Chapter 9. Teacher



“Soo, let’s start at the beginning. I want you to sing the main song of the album. Sing it just like you have until now. Like how you would sing it if this was the official recording.” As soon as we had entered the practice room his whole aura has changed. Here we were no longer friends but student and teacher. This thought made me chuckle a bit from the inside. But I made sure Beakhyun wouldn’t notice my amusement. I walked up to the microphone, while Beakhyun sat down behind the glass just like the music director-sshi would do. He looked at me and I nodded. Half exited half nervous.


Beakhyun started the music and sat back. Listening intently. I concentrated on the lyrics. At one point I realized he wasn’t watching at all. He had closed his eyes, still leaning back in the comfortable chair. Just listening. If I hadn’t known better I would have thought he had fallen asleep. The song finished and I looked back at Beakhyun. Shy about my performance. The song had been about a girl her first love. Who had crushed her. The girl had been in love blindly and hadn’t realized the guy she had fallen for was not good at all. He was flirting and playing around, which she had mistaken for love. While she had been on her pink cloud, he went and played around with other girls. When she finally found out she was devastated. She broke up with him. Angry at how he had played with her. At the end of the song she realized she had been foolish all the time, and that the guy who had always been by her side, loved her all the time. She ended up with him, and described the feeling of bliss, loving your best friend.


I felt kind of awkward singing a love song in front of Beakhyun. We had been friends for a very long time, but I wouldn’t think about him in such a manner. He was my best friend. Though my thoughts were very clear on this subject, I couldn’t shake of the awkward feeling while singing a love song with him as the only spectator.


He finally raised himself from his chair and walked out of the room with the music installation to the room I was in, with the recording equipment. He entered the room, not meeting my eyes. He went to sit at the stool in the corner. “Well… that was… Bad.” My heart sank, “was it that bad?” He sighed, “Do you even know what you are singing about? If you want to be a good singer there are a few guidelines.” Beakhyun looked at me apologizing, I knew he didn’t want to criticize me like this, but it was necessary if I wanted to improve. I nodded that he should continue. “Point 1, a good singer can bring the audience to tears. Not because his voice is so beautiful, but because he takes the audience with him in a journey. He lets them experience emotions from the song, not through the lyrics but trough his way of singing. He gives his voice emotion.“ I still looked at him. His passion while talking about singing was unbelievable. That moment I could not believe he was only two years older than me. He continued his explanation. “The second point refers to your personal style. If you want to be a famous singer you have to develop your own style. You can sing very well and still be averagely popular if you don’t distinguee yourself.” He paused for a bit. “How come you are not taking notes?” He suddenly asked, mocking me. While he was saying this he gave me a superior look, just like a disapproving teacher would do.


I could not hold in my amusement anymore, and I burst out in laughter. He pouted at me, obviously not happy with my lack of respect. “Yah! Listen to your sunbae!” He scolded me. Still pouting he looked away, as if he was greatly offended. “I am sorry Beakhyun-oppa, it is just that I have never seen you so serious.” He looked back at me, his pouting expression gone, and he looked serious again. “It is going to be a lot of work right? Getting this done before recordings?” I asked him. He didn’t answer my question. But I could sense he was avoiding my gaze. I knew it would be hard, to improve so much in such a short time. “Beakhyun, I don’t ask to be a lead singer like you, I just want to be able to keep up with the rest of the members.” He looked up when he heard the honest tone in my words. “I guess you will have to prepare for night practice this week then.” He smirked devilish.


I am still wondering if I have chosen the right teacher…


OMO I love where this is going xD

I am having so much fun writing this story!! I could not wait to post the new chapter as soon as I wrote it!!!

(I only have a vague outline of the story, and I am not totally sure who she will end up with xD)

Love you my readers and subscribers <3

(btw I might have adjusted some of the fact’s… like Beakhyun’s age, 19. EXO’s ‘planned’ comeback xD bear with me pleas)

I want to let you guys know, I am going to spain for a week, From july 2nd till the 8th or something.

I won't bring my laptop with me.. so there won't be any updates. Also because I will be buzy prepairing for this trip, I will be updating less frequent T^T

I am sorry T^T, but this is not a normal trip xD 

I will be going there for a tournament. Some of you may have read on my profile that I practice archery... Well I will be going to Codorba for the World Championships for students xD yeay. Wish me Luck =3

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Wohoooo Almost reaching the end! I think this story will finish around 60 chapters! Please keep reading and commenting


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Solitario #1
Chapter 50: Oye! Big chapter, curious to see how you have yongguk deal with this new info XD
Solitario #2
Chapter 47: I hope she makes up with the boys of BAP soon! :) good update :D
Solitario #3
Chapter 45: I wanna hug Lian right now! Aw :/
haha! got curious about the title :3 "Lian" well it turned out to be the name of the girl. hehe! new reader here /popsout/
Leosaloner #5
Axdfvhnkhh more please!!! :D:D
Leosaloner #6
Love this story!! Can't wait for the next chapter :D