Chapter 25. Super Junior, M Countdown



A few days had passed since Strong Heart. I was still in the dark about my little problem with Yongguk, but I had decided to let it go, for now. Today we would visit M Countdown, partly to encourage Super Junior, but mainly for us to get used to the environment, and to get to know the way things worked here. So right now we were practicing, just like Super Junior, though in different rooms, and once they left for M Countdown we would too. Today we would follow them all around, in all the preparations. I was kind of exited, B.A.P was still promoting too, maybe I would have the chance to greet them again, and if I was really lucky I would be able to ask Yongguk about last time.


Around lunch we were told to get ready and we left for the show. We quickly got in the van and our manager rode us to the studio. When we reached it, it was already busy with people working, though the show did not start until 8 o’clock. We followed our manager inside and walked through a hallway full of doors on either side. All doors were labeled with the names of the artists which were allowed to use the space to prepare. Right now the artists slowly arrived, in about an hour or two the first rehearsal would take place, after that the artists had about four hours to prepare for their stage, which was an awful tight schedule. We reached the rooms of Super Junior, they had been appointed to two rooms next to each other, no room was large enough to be able to take on ten guys.


I opened the first door, the room was stuffed. The members were all in the same room, either relaxing or playing around. When they noticed they had company they looked up. Sujin was the first to recollect, “Annyeong hasseo, we are HANA.” We all bowed, still a bit uncomfortable in de company of so many men. Kyuhyun looked at Leeteuk, hesitant of how to react. But Leeteuk soon broke the silence, “Yes, Lee So Man informed us that you would be tailing along this week.” He smiled encouragingly, “Please make yourself comfortable.” When we remained in the door, uncertain of what to do or where to sit down in the over crowded room, Leeteuk looked back at Kyuhyun. “Kyu would you show them around?” Kyuhyun didn’t seem very happy, “why me? I want to play!” He pouted, pointing at his phone in his hands. Leeteuk looked at him, scolding “and take Donghae with you. Otherwise you would do nothing but goofing around anyway.” His tone made it clear he didn’t allow any objection.


We followed Kyuhyun and Donhae down the corridor, our manager had said something about a meeting and had left us. I felt a bit uncomfortable, since kyuhyun had not wanted to show us around, and I felt like I was a burden. But when Kyuhyun turned around to explain us something about the show he smiled widely. His mood had shifter 100 percent. Donghae walked next to me, and Kyuhyun was walking in the front, and the other members were walking between us. I looked around curiously, it was all so crowded, everyone was moving past us, and heading to a unknown destination for an important task. “Everyone is so professional” I commented to no one in particular. Donghae looked down at me. He chuckled, “soon you will be the same and you will be used to all the hassle.” “Hyung let’s visit BoA unni.” Kyuhyun shouted, exited. I had never met her in person, and had almost forgotten she was promoting too.


Kyuhyun happily opened the door and we followed behind him. The room was brightly lid, and it was very quiet in side. Only a few people were present, I recognized some of the make-up artist who had worked with us for our music video too. In the back BoA was sitting comfortably on the couch next to a younger boy. He was tall and slim, he looked a bit masculine, but not that much, just enough to give him a healthy look. He had light brown hair, and he smiled widely as soon as he noticed us. He cautiously rose from the couch, careful not to wake up BoA. “Hey, how are you doing”, he greeted Kyuhyung and Donghae. After he had greeted them he noticed us too. “And who are you?” he asked politely. “We are HANA.” Sujin introduced us quickly. “Ah, I remember, the new group right?” We nodded, a bit uncertain with the way he expressed it. His tone didn’t sound very unfriendly, but the choice of words made it sound a bit, unpleasant.


We exchanged a few words before we were interrupted by the manager of BoA. “The practice will begin soon.” She told Taemin, and she looked up at Donghae and Kyuhyun, “I think it would be best if you go back to your room too.” We nodded, and while we walked to the door I saw Taemin wake BoA up. The door closed with a click and I followed the others back to the rooms of Super Junior. While we were walking Kyuhyun kept pointing at stuff and he continuously explained different aspects of the show and the building. When we almost reached the rooms of Super Junior Donghae interrupted him, “You know,” he started while he turned to me and Sujin, “if you want to you can go and watch the practice of the other artists, we will only prepare a bit for now, the real lesson lays in the performance, and in the preparations just before the live show.” He exchanged glances with Kyuhyun, “I don’t think it is necessary for them to see us goof around and just relax.” Kyuhyun agreed, “if you go down the hall and then left, you walk down the small stairs and you reach the stage and the audience seats. Just go sit there and watch the practice.” He quickly glanced at his phone, “I think they will start any minute.” We quickly thanked Kyuhyun and Donghae and followed the stream of people who were walking to the stage. We simply followed them and sat down in the seats meant for the audience later tonight.


Just as we sat down the first group walked on the stage. The lights went out, and the group prepared for the start of the song. The reason for a practice was for the technicians to be able to checkup on the light show, and to adjust where necessary. Also the camera people would note down the highlights that they needed to catch, and other notes which they would need to do perfect during the live show. The artists didn’t really need a practice or prescreening, they had practiced enough in the months before the promotion. Still for us it was a nice opportunity to grasp a bit of the air around the stage and to get used to it.


I didn’t really know all the groups, though I had heard some of the songs on the radio while being driven around Seoul. Of course the only one I was waiting for was B.A.P, after about 5 artists it was finally their turn. With much self control I could contain my fan spasms, they were so focused and professional, it was hard to believe they were just rookies like us. My eyes kept following Yongguk’s every movement, I was hooked by his charisma, but still that trigger of our last meeting kept ringing in the back of my head. I still could think of a way how he could know of the battle, let alone my duo dance with Kibum. A light blush crept on my face again. I really should think before I act next time. He couldn’t have been there, could he? His eyes met mine, and he smirked, I quickly looked away, hoping he wouldn’t notice the increasing blush on my face.



I feel like this really was a crap chapter, I am sorry T^T

I will try harder on the next chapters, please forgive me xD


OMG I dreamed about Yongguk tonight

Im so happy right now xDD (first time dreaming about my bias!)


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Wohoooo Almost reaching the end! I think this story will finish around 60 chapters! Please keep reading and commenting


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Solitario #1
Chapter 50: Oye! Big chapter, curious to see how you have yongguk deal with this new info XD
Solitario #2
Chapter 47: I hope she makes up with the boys of BAP soon! :) good update :D
Solitario #3
Chapter 45: I wanna hug Lian right now! Aw :/
haha! got curious about the title :3 "Lian" well it turned out to be the name of the girl. hehe! new reader here /popsout/
Leosaloner #5
Axdfvhnkhh more please!!! :D:D
Leosaloner #6
Love this story!! Can't wait for the next chapter :D