Chapter 53. Excitement?



It had been four weeks since I had visited the hospital. The tests didn’t have any kind of disturbing results, so I was free to train and perform again, though the doctor strongly advised me to evade excessive physical exercise. Well, the rest would have to wait until after the promotions with Bang Yongguk finished. I had been practicing with him every day lately, only this time at our building, especially the first day had been fun, since this time I was the one in lead.


At this point we practiced without the choreographer, we both knew the routine, the only problem was that we were not a team. I sighed, and sat down on the floor besides the music player, “we still have a lot of work to do.” He sat down against the mirrors and looked at me, or more stared at me. I couldn’t read his eyes, but his face was just as perfect as I had noticed while I had trained with him before. My feelings were different though. Instead of feeling small and secretly liking him, I had admitted my feelings and let them fade. I now had Baekhyun, but I would be lying if I said I didn’t have feelings left for the rapper sitting on the other side of the room with me.


The clock indicated it was just past 12, stiffly I stood up again, and walked over to him. I looked down on him as I stood before him, holding out my hand, “Let’s grab something to eat.” He lightly grabbed my hand, and let me help him up. Somehow our former relationship had kind of returned, though we laughed less, the silence was comfortable. When we just started training I had been surprised we had been so normal together, but later I realized it must have been because we were honest to each other, and I had to admit, I preferred this over ignoring and evading him. Of course Baekhyun had been surprised, angry and annoyed with the fact I was going to perform with him, but he seemed to have talked with Lee So Man, and they made some kind of agreement, though I was oblivious what the details were. I only knew it made Baekhyun smile whenever he thought of it, and when I asked him about it he merely smiled and answered, “You’ll see once you have finished promoting with Yongguk.”




Today was the last performance of the week, and I couldn’t wait to get it over with and find my bed again. I wouldn’t admit it, not even to myself, but I felt like I could collapse any moment. Next to the times I had to perform and practice I also started going to school more regularly too. And next week we would start our midterm exams. I was terrified to death, I hadn’t spent much time on school and though I lived in Korea for a few years now, my grammar and writing were way below level. With these worries and the minimum amount of sleep every night I felt my energy being drained away. I patted my cheeks as I looked in the mirror, “Tonight we will have a full night of sleep, just one more performance.” I plucked a bit at my hair, for the promotions with Yongguk we had died my hair a bright blond color while he had turned back to a dark brown color.


There was a knock on the door and I saw Yongguk enter, through the mirror. His eyes found mine, “Are you ready?” I shook my head, “Only my make-up, then I’m done.” He smirked, “You look awful, you know.” I smiled back, “thanks,” I replied, with a raised brow. “You don’t look bad yourself though.” I eyed his dark blue suit. He walked to me, sitting down in the chair next to me, and turned facing me, “I wasn’t talking about the outfit,” this tie he was the one eying me, “Which looks very good.” He was silent for a moment, then his eyes met mine again, his hand rose and he touched my cheek, “Have you been getting enough sleep? You really look like you could faint any minute…. What did the doctor say?” I looked away, just like a naughty kid would, but he lightly tugged my chin and made me look up to him again. I needed every part of my concentration to focus on his words, and ignore my heart. His eyes had a hard glare in them right now, “What did the doctor say?” He articulated every words extra clearly, and stared hard my in eyes. “U-uhm, h-he said,” I coughed and swallowed nervously, “He advised me to take some rest.” I started, hoping he would be content with this answer. He raised an eyebrow, “and?” I sighed giving in, “He strongly advised me to refrain from any kind of excessive physical exercise, dancing or performing in particular.” I sulked, glaring back at him. “Happy now?”


He let go of my chin and frowned, “Lian!” He sighed in frustration, “Geez, if you can’t perform you should have told. Did you think I wouldn’t notice your poor condition?” I ignored him, and grabbed my brush and foundation, “It doesn’t matter,” I said stubbornly, “After tonight we will have a few days free to rest and focus on school.” He muttered something under his breath and grabbed my hand with the brush, I looked from the mirror to him, raising my brows. He turned my face to him and took the foundation from me. “Stay still.” He carefully took a bit of the foundation on his brush, and started applying it on my face. I could only sit there, and stare at his perfect and concentrated face, as he continued to apply my make-up. “I’ll let you perform tonight.” He muttered, not looking at my eyes but my lips, which he was applying foundation around. “But only under my conditions.” He was silent for a moment again, working his way up with the foundation to my nose. He put down the brush and gabbed a small box, which contained concealer, “Look up,” he whispered, and it sent dangerous shivers down my spine. Lian, get a hold of yourself, you have a boyfriend!


When he finished the concealer he continued to apply foundation over it, followed by the rest of my face. “Today we will not do the dance routine.” I opened my eyes and looked in his stern eyes, and I realized I had no choice. “We will do the slower version you did with Baekhyun.” I frowned, but relaxed immediately when he stared brushing my brows, and drawing a bit of them back. “But we have never done that routine…” When it was decided I would promote with Yongguk we had made a quicker version of Ironic, a remix, and we had made a dance choreography around it. With Baekhyun I had performed the original version, which was more of a slow ballad. He smirked, “I’ll be fine, just wait and see. If you remember your part, everything will work out.” He continued applying my eyes makeup, and I closed my eyes, savoring his attention, his warm hands carefully working on my face.


When he was done with my eyes, his hands left my face for a while. I didn’t open my eyes yet, expecting him to continue shortly again. I was completely taken aback when instead of a lipstick, I felt his finger brush against my lips. His finger brushed against my lower lip, before being replaced by a pair of warm soft lips. I was shocked, not by his action, but by my reaction. My heart exploded and I responded naturally. I moved closer and my hand glided in the curl of his neck. His warmth heated me, and his sent oh his sent, it intoxicated me. I was no longer able to think clearly, all my mind was filled with was the beautiful man in front of me, locking lips with me. My hands moved up to his dark hair, and my fingers entwined in his locks. His lips left mine for a moment, and I breathed for air, before I crashed them back on his again, longing for his warmth. One of his hands was gently caressing my face, while this other lay on my hip. Without a thought I rose from my chair, and while I bent closer to him, I lifted my knee, placing it on his chair. I breathed for air, but he didn’t let me catch my breath, he put his lips on mine again, pulling me even closer to him. My lips were still parted from my ragged breathing, he parted his own lips, and if it was even possible my heart quickened even more. He kissed me, different form all the other kissed I had had in my life, it was so warm, and not only loving, but exiting too.


I was ripped back to reality by a knock on the door. I suddenly realized we were at the music show, and about to perform, and even more importantly, I had a boyfriend. Immediately I pulled away from Yongguk, taking a few steps back. Yongguk seemed shocked too, but I couldn’t see his face, he quickly got up and walked to the door. I turned my back to the door, facing the mirror again. “Wow,” I whispered as I saw the make-up Yongguk had applied on me. I look gorgeous. This was the first time I had actually thought that about myself, sure I don’t look ugly, but compared to Nana, you won’t feel more than average around her. I studied my face, the blush just barely noticeable under the foundation. Yongguk opened the door, and I could see Baekhyun’s face through the mirror. I was immensely happy to see him, I felt guilty I had forgotten him so easily. I turned around and hurried over to him, tightly hugging him as I bumped into him. “Hey girl,” he smiled down on me, “Are you that happy to see me?” I nuzzled closer, and just nodded. I faintly headed the door click, and when I glanced up the room was empty besides me and Baekhyun.


“I’m sorry.” Baekhyun laughed nervously, “Why are you sorry?” I smiled, it felt good to apologize, even if I didn’t explain the true meaning. I looked up from his chest, right in his bright and loving eyes, which currently stood a bit concerned, “I didn’t contact you all day! Don’t tell me you didn’t notice?” I faked a frown. He hugged me closer again, and rested his head on my hair. “Silly girl, that’s okay. It made it easier for me to surprise you like this.” “True.”


It was unlucky coincidence that EXO stopped promoting just when I started again. I knew Baekhyun had begged Lee So Man to lengthen their promotional activities, but it had all been for nothing. Apparently there had already been plans for some drama’s. “What are we performing for if I can’t even be with my friends when I’m on stage?” Baekhyun didn’t answer, but simple continued to hold me, I felt save and content for that moment, until a cough interrupted our little paradise.


“For your fans?” I glances past Baekyun’s shoulder and saw Yongguk had returned and was standing in the door. “Lian, if we don’t hurry we’ll be late for the stage.” Baekhyun let go of me, and walked to the mirror, handing me a lipstick. I took it, glanced at it, and switched it with a different one, without him seeing. After applying it I quickly pecked Baekhyun, and he whispered, “I’ll wait here, good luck.” I walked to Yongguk, and hesitated at the door, between Yongguk and Baekhyun, I exchanged glances with Baekhyun and he smiled encouragingly. “Fighting to both of you!” He called after me, and I made my way to the stage with Yongguk following close behind me. I received my microphone and earplug, and while I waited I watched the stage, feeling the presence of Yongguk close behind me. I turned a bit and from the corners of my eyes I could see him smiling, “What?” He smiled even wider, “You switched the lipstick colors from the one Baekhyun gave you.” He smirked, “This was the one I had in mind to finish your look.” I raised an eyebrow, “You know a awful lot about make-up.” He playfully sighed and shrugged his shoulders, “What do you expect when I live with Himchan in a room?” I laughed too, and in the back of my mind I could see the stage before us almost ended. I added, “We should forget what happened before Baekhyun interrupted.” His smirk faded, but instead his brow rose a fraction. “Forget about what?” I sighed relieved, and faced the stage, the lights dimming out, meaning we would be able to enter stage in a matter of seconds.


“Forget how you responded?” I heart jumped, his breath tickling in my neck, he continued to whisper, “Forget that you would have continued if not interrupted?” I could almost hear him smirk, “Don’t worry Romy, I’m in a relationship too you know. But you can’t deny that there is an attraction.” He placed his hand in the curve of my back, and inched closer to me, I felt his breath on my ear, “My last request is that this is our last performance, and after tonight you tell Lee So Man about your poor health condition and that you need time to recover.” Unable to say anything, I simply nodded, “Good girl, now let’s give the performance of our lives!” He gently pushed me forward, and I simply followed his lead.




I don’t know how he did it, but he had managed to make the music directors change our remix to the original version, and also managed to get an chair on the stage, just like the one during my performance with Baekyun. Thinking back to that, I panicked, I can’t let Yongguk kiss me on stage, I had to do everything to prevent that. Not only would it break Baekhyun as a person, it would also break our relationship, and though Yongguk might not care about that with his relationship, I didn’t want to lose Baekhyun. When the music started I was startled, but thanks to the great amount of practice, I reacted on instinct and thus I was saved. The biggest surprise had jet to come, when Yongguk, formerly Baekhyun, his part started. I don’t know how he knew the lyrics or routine, but he did. I have to empathize that both versions are very different, just like the boys are different. I continued with the stage, but I was unable to refrain from feeling astonished by Yongguk. He was known by his rap skills, but boy he can sing too.


When the end neared I suddenly realized how to handle the situation. When it was time for me and the other singer to hug, I spun around and instead of hugging him, we leaned against each other, back to back, I leaned my head back to his spine, and when he sang his last tines he let his head down in defeat. His hand found mine, and our fingers interlaced. The lights fully dimmed and we left the stage, but before we reached the lights Yongguk squeezed my hand and whispered, barely hearable over the cheers, “Great save, it’s a shame I would’ve liked to see Baekhyun’s reaction.” “I’ll keep my promice,” I answered, “I’ll tell So Man-sshi I have to stop promoting. And we will both forget about the backstage room. Deal?” “Deal.” He replied, letting go of my hand.




The hall was so bright lid, it hurt my eyes and my head, I felt lightheaded. It was so crowded and hot, my breathing quickened, Yongguk turned his back to me, dark spots formed in my sight, No! I clawed at his jacket, and he turned. I saw his face look down on me, his eyes growing in shock, the sight darkened, and I felt the strength flow out my legs. “Lian? Lian! Someone, call an ambulance!”



Yay yet another update! long chapter again! We are reaching the !! Wohoo!!!

This chapter is so long, and I didn’t even tell all I wanted to tell, well I will tell you in the next chapter <3


Stay tuned for the next update!

And don’t forget to comment and subscribe!!

Love my faithful readers <3333

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Wohoooo Almost reaching the end! I think this story will finish around 60 chapters! Please keep reading and commenting


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Solitario #1
Chapter 50: Oye! Big chapter, curious to see how you have yongguk deal with this new info XD
Solitario #2
Chapter 47: I hope she makes up with the boys of BAP soon! :) good update :D
Solitario #3
Chapter 45: I wanna hug Lian right now! Aw :/
haha! got curious about the title :3 "Lian" well it turned out to be the name of the girl. hehe! new reader here /popsout/
Leosaloner #5
Axdfvhnkhh more please!!! :D:D
Leosaloner #6
Love this story!! Can't wait for the next chapter :D