Why? And What Happened?

Consequences and Unexpected Results


In the hospital room


‘Finally!’ Yo seob yelled.

‘Yah! Keep your voice down! Woonie has a headache, you dumbo!’ Ki Kwang yelled in return. The three members who just came in rolled their eyes at them.

‘Both of you just shut it.’ Jun Hyung said. That got them quiet.


‘Hey hyung.’ Dong Woon was sitting up in his bed and smiling at the 3 hyungs that just came in.

Hyun Seung went to him first. ‘Woon, I’m glad you awake now. How are you feeling?’ he asked.

‘I’m fine hyung.’ Dong Woon gave a smile, but they caught his grimace of pain when he tried to move his hands. Hyun Seung was about to say something but Dong Woon cut him off.

‘Hyung, why am I in the hospital? Kiki and Seobie hyung also don’t know why I’m here.’ Dong Woon gave a confused face.

Hyun Seung looked back at Jun Hyung with wide eyes.

‘The doctor said he might have some memory loss right? But he also said not to worry because he should be able to regain the memory in time.’ Jun Hyung reminded him.

‘Oh, I guess so. At least he still remembers us.’

Ki Kwang slowly put his hands up.

‘Yes, Kwangie?’

‘When he first woke up, he couldn’t remember me, but now he does.’ Ki Kwang contributed.

‘Oh.’ No one knew what to say after that.


‘Will anyone tell me what happened?’ Dong Woon looked like he wanted to burst from his questions. He was the type that asked a lot of questions, and it seemed nothing has changed.

‘You got into an… An accident and you collapsed at home so we brought you here. Just try to get better first ok? You will remember what happened in time.’ Hyun Seung was uncomfortable with Dong Woon’s questioning. He didn’t know what to say. Doo Jun wasn’t helping much since he was just standing in the doorway looking at Dong Woon. Dong Woon didn’t notice though, so that’s a good thing.

Dong Woon wanted to ask more but lightning shot through his head and he gasped, cradling his head.

Ki Kwang rushed to his side. ‘Woonie? What happened? You need a doctor?’ Ki Kwang looked worried.

Dong Woon curled up and didn’t answer. They were just about to send someone to get the doctor when Dong Woon finally straightened.

‘I’m alright. Just a headache that’s all. I don’t need the doctor.’ He gave a strained smile for everyone.

‘Really? You don’t need the doctor? The headache looked vicious.’ All of them looked at him worriedly.

‘Yes Hyun Seung eomma, I’m fine.’ This time his smile reached his eyes.

‘Yah! You brat. Call me eomma once more and you’ll get it from me.’ Hyun Seung was glad Dong Woon still could make fun of him. The mood lightened in the room, despite Doo Jun’s dark presence in the doorway.


They joked around and kept the maknae company, but after a while Dong Woon started to tire. Ki Kwang saw and suggested they leave so Dong Woon can get his rest.

‘But, who will keep him company?’ Yo Seob asked.

‘You all just go and get your rests. I’ll be fine here.’ Dong Woon tried to look strong for his hyungs. He didn’t want to be alone in the hospital, but he knew they really needed their rest with the comeback being so close. He wanted to ask about the comeback, with him not able to practice for the next few days, but he wanted the hyungs to leave more so he tried not to let it show on his face.

‘Woon…’ Ki Kwang looked like he wanted to object but Dong Woon beat him to it.

‘You all need your sleep, Kwangie-ah. Especially you and Seobie hyung need it to grow taller.’ The maknae’s cheeky grin came out again. He couldn’t resist teasing his hyungs sometimes, confined to bed or not.

‘Yeah, you’re right… WAIT! Did you just say we are sho-’ Ki Kwang got cut off by Jun Hyung.

‘Headache, remember?’ Jun Hyung reminded Ki Kwang, and smirked at the face Ki Kwang pulled.

‘Alright then, let’s go. Woonie-ah, rest well, okay? We’ll be here after practice.’ Hyun Seung said to the already sleepy Dong Woon.

‘Mmmm okay. See ya’ll then.’ Dong Woon mumbled.


The members just chuckled at the already sleeping Dong Woon and left the room quietly. They already told their manager about the maknae’s condition and the manager was understandably worried about the comeback date, but there is nothing more to be done so they can only wait and see if Dong Woon’s condition deteriorates or not. Hopefully not, so they won’t have to delay the comeback for too long. The members know the comeback will definitely be delayed judging from the maknae’s condition, but they were only concerned about Dong Woon’s recovery for now.


After they left, Dong Woon opened his eyes. One thing was nagging at him since the hyungs arrival. Doo Jun didn’t approach him, and Dong Woon doesn’t know why. Normally the leader would be the first to talk to him, but this time he only hung back in the doorway.  He was confused, and a little hurt. He thought of talking to the silent man first, but then he saw Doo Jun’s eyes. They look haunted. He was afraid of what the leader will say.


Why is he behaving like that? I expected him to be the one to talk to me, the first to tease me. Definitely not ignore me. What happened? Did I do something wrong? Suddenly, Dong Woon’s eyes widened. Is, is he angry about the delay of the comeback? ! What if he was? Dong Woon felt so guilty for delaying the group’s comeback. That’s it. I will train the hardest when I get out of here. I will not let the fans wait because of some stupid injuries. It’s just bruises, nothing big. Dong Woon made up his mind, his jaws set, his eyes determined.

I sure hope this dang headache will be gone before then. It’s killing me. Dong Woon groaned.

And what really happened to me? Dong Woon thought long and hard, but all he could remember was flailing limbs and a heavy weight on his chest. The rest was just a big blank space. But it only happened less than a day ago! How could I have forgotten? Just then, another wave of pain hit Dong Woon. He could only hold his head and wait for it to pass. Damn. I cannot let the hyungs see me like this. Especially Doo Jun hyung. The pain gradually lessened and Dong Woon settled back on his bed gratefully. The tired and bruise covered maknae fell into sleep.



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Honestly this is my first beast fic that have dongwoon as main..it so hard to find him as main..and this fic is too beautiful and well written... I love everything about this fic
Chinakiakat #2
Chapter 55: This has left me fuzzy warm happy - I love it!
Chinakiakat #3
Chapter 46: I really love this story and am so glad I stumbled upon it last night, even if it has meant that I didn't sleep last night lol
Thank you :D
Chapter 55: *clapclap* brilliant ending authornim!!!!!! flustered woon is just too adorbs
Chapter 55: It was sooo good! I loved the ending. Haha especially where DooJun got whipped for five minutes! It was awesome =)
MsLonlified #6
Chapter 55: the ending is awesome <3 thank you for the awesome story author-nim! ^__^
Zayneer #7
Chapter 55: Thanks eonnie for the great story!! :):) *big hugs*
Chapter 55: awwww I almost cried >3<
this was wonderful!!
and a good choice how to end it! x33
unfortunatly it's over now >.<
but thank you very much for this story!!:)