Chapter 12: Attempt

The Chaser

Jehyun POV:

"Oka~y, I'm going to bed now~"

"Okay sweety, sleep tight."

" 'Night."

Haaaah, what a day! I'm exhausted. Demon?! I'm a demon?! God! Mom and Dad are acting as if they don't know. What if they really don't? Does that mean I'm adopted?!!OMG! Headache…

I want to make sure if I'm their real daughter. But how? Oh! The family register! It must be in Dad's closet.

I ran to their room quietly and took the book, then quickly ran back to my room, and closed the door behind me. Phew! Ok, now let's see. Wow! It's one huge book!

-15 minutes later-

"Ah! Last page! Kim Jaesung, Lee Miin, Kim Inyoung and Lee Sungmoo. That's it? No children?! OMG! I'm-"

"Adopted?! Oh what a shock." I heard a voice behind me. I was turning around to see who it was but then I felt something sharp pointed on my back. What on earth?


"Scream, and I'll make your death slow and painful." The voice said in a cute way.

Oh God! Could it be Eunhyuk or that Donghae? OMG!

"Turn slowly." He said. I turned carefully with that sharp thing turning with me.

"Who are you?" I asked, probably shaking.

"Lee Sungmin, at your service. Well not really yours; at Donghae's service. Hehe." He said, sounding funny. This is creepy, why is he like this?

"What… what do you want from me?"

"Oh nothing really. I just need to kill you, that's all." He smiled, walking closer.

"K… K… K… Kill… M… M…"

"Hey hey, now. What's wrong pretty girl? Don't be afraida me, ok? It won't hurt if you behave." He smiled again. Oh God… Please help… Please…

"What's your name young lady?" He said sliding his finger down my cheek. I closed my eyes tight, praying to be saved, when I heard a familiar voice: "Hands off, Min."

I looked up fast.

"Ohoho, look who's here~! It's Lee Sungyeol~! Hey dude, 'ssup?" Sungmin let go of me. Thank God!

"Come here Jehyun-ssi." Sungyeol stretched out his hand to me. I tried to run to him, but the moment I moved I felt the sharp thing pressing on my back.

"Ow.. I… I can't…" I breathed.

"Sungmin, let her go!"

"I'm afraid I can't buddy; Donghae's orders." He shrugged sarcastically.

"Then I'll have to get her myself." Sungyeol was about to run our way when I felt the knife stabbing me quickly.



"Oops! My bad!" Sungmin laughed.


Sungyeol POV:

CURSE IT! She fell on the ground crying in pain. Blood covered her back.

"SUNGMIN!!! You're dead!" I ran his way to give him what he deserves, but suddenly the door opened.

"What's going on?!" An old man walked in.

"DAD!!!" Jehyun screamed.

The next thing we knew, the old man, with the old lady behind him, were on the ground.

"NOOOOOO!!!" She screamed from the bottom of her heart then passed out.

"! This wasn't in the plan." Sungmin cursed then jumped out the window.

I tried to follow him, but he was gone. Curse it! CURSE THIS!


Yena POV:

Vampires. Super powers. And what else? Oh, right! I'm a Goddamn DEMON!

"Thanks! Thanks A LOT!" I shouted at the bracelet.

-Oh come on, it's not Jesus's fault.

HAH! You're back!

-Was I ever gone?

Well, yeah~. For the past Goddamn 24 ing hours you were!

-Wow wow wow! Cool it dude. I'm here now.

Good! Now explain this to me: HOW COME I AM A ING CURSED DEMON?!!!

-Uuum… Just… Like that?

What the… If you were corporeal I would've-

-Ok tough girl, enough being so nice to others, thank you very much!

You're not even real! You're me! I can talk to myself whichever way I want!

-Now that you mention that, if I'm you, and you don't know how come you're a demon. Then how am I supposed to know?!

… Umm… Good point.

-Sigh. Calm down, you'll be just fine. Go read some book or something.

Ugh, fine! (Useless idiot!).

-I heard that~.

Yeah whatever.

I went to my room, sat on my bed, and started reading my favorite book like I do every night since I lost… Her…

"I hate my life…" I sighed.

"Then I arrived at the perfect timing." Said a voice.

What the…?! I looked up fast.

"Who the hell are you? How did you get in?" I said to the tall guy standing by the door of my room.

"Heechul, and I used the window. Any other stupid useless questions before you die?" He said, then something that greatly resembled a sword of ice grew out of his hand. I mean, directly, right out of his bare hand!!!


"You don't need to know. Just die quickly." He said, and swung the sword above me.

I screamed out and covered my head with my arms.

I didn't feel anything.

Did I die?! I looked up carefully to find that the guy stopped, and was looking to his left.

I followed his gaze to where he was looking.

"L!" I saw him standing by the door concentrating on that Heechul dude.

"Hey L! long time no see." Heechul smirked.

"Yeah. It's been a nice peaceful 50 years already. I don't miss you at all!"

"Same here." And he tried to break free.

I gasped and looked at L, pleading for help.

"Yena, come here." L said.

I ran to him and hid behind him.

"On my sign, run as fast as you can." He said in a low voice.


"Trust me." He said. I nodded.

"HAHAHAHAHA! You think you can run away from me THAT easily?! Heh, then you really don't know us all that well yet." Heechul sounded really angry.

"We'll see about that. RUN, YENA!" He said.

I ran outside as fast as I could, but then I felt someone behind me.

"You're too slow." L said, and kind of pushed me to fall on his back. I gave a slight scream of shock, and hugged his neck so as not to fall on my face.

He laughed. Aren't I the luckiest girl, oops, demon on earth?

Wait, this is Earth, right?! 'Cause I'm really not sure about anything anymore.




Another update guys

Enjoy and comment ^^



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Chapter 48: I wonder what will happen next.
Will they get married or something?
Chapter 14: dark kitty... soooo cuteee XD
CrissyLovee #3
I really enjoyed reading this story(:
Chapter 48: *O*!!!.....that's how it ends?!?!T^T
it's a happy ending but..but!!argh!!*stressed out that I didn't see this comeing,and shocked*
but it was a good story~!!!!^_^
mysterygirl1408 #5
Chapter 48: It is a very funny ending! I enjoy reading this fanfic!
Chapter 48: Woah. This is the funniest/most awesome ending ever! I love it.
It - not the ending but the whole 47? chapter :) Hwaiting!
Just4SHINee #7
Chapter 48: It's a great story.... I LOVE IT<3 ... Hwaiting~ ^_^b
Chapter 48: Happy Ending~! xD hahaha !
Hyunbin is funny at the end ! xD
Chapter 48: ROFL!!! So Cute. Li~ke it~.
Good luck in the prequel. <3