Change of Heart

Kae's POV

Lalala ~ 

"Hey Mel, are you done preparing everything? The event starts in-" I checked my watch. "HOLY SMACK ME! It begins within the next fifteen minutes!" 

"COMING!" Mel shouted from the kitchen. When she arrived to the living room, she jumped onto the couch.

"Remind me what's going on again."

"Since it's his birthday today-"

"I know that. Who is going to be here?"

"You, me, him and the other him." Mel stared at me. "Yeah onto the plan."

She continued staring.

"Okay... the plan goes like this... in the next ten to fifteen minutes, you're going to call them over. REMEMBER - Do NOT mention anything that will give away the surprise. Make sure they're oblivious to the situation... I know they're going to go what the heck but yeah do what I just said even though it made no sense... arasso?"

"Uh huh.... what do we do now?" She asked.

"Continue preparing and I'm going to hide? O_O You call them in the next ten minutes." She nodded her head.

I went over to the kitchen and cleaned up the mess that I've created an hour ago. Yeah I cooked... surprise surprise =.= it's not that big of a deal to cook you know? After cleaning the counters and washing the dishes, I walked over to the kitchen table where all the food are placed gently on the table.

"Ah... I hope he likes it." HUSH UP! I'm not doing this because of anything else... it's for a FRIEND! He's just a friend and it's his BIRTHDAY too! :D 

Maybe I'm a little too excited for his birthday but he's getting old I tell you.

I checked the time written on my watch again. Five more minutes until 3 o'clock.

"Mel, go call them to come over now." I ordered.

"Okay." She took out her phone and dialed their number.

While she was busy calling them over, I was busy trying to find a place to hide. In the closet? NO. I'm claustrophobic =_= sadly... 

Then where am I going to hide? O_O

OH I KNOW! I can just hide in the kitchen ^__^ and surprise them :D. Yeah it's better than the closet.

Suddenly, the door bell rang. Oh it's them!~ I knew that Mel opened the door because I heard their voices from the living room which was connected to the kitchen. How convenient it is to walk from one place to another~

"Hey Mel." The voice belonged to Jiyong.

"H-hi." WHOAH THERE GIRL! I know you like him =.= GOSH.

"Why'd you call us over all of a sudden?" I glanced at them from the corner of the kitchen wall. They don't seem to notice me... maybe it's 'cuz I'm too ninja for them to find out. Yes, that must be the case. I saw Mel turn her heads towards me. Hmm... so it's my cue soon eh?

"Let's go to the kitchen. There's delicious food waiting to be eaten." hahaha... she just complimented me.

So they headed towards my direction... also known as the kitchen. When they were coming closer, I-

"SURPRISE!" I jumped out from the corner and you know what happened? JIYONG JUMPED UP AND SCREAMED! What a scaredy-cat AHAH.

"KAE!" they all shouted excitingly.

"Surprise! Happy birthday Taeyang!" I shouted and wanted to give him props. But instead, he flew forward and gave me a tight hug. O_O awkward I suppose...

"Kae! When'd you come back?" Jiyong asked.

"A week ago actually." I replied, rubbing my chins... thinking when I actually arrived back in town.

" YOU CAME BACK AND YOU NEVER TOLD US!" Jiyong shouted and it rung in my ears. He was standing next to Mel. GEEZ they make such an ADORABLE couple. That bastard doesn't know what and WHO he's missing out on.

"Gosh no need to shout!" I rubbed my ears after releasing myself from the tight hug from Taeyang. He seemed... unusual.

"A surprise isn't a surprise when the secret is revealed." Mel said for me. She can read people's mind now?

"Anyways... let's eat!" Mel said and quickly sat down at the dining table.


"Mmmm that was DE-LICIOUS! Which restaurant did you order from?" Jiyong asked.

Mel stared at me. "We didn't order these dishes."

"Then where did they come from? Oh I know... it came falling from the sky." Omg did I ever mention he was stupid? AND a liar too!?

"Actually... Kae was the one who made all these dishes." Taeyang and Jiyong gawked at me.

"Um... hello?" I waved awkwardly.

"YOU. THIS. YOU MADE THIS!?" Jiyong shouted... again =_= boy someone needs to get duck tape and shut that mouth of his. 

"Wow Kae, you're a really good cook. I'll give you a full score for a female that can cook. Whoever marries you in the near future is one heck of a lucky guy." I felt my cheeks burning up. NOOO I only like him as a FRIEND! 

He's just a friend.

It's his birthday today.

Taeyang is no more than a friend.

I like him.

He's my crush.

But he only sees me as a friend.

Just a friend.

Is he...

Just a friend? 


Mel cleared . "You know Taeyang, Kae really li-" I covered Mel's mouth with my hands before she could blabber anymore nonsense.

"Ignore her... she's not in her right mind today." I said to Taeyang. He was just staring at me and gave us the 'what's-going-on' look.

"So... why'd you come back? Don't you have exams going on around now?" It was Taeyang's turn to ask. Finally no more Ji-

"You're not skipping school, right?" Speak of the devil =_=.

"No I'm not skipping school. I told the university I'm currently attending that I have some things to take care of and I'll only be gone for two weeks. They actually allowed me to go O_O which is very strange. Besides, I'm getting quite decent marks."

"Her marks aren't decent. They're beyond decent and well. She's getting high 90s in all her subjects!" Mel complained.

"Wow... you're smart. You should tutor Taeyang. He's getting low 80s." Jiyong interrupted.

"Low 80s? Dude... you make no sense." I said. "Taeyang doesn't need a tutor. He's actually smarter than me!" 

Taeyang cleared his throat. "You never answered my question."

"Oh right... I came here to celebrate your birthday. It is today right?" he nodded his head.

"Happy birthday... again!" I smiled at Taeyang.

"Ooooohhhhhh~" Mel and Jiyong cooed at the same time. "I see chemistry!~"

"What the heck. I see chemistry in you two too." Mel instantly blushed.

"Anyways.. what do you guys and girl want to do?" AHAHA Mel can't correct me now!

"Dammit I was going to correct you. We're girls not guys."

"HEY! We're guys not girls!" Jiyong fought back.

"Well I'm obviously not a guy!"

"And I'm obviously not a girl!"

Taeyang and I looked at each other. "Shall we leave them?" I mouthed at him. He agreed and we quietly walked away. Actually... we didn't have to sneak out the kitchen. They were so into each other that they didn't notice our vanished presence.

Once we got into the living room, we sat down and talked.

"Did you come here alone?" he questioned.

"Yeah... why?"

"Oh nothing... what happened to that Niel guy or whatever his name is?"

"Daniel?" he nodded. "He's probably studying his off in the states." Taeyang chuckled. It's nice seeing him smile like before ^_^. When we webcamed, he barely smiled or talked. 

"I thought he came with you to Seoul."

"Niel originally wanted to tag along... he told me it's not safe for a girl to walk alone on the streets of Seoul." I giggled. "He's so stupid."

"What happened?"

"I told him I'm a tough girl and made him stay in America."

"So basically you convinced him to stay?"

"Mhmm..." why was he asking about Niel? O_O this makes no sense.

Taeyang's POV

Kae's back and I'm so glad! I thought I'll never see her again! But when did she come back to Seoul? Okay she already told us a week ago but how come I wasn't aware of this at all!? That really doesn't matter... what matters is the fact that she's back. I hope she doesn't leave... wait what did I just say? 


=_______________________________= I have no chance.

I should ask her now about that Niel guy.

"Did you come here alone?" 

"Yeah... why?" she raised a brow. 

"Oh nothing... what happened to that Niel guy or whatever his name is?"

"Daniel?" I nodded. "He's probably studying his off in the states." Haha I bet he's a nerd.

"I thought he came with you to Seoul." yeah... what kind of guy leaves a girl alone? =.=

"Niel originally wanted to tag along... he told me it's not safe for a girl to walk alone on the streets of Seoul. He's so stupid."

"What happened?"

"I told him I'm a tough girl and made him stay in America." she is tough... it's a compliment.

"So basically you convinced him to stay?"

"Mhmm..." she nodded.

"Ah..." this is going nowhere.

"So how'd you know it was my birthday today? Barely anyone knows except for my parents, Jiyong, and... wait a minute... did Jiyong tell you anything when he talked to you on webcam that day? When I was away from the room?"

"Jiyong told me your birthday is coming up."

"Anything else...?" >_< It'd be awkward for both of us if Jiyong told Kae that I like her as a friend.

"No... you're acting really weird today." she blurted.

"I am?" O_O

"Yeah..." suddenly things between us became awkward... again. But the tension around us were interrupted by our good ol'friends. 

"What's going on with you two?" Jiyong asked.

"Nothing." Kae replied )=

"I sense something..." Mel said.

"Mel... your senses are weird." Kae joked.

"Whatever." Mel replied.

Kae's POV

Damn this is SO awkward! It was as awkward compared to when I first met Taeyang and during Christmas, we were like tight buddies! What happened to now? 




What happens if he doesn't like me back?



Just a FRIEND!

Yeah... that's right.

A good friend xD.

All of a sudden, Mel and Jiyong walked into the living room, asking us what we've been up to. 

"Nothing." I replied.

"I sense something..." Mel stared at me.

"Mel... your senses are weird." I joked.


"Whatever." she replied.

"So... what do you peeps want to do now? We ate and we talked... now what?"

"We should give Taeyang his presents now." Mel replied.

"Great idea... let me go get it from my room." I said and walked towards my bedroom. 

When I opened the door, I went to my bed and grabbed the box that was sitting there, peacefully. Then I walked out and back into the living room.

"Where did Mel go?" I asked, glancing around to find that girl. I sat down two seats next to Jiyong on the sofa. 

"She went to her room to get something."

"I'm back!~" She chirped and sat next to me, between Jiyong and me.

"Great. It's time for presents!" I shouted. "Mel.. you go first."

"Geez fine =.=" she handed Taeyang a gift bag. He looked inside it first and then took out something. It was a camera O_O wow... Mel gifting someone something expensive... that's quite... rare.

"Thanks for the camera. But you didn't have to buy something expensive you know?" he said.

"I know.. but I felt really bad for always coming over to eat without doing anything." he laughed.

"Yeah and you keep on disturbing my alone time."

"OHHH~" my turn to coo :D.

"Kae... you're thinking off the line. Get back on track!" she was about to lightly smack me but I dodged.

"Whatever... anyways, here's your present. I hope you like it!~" I handed Taeyang the box and he took it into his hands. When he unwrapped the gift wrap and took off the cover/lid of the box, his face brightened.

"Thank you Kae. How'd you know I would love these?" he took the items and stared at it for a few seconds.

"I always see you wearing hats so I thought maybe you'd like a present like that. And I hope the clothes fit you properly. I don't know what size you are so I just bought something that might fit you." 

"I think it fits." The next thing you know, he stood up and went to the bathroom. After a short while, he came walking out in the clothes that I bought. It consisted of jeans, a new shirt, a hoodie, and the hat I gave him.

"Ohhhh it looks nice on you!" Mel smiled.

"Kekeke do you like it?"

"Like it? I love it!" Okay.. unsual thing is that he's sounding like a girl O_o.

"You're welcome." =D

"Ehehehehehe..." Mel laughed... uh-oh.. nothing good comes out of that mouth of hers whenever she laughs like that. "You two seem to match."

"Huh?" we both stared at Mel.

"I think she meant that you two are wearing the same colours." Jiyong said briefly.

"Ah..." I looked at my own wardrobe. I was wearing black sweatpants from Roots, a red V-neck shirt with a black tank-top underneath, and pink and white striped socks. Taeyang was wearing a black tee and dark blue-ish grey/black ripped jeans.

"We don't look alike in clothes Mel... Jiyong." =_= I mentally facepalmed myself.

"Ehehehe..." Mel was laughing evilly again. 

She's messed in the heads right now.

"You two match each other." >________> It took me a while to understand her drift.

"Mel... you and him match each other. Right?" I tried signalling my eyes towards Jiyong but she frowned.

"NO!" she shouted.

"I know you two match. You two are meant for each other." I winked at her.

"Who is this 'him' you're talking about?" Jiyong and Taeyang asked at the same time.

"Someone we all know..." I responded, chuckling.

"You two are acting strangely than before." Jiyong was confused.

"Kekeke it's a secret." I winked at them boys.

"Not anymore... KAE LIKES TA-" OMG I covered Mel's mouth AGAIN! 

"Ignore her... she's not in her right mind today."

=_= Mel you will pay for this... someday.

OMG HAPPY (BELATED) BIRTHDAY TAEYANG! May 18th :) Although it's May 19th in South Korea at the moment but anyhoo, HBD! xD

Hm... this chapter is quite long and I hope it didn't bore our readers! Happy reading and subscribing! <3

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gemmaflame #1
gemmaflame #2
Chapter 21: HAha!! LOVE IT!! WITH ALL THE FACES!!! OH MY GAWDs!!
@lilweisel: it sounds awesome trying to break down a door :P i wanna try that, don't you ;) ?<br />
@yummiliciouslove: thank you :) for 'loving' this story. it means a lot to us <3.<br />
@cougar: it was so obvious... i know right? ;D KaeBae moments? are you sure xD?
I kinda knew Ji & Mel were dating it was kinda obvious. and Tae finally confessed woohoo..... ah sequel oh yeas plz I would love to have more KaeBae moments I love them.
yummiliciouslove #5
I kept squealing at part where taeyang was confessing his feelings. Moo. So intense~ ^0^ haha loove this story! <3
aw that was a cute and great ending! loved kae breaking down the door lol. cant wait to see what you guys come up with next individually or together! fighting! :D
@BBisVIP: They were 'secretly' dating ;) If you haven't noticed the hints behind their actions from the beginning of the story as well as the chapter that had Jiyong 'invading' Mel's house.
Nooo, it's the end ;-;.<br />
I wish they had more couple moments tho.! <br />
You play in Bera ?! <br />
But I don't want to start all over being a noob ); LOL
@BBisVIP: you play in Bera too? :D well, make a char. in scania ;)