Well Earned Rest

Consequences and Unexpected Results



‘Yes now we have the rest of the day off!’ Yo Seob crowed. They were in the car, heading back after the interview. The interview had taken the best part of two hours, since it’s recorded, and they had to retake some scenes. Dong Woon’s stomach seemed to have settled down, but the dull throbbing in his head was still there. Dong Woon knew that it would continue for the rest of the day based on experience, and he just wanted to lie down. He laid his aching head on the shoulders of Ki Kwang, who was sitting beside him. Jun Hyung was on the other side of him, and Doo Jun was driving with Yo Seob riding shot gun. He groaned when the car jerked. Ki Kwang peered at him, while Doo Jun looked at him through the rearview mirror. Jun Hyung just sighed.


‘Wait. I thought hyung-nim said we had to at least do some practice?’ Dong Woon sat up, trying to distract the members’ attention away.

‘Oh right! Dang!’ Yo Seob frowned.

‘Why not we go straight to practice then go for lunch? Then after that we can go back and rest the whole day.’ Jun Hyung suggested.

‘Yeah, that’s a good plan. Any objections?’ Doo Jun asked. None were forthcoming so he drove towards the company building. They did an hour of practice, singing and dancing to some of their songs, especially ‘Fiction’, which they are currently promoting. By the time they were done, Dong Woon was panting hard. The other members didn’t really felt the strain since the practice was only one hour long, not their usual five to six hours, so they were shocked to see Dong Woon in his condition. They crowded to where the maknae lay panting and sweating profusely. Suddenly Jun Hyung cursed.

‘! We shouldn’t have let Dong Woon come for practice. He already wasn’t feeling well in the morning. I completely forgot about it. Sorry Woonie.’ Jun Hyung looked ashamed.

Seeing the confused look in Yo Seob’s and Ki Kwang's eyes, he explained. ‘He was throwing up after he rushed to the toilet. He said he felt sick, and thinks its stomach flu, but he claimed he felt better than the past few days. I forgot about it after the interview.’

Dong Woon reached for Jun Hyung. ‘Not your fault. I decided to continue practicing. I’ll be fine in a while.’ He sat up slowly, sweat trickling down his face.

‘You sure? You look very sick, Woon.’ Doo Jun said. He didn’t dare to mention the doctor or the hospital, because he knew Dong Woon disliked both.

‘Yep. I just need to go to the bathroom then we can head back.’ Dong Woon stood up, grateful for Jun Hyung’s steadying hand. He was feeling woozy since he hadn’t been eating much the past few days because of the puking, but he managed to remain upright. Once he felt stable enough, he went to the bathroom. He felt like heaving again, but there was nothing left in his stomach. He hadn’t eaten anything since he retched in the morning, so all he managed was a few dry heaves, which somehow felt worse than the normal retching. Once he got back his breath, he left the sanctuary of the bathroom and back to the practice room. The other members were just finishing packing up. Doo Jun looked up when he came in but Dong Woon gave him a smile to put him at ease. They were finally done, and left the building.


Dong Woon forced himself to eat his lunch. They went to someplace that is not very crowded, and sat away from most of the people. The other members had a great time ordering and eating since they finally had the time to appreciate the taste of their food, and not just having to shovel them down their throat because of time constraints. Jun Hyung and Doo Jun were both eyeing him all the while since they left the building, and Dong Woon felt stressed, which worsened his headaches, of course. He was in a bad mood by the time they were done. His stomach was trying to make him throw up whatever he had just eaten, and his head felt like somebody was drumming in it. He just wanted to go back to the dorm, and he said so to the members.

He saw the members’ eyes widened when he said he wanted to go off now. He had said it in an impatient tone that wasn’t characteristic of Dong Woon at all, but Doo Jun managed to stop the questioning by quickly agreeing to drive back. Dong Woon knew he was rude, but he just can’t summon up enough energy to do anything about it. When they got into the car, he immediately took the window seat at the back and closed his eyes. He didn’t want to see the gazes his hyungs gave to each other at his behaviour. He just wanted an ice pack and his bed to nurse his abused head.


He got his wish in an hour. All the members had finished showering and were lounging around the dorm. Ki Kwang and Jun Hyung was on their laptops, Yo Seob and Doo Jun were playing soccer games. Hyun Seung was doing whatever Hyun Seung does, which probably means he was either dancing in his room, or was looking at people dancing on his laptop. Dong Woon padded out to the kitchen, took and ice pack out from the freezer and walked back to his bed. Everyone was doing their own things so they didn’t pay attention to him. He closed the door softly, and finally lied down across his bed. He gave a sigh, and put the ice pack on his forehead. He hissed when the cold surface touched his skin, but soon it became more comfortable and he relaxed. It was almost four in the afternoon, and he was looking forward to sleeping for the rest of the day. He smiled, and drifted off into sleep despite the pain in his head.


During dinner time, Jun Hyung noticed the maknae wasn’t around the living room so he went to his room to check. He saw the sleeping Dong Woon with the ice pack on his head. He smiled, and moved closer. The ice pack had long lost its icy coldness. Jun Hyung carefully removed it from the sleeping man’s head and went out to change another one for the maknae. He took a fresh one from the freezer and dumped the used one back into the bowels of the fridge. He gently arranged it on Dong Woon’s forehead, pulled up the blanket to his shoulders and quietly left the room. They looked up when they saw the rapper returning without the maknae, and Doo Jun’s eyebrows rose in query.


‘He’s still sleeping. He was using and ice pack on his head and looked so tired I think we should let him rest. We can wake him up for supper later.’ Jun Hyung sat down on the table and started eating.

They saved some food for Dong Woon and left it in the microwave. They enjoyed the rest of the night, just relaxing and watching the television. They rarely had time for TV, even after promotions, so they were glad they could catch up with the rest of the world. They slept around 11 p.m., which was a rare case for them, and woke up refreshed for the next day. Even Dong Woon looked much better in the morning. The ice pack actually helped his headache, and he woke up without one for the first time in days! Sadly, the headaches had came back in the evening, but Dong Woon was still in a good mood. He had gone by half a day without the nagging pain in his head, and he was glad he found a solution besides using the pills. He still carried them around, but he was sure he didn’t need them now that he had his ice packs.


[a/n: DooWoon still reigning, so i'll prolly start writing some DooWoon scenes in the later chappies! :D thanks to those who voted! :D enjoy and comment kays?! ^ ^]

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Honestly this is my first beast fic that have dongwoon as main..it so hard to find him as main..and this fic is too beautiful and well written... I love everything about this fic
Chinakiakat #2
Chapter 55: This has left me fuzzy warm happy - I love it!
Chinakiakat #3
Chapter 46: I really love this story and am so glad I stumbled upon it last night, even if it has meant that I didn't sleep last night lol
Thank you :D
Chapter 55: *clapclap* brilliant ending authornim!!!!!! flustered woon is just too adorbs
Chapter 55: It was sooo good! I loved the ending. Haha especially where DooJun got whipped for five minutes! It was awesome =)
MsLonlified #6
Chapter 55: the ending is awesome <3 thank you for the awesome story author-nim! ^__^
Zayneer #7
Chapter 55: Thanks eonnie for the great story!! :):) *big hugs*
Chapter 55: awwww I almost cried >3<
this was wonderful!!
and a good choice how to end it! x33
unfortunatly it's over now >.<
but thank you very much for this story!!:)