Yah! Teehee

Consequences and Unexpected Results


Again, I was woken up by this bunch of monkeys. Why the hell can’t they just let me sleep?! As if my head needed more stimuli to start hurting again?! Aish… but I still love this bunch of monkeys, regardless of their monkey-ness sometimes. Dong Woon chuckled at his last thought and smiled brightly at the 3 members that came to see him. He frowned, noticing that there are 2 members missing and also because his head gave a twinge of pain.


Yo Seob saw the maknae’s frown and answered his unspoken question.

‘Kwangie has MC-ing schedule with Doo Junnie so they will most probably not be here today. Sorry Woonie.’ Yo Seob told Dong Woon.

‘Oh. Okay then.’ Dong Woon was relieved because Yo Seob thought the frown was because the missing members. I really have got to be careful around them; I can’t afford it if they knew I haven’t fully recovered. How long will these headaches last anyways?! Aren’t they supposed to be gone like, in a while?


Jun Hyung saw Dong Woon spacing off.

‘Yah, Woonie! Don’t tell me you’ve fallen back to sleep already?!’ Jun Hyung gave a mock frown.

‘A-aniyo! I was just thinking.’ Dong Woon got a shock when Jun Hyung spoke.

The members chuckled at the maknae’s stutter, causing the maknae’s face to turn slightly red.

‘Aish… All of you are mean hyungs! Hmph, meanies!’ Dong Woon stick out his tongue at the still laughing hyungs, which only caused them to laugh harder.

‘Gosh, our maknae is still as cute as ever! Kyeopta!’ Yo Seob exclaimed.

‘Ahh, hyung not so loud.’ Dong Woon tried to hide his wince as the loud noise caused his head to start throbbing. Dang, my head is not helping today. It’s worse than yesterday. I hope they didn’t notice that.

‘See what you’ve done? Poor Woonie. You need us to get the doctor?’ Hyun Seung looked at him worriedly.

‘No, it’s ok. Thanks hyung.’ Dong Woon gave a small smile and tried to sit up. His neck had started to hurt because he kept looking up at the hyungs.

Jun Hyung reached over to help the groaning maknae to sit up when he saw that he was having trouble.

‘Aish, next time, get one of us to help you, Woon.’ The rapper told the maknae with a frown.

‘It’s nothing, hyung. I can do it, really. Thanks though.’ This time Dong Woon gave a bright smile. That smile that made so many girls swoon.

‘Aish, stubborn maknae.’ Jun Hyung gave a sigh.


To get their minds of his not-so-excellent condition, Dong Woon asked the hyungs about their dance practice.

‘Aww come on, I’m bored here. Very very bored! Please please please please please hyung?’ Dong Woon pleaded when they refused to tell him.

In the end, they couldn’t stand his puppy-like begging so they finally told him.

‘Sonsaengnim said when we do this step, we have to do it like this. Watch.’ Yo Seob demonstrated.

This went on for a while more, until a nurse came into the room to check on Dong Woon.

‘Hey Woonie, we’ll see you later okay? We’ll get out of your hair now.’ Hyun Seung said when they were leaving for the nurse to start her examination of the maknae.

‘Sure. Thanks for coming to see me hyungs. Hwaiting for practice.’ Dong Woon called. He was just a little grateful that they finally decided to leave so he could have a little quiet so that his still throbbing headache to go away. The nurse checked his vitals and temperature before leaving him along in his room. He wanted to ask the nurse for painkillers but he did not dare to risk the nurse telling the doctor so he decided to not ask.



A short while later, someone entered his room after a knock. Dong Woon looked around to see his manager hyung.

‘Annyeong Hyung-nim. What brings you here?’ Dong Woon asks, trying to sit up.

‘Can’t I just visit you? Hey, don’t worry, stay where you are. I knew you would be bored so I came here to visit you. How are you feeling?’ Manager-hyung stopped Dong Woon’s attempts to sit more formally and asked.

‘Thanks hyung. I’m fine, just very bored.’

‘Then you’ll be glad to hear this. The doctor said you should be fine when I met him earlier. He said he will let you be discharged if there is nothing wrong tomorrow. He will be here to check on you one last time tomorrow morning and if he says it’s ok, you can go back.’

‘Really? Yes! But can’t I just get out today? I’m feeling fine! And these will fade very quickly!’ Dong Woon pointed to his bruises.

‘That’s the doctor’s orders, Dong Woon.’ Manager-hyung tried to dissuade the maknae.

‘Please? I can’t stand another of this! I’m perfectly fine, hyung. Please?’ Dong Woon gave his puppy eyes.

‘Aish, you little rascal. Alright, I’ll get the doctor to come see you. If he says ok then I’ll drive you back. If not, no more arguments okay?’ Manager-hyung said to the pleading Dong Woon.

‘Yay! Thanks hyung! You’re the best!’ as his manager went in search for the doctor.

Whew, I just need to keep the doctor from knowing that I still have my headache then I’ll be home!


Thankfully, the headache had passed before the manager-hyung arrived with the doctor.

‘So this this is the impatient one huh? Alright then. We’ll see if you can go home today.’ The doctor teased.

‘Sorry doctor, but I am really really bored here. Thank you for coming.’ Dong Woon said and did a little bow.

‘So polite. You’re a good lad, son.’ The doctor gave Dong Woon a smile, before asking a nurse to bring him for another brain scan.

The manager-hyung was talking to Dong Woon when the doctor came back with the test results.

‘His scans came back fine. The only problem is that he is still missing some of his memory, but we can’t help him by keeping him here. He might do better if he gets back to a familiar place.’ The doctor paused, and looked at Dong Woon’s hopeful face. ‘So, Dong Woon-ssi, you can go home. Just be careful in the next two days. You don’t want to come back here so soon do you?’ the doctor warned.

‘Yes, doctor. I will be careful. But can I go back to my dance practice?’ Dong Woon asked.

‘I think your body will not take it even if you tried, but I think after another day of rest you should be able to do some light exercises. But again I say, take it slow. There might still be a possibility for your brain to resume swelling. You really don’t want to come back here so soon again. I mean it, just rest for the rest of today and tomorrow, okay?’ the doctor told Dong Woon.

‘Yes, I understand. Thank you very much for taking care of me.’ Dong Woon did his small bow again, since he was still on the bed. He was a little disappointed but at least he can go back to his dorm. The doctor smiled and left the room and the mananer-hyung went to take care of the leaving procedures.


Dong Woon is already planning what to do when he got back to the dorm. He asked the manager-hyung not to tell the rest of the members that he was going back today because he wanted to surprise them in the dorm. Hehehe, just wait till I see their shocked face! Yep, the evil maknae is out today. Beware hyungs!


[a/n: so anyone bored by this already? oh well then, if there are still anyone reading this, pls comment k? its getting harder and harder to post new chappies... oh well. :D thank you to those who read this story!]

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Honestly this is my first beast fic that have dongwoon as main..it so hard to find him as main..and this fic is too beautiful and well written... I love everything about this fic
Chinakiakat #2
Chapter 55: This has left me fuzzy warm happy - I love it!
Chinakiakat #3
Chapter 46: I really love this story and am so glad I stumbled upon it last night, even if it has meant that I didn't sleep last night lol
Thank you :D
Chapter 55: *clapclap* brilliant ending authornim!!!!!! flustered woon is just too adorbs
Chapter 55: It was sooo good! I loved the ending. Haha especially where DooJun got whipped for five minutes! It was awesome =)
MsLonlified #6
Chapter 55: the ending is awesome <3 thank you for the awesome story author-nim! ^__^
Zayneer #7
Chapter 55: Thanks eonnie for the great story!! :):) *big hugs*
Chapter 55: awwww I almost cried >3<
this was wonderful!!
and a good choice how to end it! x33
unfortunatly it's over now >.<
but thank you very much for this story!!:)