Out of Character

Consequences and Unexpected Results

[a/n: the story will contain some curse words and slight mature contents.]


2 weeks before B2ST’s comeback

Dong Woon had stayed back after the others left so he could put in some more practice for the upcoming comeback. The other hyungs are out eating supper and will not be back at the dorm for a couple more hours so he could still reach the dorm before they deplete the hot water supply, Dong Woon chuckled when he thought about all the times the members had fought over the hot water. Then he sobered. He remembered that Doo Jun hyung went for his late girlfriend’s funeral today. He should be back in the dorm by now, I hope Dong Woon thinks to himself. He decided that he should go back earlier in case Doo Jun needed some company today, and he packed up quickly and left.


In the dorm

Dong Woon was surprised when he realised he was the first back at the dorm. Doo Jun is not back yet and the other hyungs are still having their supper. Why is Doo Junnie hyung not back yet? He should have been back hours ago… And the other hyungs? Oh no! If they came back drunk then I would have to pick up after them! Dong Woon thought in dismay. He had just stepped out from the bathroom after his shower when the door opened. Dong Woon was startled because he only came out with his towel around his waist. He thought since everyone was out then he could relax a little bit before they came and crashed into his peace. When he saw Doo Jun staggering drunkenly into the dorm he rushed to support his hyung.

’Yah hyung! Why did you had to go drink so much?! Aish.. You are heavy you know?!’ Dong Woon grunted under Doo Jun’s heavier frame. Dong Woon helped Doo Jun to their shared room and gently lowered him onto the bed.

’Aigo… Poor Doo Junnie... He must have been very sad to drink that much…’ Dong Woon tried to remove Doo Jun’s clothes to make the leader more comfortable when Doo Jun stirred and turned to search for the warmth Dong Woon Is giving out. He accidentally caught Dong Woon’s towel when he reached out with his hands and left Dong Woon bare. And that was when he finally opened his bloodshot eyes to look at Dong Woon.

‘Hey Woonie… Whatcha doin’?’ his words are slurred but Dong Woon understood their meaning, barely.

‘Ah hyung, you’re awake. Good. Take off your outer clothes and give them to me, then you can go to bed.’ Dong Woon said.


‘Aish, to make you more comfortable, that’s why! Just do it hyung!’

‘Woonie, why are you ?’

‘Huh? ! Now where did my towel go?’ he turned to hunt for his towel

Suddenly Dong Woon was hugged from the back. ‘Mmmm you smell so good.’

‘Yah hyung what are you saying?! You’re drunk! Let me go!’

‘No. I want you.’

Dong Woon turned and saw the look Doo Jun was giving him. He was getting really worried.

‘Don’t frown, Woonie. It’s alright.’ Doo Jun mumbled.

Doo Jun caught Dong Woon’s lips and pressed them to his own. Dong Woon was shocked. His mind was blank and he just stood there while Doo Jun kissed him.

Dong Woon can taste the alcohol from Doo Jun’s mouth but he can’t break out of Doo Jun’s hold, no matter what.

Doo Jun’s pushed Dong Woon onto the bed and straddled him. ‘Why do you look so shocked?’ Doo Jun mocked.

‘Hyung. Please…’ Dong Woon stuttered, still trying to get out of Doo Jun’s grip. But Doo Jun is not known as the beastliest member out of their group for nothing.


Dong Woon was flailing about wildly, trying to get doo Jun off him and his hands accidentally punched Doo Jun’s jaw. Doo Jun’s alcohol filled mind only thought of the pain in his face. His first instinct was to counter the ‘attack’ and he started hitting Dong Woon mercilessly. Dong Woon realised his mistake. Once the drunk Doo Jun starts hitting, he won’t stop until he spent all his energy. Dong Woon tried to protect himself, but he could only cover his face and hope Doo Jun tires out quickly.


‘Why?! Why did you have to leave me? Why?!’ Doo Jun was sobbing and pummelling Dong Woon without a thought. Dong Woon heard the leader’s words and realised the leader wasn’t thinking straight and is grieving for his late girlfriend. He didn’t know how to comfort the leader when he was in this state so the only thing he did was to take whatever leader gave and let him let out his emotions. He was careful not to retaliate or counter any of the blows rained on him. He only covered his face. Doo Jun finally stopped the wild punches after a while and stilled, sitting on the bed in front of Dong Woon and panting heavily with tears rolling down his face.


‘Hyung?’ Dong Woon called, lowering his hands from his hands. There was no response from Doo Jun so he tried to comfort the silently grieving leader by giving him a hug but Doo Jun startled and in reflex threw a punch straight at Dong Woon’s face. Dong Woon caught the punch in his jaw and went flying from the force of the startled Doo Jun, straight into the wall. A sickening ‘Crack!’ sounded but by then the two men were already unconscious. The still and bruise covered Dong Woon slumped onto the floor and the drunk grieving leader passing out on the bed.


One hour later

‘Yah, you pabos behave yourself and get yourselves into the shower and straight into bed!’ Hyun Seung, the unfortunate designated driver yelled at the three hopeless drunks that are staggering about the dorm like zombies. They had not planned to get back so late but they had talked and had forgotten about the time. When he finally got all 3 drunks into bed, he notices that the maknae’s and leader’s room door was opened a little. He went to investigate.


please please please comment! i wanna know how u guys find this story so far...

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Honestly this is my first beast fic that have dongwoon as main..it so hard to find him as main..and this fic is too beautiful and well written... I love everything about this fic
Chinakiakat #2
Chapter 55: This has left me fuzzy warm happy - I love it!
Chinakiakat #3
Chapter 46: I really love this story and am so glad I stumbled upon it last night, even if it has meant that I didn't sleep last night lol
Thank you :D
Chapter 55: *clapclap* brilliant ending authornim!!!!!! flustered woon is just too adorbs
Chapter 55: It was sooo good! I loved the ending. Haha especially where DooJun got whipped for five minutes! It was awesome =)
MsLonlified #6
Chapter 55: the ending is awesome <3 thank you for the awesome story author-nim! ^__^
Zayneer #7
Chapter 55: Thanks eonnie for the great story!! :):) *big hugs*
Chapter 55: awwww I almost cried >3<
this was wonderful!!
and a good choice how to end it! x33
unfortunatly it's over now >.<
but thank you very much for this story!!:)