming along easily.


Dong Woon felt like he was somehow cheating on the leader, even though he was nowhere near that stage with Doo Jun. His and Ki Kwang’s skinship had never felt weird before. They were close and it was natural for them. But now Dong Woon knows that Ki Ki likes him, it began to feel weird. It wasn’t the touching, but the emotions behind them that is creating all the trouble.


If only I loved Ki Ki from the start and not Doo Junnie… Things would’ve been so much easier and less complicated…



They were refreshed after their three days of vacation. They were now preparing for their world tour, and they had started their practice in earnest again. They had not finalised their setlist yet, but they were pretty sure what songs will definitely performed. ‘Fiction’ of course, ‘Beautiful’, ‘Shock’, ‘On Rainy Days’, and other songs from their albums.


The first few days of practice, Dong Woon was watched with eagle eyes of all his hyungs. He put up with it, and was glad when they finally relaxed when nothing seemed to be wrong. The headaches were less frequent, and had diminished in the magnitude. Seems like the rest had did a world of good for him. He and Ki Kwang haven’t told the others about them yet. They weren’t sure where they were standing with each other. Are they a couple now, or are they still best friends?


They had never discussed this. Things were kinda in a limbo for Dong Woon, and Ki Kwang knew he didn’t have the heart to go on any further with the maknae, since he knew he wasn’t the one for him. But he needed something to convince the maknae to leave him behind, and go for his true love. He just hopes his plan would succeed soon. He was trying to keep in mind that what he and Dong Woon have now was not true. Dong Woon didn’t love him. They were as close as ever, but Ki Kwang knew it would soon come to a stop. He was afraid of losing the closeness he has with the youngest. He was afraid if Doo Jun and Dong Woon made it together, he would be abandoned. He knew it wasn’t fair to think that way, but he couldn’t help feeling insecure.


He was on his way to his Win Win recording, not really paying attention to his surroundings. He was nearing the building’s entrance when he heard his fans calling out his name. He broke out of his thoughts and turned to give them a smile, when he missed his footing and tripped on the curb. His manager caught him and prevented a face plant on the floor, but his right foot got twisted in the process. He winced, feeling a hot throbbing in his ankle when he put it down on the floor and putting weight on it. His manager saw his face and hurriedly helped him into the building, leaving the screaming and concerned fans outside.


His foot was resting in a pail of ice water in an attempt to reduce the swelling. The recording was put on hold in the meanwhile, while they tried to decide what to do next. Ki Kwang was still hurting, but he wanted to proceed with the recording. He insisted that having a sprained ankle wouldn’t interfere with the recording. He would just have to sit there and be careful. His manager was not very inclined but he had to admit it wouldn’t be that taxing on his foot since he would be sitting so he agreed. The staff and cast of Win Win were very caring, and they made sure he was comfortable before starting the recording.


‘Now, rest that foot and keep it elevated. Don’t walk about so much. Get the others to help you if you need anything okay?’ Jin Taek ordered Ki Kwang, making sure he wasn’t going to over exert himself.

‘Yes, hyung. I will. Thanks for taking care of me. now go and rest. I’ll be fine.’ Ki Kwang bid his manager goodbye at their door step.

‘Alright. I’m leaving. If anything happens to you I’m holding the others responsible so be careful okay?’

‘Yes, sir!’ Ki Kwang obediently agreed.


[a/n: hey guys! update again. are you all getting bored now? im so sorry.. been busy and suffering from lack of sleep. please do continue to read this and comment maybe? XD]

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Honestly this is my first beast fic that have dongwoon as so hard to find him as main..and this fic is too beautiful and well written... I love everything about this fic
Chinakiakat #2
Chapter 55: This has left me fuzzy warm happy - I love it!
Chinakiakat #3
Chapter 46: I really love this story and am so glad I stumbled upon it last night, even if it has meant that I didn't sleep last night lol
Thank you :D
Chapter 55: *clapclap* brilliant ending authornim!!!!!! flustered woon is just too adorbs
Chapter 55: It was sooo good! I loved the ending. Haha especially where DooJun got whipped for five minutes! It was awesome =)
MsLonlified #6
Chapter 55: the ending is awesome <3 thank you for the awesome story author-nim! ^__^
Zayneer #7
Chapter 55: Thanks eonnie for the great story!! :):) *big hugs*
Chapter 55: awwww I almost cried >3<
this was wonderful!!
and a good choice how to end it! x33
unfortunatly it's over now >.<
but thank you very much for this story!!:)