Back To Normal?

Consequences and Unexpected Results



During the ride to their company’s building, it wasn’t as quiet as it had been the previous few trips, because this time, Dong Woon has returned to his role of being the mood maker. Despite the fact that he temporarily will not be able demonstrate any body gags, he still managed to fill the car with laughter. Even the grim Doo Jun cracked a smile. The members were all relieved. They weren’t sure that they could endure another silent car ride before someone snapped. They were just glad that things didn’t get ugly before. Ki Kwang helped Dong Woon out from the car after Jun Hyung parked it, and they made their way to the practice room. They met some of the staffs on the way, and they all asked about Dong Woon and wished him quick recovery. Dong Woon, being the polite maknae, always gave a bow of thanks despite the pain his body experienced. They finally made it to their practice room, and found their dancing instructor already waiting for them. The instructor was surprised to see Dong Woon but he didn’t object, he just went to Dong Woon and asked about his condition.


‘I’m fine, Sonsaengnim, thanks for your concern.’ He gave another deep bow, trying to keep the pain off his face.

‘So doctor’s orders were to keep of practice until the next day huh? Alright then. Get comfortable and watch them if you want to. I’ll teach you what they had learned when you resume practice.’ The instructor said.

‘Thanks, sonsaengnim! And can I request extra practice time with you before the comeback? I have a lot to catch up to and I don’t think I can be ready for the comeback.’ Dong Woon voiced out his concerns. Luckily, the instructor agreed to give him extra practice, so he felt a little better.


Doo Jun heard the conversation by accident. They were all spread out across the room and stretching when the instructor went over to Dong Woon. Damn. What do I do now? In his condition he still asks for extra practice? What am I gonna do? I can’t stop him, he’s too stubborn. But what if he ends up in the hospital again? ! Doo Jun seriously had no idea what to do. He was proud that the maknae is so hardworking, but he didn’t want him to get hurt again. However, the instructor called them to start practice and for the next few hours he could only think about dancing.


It was the first time Dong Woon didn’t participate in their dance practice. He always went to practice diligently, and even asks for extra practice! Now, sitting there and looking at the hyungs practicing without him is upsetting. He wanted to join in the practice. Heck, he needed the practice! But he knew he had to stay off it for these two days. Just two days, he told himself. He might even have protested at the ban if not for his body’s demand for rest. He was so tired and sleepy, but the least he could do was to pay attention to what was taught and take care of the hyungs. Speaking of which, he took a look at the time. He knew the hyungs were going have a break in 15 minutes so he got up and went out of the practice room. The rest were too focused to notice Dong Woon’s departure.


Groans can be heard when the instructor finally said they can have a 15 minutes break. They all sat down on the floor and started stretching their tired muscles. Yo Seob finally noticed the missing maknae.

‘Anyone seen Dong Woonie?’

‘Not since just now. I thought he was sitting around here somewhere…’ Ki Kwang was looking around, trying to guess where the maknae could have disappeared to.

‘Jajang!’ speaking of which, the said man entered the practice room holding cans of cold drinks.

‘Wow! Thanks maknae!’ Yo Seob thanked Dong Woon when he received a can of soda.

‘Junnie hyung, here is your coke. Kiki and Hyun Seung hyung you have Gatorade and Doo Junnie hyung have soda, the same as Seobie hyung.’ Dong Woon handed out all the drinks.

‘And, Sonsaengnim have juice. Enjoy everyone!’ Dong Woon said.

‘Thanks Woonie.’ Hyun Seung said, while Jun Hyung just raised his coke in the direction of the maknae. Ki Kwang gave his eye smile and Doo Jun gave the maknae a pat on the back.

They resumed their practice, with Dong Woon again sitting at the side lines. Soon enough, the recuperating maknae fell asleep on the chair he was occupying.


‘Yah, look at him. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps, I hate to have to wake him up.’ Hyun Seung stood over the sleeping maknae.

‘Aish, just get him up. He can sleep better at home too.’ Doo Jun said, when he walked past.

Hyun Seung gave the retreating back a glare.

‘Come on, Woonie. Time to go home now.’ Hyun Seung gave Dong Woon’s cheek a pat.

‘Hunh? Oh, it’s time to go? Kays. Sorry I fell asleep.’ Doong Woon yawned and held onto the chair for support. Hyun Seung hooked his arms around the maknae to help him up.

‘I can do it myself hyung.’ Dong Woon smiled at the older man. Hyun Seung just smiled. They said their goodbyes to their instructor and left the building. They were waiting at the curb for Doo Jun to drive the car up, and Dong Woon saw the sleepy faces of his hyungs. He knew one thing that will perk them up. He pulled out a bag of sandwiches from his bag. He got them just now when he went to get the drinks from the building opposite the company building. He was tired out from the short walk, that’s why he fell asleep just now. He didn’t like how he became tired so quickly, but he’s not gonna think about it now.

‘Here. There’s enough for everyone.’ Dong Woon handed out the sandwiches. Everyone perked up when they caught sight of the sandwiches.

‘Wah, Woonie is so good to us hyungs today!’ Yo Seob said, while munching on his peanut butter sandwich.

‘Yeah! Aigo, our maknae is so caring.’ Ki Kwang said around a mouthful of his tuna sandwich.

‘Hyung, don’t talk with your mouth full. What if you choke?’ Dong Woon pointed out. That got a few laughs from the other members but Ki Kwang was just too busy eating his sandwich to pout.

Yo Seob, who was riding shotgun, fed the driving leader his sandwich between red lights. The other members finished off their sandwich soon and relaxed in the car. Soon, they reached the familiarity of their dorm, and they plowed through the front door. Bags were dumped and sweaty clothes were shed.

‘Aww, hyungs! Get showered soon! You guys stink!’ Dong Woon wrinkled his nose at them.

‘Yah! What’s with you and our smell, huh?!’ Yo Seob demanded from his position on the floor. He was sprawled on the floor beside Ki Kwang and Doo Jun.

‘He’s right. Come on, let’s get cleaned up.’ Jun Hyung said, before Dong Woon could reply.

‘KAI BAI BO!’ the members shot their hands out.

‘Yes! I’m first!’ Yo Seob yelled, doing a little jiggle across the living room as he went to grab his things for shower. After a few more rounds, the sequence was decided. It was only then they realised Dong Woon didn’t play.

‘Yah, Woonie, why didn’t you show your hand?’ Ki Kwang looked at Dong Woon like he had two heads.

‘You guys practiced hard today, so I’ll go last.’ Dong Woon gave them all a shy smile.

‘Aish, this maknae! Such a sweet talker.’ Hyun Seung commented. They got up and headed to their room to grab their showering kit, and Jun Hyung ruffled the maknae’s hair on his way to his room. Dong Woon settled down on the floor, against the sofa and dozed off. He let the hyungs go first partly because of what he said earlier, but he was really tired and he wanted to rest a little while first before braving the shower so he just told them he’d go last. He managed to nap for half an hour before it was his turn to shower. The members were all done and lounging around the dorm, drying their hair. Dong Woon got up slowly and was going to head to his room when someone stopped him and handed his things to him silently.

‘Thanks hyung.’ Dong Woon said, not meeting the person’s eyes.

‘Go. There should be some hot water left.’ Doo Jun said, and walked into their shared room.

Aish, why is he like that? I don’t know how to talk to him anymore. I don’t even want to meet his gaze. Why is that so? What did I do? What can’t I remember?! Dong Woon fumed as he headed to the bathroom. He groaned when the lukewarm water hit his battered body, but he stifled the sound. He was getting tired of the hyungs always helping him up or helping him to carry things. He knew they meant well, but Dong Woon feels like he is being treated like a baby! He didn’t want the members to baby him, injuries or not. He looked into the mirror, and saw his reflection. He saw the dark circles under his eyes. He knew that it was caused from him waking up from either headaches or bad dreams. The headaches had seemed to be less severe in the past few hours and Dong Woon hoped they would disappear entirely soon. He examined his bruises and got fascinated by them. He found a few on his body that has a weird shape. He also counted the number of bruises he had.

‘Hmmm, how many are there on my back?’ he tried to twist around, but his bruised ribs gave a twinge, discouraging the movement, so he decided not to count those on his back. He put his clothes and stepped out from the bathroom. He got startled when he saw Jun Hyung leaning against the wall near the bathroom. Jun Hyung motioned to help him, but Dong Woon quickly rejected the help.

‘Ani, hyung. I can walk by myself, see?’ Dong Woon slowly walked towards the living room. Jun Hyung didn’t say anything, but just walked alongside the maknae.

Dong Woon went straight to the living room table and began to sort through the new fan mails that had arrived. Slowly, one by one the hyungs came to gather around the living room table and waited for their mails. They also brought along those from yesterday since they hadn’t opened them yet. They liked to open these mails together and it had been a habit since their debut days. For the next few minutes, it was almost everything has returned to normal, with them all laughing at the photos of themselves and gushing about their fans’ comments and well wishes. They were lucky it was late at night when they sent Dong Woon to the hospital, because as of now, the fans don’t know anything yet. They planned to tell the fans when Dong Woon had begun practicing again, so as to not alarm their fans. As usual, the fanmails contain many photos. There were cute photos, derp photos and fan edited photos. They laughed so hard at one with Doo Jun’s face in a very weird expression and a funny caption. The fans called this kind of photos ‘derp’ photos, and the members enjoy looking through these photos despite their complains whenever their own photos come up. Even Jun Hyung chortled at one of his own photos. Soon enough, the members started yawning and eyelids started to droop. Doo Jun told everyone to go to bed, and everyone one murmured their goodbyes at the table before leaving for their rooms. Dong Woon entered his room first since Doo Jun went to off the lights. After Doo Jun settled in his bed and the dorm quietened down, a long awaited yell echoed in the dorm.

‘NIGHT HYUNGS! JALJAYO!’ Yep, that was the maknae. And this night, the replies was livelier than before. The members finally released some of their worry for the maknae. The nightly ritual for the goodnight yell is now back in business. The members were glad. Well, maybe everyone except for Doo Jun. He shares the room with the maknae so everytime the maknae yells, his ears took the brunt of it. He always grumbles about it, and this night was no exception, but he is always secretly smiling after the chorus of ‘Goodnights’ that comes after the maknae’s nightly yell. Doo Jun has always been proud of s’ closeness and the feeling of familiarity they had with each other, and he really hoped nothing would ever come between the members, ever. But he knew his recent actions had jeopardized the peace he held so dear, and he knew he had to do something to rectify the problem. But that would have to wait till the morning. Soon, everyone in the BEAST dorm was sleeping soundly.


[a/n: double update today, cos i didnt update yesterday. hehe. hmm first crisis seemed to be over. what will the future hold? this story is gonna be full of DongWoon :D im still deciding the ending, though it will not arrive so soon yet. hehe any suggestions? should i do a poll? i feel like making a couple... who should it be? KiWoon? DooWoon? DongSeob? im pretty sure JunSeung had made a cameo, should i add more? or 2Jun? comment and tell me kay? :D and as always, thanks for reading! '



this is the poll link. pls vote here! it'll end when i write to the part where i start the couples' stories. yep stories. i've decided on not changing Jun Seung so left the other four to pair up! :D hope u guys like JunSeung! i've put the poll here so its easier for me to keep track of. sorry if this confuses you guys! -bows-

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Honestly this is my first beast fic that have dongwoon as so hard to find him as main..and this fic is too beautiful and well written... I love everything about this fic
Chinakiakat #2
Chapter 55: This has left me fuzzy warm happy - I love it!
Chinakiakat #3
Chapter 46: I really love this story and am so glad I stumbled upon it last night, even if it has meant that I didn't sleep last night lol
Thank you :D
Chapter 55: *clapclap* brilliant ending authornim!!!!!! flustered woon is just too adorbs
Chapter 55: It was sooo good! I loved the ending. Haha especially where DooJun got whipped for five minutes! It was awesome =)
MsLonlified #6
Chapter 55: the ending is awesome <3 thank you for the awesome story author-nim! ^__^
Zayneer #7
Chapter 55: Thanks eonnie for the great story!! :):) *big hugs*
Chapter 55: awwww I almost cried >3<
this was wonderful!!
and a good choice how to end it! x33
unfortunatly it's over now >.<
but thank you very much for this story!!:)