Chapter 12. Let's go party



I turned around and looked in a pair of beautiful dark brown eyes. Kai’s elegant features in his face were so perfect up close, not one imperfection was visible. He smiled at us, “So I heard something about a party?” Our manager snickered, “you only hear what you want to hear. Well that’s fine with me, you can go party, but don’t forget you have an interview the day after tomorrow.” We all yelled in excitement, we all needed some time to relax and not have to think about our scedual. “Suho!” our manager started, already in a scolding tone, “don’t you dare go clubbing with them, four of them are not legal to, and I don’t want any scandals before they even debut.” She looked around the crowd of people, glaring at our most innocent smiles. “Well, I will be off then,” she told us with a wide smile.


“Omo, she is so happy she got off early,” we commented, surprised to see the difference in her behavior in just seconds. Just then I noticed the rest of EXO-K, standing behind Kai and Suho. I didn’t know all of them personally. I had known Beakhyun, Kai and Sehun before they debuted as EXO. They had been our friends since way back, and we had been trainees together. Suho, DO, and Changyeol I had gotten to know because they debuted with EXO. I had grown quite fond of Suho, he was a real gentle man, very caring and responsible, even a bit like my own Sujin.




I woke up from my deep slumber. My head ached and I couldn’t remember how I had gotten home last night. The only things I remembered from last night were that we left the company with EXO and went to a karaoke. After that we must have gone to their apartment, though I could not recall how we had gotten there… I only remembered we started playing a game of cards. Which soon after had been spiced up with liquor by Changyeol. Suho had protested at first, but he had been overruled by his dongsaengs’s and he had unwillingly agreed to the drinking game. I only remembered small parts off the beginning of the game, and I feared for the worst. I had never been good at cards, neither had I been very good with alcohol. Though I am only 18 in western counting and 19 in Korean, in Holland you are allowed to drink once you turn 16, though only low alcoholic drinks. But even though it was low alcohol, I never remembered much about those nights and I had avoided drinking after my first few tries.


While I struggled to get to the living room, I heard a peaceful silence in the apartment. The other members were still asleep. I decided to make some strong coffee and take a few headache pills. I left the pills on the counter, for my other members who would be most likely in the same state as me. I sipped my coffee. The sun peeped through the curtains and made a line of light on the ground. It was nice to be able to drink my coffee in peace, this has been too long ago. I smiled to myself, my headache had cooled off a bit.


I walked to the window and opened the curtains a bit more. The sun warmed my face, it was a very comfortable feeling. I felt the warmth spread through my body. My muscles relaxed a bit more. I could drown in this feeling of warmth and relaxation. I wanted the time to stop, and just let me savior this warmth. My thoughts wandered from my body, I let them run free as I sat down in the chair next to the window. I closed my eyes and allowed myself to dream on for a bit more.


Suddenly I opened my eyes, and turned my head. Jinea was standing in the door of her bedroom. I sighed relieved, “you really scared me there for a moment.” I rose from my chair. She also entered the room, but she quickly grabbed her forehead “AU!” I snickered, it was pretty much to expected that our maknae would have a hangover, “do you want coffee or tea with your painkiller?” “Tea pleas,” she replied. “I am never going to drink again,” she promised me and herself. “I say that every time, but it still doesn’t work,” I snickered. “Drink your tea and take your painkiller, you will feel a bit better in a few minutes. Just sit down and rest for a bit.” She nodded quietly while she took the tea and pill I reached her.


We sat next to each other I silence, we both were deep in thought, and in her case, trying to lighten her headache by turning and kneading her head. I heard some stumbling and voices. Just then Yumi and Nana came out of their room. Yumi seemed to have a hangover too, but Nana seemed way to noisy and loud for this early in the morning. Jinea and I glared at Nana, so did Yumi. But Nana apparently didn’t have that much of a headache as we had. Eventually she picked up our death stares, “Why are you all glaring at me?” She looked from one to the other but the reply came from a un expected corner.


Sujin stretched herself in the door of her room. “You are way too loud, can’t you see that they have a hangover?” Nana turned around, studying our faces with honest interest. “Do you really have a hangover?” she asked us, unnecessarily. I served the coffee for the other members and refilled mine again. Sujin sat down, thankfully drinking her coffee. “Well it was to be expected, since they are all underage. What is more surprising is that you don’t have one.” Sujin looked at Nana with suspicion. “Oh, that.” Nana replied, “My father had a vineyard. So my brother and I always got to taste some of the wines, and maybe that’s why I am able to handle liquor better.” Sujin nodded, not interested anymore, and only concentrating on her coffee.


Nana looked at us three, she smiled deviously, “You’d better thank Beakhyun, Sehun and D.O. They carried you all the way up the stairs, because you all passed out after a few drinks.” I coughed out my coffee and spilled the rest of what had been in my glass over the table and myself. “W-what?” I stuttered when I was finally able to speak again. “What more did I do?” Nana her smile became wider, “you don’t remember? Oh nothing so special, after you fourth time loosing you drank the third bottle and you had a penalty to do a .” I gasped, “NOooo.”

“Luckily you passed out before you could chose your victim. At that point you were so far gone you didn’t even protest to your penalty.” Sujin interrupted. Nana looked disappointed. “Aahw, Sujin, if you didn’t interrupt and spoil the mystery I would have been able to let her believe anything.”

I was not completely reassured I hadn’t done anything stupid, but I smiled weakly at the little quarrel between Sujin and Nana.



Yeay here I am again. I’am sorry for the wait! Currently I am in France on holiday with my parents and a friend of mine. I didn’t have any time nor inspiration till now. Also I don’t a have WiFi here T^T.

But to make it up to you this chapter is especially long!


Maybe some of you want to know how the championship went. (I announced this a few chapters ago… I think) Well I have been to a Students world championship for archery in Spain, Cordoba. It was 42 degrees Celsius T^T way to hot too be sporting T^T. But it went quite well, I finished 17th. A bit sad and disappointed, I could have done a lot better, but it just wouldn’t work out…

But I already miss it. It was really fun, being with all the international archers and meeting people from other countries. There even was a team from Korea xD (they are the archery guru’s but you all know why I am more exited the Koreans are there xD).


When I was calling my dad, I was crying a bit… and a Mongolian boy walked up to me, and he gave me a Mongolian foxtail, xD it was soo sweet. (It is tradition to trade national souvenirs with other archers) So I am not sure if he was trying to lift my mood or he just wanted to trade…. xD still it was nice xD

(I gave him a “klompje” in return, in Delf’s blue. It is a traditional wooden shoe which the farmers used during their work. It was made of a white porslain-ish and with blue markings on it. That is a traditional handwork, called Delf’s (a city in Holland) Blouw (Blue in Dutch).)


I hope you like the new chapter and that you will continue to comment or subscribe!

Love you! <3

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Wohoooo Almost reaching the end! I think this story will finish around 60 chapters! Please keep reading and commenting


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Solitario #1
Chapter 50: Oye! Big chapter, curious to see how you have yongguk deal with this new info XD
Solitario #2
Chapter 47: I hope she makes up with the boys of BAP soon! :) good update :D
Solitario #3
Chapter 45: I wanna hug Lian right now! Aw :/
haha! got curious about the title :3 "Lian" well it turned out to be the name of the girl. hehe! new reader here /popsout/
Leosaloner #5
Axdfvhnkhh more please!!! :D:D
Leosaloner #6
Love this story!! Can't wait for the next chapter :D