What a 'GREAT' day

Change of Heart

Mel's POV

Muhahaha, I get ice cream.

"Kae, I'm going to the mall, wanna come with me?" I asked her, I don't like going alone.

"Ok, wait." she said and went to change. I grabbed my jacket and my purse then sat on the couch waiting for her. After she was done, we wore our shoes and I took a step out of the door.

"OUFF" I bumped into someone.

"Oh, ahaha, sorry" Jiyong said.

"where you guys going?" Taeyang asked.

"Shop.Ping.!" I said.

"Oh cool," he said "we were planning to go to the mall as well." YES!! I hope he can drive us, Muhahaha. "wanna ride?"

"Sure!" Kae and I both said at the same time.

We got out then went to the parking lot. And once again, there was ice.

"yah what are you doing?" Jiyong said looking at his arm.

"I'm holding onto you so I won't fall." I said walking carefully, making him walk slower too.

"why can't you hold onto Kae or something?"

"look at them! They're like 5 meters in front of us. And you're the closest one." I said, then looked at the floor to see where else there was ice.


Kae's POV

We were walking to the parking lot where the guys parked their car. I wish time would go slower! I mean, I'm in the moment where all girls would daze off! Taeyang is walking RIGHT BESIDE ME! No doubts! He is definitely the real Taeyang. Unless.. Nah, he doesn't have a twin. Does he? :) I won't mind introducing his twin (if he has one) to my friends! Hehe~ Sometimes I like playing the role of a matchmaker. It makes me feel proud.

"AH!" The voice sounded so much like Mel's squeaky girly voice for when she's about to fall or when she actually does fall. Taeyang and I stopped on our tracks and turned our heads to see what happened with those two. The imagery is quite interesting.

Two of them clumsies are now on the floor covered with ice on their bottoms. Oh lookie there, Jiyong has his back facing the ice whereas Mel's back is facing the ceiling. Basically she's on top of him since they both slipped on ice at the same time. I felt bad for Mel. It must be awkward and quite embarrassing. She was red like insane. On the otherhand, she wasn't the one who got hurt. 

Looking at those two clumsy people, Taeyang and I turned our heads back to stare at the front. Then we started walking off. Gosh, did Mel and Jiyong really have to ruin my moment with Taeyang walking beside me? =_______=. On the bright side, he's still walking with me! Each and every step I took, I snuck a glance at Taeyang. I'M NO CREEPER! He's just so good-looking that I can't help but be hypnotized by his appearance. Of course his talent is what amazes me. He's such an awesome dancer.


Soon, we arrived at the mall and went shopping. We were supposed to go separate ways, except we didn't. It seemed like Taeyang and Jiyong stalked us, THE GIRLS, cuz I swear I saw them wherever me and Mel walked. We enter American Eagle and guess what? They're there. Mel guides me to her favourite store, and they make a lovely appearance as well! Also, when we went to the food court, they were there too. I bought fries from New York Fries, and they were behind us in line.

That was just plain awkward. Is stalking their hobby/career? But it's okay, I still like Taeyang no matter what the circumstances are. The only thing that bothered me was the way he looked at me. It was just... unusual? It wasn't the everyday smile he gives me, but more of the- how do you describe it? Even I can't figure out what kind of look it was. Nothing disgusting or inappropriate. 



I am officially screwed if he knows I have a HUGE crush on him! NEVER WILL I ALLOW THAT SECRET TO BE REVEALED! 


Shoot, did I just give it away? T_T

Anyways, we walked and then went into the same store, again! Is this faith? :D

Mel bought her stuff while I bought mine. Then we lined up in order to pay at the cashier centre. Mel, Jiyong, Taeyang, and I were lined up together. The store was quite packed with people. It was crazily crowded.


Mel's POV

When we got home, I was looking through the stuff I bought. "huh? This isn't mine.." I said to myself.  OH well! Free T-Shirt! Hehehe. I looked at the other stuff that I bought.... other shirts and jeans, and... GIRL STUFF. Ok?

I was staring at the shirt then realized that it was a guy's shirt. OHH! I think this is Jiyong's, I remember. We went to the same store, and since the line was so long, I stood next to him. Saves me time from waiting. The person must of put his shirt in my bag by accident. AH thinking about him makes me want to punch his face..... sorta............................................... EURGH, stupid ice. But I still have to give it back to him.

I was planning to go by the front door and ring the doorbell. I rang the bdoorbell and no one answered, I pressed the button again. Still no one. Well not my fault, now I gotta climb through the patio.

I opened their patio door, do they not know how to lock this thing? It's always unlocked. I went inside and put his shirt on the couch. I was planning to go back, but then realized that I can give myself a tour!

I looked inside of each room. Nothing that interesting. Then I found a room FULL OF CLOTHES OMG.  I was looking through every shirt and whatever there was, accessories, SHOES. Oh my gawd. I was planning to leave but then heard someone open the door. 'OHH SHOOT.' I thought to myself I quickly went back inside the closet and hid in the clothes. Hopefully they won't come here.

"I'm pretty sure I left my phone somewhere." I think that's Jiyong.

"Maybe it's in your room." Taeyang maybe? I heard the footsteps come closer and closer, my heart is pounding faster and faster oh my gawd. Then it stopped and faded away, "oh here it is" Taeyang said.

"ok, wait, why is my shirt here? I'm going to put it away." Jiyong said. I heard the footsteps come closer and closer again. OH MY GAWD.  "ah nevermind, I'll put it away when we get home." he said and left. I exhaled, I wonder how long I was holding my breath in.

"oh, I think Kae likes you." Jiyong said to Taeyang.


"I said I THINK.. You like her?  but really, you should tell her though."

"yo, ok ok. Let's just go." Taeyang said and I heard the door close.

Finally, freedom. I came out of the closet and quickly went back to my apartment as fast as I could before they came back.

Kae - Please comment and subscribe! :) <- PLEASE AND THANK YOU :).


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gemmaflame #1
gemmaflame #2
Chapter 21: HAha!! LOVE IT!! WITH ALL THE FACES!!! OH MY GAWDs!!
@lilweisel: it sounds awesome trying to break down a door :P i wanna try that, don't you ;) ?<br />
@yummiliciouslove: thank you :) for 'loving' this story. it means a lot to us <3.<br />
@cougar: it was so obvious... i know right? ;D KaeBae moments? are you sure xD?
I kinda knew Ji & Mel were dating it was kinda obvious. and Tae finally confessed woohoo..... ah sequel oh yeas plz I would love to have more KaeBae moments I love them.
yummiliciouslove #5
I kept squealing at part where taeyang was confessing his feelings. Moo. So intense~ ^0^ haha loove this story! <3
aw that was a cute and great ending! loved kae breaking down the door lol. cant wait to see what you guys come up with next individually or together! fighting! :D
@BBisVIP: They were 'secretly' dating ;) If you haven't noticed the hints behind their actions from the beginning of the story as well as the chapter that had Jiyong 'invading' Mel's house.
Nooo, it's the end ;-;.<br />
I wish they had more couple moments tho.! <br />
You play in Bera ?! <br />
But I don't want to start all over being a noob ); LOL
@BBisVIP: you play in Bera too? :D well, make a char. in scania ;)