Chapter 50. Irony



My heart felt so much lighter, happy to have finally told him what’s been on my mind. I know he kind of rejected me, but at the moment I couldn’t care. I had apologized, told the truth, and I was ready for my stage with Baekhyun! I passed the members of B.A.P briefly in the hallway, smiling broadly at them. “Sorry I have to prepare.” I said as I walked by, Zelo called after me, “But Noona, you aren’t scheduled for another performance tonight!” I called back while I waved, “It’s a surprise”


I knocked at the door of EXO, and opened it. Though it was a room for twelve, only four boys were in there. The first to greet me was Kris, I hadn’t seen him since I had had dinner together with HANA and EXO. “Hi Kris!” I hugged him, though I felt empty and relieved at the same time I could only feel happy to see them again. I noticed Baekhyun looking at me, I smiled and winked, “Actually I’m here to kidnap Baekhyun.” The other three boys looked at Baekhyun questioningly. He smiled at me, with a playful frown. “I don’t want to be kidnapped.” I smiled wide, “You can come with me in peace or I’ll use my secret weapon.” He arched a brow, “And that’d be?” “Oh, you know, my irresistibility?” He burst out laughing. And I flicked him on the forehead, “Yah, do you think I’m funny? Come!” I grabbed his ear softly, but he quit laughing immediately. “I know, I’m sorry, I’m coming. Don’t pull!” With a smirk I lightly tugged his ear. “Hurry my prisoner.”


At the door I waved at Kris and the other boys, I smiled sweetly, “See you later.” I opened the door and dragged Baekhyun after me, still holding his ear, but as soon as I opened the door I let go of his ear. Baekhyun straightened, and looked eye to eye with Yongguk, while I was only as high as his chest, almost touching it with my nose. Yongguk broke his glare at Baekhyun, and looked down at me. I could see Zelo behind Yongguk making an apologetic face, it was crystal clear Yongguk had stormed over here. I looked back up at him, “Would you move aside Yongguk-shi, we would like to continue on our way.” Even to my own ears I sounded business like and annoyed, well I was annoyed. “What are you doing with him?” I looked back at him, glaring even. “I’m hanging out with friends from my company. Why would you care?” He ignored the last part, “Are you going on a date.” Surprised I answered, “Even if we were, it’s none of your business.” I tugged Baekhyuns sleeve. “We are going to be late.” He smiled down at me, and I walked past Yongguk, I noticed Baekhyun was still standing next to Yongguk, he seemed to whisper something. “Come on, we have to hurry!” Baekhyun smirked, and followed after me.




Lian tugs my sleeve, and I nod and smile down at her. She walks past us and I look up at Yongguk expressionless face, “You didn’t know what you had,” I let a deliberate pause fall, “until you lost it.” His expression changes, from shock to anger to pain. I smirk and walk past him, carefully knocking shoulders with him as I do. I whisper under my breath, “Lian, you’ll notice love is just in front of you.”




The lights dim and the last artists depart the stage. I quiver with excitement, the last stage will be now, the program said it would be a surprise performance. I tip on my toes to look over the heads in front of me just as the lights flip on. I scream at the top of my lungs. There are two people standing on the stage, well the is sitting on a chair I the middle her long black hair draped over her shoulders concealing her face, and the boy is standing in the shadows in the back, with his back turned to the public. I focus on the girl, and I realize who she is as the music starts. “Lian!!!!” I yell at the top of my lungs. I can’t control my excitement as the song which has been on nonstop replay on my phone drums through the venue. She raises her face, sorrow written all over it. “Boy, why can’t you see my feelings?” The guy in the back walks forward as Lian lets down her hair again and looks down. “Girl, why don’t you know, how you make me feel inside?” Baehyun walks around Lian’s chair and vanishes back in the background again as Lian brings her mic back to her lips. “How ironic, I receive so much love, but it’s all meaningless without yours.” The music continues to tell about her unrequited love, and Baekhyun and Lian keep evading each other. Until the bridge, Baekhyun steps forward, falling in with his lines, together with Lians. They slowly dance around each other, moving closer and closer as the song progresses.


When I recognize the last part of the song Lian and Baekhyun embrace, and a sigh fills the room, but just before the last notes Baekhyun pulls back from the embrace and leans down, placing his lips on Lians. Well that’s what it seems like from here, it’s probably fake like always. I sigh as the music died out and the lights dim again. For the last time I clap my hands and scream my excitement towards the stage.




The stage is almost done, at least our lines are done, and the embrace feels warm and secure, in the warm and strong arms of my friend. He nuzzles his face closer to my ear and whispers, barely hearable, “I’ll help you forget about him. Give me a chance.” Shocked I try to pull back, I’m not ready for a new relationship, or am I? Either way, I don’t want to use Baekhyun to forget about Yongguk. He was the only one who saw right through my façade. He didn’t deserve for me to treat him like that. Instead of pulling away I hugged him tighter, he was the best friend I could wish for. The last tones of the music ended, and just before the lights dimmed I loosened my hug on Baekhyun, he followed my example, but instead of letting go of me, his hands traveled up to my face. With both of his hands on either side of my face he guided me closer, his breath felt hot on my lips, and my heart stopped. Just as the lights fully dimmed, and darkness engulfed us, his lips touched mine.


My heart and ears had stopped working.  The seconds he held me felt like eternity. I was surrounded by warmth, the hands of the boy who loved me still on my face, as if he was scared I would run away. Without thinking I responded my circling my arms around his neck, pulling him even closer to me. Suddenly I was pulled back to earth, the screams were thunderous, and my heart was beating quick. Baekhyun pulled away, and even though it was too dark to see clearly, I think I saw a smile play around the corners of his lips. He guided me to the side of the stage, and we walked down the step, his hand still lingering on my back. “I’ll see you after the show, I have to hurry back to EXO, you know, for the award and goodbye stage.” I looked up, smiling honestly and carefree, “Bye.” He hesitated, but it would be asking for a scandal if he kissed me here in the open again. Instead he patted me on my head, ruffling my hair, before he left to find s. I shook my head, and turned to search for the other HANA members.




My hands tightened on the glass I was holding. The lights dimmed out, but just before it was fully dark I could see the people on stage lock lips. Ugh, disgusting. I put down my glass with unnecessary force and rose from the couch, pacing around the room. Annoyed and angry, why did she only tell me AFTER she had moved on. Suddenly I bumped into Himchan, surprised I was momentarily distracted from my anger. His expression was far from pleasant, one advice, you don’t want to see our ullzang angel angry. He stared in my eyes, he was the only one of the group with the exact same length as me, the others were mainly shorter, except our gigantic maknae. He kept glaring, and whispered under his voice, clearly trying to keep the others out of this conversation. “Why are you so angry Yongguk? You have a girlfriend remember? You didn’t like her, or so you kept telling yourself. And now you notice someone else does appreciate her.” He inched closer, “You have no right at all to be angry at her. Now, gather your members, and man up, cause we are going to go to the award ceremony and we are going to be happy and we are going to smile.” He paused, still staring in my eyes, “Understood?” I said some curse under my breath, and then I sighed, putting on a fake smile. “Better.” With an artificial happy tone I called out louder, “Yah, let’s go to the award stage. Get your lazy asses movin’” I smiled at Himchan, though it wasn’t really truthful, “After you Umma.” I held the door for him, and he proudly walked past me, ignoring my tone. I sighed, really one of these days I would get brain damage thanks to these guys. Well, I had to admit to myself, he had a point. But as I watched his strait back, I decided he didn’t need me to tell him that. I snickered in my mind, no need to make him more arrogant.



How did you like this chapter? Finally progression in the LianxBaekhyun couple XD.

Which couple do you prefere? Mouhahah, I might listen to you, though I have the main thread thought out already, I’m open for changes.


Please look forward to the upcoming chapters, and keep subscribing and commenting to let me know what you thought of the latest chapter!


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Wohoooo Almost reaching the end! I think this story will finish around 60 chapters! Please keep reading and commenting


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Solitario #1
Chapter 50: Oye! Big chapter, curious to see how you have yongguk deal with this new info XD
Solitario #2
Chapter 47: I hope she makes up with the boys of BAP soon! :) good update :D
Solitario #3
Chapter 45: I wanna hug Lian right now! Aw :/
haha! got curious about the title :3 "Lian" well it turned out to be the name of the girl. hehe! new reader here /popsout/
Leosaloner #5
Axdfvhnkhh more please!!! :D:D
Leosaloner #6
Love this story!! Can't wait for the next chapter :D