Chapter 25: First Invasion

The Chaser


*Flash Back*

"L~ have you seen my black shoes?!" She shouted from outside the room.

"Heh, as if you have other than your black shoes." I teased "Why don’t you get some colorful shoes like any ordinary girl?" I looked from behind the book at her peaking her head in the room narrowing her big black eyes at me. "I’m a demon. It expresses my personality." Yena said coldly sounding scary yet funny. This girl is amazingly weird. I like it!!

"Ok, whatever you say." I smiled and went back to my reading. "They’re under my desk." I pointed down under my feet -that were on the desk- at her shoes. She sighed and came to my side. "Who put them there?!" She huffed and bended down to get them. Chance!! She is right here next to me and... Noooo Myungsoo. You aren’t attacking this girl. You actually like her!! Don’t blow it. She already thinks of you as a .

"DON’T even THINK about it!!" she said from under the disk. SEE??!!!

"I wasn’t thinking anything!!" I defended myself.

"Liar!! Your dirty thoughts are dropping on me!!" She said standing up with the shoes in her hand. "You’re just trying to start a fight." I said trying to close the subject. She ‘Heh’ed me and turned around. "Tiny-feet." I went back to reading. I felt her still.

"What did you just call me?!" Fire burned up in her eyes.

"What?" I played innocent. "I’m a GIRL!! My feet are supposed to be small!!" She said, pissed.

"You were just saying that you’re a demon. What happened now? Ha?!" I couldn’t help but mock her. Then suddenly BAM!!! I felt a shoe crushing on my brain. "Do you want to die or something?!" She said, extra pissed. Ehehe she looks so cute when she’s mad. "And you’re gonna kill me with a shoe??!" I said sarcastically. "You.. You.. GAH!! I’m not going to waste my time on you." She got out then after one second she came back in.

"What? Missed me already?" I smirked. "In your dreams I’ll miss you. Give me that." She snatched her shoe from my hand and left with her face tomato red cuz of anger.

Jeez, I seriously like heeer!! And now I got her mad at me... I should apologize.

I got up fast and headed out.

*End Of Flash Back*

"Ok, we’ll separate in two groups." Said Sunggyu. "Dongwoo and Hoya go set the bombs. And the rest of us will go get Yena-ssi." he explained.

We’re in Donghae’s hideout. Hiding in some hole getting the plan set.

Dongwoo and Hoya nodded holding the explosions Sungjong made. Hoya touched Dongwoo’s arm and the both of them disappeared.

"Now let’s move." We listened and started sneaking in carefully. Sungyeol wasn’t leaving Jehyun’s side.

After walking in the complicated halls for like ten minutes, Sungyeol asked us to stop. We did and waited ready for any sudden attack. Then some tall guy showed up. "Who is this?!" Asked Sungjong in a low voice. Sunggyu just shook his head saying "I don’t know."

"You must be Sunggyu and his friends that Donghae told me about. You’re here for the girl, aren’t you?" The guy smirked.

"Where is she?!" I said angrily. "Sorry, I’m not supposed to tell you." He shrugged.

"Who the hell are you?"  Sunggyu asked. "Oh, where are my manners? I’m Kyuhyun. Very nice to meet you." He smirked. "A new follower." Said Sunggyu in a low voice. "True. But I prefer calling myself a helper, not a follower." Kyuhyun said looking careless. "...super hearing abilities..." Sunggyu thought loudly. "Oh, what a smart boy. Add to that, super seeing and smelling too."  Kyuhyun smiled boringly. Come on! We’ve wasted enough time already!

"OK GUYS!! MAKE SOME NOISE!!" Sunggyu shouted loud. What does he want?! Oh... Super Hearing power he said. Screaming and shouting loudly would hurt his ears. Ok!

We all started shouting and talking as loud as we could. Sungjong caught two heavy metal stuff and started hitting them together making some ugly noise.  It was a mess. But Kyuhyun seemed very pissed and hurt. "Shut the up... Shut... up!!!" Kyuhyun shot his ears hard. It’s working!! "Good job guys! Sungjong, keep him busy while we get inside." Sunggyu said to Sungjong. Sungjong nodded, "Roger that."

We started running inside getting away, further and further from Kyuhyun, until we were safe. Good.

If we haven’t thought fast, Kyuhyun would have followed us no matter how far we get thanks to his powers.

"You ok?!" Sungyeol asked Jehyun who was breathing hard. "Ye.. Yeah.. I’m.. Fine.. " She smiled standing straight. He smiled back nodding.

We continued walking through halls from room to another. It’s a huge place. I wonder how they don’t get lost in here. Well, it’s a hideout anyway. You’re supposed to get lost in it if you’re sneaking in.

A figure passed by us then froze. We got ready. The man turned around and jumped backwards. What the hell?! "Who.. What.. What are you?!" He said sounding so weird. Doesn’t he mean Who we are?!

"Yesung-ssi, long time no see." Woohyun smirked. Oh, it’s that Yesung.

"Oh?! Do I know you?!!" Yesung narrowed his eyes our way. "Yesung-ssi~ It’s me, Woohyun." He walked closer to him. Yesung backed off. "I don’t know you. Get out of here." He frowned at us.

"Yesung, we’re here to see Donghae. Where is he?" I looked at him. He blinked. "He’s in his room with some girl he brought yesterday. I think he’s free to meet you." He blinked again. "Ok, can you lead us to his room?" Woohyun smiled. "Ah, I’m a bit busy now so I can’t go with you. It’s the third room to the right after the second turn there." He pointed at some corner turn. Is this guy an idiot or something?!!

"Ok, thanks a lot Yesung-ssi." Sunggyu smiled at him. Yesung smiled back and nodded, then he turned to keep going. "Woohyun." Sunggyu smiled at Woohyun that smirked back and did some mental trick on Yesung. Yesung froze in his place looking around like a fool. "Tie him up and follow us." Sunggyu asked Woohyun. He listened and went to Yesung’s side. We turned and headed to where Donghae is.

Don’t worry Yena. We’re coming to you.



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Chapter 48: I wonder what will happen next.
Will they get married or something?
Chapter 14: dark kitty... soooo cuteee XD
CrissyLovee #3
I really enjoyed reading this story(:
Chapter 48: *O*!!!.....that's how it ends?!?!T^T
it's a happy ending but..but!!argh!!*stressed out that I didn't see this comeing,and shocked*
but it was a good story~!!!!^_^
mysterygirl1408 #5
Chapter 48: It is a very funny ending! I enjoy reading this fanfic!
Chapter 48: Woah. This is the funniest/most awesome ending ever! I love it.
It - not the ending but the whole 47? chapter :) Hwaiting!
Just4SHINee #7
Chapter 48: It's a great story.... I LOVE IT<3 ... Hwaiting~ ^_^b
Chapter 48: Happy Ending~! xD hahaha !
Hyunbin is funny at the end ! xD
Chapter 48: ROFL!!! So Cute. Li~ke it~.
Good luck in the prequel. <3