Chapter 34. Latte Caramello Light



“So what are your plans for the individual activities?” I chewed my last spoon of rice and grabbed a salad, “I don’t know yet, you?” Jinae sighed, “I don’t know either. I would love to try acting, but also modeling or even commercials would seem fun…” Her voice trailed off while she lost track of her thoughts. I crunched on my salad, thinking about it. We had just visited Lee So Man, and he had told us to make up our mind about our individual activities which would follow up our debut prior to our next comeback. Next week we would have to tell Lee So Man what kind of individual activities we would prefer. I was already majoring in dance, so I wanted to do something else… While I was still pondering about the question my phone suddenly vibrated, when I fished it out of my bag I noticed I had a new message.


“Hi Lian, Whatcha doing? ~Zelo” I snickered, obviously he had stolen my number from Yongguk’s phone. I was surprised the message was in English, and decided to play along for a bit, and since I partly grew up in the states English was no problem for me. “Hi Zelo, I’m having lunch with the other members. And I’m thinking about what I should do for individual activities, what do you think about me composing? XD” Once I sent the message there was a silence, and I finished my salad, just when I rose to throw the package away my phone vibrated again. “Yah, why did you answer in English? I was trying so hard to translate it, my teacher took my phone and read out the message to the whole class… So embarrassing T^T. It sound great though, you should try it, Yongguk-hyung is composing all the time!” I snickered, “Mianhe, are you at school?” Just seconds after I sent it I received a reply again, “Yes, and you saved me from falling asleep, I rather rap instead of going to school. But it’s good to see my friends again =3. I think you would be great at composing by the way!” I quickly texted him back while walking behind Nana to the gym, “I’ll give it a try then xD. Thanks, and good luck at school. I am going to the gym now, maybe talk to you later. Bye~” I pushed the sent button just when we walked through the doors of the gym. The rest of the cardio and condition training the thought kept lingering in my thoughts. Even when we were finished and we returned to the dorm, broken from tiredness, the thought about composting wouldn’t disappear from my mind.




When I woke up the next morning I had somehow made up my mind. I didn’t have any experience with composing other than the compulsory lessons I had followed in the US, though I was scared of messing up, I was also excited to be able to make my own songs for us. Today we would start our last week of promotions, I was a bit sad thinking about it. We had just met them, en were already saying our goodbye’s this week. I promised myself to work my hardest at composing and to bring our fans the best present.




Today we were one of the first to arrive at M Countdown. I hadn’t talked to anyone of BAP since I had texted with Zelo three days ago. I felt a bit sad, and also like they had forgotten me, but my body acted without thinking when I recognized the tall boy in front of me. “ZELO!” I yelled through the hall. The head with pink hair stopped moving and turned around, waiting for me to catch up. “Annyeong Noona~” He greeted me as I approached him. “How are you Zelo? And your hyungs. I feel like haven’t talked to you in ages.” He smiled and continued walking towards the cafeteria. “We’re okay I guess.” He looked down again, with an cute pouting lip, “Lately they have been making me do all the errands. Will you help me, noona?” I answered his smile, “Of course!” We waited in the line together, though Zelo was about three years younger than me, he was almost one head taller, which made me feel less noona like. He ordered 7 coffee, “Do you want anything to drink too?” He asked, while digging in his wallet to grab some coins, “No, I’m fine, thanks.” We waited a bit for the coffee, and I said, “I hope you didn’t get in a lot of trouble for my text during your class?” Unexpectedly, he chuckled and met my eyes again. “No, no I didn’t. To y surprise he was a fan of HANA already, especially you. So he read out the text aloud, telling everyone how excellent your English was, and how other Idol’s should learn from that.” I burst out in laughter, when I was able to talk understandable again, “Well, I’m glad to hear we have fans, and that you got away without punishment.”


The drinks arrived and I helped Zelo carry the coffee back to the room of BAP. Once I could distinguish the door of our destination I realized we had one coffee extra. “Zelo,” He looked down at me, “why…” That was all I was able to say before the door slammed open and a girl with long brown hair walked out, in the opposite direction of ours. She didn’t see us, but I could already tell from only her back and the way she walked and the way she held her chin high that I would never really come to like her, whoever she might be. Zelo sighed, but didn’t say anything, he just entered the already open door, and after a moment of silence and surprise, I followed him inside.


“Annyeong~” I called as I entered. The atmosphere was kind of gloomy, awkwardly I looked down from the faces of the room to the three coffee cups I was holding. “Euhm..” I noticed Zelo had given Deahyun, Yongjae and Jongup a cup, and after that he sat down on the couch. “Who ordered Latte caramel light?” I asked hesitantly. Somehow the mood tensed up even more. Daehyun was the only one to answer. “Miss Latta Caramello Light just walked out for a important matter.” Maybe it was because I hadn’t heard Daehyun talk that much before, or else I would have sworn his voice sounded bitter and sarcastic. Still confused I handed the other regular coffee cup’s too Daehyun and Himchan. Lastly I approached Yongguk, he was staring at the mirror, not talking or moving, his stare was no joke. If he would ever glare at me like that I would run like hell. I decided not to push my luck anymore on the subject, and walked back to the only positive aura in the room. “Zelo, what should I do with this?” Pointing at the remaining coffee I was holding. He looked up at me and his eyes got a hard glance on them, before they softened again and he said, “There is no point in saving it, you can have it, or you can throw it away.”


The chair Yongguk had been sitting on suddenly clattered over the floor and the angry leader looked at Zelo, fury in his eyes. “What did you say?” Zelo also stood, even though he was younger his length benefitted him. He walked up to Yongguk, their noses almost touching as Zelo looked down on his leader, he repeated, “There is no point in saving it. She can have it, or throw it away.” He pronounced every word extra clearly. Yongguk grabbed his collar, “What do you mean with that?” He shacked the maknae, for a much a possible, “Huh?!” The other members were watching, with an worried eye, not sure what to do. Yongguk raised his voice, “What do you mean with that, Zelo!” He was still glaring in Zelo’s eyes, furious with his maknae. Zelo remained calm and just looked back in the dark eyes of his leader. Instead of calming down Yongguk grew even more furious, as if that was even possible, and he strengthened his hold on the collar of Zelo. Zelo didn’t whince, but I could see his face growing a bit more red.


“Yah!” I yelled as I jumped in between them, pushing Yongguk away from Zelo. Zelo was surprised by his sudden release, and lost his balance, luckily Jongup was able to catch him in his fall. I stared in the dark eyes of the leader, furious about his actions. He just looked at me, the mad glare in his eyes had faded a bit, and he looked at the little girl in front of him, with the dark black long haircut. He was shocked that the little girl had so much strength hidden under those petite arms. “Yah, Yongguk. What do you think you are doing?!” I stepped closer to him, poking him in the chest with my index finger. “Are you out of your mind or something?! Why did you grab him like that, did he do anything to deserve such a treatment? Huh?!” I kept staring in his dark eyes, which just seemed to stare in mine without really registering anything. “Yah! Are you even listening?” Yongguk blinked and his gaze softened as his eyes glided from my face to the scene behind me. “Well, obviously you realize your actions now.” I scoffed at him, I stepped over the spilled latte caramel light on the floor “Are you sure you are fit for the position of leader?” I asked in my most sarcastic tone before slamming the door behind me.



Hello! I’m back again!

My school started again a week ago, so I’ve had some trouble finding time and inspiration for this chapter T^T

Please leave me some nice comments to help me with the next chapter <3

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Wohoooo Almost reaching the end! I think this story will finish around 60 chapters! Please keep reading and commenting


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Solitario #1
Chapter 50: Oye! Big chapter, curious to see how you have yongguk deal with this new info XD
Solitario #2
Chapter 47: I hope she makes up with the boys of BAP soon! :) good update :D
Solitario #3
Chapter 45: I wanna hug Lian right now! Aw :/
haha! got curious about the title :3 "Lian" well it turned out to be the name of the girl. hehe! new reader here /popsout/
Leosaloner #5
Axdfvhnkhh more please!!! :D:D
Leosaloner #6
Love this story!! Can't wait for the next chapter :D