Chapter 19. Crazy Days



The next week was crazy. There was still so much to do for our debut. The day after the meeting we had our first makeover and shoot for the album, after that we had an interview, and after the interview we went straight to the filming set, where we kept filming the dance routine until three in the morning. The next day we continued with the filming of the close-up scenes and the story scenes, the rest of the day we practiced our asses of, for the third day of shooting. The third day we rose at about 4 in the morning, after only 3 hours of sleep, and went to the hair and make-up for the second time. Then we rushed to the filming set and continued filming until four in the morning again. We were all exhausted, and the debut still had to come. Luckily we got the fourth day the morning off, to recover, and after lunch we went back to do the last photo shoot. While we practices our managing team montage the music video and checked if we had to redo some parts.


While we were busy, the marketing team was even busier. Im Donghyun had officially been appointed as our chief of marketing, and he had decided we would debut within a month, the sooner the better, if we wanted to make use of the current interest. The day after the meeting had been, SM had announced that indeed we were the group dancing in the fancam’s. SMENT had officially stated an apology to the police, and asked for legal actions which we would accept. The police however had dropped all charge within the speaking, “all kids do some rash things, we will let it slip this time.” Of course that was not the whole story, because the police was way too scared to charge SM Entertainment.


As soon as Donghyun had confirmed with our stylists on our concept he went to prepare the teaser material and especially the planning. I was glad I didn’t need to remember all the dates, it was so much and in such a rush. It came down to the fact that as soon as we had finished shooting the first shoot our profile pictures would be decided, edited and prepared for release. The day of the dance controversy and the board meeting had been the 4th of august, on the fourth it had also been confirmed that HANA was the group in the video and that we would be making our debut soon. Starting from the eight of august our teaser images would be released one after another. After that we would make an appearance on a variety show, where the last teaser image would be released, the one of Sujin. Along with the release of the last teaser image we would announce our debut showcase and the debut dates. The week after that we would engage ourselves with practicing at the day and at the evening we would visit the music shows. This would be from the 16th till the 20th, partly to encourage Boa and her comeback, but mainly to get used to the area and to the feeling of the different broadcasting stages. Then the week after we would prepare for our debut showcase, and our music video teasers would be released. And then on the first of September we would finally officially debut.


I couldn’t believe how fast time was rushing by. At one point I was getting my first make-up and hair make over, and the second moment I would already be finished with the shooting of our music video. The days were all connected to each other and I couldn’t recall the last time I had had a decent night of sleep. When we had more than 4 hours of sleep I would be lying in bed, eyes wide open in total shock of the happenings of the past day. The day’s were getting blurry, and I couldn’t tell you if today was Monday of Friday. The only thing I knew how much we had done, and how much still needed to be done. On the few rare occasions that we had half a day of recovery we all hung around the dorm and kept pretty silent, we would watch TV, but mostly we would catch up on our sleep.


I stared at the ceiling, my brain was still working slow, but my eyes wouldn’t close anymore. Finally I decided to get out and get dressed, we would leave in at least 30 minutes anyway. I glanced at my phone, 4:15 11 aug, so by today three of our teaser pictures would have been released. I had not even had the time nor occasion to check up on the reactions about our teasers. By now Nana’s, Mine and Yumi’s pictured had been released, today at midnight Jinea’s would be released, but we would probably still be in the practice room by then. I dragged myself to the bathroom and the shower. I threw off my nightgown and let the cold water wash away my sleepiness. Today we would have the whole day for practice. I actually had grown to love those days. Just me and my friends doing the choreography and singing over and over again. We didn’t talk much anymore during practice, we all worked on automatic pilot. I stepped out of the shower and felt much more awake now. I heard some stumbling, and I concluded the other members were getting up now too.


It had quite surprised me at how good everyone coped with the lack of sleep. We all got less talkative, but we hadn’t had any fights, yet. I left the bathroom and went to prepare the bag’s of everyone. We didn’t need to bring much, because water and food were prepared by SM, even our breakfast. The only things we needed to bring was our phones, and maybe our laptop if we wanted to record and review our performance. I was planning to bring mine to do so, and maybe to checkup on the comments from the citizens about our teasers. I also prepared a big thermos can of coffee, even Jinea had grown to like it, but only with lots of sugar. I smiled to myself as I threw in the home made chocolates my mum had sent to me, it had been her birthday about a week ago. I had called her and she had told me she had prepared a little gift for me and my friends since we had been working so hard. Chocolate is always good for the mood. My mom had probably known it was almost time for my period, which I couldn’t survive without chocolate, and indeed she had been right luckily today was already the last day, so I decided my members could use some mood lifter too.


The doorbell rang, and from every room the faces of my friends appeared, still a bit sleepy. They walked after me to the door and down the stairs to our manager, she seemed tired too, but also glowing with excitement since she was so happy for us that we would debut soon. I smiled weakly at her before I got in the van.



Please bear with me for this boring chapter, I just felt like I needed to explain the planning for their debut, or everything would have gotten so messy. T^T

The next few chapters will be more interesting

I promise


Love my silent readers, commenter’s and my subscribers <3

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Wohoooo Almost reaching the end! I think this story will finish around 60 chapters! Please keep reading and commenting


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Solitario #1
Chapter 50: Oye! Big chapter, curious to see how you have yongguk deal with this new info XD
Solitario #2
Chapter 47: I hope she makes up with the boys of BAP soon! :) good update :D
Solitario #3
Chapter 45: I wanna hug Lian right now! Aw :/
haha! got curious about the title :3 "Lian" well it turned out to be the name of the girl. hehe! new reader here /popsout/
Leosaloner #5
Axdfvhnkhh more please!!! :D:D
Leosaloner #6
Love this story!! Can't wait for the next chapter :D