Chapter 3. Bias!?



I panicked. WHAT?! I stared at the MC, he was signaling to the staff. I felt the blood drain from my face. Jinea poked me. “Come on!” she whispered in my ear. She gave me another push and I stood.


I heard the first tones of MAMA from EXO-K. I looked at my group members and then to EXO. My eyes found those of Beakhyun. He broke our contact and gave Kai a little push. Kai rose from his seat, and Changyeol followed him, and they walked to me. “It’s okay, calm down.” Kai reassured me. I took a deep breath. I had practiced before with Kai and Changyeol. They was a nice and great at dancing. I had enjoyed dancing with them. We exchanged one more look, and started at the exact same moment. Later I couldn’t remember how I did it, I barely knew the choreography, but I did it. The music ended and I smiled shyly while Kai and Changyeol and I bowed to the audience and the cameras. I sat down quickly and looked back at the MC. He was smiling at me. I smiled back, and noticed my nervousness was gone. Thank god for this great MC, he knew exactly how to make me at ease. “Wow I almost can’t believe this was live. And you have not prepared this?” He asked me, Kai and Changyeol, Kai was the one to answer. “No, we did not prepare this. We did dance this once or twice together when I was practicing late and HANA was still practicing too. But nothing more than that.” I smiled thankfully at Beakhyun, mentally thanking him for pushing Kai up too, so I wouldn’t have to do this alone.


I listened attentively while the MC was asking some more questions to us. “I am terribly sorry, but our time is almost up. One last question, for the upcoming group HANA. Who are your Idols?” There was a moment of silence, while the MC looked at our faces. “Let us start with the youngest!” Jinea blushed and slimed, “my Idols are TVXQ, I have been a fan since my childhood, I was terribly saddened when I heard of their breakup but it was like a dream come true when I was able to meet them at our company. I have great respect for them!” “That’s very nice, did they give you any encouraging words for your upcoming debut?” “Yes they did, they told me we could reach and overcome anything if we just kept giving our all.” “Great, let us move on to Lian, who is you Idol?” “Uhm…” I started, “I really have great respect for U-know. He..” I was not able to continue, because the other members of HANA interrupted me. “That’s not true,” Nana exclaimed, “she is a total BABY. She has all their albums. And when she is not practicing she watches all their performances and appearances.” I felt a blush heat my face. “Wow she is blushing, it must be true,” the MC commented, “who is your bias?” “B-Bang Yong Guk,” I stuttered. “Would you like to give him a video message?” I shook my head “so embarrassing…” But Nana interrupted me again, “awe come on!!” “Yeay come on,” shouted the audience. My blush grew, “O-Okay then.” I looked at the camera which was closest to me, “Hello Bang Yongguk, I hope you are doing well. Good luck with your upcoming comeback, Fighting!” As soon as I finished I covered my face in embarrassment. The audience yelled and cried in excitement. I heard the MC continue with the others and their Idols, but I was too busy with calming myself down to notice too much of their conversations.


Soon after my embarrassing moment the show was done and we bowed a lot and went backstage again. All staff people were congratulating us on how great we did and that we did a good job. I was relieved no one began about Bang, and I grew less worried and embarrassed. That was until I saw Beakhyun walk towards me.

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Wohoooo Almost reaching the end! I think this story will finish around 60 chapters! Please keep reading and commenting


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Solitario #1
Chapter 50: Oye! Big chapter, curious to see how you have yongguk deal with this new info XD
Solitario #2
Chapter 47: I hope she makes up with the boys of BAP soon! :) good update :D
Solitario #3
Chapter 45: I wanna hug Lian right now! Aw :/
haha! got curious about the title :3 "Lian" well it turned out to be the name of the girl. hehe! new reader here /popsout/
Leosaloner #5
Axdfvhnkhh more please!!! :D:D
Leosaloner #6
Love this story!! Can't wait for the next chapter :D