Trouble Brewing

Consequences and Unexpected Results



Dong Woon stuffed his phone and wallet into his pockets, but dropped his bag in his hurry. The doorknob turned, and he rushed into the bathroom once again, hoping to hide from the members. Ah, I really need the bag! The pills are in there… Dong Woon cursed at the untimely arrival of his hyungs. He quietened down, trying to soften his harsh breathing, when he heard the members outside talk.


‘Eh, where did maknae go? I thought he came back here first?’ Yo Seob looked around the empty dressing room.

‘Hmm? Yeah, he did. I saw him head this way. Hey, his bags are still here, but his phone and wallet are gone. Maybe he went to look for us outside.’ Ki Kwang spotted the bag at the foot of the table where Dong Woon had dropped it a while ago.

‘Come on then, kaja. Oh, and let’s bring his bag along. We’ll give it to him when we see him later.’ Doo Jun said.


Dong Woon wanted to scream in frustration when he heard the last sentence. Damn! Is nothing going his way?! His heard them leaving, and waited a while before peeking out, checking if they had really left. No one was in the room, except him. He cursed at his bad luck. His phone ringed. It was a text message from Ki Kwang.


Woonie, where are you? We took your bag for you. Come find us. We’ll be celebrating with the manager hyungs and the staff at XX restaurant.                               –Ki Kwang


Dong Woon groaned when he read the text. He can’t face anyone, much less the sharp eyed managers in his current condition. He decided to go back to the dorm first, swallow some pills first before he went to the celebration. He knew they would never let him off the hook if he didn’t go to the celebration. He texted Ki Kwang back, saying he will head back to the dorm first to take something and he will meet them there. Ki Kwang texted back to say okay, and that he and the rest were going to leave for the restaurant first. Dong Woon waited for another fifteen minutes before leaving the dressing room, partly to make sure the members were gone, and partly to get himself together to make the trek home.


It was almost eight o’clock in the evening and not much people were left in the building. He hailed a cab, and headed home. He paid the driver and didn’t bother getting back his change. He can’t count them accurately with his head throbbing anyway. He crashed into the dorm, stumbling. He went straight for his room, not even taking off his shoes. He dug around his drawers for the pill. He had left the rest of the bottle at home. He was trembling so hard, and tears were flowing down his face from the pain in his head. Something warm also dripped from his nose. He was having a nosebleed again. His shaking hands found the bottle, and he twisted the cap off carelessly. He shook out some of the pills, but his hands shook so hard, several pills tumbled out into his hands. He tried to count them, but he just can’t focus. In the end, he gave up and swallowed everything on his palm, and dry swallowed them, tasting his blood as well. He knew he took too much, since the maximum dose is two pills, and whatever he had swallowed felt like five or more pills. And he ate them on an empty stomach. Dong Woon realised the effects will gonna be much much worse than the first time he took the pills. And the side effects were tough, and that was only one pill’s effects. But right then, he couldn’t have cared less. He dragged himself to his bed and slumped face down on it, not even caring about his still bleeding nose. He waited for the blissful numbness that will come, and fell into the darkness.


Sometime later, a ringing sound could be heard from Dong Woon’s pocket. But it only rang and rang, and went unnoticed.



‘He is not picking up!’ Ki Kwang said in frustration. He wanted to enjoy the party but one important person was missing. Everyone needed to be present for this and Ki Kwang didn’t want the maknae to miss out. They had worked very hard, especially the youngest, and he should be there with them to celebrate! So where in the world is he?!


‘He is probably sleeping. He might have fallen asleep at the dorm.’ Doo Jun saw Ki Kwang’s frown and hurried to reassure the dancer.

‘But he would’ve picked up! He is a light sleeper, remember hyung?’ Ki Kwang looked worried and slightly annoyed.

Doo Jun was worried also, but he knew the others needed some time to unwind and celebrate their hard work so he tried to get Ki Kwang’s mind off the missing man. He got Ki Kwang to stop calling Dong Woon and go back to where the other members are at. Soon, the mood turned lighter, and the missing maknae were forgotten for the moment in the midst of all the festivities.


‘That was so fun!’ Yo Seob sighed contentedly as he lazed against Jun Hyung in the backseat. They didn’t drink any alcohol so Doo Jun was able to drive them home instead of getting a cab. Everyone agreed with the main vocal’s sentiment.

‘But I didn’t see the maknae just now. Didn’t he go back early? But didn’t he come late too?’ Yo Seob asked.

‘Oh!’ Ki Kwang’s eyes widened when he finally remembered that he was worried about the disappearance of the maknae. He tried calling him again, but again there were no reply.

‘I don’t think he even turned up.’ Doo Jun said, looking at Ki Kwang through the rear mirror.

‘He had better not be playing with us.’ Ki Kwang muttered under his breathe.


[a/n: hi guys! yes, im a bad person for making the awesome woonie go through this. -bows- anyway, what will happen? what will become of doojun and dongwoon and kikwang? hehehe, you'll see! comments pwease! :D]


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Honestly this is my first beast fic that have dongwoon as so hard to find him as main..and this fic is too beautiful and well written... I love everything about this fic
Chinakiakat #2
Chapter 55: This has left me fuzzy warm happy - I love it!
Chinakiakat #3
Chapter 46: I really love this story and am so glad I stumbled upon it last night, even if it has meant that I didn't sleep last night lol
Thank you :D
Chapter 55: *clapclap* brilliant ending authornim!!!!!! flustered woon is just too adorbs
Chapter 55: It was sooo good! I loved the ending. Haha especially where DooJun got whipped for five minutes! It was awesome =)
MsLonlified #6
Chapter 55: the ending is awesome <3 thank you for the awesome story author-nim! ^__^
Zayneer #7
Chapter 55: Thanks eonnie for the great story!! :):) *big hugs*
Chapter 55: awwww I almost cried >3<
this was wonderful!!
and a good choice how to end it! x33
unfortunatly it's over now >.<
but thank you very much for this story!!:)