Chapter 29: Moving

The Chaser

{Note~ Blue is English. Black is Korean. Arigatou! }


I hate US... Why should we keep on moving?! Heh, like I don’t know... just for being a vampire that doesn’t age, we... Sigh~

I hate this life... I hate myself... I think that I hate everything now.

"Yo L, didn’t you miss our NY apa~rtment?" Dongwoo hugged my shoulders. We’ve just moved in. Our New York apartment is the widest. We all prefer it over the other houses of ours.

Yena would’ve loved it...

"L... you ok?" Dongwoo looked at me. "Oh, yeah I missed it a lot." I smiled at him.

"Wwwaaah!! Amazing!!" Jehyun was stunned. "You like?!" Sungyeol hugged her from the back smiling big. She nodded eagerly. These two look cute together. Ehh.

I headed to my room with my bags and closed the door behind me. I sat on the bed and put a bag next to me. Sigh.

Why should there always be two beds in my rooms? I should get rid of the spare bed, or...

*Flash Back*

 "You can use this bed. If you don't like it, you can use mine." I smiled at her. I can’t believe she’s staying in my room!!

She kept on staring at the two beds as if they’re coffins. What is she thinking?!

"So? Which one?" I looked at her.

"Oh, I'll take the other one." She said. Few! I thought she’d want to change the whole room and stay with someone else.

"Alright. Wanna change your clothes?" I asked smiling.

Her expression changed but she tried to hide it. What~

"No thanks, I'm good like this." She looked away as if I was trying to... Crap! She’s thinking of me as a erted old man, isn’t she??!!!

"… Ok, um… I'm sorry."

"For what?" She looked at me. EYES!!

"I'm being, errr… I really don't mean anything. I mean, I'm just trying to be nice, I'm-"

"Don't worry about it. I know." She looked at me. Oh my God! She smiled at me! Yes! Yes! Yes!

I’m staring... Damn it, I can’t help it!

"I guess I'll go to bed now." She looked down and got in the bed. Haah! I ruined it... Myungsoo, for a Ladies’ man, you !!!

"O… Ok, I'll read a bit then go to sleep." I said, pointing at the desk next to my bed. She nodded.

*End Of Flash Back*


I opened my bag and took out a blue book. Hers. She used to keep reading this book whenever she had time to. I hated it because it took her away from me at times, but now... I keep it under my pillow. I tried to read it so many times, but Yena drew a lot of symbols in it, and every time I see one I’d lose concentration and start thinking of her... Sigh~

"L, are you alright?!" Sunggyu came in "I knocked a couple of times and called for you but you didn’t respond."

"Oh, you did? Sorry, I didn’t notice." I said. He huffed.

"We’re having lunch outside, get ready and let’s go~" he smiled.

"Lunch? You’re planning on ordering blood?" I gave him a look. He gave me a look back "It’s for Jehyun-ssi. And you know we can also eat normal food if we want."

"Yeah, but it wouldn’t be any useful for us." I said looking away. "Why are you avoiding being with us, L?" he asked. Well, guess why... Each one of you have their girlfriends and you always avoid looking at me whenever you’re with one. It hurts.

And what’s worse is Dongwoo trying to set me up on blind dates without me knowing. It.!



"You’re coming with us! Get your phone and follow me!" He said as an order and left. Why does he think that I’ll- "I’LL START COUNTING DOWN!!" he shouted from outside.

"Ok!" I took my phone and followed.


 "Welcome. What would you like to order?" a nice waitress asked us smiling.

"What do you want to eat?" Sungyeol smiled at Jehyun. She started reading the menu carefully. It’s not rocket science for God’s sake.

"Do you serve sauce with the shrimp and chicken salads?" She asked the waitress.

"Oh, yes of course. Would you like to order that?!" The waitress asked. Jehyun nodded "And a glass of wine please. Thanks." She smiled. The waitress smiled back and wrote the order down.

I wonder if Yena could speak English that freely. Or wait...

*Flash Back*

"Suuuupaaaido?" She looked at me. Seriously?! xD

"What?" She frowned at me "Isn’t it right? I heard it on TV recently."

"You can’t even spell it right..." I couldn’t help but laugh. I asked her if she knows what Spider meant in English. She looks so cute when she feels dumb!

"Could you at least tell me what it is instead of laughing at me..." She huffed seeming pissed.

"Oh, I’m sorry but it sounded a bit funny." I controlled myself "It’s Spider." I smiled.

"Oh... I thought I said that." She looked at me. "Nah, you said Supaido" I mimicked her sarcastically.

"Yah!" Her cheeks pinked out. "What? You want a supaido?" I laughed. "Why you... You’re dead!" She held out a sharp pencil. Uh-oh! RUN!!

*End Of Flash Back*

Hehe... I wonder how she would spell Chicken.

I looked up and they were staring at me. , was I smiling?

"And what about the gentlemen?" The waitress saved my life.

"I’d like some warm blood with a glass of blood and bloody sticks, please." Woohyun smiled. Always with the same joke.

"Ex.. Excuse me?" And the waitress with the same reaction of the other trillion poor waitresses that we tricked before.

"Cuz we’re vampires." Sunggyu smiled at her. Eh?! He never jokes about us being vamps. Seems like he’s in a good mood today.

"Yeol..." Jehyun whispered to Sungyeol confused. He smiled at her which got her more confused. Oh this poor girl.

The poor waitress was frozen in her eyes, not believing what she just heard. "I’m sorry, miss. They’re messing with you. Just being kids." I smiled at her. She gave me an (-o-) face and then she gave out an awkward laugh. They all gave me a look. What?! Just because I was the one who made up this joke doesn’t mean I wouldn’t get tired of it!

"Guys, I’m going for a walk. I’ll meet you back at the apartment." I stood up.


"I won’t be late." I left.

Finally alone... I want to be by myself for a while...



Author Note – Musings:

Dongwoo: Where did he go?

Sunggyu: *sigh* I do not know~

Jehyun: I hope he gets well soon... it’s been three years already *looks down sadly*

Sungyeol: Oooh it’s ok babe, he’ll be just fine... don’t let him ruin your mood *smiles brightly*

Jehyun: *nods smiling*

Hoya: Guh, I want a girlfriend...

Dongwoo: What about Sonya?

Sungjong: and Mina-ssi, she’s nice.

Woohyun: Yeah, and there’s that young girl from Daegu.. What was her name?!

Sunggyu: Saeryoung.

Woohyun: Right!

Hoya: I meant a real cute one like Jehyun-ssi!

Sungyeol: Yah, eyes off my girl!

Jehyun: *chuckles*

Hoya: Ufff~ *starts typing on his cell phone*

Sunggyu: What are you doing now?

Hoya: Leaving those girls... I’m going to look for a real girlfriend...

Sungyeol: Sheesh... Hey, isn’t that L’s?! *points at a phone left aside on the table*

Sunggyu: Crap... it is. That careless idiot! He’ll get it when we’re back home.

Dongwoo: Myungsoo-ah~ come back to me~

Woohyun: tsk tsk tsk...



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Chapter 48: I wonder what will happen next.
Will they get married or something?
Chapter 14: dark kitty... soooo cuteee XD
CrissyLovee #3
I really enjoyed reading this story(:
Chapter 48: *O*!!!.....that's how it ends?!?!T^T
it's a happy ending but..but!!argh!!*stressed out that I didn't see this comeing,and shocked*
but it was a good story~!!!!^_^
mysterygirl1408 #5
Chapter 48: It is a very funny ending! I enjoy reading this fanfic!
Chapter 48: Woah. This is the funniest/most awesome ending ever! I love it.
It - not the ending but the whole 47? chapter :) Hwaiting!
Just4SHINee #7
Chapter 48: It's a great story.... I LOVE IT<3 ... Hwaiting~ ^_^b
Chapter 48: Happy Ending~! xD hahaha !
Hyunbin is funny at the end ! xD
Chapter 48: ROFL!!! So Cute. Li~ke it~.
Good luck in the prequel. <3