Shock, Disbelief and Other Emotions

Consequences and Unexpected Results



When the members went to check on Dong Woon, it was already nearing midnight. They crept slowly into the room. Doo Jun saw that Dong Woon was still sleeping so he approached the bed. They were all gonna leave when Dong Woon stirred.


Dong Woon squinted up at them. ‘Hi, hyungs. Just ended practice? What did sonsaengnim teach today?’  Dong Woon asked even before they all could reply.

‘I don’t believe it. At this time you’re gonna ask us about that? You should be resting, not thinking about these things, Woon.’ Jun Hyung said.

‘I AM resting, hyung. I was sleeping, wasn’t I? Aww come on, tell me. I’m bored here.’ Dong Woon pouted.

‘Uh uh, no can do, maknae. The doctor said rest, so you will rest. No arguments.’ Jun Hyung wouldn’t be budged.

‘Fine. I’ll stay here and die of boredom then.’

‘You do know that won’t work on me right, Woonie?’ Jun Hyung, being Jun Hyung, smirked.

‘Kiki hyung~’ Dong Woon tried another tactic.

‘Er… sorry Woon, but I agree with hyung on this one. You need to rest.’

‘But then I won’t be ready for the comeback in time!’ Dong Woon hated being the cause of delays. He knew he was weaker than the hyungs in dancing, that’s why he always stay back to practice more. But this time the hyungs weren’t helping him.

Doo Jun finally spoke up. ‘Dong Woon, we need you to get well first before we even think about the comeback, right? So don’t argue with your hyungs. We are just trying to do the best thing for you, and now that means making you rest a couple more days.’

The others looked at Doo Jun in shock. He hasn’t spoken to any of them since they went back, and they were kind of surprised he would speak up. But then again, he IS the leader after all.

‘Fine, if you put it that way.’

‘Okay guys, we gotta go now. This bunch needs their sleep, and so do you Woonie.’ Doo Jun said.

‘Yeah, you need to go back and bathe. You guys stink.’ Dong Woon playfully wrinkled his nose at them.

‘Yah, Woonie, you wanna hug?’ Yo Seob approached the now wide eyed maknae.

‘Don’t you even dare think about it. Get away from me, you barbarian!’ Dong Woon said, trying to escape Yo Seob’s sweaty embrace.

Fortunately, Hyun Seung grabbed Yo Seob’s arm before he could get to the maknae, and dragged him towards the door.

‘Bye Woon, sleep well okay?’ Hyun Seung called, dragging Yo Seob along.

Dong Woon just grinned. Then he noticed one person was still in the room with him.

‘Hyung, you’re not going?’ Dong Woon asked, cocking his head a little to the side.

‘I am now. Sleep well Woonie.’ Doo Jun turned and walked out of the door, closing it softly.


Why did he look at me that way before he left? I don’t understand his new behaviour at all! Argh! All this thinking is giving me a headache. Dong Woon snorted. Oh well, not like it wasn’t hurting anyway. I think they didn’t notice anything wrong. If they saw me in when the headaches come, they will definitely make me stay here longer. And cause more delay to the comeback. Dong Woon thought back on how his headaches had woke him several times from his sleep. I really hope it will go away soon. I’m not sure if I can keep it from them for long. Dong Woon sighed, and promptly fell back asleep.


Doo Jun knew Dong Woon was hiding his pain. It wasn’t only because he caught the winces that Dong Woon always tries to hide by ducking his head, or directing their attentions away. He was so certain because he knows Dong Woon will never let his hyungs see his pain willingly. He remembered that time when Dong Woon fainted after practice. It was one day before the filming for their ‘Soom’ MV and he collapsed due to exhaustion. He always trains the longest during dance practice. He says it’s because he needs to catch up to the other members because he is the weakest in dancing. But mostly, it’s just that he thinks that he is not as good as the rest. Doo Jun thinks that it is just bull.  He was pretty sure the other members also thinks that Dong Woon’s dancing is fine the way it is. Yeah, he might not be as good as Ki Kwang or Hyun Seung, but those two were not dubbed the Dancing Machines for nothing. He tries to hide it, but behind the ‘I am Son Nam Shin’ image is an insecure boy who thinks he is not worthy. Everybody is insecure about one thing or another, but Doo Jun just can’t stand it when Dong Woon puts himself down. He always feel like shouting some sense into the stubborn maknae’s head that his dancing is fine, but he knows that it be ignored or worse, it will hurt the maknae’s feelings. Aish, now he will definitely put in extra time to make up for these lost days. Yoon Doo Jun, you worthless crap. How could you?! It was nothing he hasn’t told himself before, and it wouldn’t be the last time he’s gonna say that to himself. All he can hope was to help the maknae get through this safely. And were those dark eye rings or what? He should have had plenty of sleep these two days so they rings should have faded but it looks even worse than it was before the incident. But that can’t be. He’s a pig when it comes to sleep and he rarely passes up any chance to sleep. It’s probably just me seeing things.


‘Yah, hyung! Hurry up! Or we will not wait for you!’ Yo Seob called from the parking lot when he saw Doo Jun still walking slowly towards the car.

‘I’m coming, I’m coming!’ Doo Jun yelled.


On the way home in the car, the 5 members were once again silent. They were rarely quiet during road trips, unless they were sleeping. If they were not sleeping then there most certainly will be lots of noise. It has been a long established behaviour, since before they even debuted. Normally, it would start with either Dong Woon or Yo Seob pestering the hyungs, or Dong Woon and Ki Kwang playing or talking together, which led to either of them asking the others some random question that half the time no one even knows how to answer, which will lead to Hyun Seung’s even weirder answer which no one even understands, much less even reply. Then everyone will start laughing at the absurdity of 4D Hyun Seung’s answer, which will then lead to more laughters and bickers when Hyun Seung tries to defend his answer. This is exactly why Dong Woon is always said to be the mood maker of the group, despite his younger age or his mature looks.


They were all thinking about Dong Woon, in some point or another during the short car ride. Yo Seob and Ki Kwang were mostly still trying to digest what Jun Hyung told them earlier. Ki Kwang was a little outraged that his Dong Woon got beaten up so badly by none other than Doo Jun. He knew Dong Woon the longest so he was the closest to the maknae. The maknae is close with everyone but in the case of Ki Kwang, it’s a little different. He wanted to be angry with the leader but he knew that would be no use, since Dong Woon is already in the hospital. Yo Seob, on the other hand, was totally shocked. He was very close to Doo Jun and he can’t believe the steady leader had actually beaten up the youngest. The maknae. He knew that Doo Jun is not in his right mind whenever he gets drunk, but he still can’t wrap his mind around the fact. Hyun Seung was just exhausted and worried about the maknae. He didn’t like it that the injured maknae is worrying about the comeback when he needs to rest, but he knew the stubborn maknae will keep thinking about it. Jun Hyung had already accepted that the youngest will try his hardest to not delay the comeback, but the rest of them had already known that the comeback would definitely be delayed, regardless. He knows Dong Woon would not accept the delay and the rapper hoped that they can convince the maknae that the delay will not cause any harm. Doo Jun’s mind was in turmoil. He still didn’t want to accept that he had been the one to put Dong Woon in the hospital, but he knew that he was the one responsible. His guilt and shame were eating him inside but he didn’t know what to do. He was sure the maknae didn’t remember what happened, but he doesn’t know what to do with the fact.


When they reached their dorm, they prepared for bed silently. It was rare that the maknae is not in the dorm with them, since his schedules are not the busiest, unlike Ki Kwang’s, so he will always be there to liven up their dorm. Now that he wasn’t, they didn’t really know what to do. Dong Woon always rearrange the fan mails for each of the members and took an occasional peek in those that aren’t sealed, and make fun of the members if the letters contain funny photos of them, causing much laughter. They could have made the maknae stop sorting the letters but they were just lazy to do it themselves, and frankly they didn’t mind the maknae being mischievous. And before they sleep the maknae will always be the first one to shout goodnight to the members, which will then cause an echo of ‘goodnights’ in the dorm. Sometimes the echoes turn into a shouting match before grumpy Jun Hyung stopped the match with a scary shout.

That day, no one sorted the letters and it was left in a pile on the table. Their goodnights were also half hearted. It wasn’t as if the members were always all present in the dorm, since they all have different schedules sometimes, but this time it feels worse.

Before they all went to sleep, the members were all hoping that the maknae can hurry up and get well, so everything can go back to normal.


[a/n: im so so so sorry about the mix up. just realised.. this is why i shouldnt update when my eyes are half closed.. once again, sorry! i had added in a new chapter, chapter 6 is the new update, then 7. so sorry for the confusion!]

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Honestly this is my first beast fic that have dongwoon as so hard to find him as main..and this fic is too beautiful and well written... I love everything about this fic
Chinakiakat #2
Chapter 55: This has left me fuzzy warm happy - I love it!
Chinakiakat #3
Chapter 46: I really love this story and am so glad I stumbled upon it last night, even if it has meant that I didn't sleep last night lol
Thank you :D
Chapter 55: *clapclap* brilliant ending authornim!!!!!! flustered woon is just too adorbs
Chapter 55: It was sooo good! I loved the ending. Haha especially where DooJun got whipped for five minutes! It was awesome =)
MsLonlified #6
Chapter 55: the ending is awesome <3 thank you for the awesome story author-nim! ^__^
Zayneer #7
Chapter 55: Thanks eonnie for the great story!! :):) *big hugs*
Chapter 55: awwww I almost cried >3<
this was wonderful!!
and a good choice how to end it! x33
unfortunatly it's over now >.<
but thank you very much for this story!!:)