Junk Food? Yay!

Consequences and Unexpected Results




Back in the ward, it looked like a scene of interrogation was going on. Dong Woon had been bombarded with questions and more questions. Soon, he had enough with the questions since most of them were about what he and Doo Jun did when they were on the way here. They seemed really suspicious about the leader’s reluctance to leave Dong Woon alone. They were afraid the leader would do something that could harm the maknae again. Dong Woon was touched that the hyungs cared so much, but he didn’t want them to worry. And he didn’t like the way they didn’t seem to trust the leader. In order to find out why, he had to first ask some questions. Which wasn’t happening when four other guys were talking all over each other.


‘ALRIGHT! HYUNGS! LET ME ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS BEFORE ASKING ME MORE OKAY?!’ Dong Woon hated to raise his voice, but he had no choice this time. Whew, I wonder how Doo manages to keep all of us from running over each other without yelling all the time.


Four pairs of eyes blinked at him, and Dong Woon sighed.

‘Okay, firstly, I am fine. I have not experienced any headaches or nosebleed since I woke up. Secondly, thank you for coming here so quickly, and for caring about me. I love you. Thank you, hyungs. Thirdly, I wanna tell you why Doo Jun wanted to stay with me and why he wanted to make sure I didn’t wake up alone.’ He took a fortifying breathe. It having to tell people my weakness, even though they are the closest persons I am to in this world.

‘See, I had a fear for the hospital. I told you before that I had been to the hospital regularly when I was younger. I had always been weak and needed to go the hospital for check ups and sometimes I stayed in the hospital for a long period of time. My parents had to work, so I was mostly alone in the hospital ward. Since I don’t go to school regularly, I don’t have many friends, so there was no one to accompany me on these long stretches in the hospital. This made me hate going to the hospital and seeing doctors because I didn’t want them to make me stay in the hospital again. I outgrew the frail body when I took up dance as a recreational sport, though I can’t seem to do very well in it despite the long years.’ Here, Dong Woon gave a mirthless chuckle.

‘I had told Doo Jun of my fears of the hospital so he didn’t want me to wake up alone. He did not do anything to me. He just accompanied me. So please don’t distrust Doo. He was just looking out for me. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you guys because I was afraid you would think it was silly. Sorry.’ Dong Woon finally stopped speaking, looking at the faces of the four hyungs who had not spoken yet.


Hyun Seung finally blinked and spoke. ‘Woon-ah, you were right to think that it would be silly, because it is silly to not tell us something like that. Why would you think we would think that way? We are your hyungs, and everybody have things they fear, so we would’ve understood if you told us. But, that isn’t the point. I hope you would trust us more in the future, kay? And it’s not we distrust Doo Jun; we were just worried because he hadn’t left your side to even go back to the dorm to sleep. He had practically camped out here by your bed, and we were afraid he would fall sick too. That’s why we asked so many questions about him.’

‘I’m glad you finally told us your fears, Woon.’ Jun Hyung said, giving the maknae a smile, and receiving one in return.

‘And we shall try our best to be here as much as possible to stay with you.’ Hyun Seung was prepared to camp out too if that made dong Woon feel better.

‘Yeah, we’ll be here so much you would be the one kicking us out instead of the nurse.’ Yo Seob added.

Ki Kwang just gave Dong Woon a tight hug, not saying anything. He was sitting at the spot where Doo Jun had sat earlier, and was the closest to the maknae.

After the hug, Dong Woon beamed happily at the four of them, and asked about food. What else?


‘KiKi hyung, you said you will bring food for me! What did you bring? Is it cheese sticks? Pepero?’ Dong Woon asked with big puppy eyes. He was hungry. Very hungry in fact. He guessed IV drips weren’t much for filling out stomachs, and since he hadn’t had much food over the past weeks, he needed sustenance. The others just chuckled and nudged Ki Kwang, who brought out a plastic carrier from his bag. Snacks and junk food appeared from the plastic bag and were snatched up hungrily. Soon, the room resembled a party scene, with food wrappers and empty cans lying around, and most of it can be found on the pristine white sheets Dong Woon was lying on. It gave him much satisfaction to see those white sheets not as pristine as before, though if the others knew, they would think he was into another of his 16D spells. He chuckled to himself, albeit a little darkly. They had talked about everything under the sun and more, to pass time, while munching on all the junk food they smuggled.


[a/n: hey guys! sch is starting next week, so i might be a little late with the updating and stuff, so please have patience kay? :D and as usual, comments are welcome and loved! ^ ^]

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Honestly this is my first beast fic that have dongwoon as main..it so hard to find him as main..and this fic is too beautiful and well written... I love everything about this fic
Chinakiakat #2
Chapter 55: This has left me fuzzy warm happy - I love it!
Chinakiakat #3
Chapter 46: I really love this story and am so glad I stumbled upon it last night, even if it has meant that I didn't sleep last night lol
Thank you :D
Chapter 55: *clapclap* brilliant ending authornim!!!!!! flustered woon is just too adorbs
Chapter 55: It was sooo good! I loved the ending. Haha especially where DooJun got whipped for five minutes! It was awesome =)
MsLonlified #6
Chapter 55: the ending is awesome <3 thank you for the awesome story author-nim! ^__^
Zayneer #7
Chapter 55: Thanks eonnie for the great story!! :):) *big hugs*
Chapter 55: awwww I almost cried >3<
this was wonderful!!
and a good choice how to end it! x33
unfortunatly it's over now >.<
but thank you very much for this story!!:)