Chapter 29. Sleeping beauty




Just a little explanation, the ~~~~ are the indication of a different POV, and when it is written in Italic’s (not strait)  you will know it is a different POV than from Lian. I hate writing POV Baekhyun or POV Sujin, so just find out who it is xD bit of a mystery.



I strolled through the hallway, unable to find what I was looking for, until I saw a bright red hairdo. “Sujin-shi!” She turned around and waited for me to catch up to her, “Anyeong hasseo,” I bowed slightly, “Have you seen Lian?” She seemed surprised, “Last time I saw her, she went to get coffee.” She looked at her phone, “but that’s about an hour ago. I think she went back to the backstage room of our sunbae’s” “Okay thanks, I will look there.” I walked off, but suddenly remembered something, ”Good luck on your debut showcase next week!” “Thanks we will give it our best”


I hurried back trough the hallway, stopping in front of the room which was labeled Super Junior. I took a deep breath, hoping she would be alone, and I pushed against the door. At first sight the room seemed empty, disappointment washed over me. I got startled when I heard a soft sound, on my toes I crept closer to the sound. It seemed to come from around the corner. Cautiously I looked around the corner and I relaxed immediately. A small figure was sleeping on the couch, curled up in a ball she was hugging her legs. I felt a warm smile form onto my face, such a innocent expression was on her face. I walked a bit closer, I noticed she shivered a bit. Idiot, you will catch a cold before you even debuted. I walked back into the larger room again and grabbed a blanket from the closet. Carefully I lay it on her, she hugged the blanket, aigo she looks so cute. I realized she was holding her phone in her hand, and she was listening to music. Careful not to wake her, I took her phone and looked at the song. I was surprised, she was listening to Voicemail, which I had composed. My heart jumped a bit, and I felt a warm waive wash over me. She really was a fan of me, was this how it felt to really meet a fan? I smiled as I places her phone back on the table. I walked back to the door, I would talk to her later, I couldn’t bring myself to ruin her sleep. It was obvious she was exhausted, I remembered my debut, and how many times I had dozed off in the backstage room.




I felt an tap on my shoulder, as I turned around I found myself in front of an beautiful boy. His whole face smiled at me, his eyes sparkling. “Annyeong~” “Beakhyun!” I yelled, “it has been so long. How have you been? How was the concert? How did the fan’s react?” ”Wowow, I can’t answer all at the same time.” He chuckled, “why don’t we grab something to drink with the other members, and relax a bit in the room of our sunbae’s?” “Sure, I will go get the others and the drinks, I think Lian is already there. You can wait with her.” I happily strolled off, before I realized I had just sent Yongguk there too. I pause in my passes, wondering why he was searching for Lian in the first place. I shrugged and continued my search for the others, it probably wasn’t that important anyway.




I hurried trough the corridor, exited to meet my friend again. Since their debut date had been announced they had been so busy with preparing. Of course I still remembered my debut, and I wanted to offer some distraction to HANA. It was such a exhausting and nerve wrecking period for every Idol. I passed a few known faces, and greeted and nodded to them. As I reached I saw a familiar back turn around the corner. I had no reason to think or suspect he had been to this exact door, but somehow I just had the feeling he had just left the room I was about to enter. I knocked the door and twisted the knob.




I heard a click from the door, and I opened my eyes. Where was I? I looked around the room, and I remembered I was at Inikigayo. I looked down at myself, seeing a purple blanket, which I couldn’t recall I had grabbed. I was still a bit sleepy and my brain worked slowly, while I was trying to piece things together. I heard a soft knock and the sound of the door opening and falling closed again. I stood up from the couch and walked back into the room. “Lian?” I heard a familiar voice call, I soon saw his face as I walked around the corner. “Baekhyun!” I yelled, “what are you doing here?”I almost stumbled as I rushed towards him. He caught me in my fall and helped me up again. “Still as clumsy.” He remarked, “I am here to check up on you guys of course.” He smiled at me, ”Let’s sit down, Sujin is fetching the others and she is bringing coffee.” I nodded and sat down at one of the couches. ”Nice, by the way why did you just leave?” He looked at me, without a clue what I was talking about. “I just arrived…”I frowned. “Just before you arrived I heard the door close, and I woke up. Also I was covered in a blanket, which I don’t recall grabbing.” There was a silence, “Maybe one of the members of Super Junior came to fetch something and found you sleeping, thus covered you.” His eyes still stood distant, as if he was thinking about something.




Maybe he did indeed just leave the room. I still wasn’t sure, so I couldn’t tell her, and somehow I also didn’t want them to become too close. He gave me the creeps, especially the way he treated girls.




Our silence was interrupted by the door opening again. Sujin, Nana, Yumi and Jinae all entered one after another. Holding drinks and sandwiches. “Hmmm,” I said, “I’m starving from all this socializing.” As they all sat down, I attacked the nearest sandwich. “Yum, mozzarella cheese, my favorite.” I gave a thumbs up to Yumi. “I told you she wanted that one.” Yumi commented to Nana. I smiled at their little argument. If you didn’t know us you’d think we were a bad combination for a group, but all our arguing actually kept us together. We were able to tell each other our problems and disagreements instead of just locking it up inside, which would cause more damage later on.


I just listened to the conversation for a while, still waking up a bit. “So what are you doing lately, Baekhyun?” Sujin asked. He finished taking an sip from his drink while thinking about the question. “Well we, EXO, finished up promoting a few months ago already. And we been given the freedom to practice our skills some more for our next comeback. Also EXO-M will be coming back to Korea soon, to prepare with us again. Currently the plans are that we will make a comeback around November. And I think during those promotions we will be extra busy since Gayo Daejaejun will be coming up then too.” I looked at Sujin, “Do you know anything of the plans? You know for Gayo Daejaejun?” I excitedly added, “Maybe we will perform family stages again like last year!” The others gasped, “That would be so awesome!” “I guess that will be part of the plan, but I also heard something else.” We fell silent, curious what Baekhyun was hinting at. “What do you mean?” Baekhyun snickered as he noticed our increased attention. “I am not sure though, but I think I heard something about collaboration with outsiders, you know artists from other company’s” Just in an instant I imagined working with Yongguk, but I shrug off the thought. That was impossible, I knew very well that if one of us would work with a rapper like him it would be Nana. Yongguk’s voice fit very well with higher voices, and my range didn’t even compare to hers. Still, “wow that would really help us, don’t you think?” I looked around at the others, “It would give us the chance to appeal to a larger group.” Jinae and Yumi nodded, we were all lost in thought for a moment.




I studied Romy her face, she seemed deep in thought and her face stood neutral, except her little wrinkle in between her eyebrows. I ripped my eyes away and looked at my phone. , “I’ll have to go.” My eyes met Romy’s again, “It was good to see you all again.” I sighed, “but I still have a schedule after this. I will see you soon again.” They quickly stumbled to get up, and gave me a group hug. “Thank you Baekhyun. For supporting us.” Sujin thanked me. I patted their back’s, I remembered my pre-debut days like yesterday and I knew it was a hard time. “Just remember to remain yourself and to talk to each other, everything will be okay then.” I felt them nod. “Good luck, and I will be rooting for you, just like all the other artists from the company.”




We let go of him and he walked to the door, “Bye~” He waved and opened the door. “Bye~” we called in unison. As the door closed I remembered something, I ran to the door “Baekhyun!” I saw a head with wavy hair turn in the middle of the hallway, “Don’t forget to tell Sulli that I really like her new drama.” I paused, he smiled and waved again, turning again. “And good luck to you too~!” He waived again as he continued to walk away.



Hey guy’s

How did you like this chapter? It’s extra long again~

Did you all see the drama Hana Kimi, but the Korean version.

I swear Sulli looks so much like Taemin O,O


Omo this is the first time I have gotten to chapter 30 xD

All the next chapters are going to be longer than before xD

(If I don’t we will probably reach about 100 chapters O,O and I am not going to do that to you xD. So that’s why the chapters will get longer)


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Wohoooo Almost reaching the end! I think this story will finish around 60 chapters! Please keep reading and commenting


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Solitario #1
Chapter 50: Oye! Big chapter, curious to see how you have yongguk deal with this new info XD
Solitario #2
Chapter 47: I hope she makes up with the boys of BAP soon! :) good update :D
Solitario #3
Chapter 45: I wanna hug Lian right now! Aw :/
haha! got curious about the title :3 "Lian" well it turned out to be the name of the girl. hehe! new reader here /popsout/
Leosaloner #5
Axdfvhnkhh more please!!! :D:D
Leosaloner #6
Love this story!! Can't wait for the next chapter :D