Chapter 23. B.A.P?!



“Bwoh?” I almost yelled, but luckily Sujin kicked my chair just in time for me to remember we were on a show, and that all cameras were rolling. I quickly composed my face while I followed the example of Jinae. Three boy’s entered, whom I could never not recognize. Bang Yongguk was the first to enter, and behind him followed Himchan and Jongup. When they sat down, we finally stopped clapping and the MC returned to his questions. “Welcome, welcome. We are happy you could be here.” Yongguk smiled his wide and dorky smile, “No, we are happy you invited us.” The introduction went on a bit longer, until the MC asked another question to Yongguk. “Were you able to see their performance from back stage?” He looked curiously around  the faces of B.A.P. This time Himchan answered, “Yes, were had a pretty good view, and wow they were good.” He looked swiftly to us, and smiled warmly, “We are honored they had chosen our song. Since we are not that known ourselves yet.”


Jongup filled in, “I was very surprised when I heard about the ‘maybe’ rookie group which had had a dance performance on the streets, but even more when I watched it and noticed they had used our song. I felt really happy. You know, it feels like you have reached a certain point, on which people who like you of your music so much they start covering it.”  The MC nodded, “It must have felt great to find out. I can understand that. Currently you are promoting No mercy, am I right?” “Yes we are, but soon we will finish up the promotions, somewhere around the second week of September.” “Do you already have plans for follow up promotions?” “Yes, after No Mercy we will do promotions with a different song from our first mini album,” Himchan smirked a geeky smile, “though we can’t reveal which song yet, I am sure the fan’s will like the new image we will display.” Bang Yongguk nodded and added. “After that we will slow down a bit, since the schools will be starting again and because we are all still going to school we will be a lot busier. Also we will focus on improving ourselves and maybe even do some individual or duo activities.” Jongup filled in on him, “Of course this doesn’t mean we won’t be promoting during school, but that we are taking some time to prepare for our next comeback. Personally I think going to school is very important, since we all go to music schools, we learn useful things in school. I really am looking forward to the new school year, and I hope that I can make new friends, even though I will be away a lot and that I am a Idol.” He looked a bit awkward, “omo, it sounds weird calling myself an Idol” he said smiling. “But well you are, so you are going to have to get used to it,” the younger MC replied smiling.


The conversation drifted from B.A.P’s current song to their popularity. After that the MC’s continued the conversation about the trainee years and the road the individual artists had been trough on their way to stardom. My attention drifted a bit, and I just kept on looking in the direction of the speaker, so I would stay unnoticed. Glam, Hello Venus and Nu’est were discussing the first stages and their experiences. When there fell a silence Nana asked, “Do you have some advice for the first stage?” She had a joking tone, but her expression was honest too. Instead of Glam or Hello Venus, JR from Nu’est answered. “I think the best advice is to just enjoy. Being on stage is the best feeling you can get.” Yongguk nodded, he swiftly looked at us, his eyes gliding past us. My heart jumped, what would you expect if your bias looked directly at you. I nodded too, thinking about it. The MC seemed happily surprised by this turn, “I don’t really think you need to be scared of your debut,” he assured us, “judging by your performance just a few minutes ago I can tell you are all born to be on stage.” I smiled widely at this compliment. “I would like to know a bit more about your history, we just talked about those of Glam and Hello Venus, but how did you all end up under SM entertainment?”


I exchanged a glance with Sujin, and she caught in on my intentions, “Yes, we would be happy to tell you. Also we have a bit of an announcement to make.” She smiled cutely, “but that will have to wait till after our introductions I think.” The MC looked surprised, but of course he already knew what we would tell, the other artists though didn’t know. “I will start with introducing myself first properly. My name is Yi Su Jin, I am native Korean. I am 22 years old, and I am the leader and I am in charge of the main vocals of the group.” She smiled again at the camera as she grabbed the teaser picture from behind her chair.. “This is my teaser picture which has not been released yet.” The MC clapped, as Sujin turned the picture around. She placed the picture on her lap while she continued introducing herself. “Well I go to Seoul art’s High, and I entered SM Entertainment in 2006 after I successfully got though the audition program.” Nana followed up, “My name is Inoue Nana, I am in charge of the Lead vocals, I was born in Japan, on the countryside, but instead of taking over my dad’s farm I decided that I wanted to pursue a music career. And so I moved to Tokyo with my older sister. One day I participated in a contest and though I came in second, a representative from SM was interested and so I got scouted.” The MC interrupted, “was it not hard to persuade your parents? Who would take over the farm?” Nana smiled, “I have another younger brother, he promised me he would watch over our parents and that he would take care of the farm if dad wasn’t able anymore. And my older sister is a lawyer in Tokyo and she sometimes supports my parents financially. So once my parents heard of my dream they encouraged me to follow my dream and give the best I could to make it come true.” We all nodded, we knew the story of all, we had been together for so long. Yumi continued, “I think neither of us would be here without our parents. They have been such a big support to us all.” The other artists muttered in agreement too. “I am Yumi, the lead Rapper, I am from Japan too, and I met Nana in Tokyo, so we have known each other since way back. We are both 20 so we got along really well in a short time. We both participated in the same contest. But she was scouted sooner than I was. She kept telling me to keep up, but once I thought I would quit and I tried for the last time in a open audition for SM, I was finally excepted. I was so happy at that time that I didn’t realize the work had yet to begin.” We all laughed at her remark. While we introduced our selves we unveiled the teaser pictures that already had been released. I grabbed mine from behind my chair and turned it around. “My name is Lian, I am originally from the Netherlands, my father is Japanese and my mother is Korean. I also lived in the States with my mother for a while, until I got scouted by Beakhyun.” The MC seemed surprised

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Wohoooo Almost reaching the end! I think this story will finish around 60 chapters! Please keep reading and commenting


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Solitario #1
Chapter 50: Oye! Big chapter, curious to see how you have yongguk deal with this new info XD
Solitario #2
Chapter 47: I hope she makes up with the boys of BAP soon! :) good update :D
Solitario #3
Chapter 45: I wanna hug Lian right now! Aw :/
haha! got curious about the title :3 "Lian" well it turned out to be the name of the girl. hehe! new reader here /popsout/
Leosaloner #5
Axdfvhnkhh more please!!! :D:D
Leosaloner #6
Love this story!! Can't wait for the next chapter :D