Chapter 20. Online




I want to remind you all that I have chosen Secret’s Bastard as their debut song, just to give you all a bit of an idea of their song. Also the lyrics will be the same. Please continue reading xD



“Smooth and Sweet~” I ended my last tones. We all lightly panted, this was about the 15th time we had done the song today, and about 5th time with vocals. We had agreed we wanted to practice as much with vocals as possible because that was going to be expected on the live stages too. The was basicly about a girl who had trusted the wrong guy and had found out he cheated on her. After that she sings about the way love should be, smooth and sweet. This wasn’t exactly fit with our image at the moment, but there had been some minor changes to the instrumental and the bass had been intensified to give the song more spice and to give us the chance to make the concept more of a street life. The music video had been recorded on different locations. The setting of the music video was, that Nana was studying at an music academy, and she had a crush on a dancer who was dancing street dances. Somehow she got caught up in on once, and that’s how she met. They fell in love and she strongly believed in the strength of their love. Until one day she couldn’t reach him and she went to check out their usual hang out and she found him with some other boy. After that she quickly left. In the last part of the music video she returned with her own dance crew to defeat him, and to show his she was more than just the average girl whose hart he had broken. Of course we were her friends and our own debut song was interrupted by a strong instrumental. This instrumental was connected to our song Bastard, so it fit very nicely. We held a dance break in the music video and we defeated the other crew. After that our song resumed, and we went to celebrate together.


Basically this was the end of our music video, but they added a cliffhanger which would be the beginning of our follow up song. The follow up song was way softer and described the feelings of lost after a broken relationship. It fit very well because after the rage of being played with you still sometimes long for the other person. I liked how Donghyun and our stylists had pieced this story together. I also appreciated the fact that they had included an extra dance scene. I didn’t have much lines, because my voice was still a bit unstable and not as good as the others, but when it came down to dancing it was clear I was the lead. I was glad to have a chance to shine on stage too. Thus we had included this dance break in our practice routine, and it had become more tiring.


We all took a short break, and went to review our practice on my laptop. It looked pretty good, but I still felt something was missing. “What’s wrong?” Jinea asked me when she saw my puzzled face. “I don’t know, I just feel like there is something missing.” Yumi nodded, “I know, but what…” I shook my head, I couldn’t think of what was missing, it seemed very good. The movements were all in sync and the vocals were also good, but still something wasn’t right. I felt a breath in my neck and turned. I looked right in the eyes of Luna. She was looking at the screen attentively. I looked past her and saw the rest of F(x). Suddenly we all started talking at the same time, “Oh my god, are you back already?” “How was Japan?” “How where the concerts?” Today was the 11th, and on the 4th and the 5th there had been two SMTOWN concerts in Japan. We hadn’t seen F(x) in ages because they had been promoting their comeback. Since we had been so busy on the 4th I hadn’t realized the reason that the building had been so empty, of course everyone had been in Japan.


They all smiled at our fuss. “Calm down, we’ll tell you everything.” Victoria laughed. “But you also have some explaining for us to do.” She looked at us with and amused expressing, but also trying to sound scolding. “We go away for just one week and when we comeback you have caused an scandal and you are preparing for debut already.” I giggled, if you looked at it that way it almost sounded as if we caused a scandal in order of us to debut sooner. “Well shall we sit down? I didn’t bring this huge lunch for nothing.” Sulli pouted while she made her way to the couch. I rolled my eyes at Luna and followed Sulli. We had always gotten along very well, maybe because we were both five member girl groups under SM, of just because our ages didn’t differ so much.


We sat down on and around the couch and started to unpack the lunch. I whistled trough my teeth. “It looks great!” Jinea exclaimed with sparkles in her eyes. “Thank you~” Victoria said, “we had a day off today, so we agreed to pay you all a visit.” “And of course we couldn’t come without bringing you something to eat, and Victoria wouldn’t listen to me anyway, so we just agreed with her.” I smiled, “I love you~!” I sincerely told Victoia. She pinched my cheek, “I love you too, my little dongseng.” “Itadakimasu~” Nana and Yumi called out, then we all dug in. Seriously, Victoria her cooking is something you can’t dislike. “Hmmm,” for a moment we were all silent, as we were all eating and drinking. This was until Krystal lowered her bowl of rise, “so explain everything that happened since we were gone.” I chewed my last spoon of chicken while I was thinking about where to start. “Well you all left on the 2nd I think and on the 4th we,” I gestured to my members, “had a day off. Jinea went to meet up with some friends, while we visited Sujin’s sister her nail salon.” I saw Sulli’s eyes widen, and I quickly continued before she could interrupt me. “Then after lunch Jinea joined us again and we were about to go shopping when I met one of my old school friends from the US.” I don’t know why, but somehow I didn’t even want F(x) to know the real reason behind my idea of cheering up HANA. “She was studying dance choreography here, and she told me about a street dance battle which would be held there in a few minutes and if we would like to watch. Of course we agreed, but when we reached the square of the battle we noticed only one group.” I exchanged glances with Sujin, she nodded and continued. I didn’t feel comfortable lying to my friends, but I didn’t want to risk another rumor. “So it became clear the other dance crew hadn’t shown up, and they asked if we would like to battle them.” She smiled at the thought of our sort of friends and our battle. “We agreed, but we first had to attract a crowd, that’s where most of the fancam’s are from.” She explained, “we didn’t expect it to become such a controversy. After the battle we were immediately summoned to the SM building and there was an board meeting organized. After a long discussion they agreed on us staying in the company, but debuting sooner, to make use of the current interest.” She ended the story with a weak smile, “So that’s why we are preparing for debut already.”


Amber and Luna nodded slowly, and Ambers was the first to talk again, “show me the fancam’s!” I clicked the internet browser, and quickly searched for a fancam, as soon as I found it I enlarged it and turned the screen so F(x) could see it.


“Well at least you made a good rumor.” Krystal finally said. Nana and Jinea smiled proudly, and I also couldn’t contain the butterflies in my belly. Suddenly Luna looked up too. “What were you watching when we interrupted?” I needed a moment to recall what she was talking about, but then I enlarged a different page and clicked the play button. “We were reviewing our practice.” I paused for a moment, “Maybe you can help us, the performance seems flawless, but I still feel like something is missing.” Amber nodded, still deep in thought. F(x) continued to watch the practice attentively until the last tones ended. “This won’t do.” Amber concluded. I was a bit socked and hurt, “was it that bad?” She sighed, “It was not bad, but it was far from good too. Do you know what you are singing about? You have to be way more convinced, and also, you should not think about your debut, but only about the song. You are all way to focused on the upcoming stages. Like this you will be a big disaster.” She concluded with a firm look on us. “Come on, don’t be so harsh.” Luna interrupted. “You just have to change your mental mood,” she tapped with her index finger on the side of her head.


“Everyone has this problem in the beginning. When standing on stage you should not think about your fear’s of their impression. You just have to think about the song and about your feelings with the song. If your only think about the high notes of the hard choreography your expression will be totally wrong.” She smiled encouragingly at us. “Since you have gotten a more fierce concept, you should bring that alive on the stage. You’re strong points are your perfection as a group, but this will also be your weakness if you don’t pay attention.” She rose, and started to clean up. “You have to express charisma, and a attitude which won’t let you get toyed around with.” She threw away the garbage, and walked back to us. “The real artist is able to change his attitude in a slip of a second from going on the stage to walking off again and being in front of the next camera. If you can’t do this you will either be displayed as a rookie who can’t make a good performance, or as a group with bad personality because you extend your fierceness past the stage and people misunderstand.”


We all stared at her in awe. She sighed, “come on, practice!” She scolded us, before moving out of the room again, taking the rest of F(x) with her.



Somehow the chapters get longer every time… Do you all still like the direction which this is going.

Also I want to ask you something. Do you think I explain to much details or not enough?

Please let me hear your preference.


Love you my silent readers, commenter’s and my subscribers! <3



Random chat:

OMG have you seen the new drama? You know the korean version of Hana Kimi? I love it!

Especially the way Sulli looks so much like Taemin O,O And I also really like one of the theme songs, it is called Stand up, by J-min, who is also signed under SM, I didn't know that. (Shame on me, and I have been a K-pop fan for about more than three years already O,O)



I am really sorry to you guys T^T

I have been messing up the ea and ae a lot.

I am so sorry, please do enjoy the story and disregard my dyslexia. I will try to watch it better in the future. 

Sorry again T^T


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Wohoooo Almost reaching the end! I think this story will finish around 60 chapters! Please keep reading and commenting


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Solitario #1
Chapter 50: Oye! Big chapter, curious to see how you have yongguk deal with this new info XD
Solitario #2
Chapter 47: I hope she makes up with the boys of BAP soon! :) good update :D
Solitario #3
Chapter 45: I wanna hug Lian right now! Aw :/
haha! got curious about the title :3 "Lian" well it turned out to be the name of the girl. hehe! new reader here /popsout/
Leosaloner #5
Axdfvhnkhh more please!!! :D:D
Leosaloner #6
Love this story!! Can't wait for the next chapter :D