Webcam Session

Change of Heart

Kae's POV

Uhm... this is totally awkward. Where the heck did Mel go, ditching me with Aaron? Speaking of Aaron, he's changed and looks.. different.

"So sup?" I broke the silence that filled the atmosphere, even though we're on webcam.

"Nothing much. How's America?" Jiyong responded. Taeyang sat still, staring down at something.

"America's the same ol'place where I was raised. It's not as socializing and entertaining as it was in Seoul."

"We miss you, Kae." Jiyong frowned. Heh he doesn't miss me... that liar never quits the weed, does he?

"I miss you too." I made a heart-shaped thing with my fingers, near my chest. It's what normal people do. Also, we do that a lot in America ;).

"Taeyang misses you too." Jiyong coughed and I heard what he said, clearly. But I didn't want to interrupt so I pretended like I didn't hear a thing.

"Taeyang, why aren't you talking? Stop being so quiet!" My gaze shifted from Jiyong to Taeyang, who was sitting next to the stupid liar.

"Hey Kae." =____________= That was the 'best' greeting ever.

"Gee, that was nice of you." I said, monotoned. 

"How is life without us?" Just as I was about to answer, I heard my door bell ring.

"Excuse me for I have to go get the door. Gimme a minute or two." I said then got off my comfortable chair. When I walked out of my room to the front door, ditching the two idiots in the room through webcam, I opened the door, revealing the annonymous door bell ringer.

"Oh hey you." I gave him a hug and welcomed him inside the house.

"Mom, Niel's here!" I shouted, reporting to my mom that Niel is over at our house. Why do I need to do that? It's a habit and a rule I have to follow when inviting people over to the house. Stupid rule, isn't it? I thought so.

"I honestly don't understand why you need to report every single detail." Niel said as he swung his arm across my shoulder.

"Protective mother." I spoke in English. I find it funny how Niel is Korean and yet he doesn't speak that language when he's hanging around me. He knows I know Korean and can speak and listen to the language quite fluent. Overall, I've been living and studying in Seoul, South Korea for a while.

"You know, you can speak Korean with me, right?" He nodded.

"I don't feel like it." Geez =.=

"C'mon, let's go to my bedroom." We both headed to my bedroom. When we arrived, I closed the door and sat back down at my comfortable chair.

"Yo guys, let me introduce you to someone." I spoke in Korean and gestured for Niel to come over to my laptop. He was sitting on my bed behind the chair, so he didn't really have to move. But I made him move from his seat. That is how powerful and awesome I can be.

"Who's this? TELL ME!" Perfect timing. Mel and Aaron walked back into the room with food in their hand? Nawh, they can't b-THAT IS FOOD! >.< I want food now!

"Be patient. I haven't gotten there yet but I will." I sighed at Mel's eagerness. She's probably thinking 'OH IS THAT KAE'S NEW BOYFRIEND!?'

Yes I have dated quite a few guys but they were all retards that doesn't know what's there for them. Want to know the whole story? Okay. Go grab some popcorn and drink 'cuz the story will be one heck of a long story.

Ready? Here we go!

Once upon a time, there were jerks who played as Kae's boyfriends. The end.

How was the story? Satisfying and entertaining? I thought so ;).

"If you're thinking he's my boyfriend, then you're out of your mind, Mel." I warned Mel in Cantonese so that the rest of the people won't understand. Aaron, who was standing next to Mel, only caught a few words I said.

"Something about boyfriend?" He asked Mel in Mandarin as he didn't know how to translate it to Cantonese.

"Mel's thinking he's my boyfriend so I told her he is NOT my boyfriend." I told Aaron in Mandarin. Aweww'yeah I'm that awesome.

"TRANSLATOR! WHERE ARE YOU!?" Niel shouted. Oh right, I forgot that there were three idiots here that doesn't understand any other languages other than English and Korean. Wait - exclude one of the idiots. Why? You'll figure out why later.

"No need for a translator." I spoke in English. Dammit, it's a habit of mine to switch languages without a warning.  On the contrary, it's a good thing... kinda? O_O

"So tell me, who is HE, Kae?!" Mel, you're too excited/eager. What other words can I throw at you?

"Guys..." I stopped for about a milisecond, then started again. "Guys AND GIRL, meet my awesome buddy, Daniel Ahn or Ahn Daniel. However you want to adress people since we're in a different country." I introduced Niel to my friends from Korea. Wanna know why I had to stop for a bit and rephrase the beginning? It's all thanks to somebody on the other side of the world. Can you guess who? =O

"Annyeonghaseyo!" Niel waved. Why am I calling him Niel? It's short for Daniel ^__^.

"Annyeong! So Daniel, do you speak Cantonese?" Aaron asked in failed English. Okay, when I say 'failed English', I meant his pronounciations and shtuff. Yes, SHTUFF! He learned proper English while he was back in whatever country he learned the language in. In that case, he went to school in America. AWHHYEAHHH! But what bothers me the most is the way he pronounces every individual vocabulary. Oh gosh he's been in primary school in America for five years and yet he doesn't know how to speak it fluently. I guess Fahrenheit brainwashed him. Overall, all's cool. His English is good, I admit it ^__^. But the pronounciation is so-so. It was alright but I prefer he stick with Mandarin, his native language.

I realized I repeated so many points there, but whatever :). BRAINWASHED BY FAHRENHEIT <3

"Unfortunately, no I don't. I only know English and Korean." Niel replied. I stared at him.

"You liar. You know Chinese. Furthermore, you know Cantonese and Mandarin, mister Ahn."

"REALLY!?" I heard Mel exclaim but I ignored it.

"No I don't!" 

"Oh really now?" He nodded. I decided to test his knowledge based on my language.

"Suuure. I'm doubting you badly right now. You have NO idea." I started with my plan by trying to provoke him. Sorta...?

"I know that look. Stop doubting me! I'm not lying!" I still stared at Niel, not looking away from his gaze.

"Ni hao ma?" I asked, in MANDARIN!

"Wo hai hao, ni le?" He replied... IN MANDARIN!

"AHA! I PROVED YOU WRONG MISTER FISH LIPS!" It's a nickname everybody in school calls him and I so happened to got the hang of it.

"YAH!" He pouted. 

"Nu-uh-uh... pouts don't work on Kae, boy." I smiled at him then turned back to face the webcam.

"Ignore whatever you observed." I told them. They gave me 'uh-huh' looks, especailly Mel. Her expression sold her out. She was definitely thinking "does she like this guy?"

"Mel, stop your train of thoughts." I said to her in Korean.

"Anyways..." Jiyong started. "Is he your boyfriend?"

I stared awkwardly at Niel and he did the same. Oh yeah, did I mention that he shifted from sitting at my bed to now sitting next to me. On the same chair? Gosh, I have to like.. sit on his laps kinda =_= AWKWARD!

I turned my head from the webcam to Niel and vice versa for a while. Soon, I snapped back into reality once I heard my name being yelled by Mel. Her screams are loud.

"So...?" Jiyong eyed me. Taeyang sat there, quiet as always. I seem to be really concerned with what Taeyang thinks about Niel and me.

"Don't worry, he's like my younger brother I've always dreamt of having." I patted Niel on the head and ruffled his hair for fun. He pouted at me. So cute ~

"Yah! I'm your oppa!"

"You sure about that? You don't act like one though." I did a 'merrong' at him and then continued the conversation through webcam.

Taeyang's POV

Why do I feel so uneasy? Why am I so quiet? I'm usually quiet but today, I barely talked. Kae's currently on the webcam with us. How come Jiyong and Mel and the Aaron dude is doing more of the talking? Why can't I project my voice? Why do I miss Kae so much even though she's in front of me. Through the webcam though.

'I miss you too.' I thought Kae missed me. Typically, she missed 'me' but she said she missed 'us'. Errr did that make any sense?

UGHHHH WHAT THE HECK AM I THINKING AND FEELING RIGHT NOW!? BRAIN, PLEASE TELL ME BEFORE I PLAN ON SUICIDING FROM STRESS. So what does that mean? Am I interpreting the wrong message? Does Kae like- wait, I think she doesn't anymore )':


What the heck are these feelings I'm feeling? I know I like Kae, but is there something more to that?

Yeah Aaron and Niel ^___^. Okay so I don't know that much about Niel though I'm his fan. Failed aren't I? But it's okay b'cuz he can be an OOC (Out of Character) LOOOL XD. Also, Aaron is amazing at the English language. I have a purpose for why I described him that way - ISH. Pardon me for any incorrect information (AND CERTAINLY NO BASHING!) Yeah that made no sense whatsoever. Continue reading, commenting and subscribing to support us! <3 We love comments and subscribers!

^ Yep

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gemmaflame #1
gemmaflame #2
Chapter 21: HAha!! LOVE IT!! WITH ALL THE FACES!!! OH MY GAWDs!!
@lilweisel: it sounds awesome trying to break down a door :P i wanna try that, don't you ;) ?<br />
@yummiliciouslove: thank you :) for 'loving' this story. it means a lot to us <3.<br />
@cougar: it was so obvious... i know right? ;D KaeBae moments? are you sure xD?
I kinda knew Ji & Mel were dating it was kinda obvious. and Tae finally confessed woohoo..... ah sequel oh yeas plz I would love to have more KaeBae moments I love them.
yummiliciouslove #5
I kept squealing at part where taeyang was confessing his feelings. Moo. So intense~ ^0^ haha loove this story! <3
aw that was a cute and great ending! loved kae breaking down the door lol. cant wait to see what you guys come up with next individually or together! fighting! :D
@BBisVIP: They were 'secretly' dating ;) If you haven't noticed the hints behind their actions from the beginning of the story as well as the chapter that had Jiyong 'invading' Mel's house.
Nooo, it's the end ;-;.<br />
I wish they had more couple moments tho.! <br />
You play in Bera ?! <br />
But I don't want to start all over being a noob ); LOL
@BBisVIP: you play in Bera too? :D well, make a char. in scania ;)