Chapter 1: The Girls

The Chaser

Yena's POV:

As I walked out the door from my last class before lunch, I glared at the bright sun… I hate days like this… Extra shiny sun, loud chirping birds, annoying laughter everywhere…. I hate it, no, I despise it….

I walked out and sat down on the bench in the darkest part of the yard in front of my faculty…. Nobody bothered me these days… Not after my best friend died two years ago… Everyone ignored the freak dressed in black from head to toe… Everyone but her… She understood my sadness… My bitterness at life for taking away my parents, and leaving me alone to fend for myself in this God forsaken hell…

As I was eating lunch, I got distracted by a high roar of laughter from across the yard...

Oh, it's her again…

The girl all boys crave the attention of…

The one who sets the trends for the rest of the wanna-be girls….

Lee Jehyun…

The richest, prettiest, brightest girl in this university…

And my hateful enemy….


Jehyun POV:

"Hahahaha… You have to be kidding me!!!" Lina said.

"Honest!! That's exactly what he said!!" Mai said."Of course I dumped his afterwards." She continued with a roll of her eyes, as if that was the most obvious thing to do.

I was about to change the subject from boyfriends before any of them asked me who I was gonna pick to go to Saturday's party with, when I felt a couple of holes being burned through my back…

I turned around, and sure enough, it was her

I don't understand why she keeps glaring at me… I mean, what did I ever do to her for her to hate me that much??

Oh well, some people are just hopeless…

"She's glaring at you again." said Lina," Want us to go put her in her rightful place?"

"No, leave her alone… She'll go crawl in a dark hole somewhere, soon."

"Heh, she's probably just jealous." Mai added.

"Who wouldn't be?" asked Lina. "Jehyun is the most popular girl in this university!"

"Girls-" I started reprimanding them, when all of a sudden a hush went over the entire campus.

"Eh? What happened?" Mai asked.

Lina just looked behind us for a bit, then her jaw fell.

"Lina, close your mouth before your boyfriend breaks up with you for having such a stupid face." Mai said.

Lina just shook her head and pointed behind us, so both of us turned.

And we were greeted by the most beautiful sight.

Seven hot, mouth-watering guys stepping out of two of the most expensive cars I've ever seen.

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Chapter 48: I wonder what will happen next.
Will they get married or something?
Chapter 14: dark kitty... soooo cuteee XD
CrissyLovee #3
I really enjoyed reading this story(:
Chapter 48: *O*!!!.....that's how it ends?!?!T^T
it's a happy ending but..but!!argh!!*stressed out that I didn't see this comeing,and shocked*
but it was a good story~!!!!^_^
mysterygirl1408 #5
Chapter 48: It is a very funny ending! I enjoy reading this fanfic!
Chapter 48: Woah. This is the funniest/most awesome ending ever! I love it.
It - not the ending but the whole 47? chapter :) Hwaiting!
Just4SHINee #7
Chapter 48: It's a great story.... I LOVE IT<3 ... Hwaiting~ ^_^b
Chapter 48: Happy Ending~! xD hahaha !
Hyunbin is funny at the end ! xD
Chapter 48: ROFL!!! So Cute. Li~ke it~.
Good luck in the prequel. <3