Chapter 15. Battle!



I was amazed at how crowded the place had become in the few minutes we had left. It was just past three in the afternoon and the schools just finished, a lot of students were shopping and just hanging with their friends. I saw Sujin turn around, “are you sure this is okay? What if we get recognized?” “It will be fine. They have only seen us in a variety, and only very short. What’s more important, the songs which we are going to dance. I have said to Shin that the second song will be our own song, the instrumental version. I want to know your opinion about my choice for the first song. I had a hard time choosing, and I wanted to do a more difficult song, to attract the attention. So I have chosen BAP power.” I looked at the faces of Jinea, Nana, Yumi and Sujin.


They just thought about it. “Putting the fact that I am a Baby aside, it is a good song, and has a difficult dance.” Yumi nodded slowly. “I also thought about a song from Girl’s Generation. One of their hits, but with such a small dance crew it wouldn’t look as good and I think our potential as a dance group is way more justified with a dance like Power.” Slowly they all nodded. I was relieved. We had done the dance routine so many times we could all dream it. “Let’s go then, HANA Fighting!” Nana yelled. We walked off to the centre square to the fountain. Sujin stopped me for a moment, “But what do we do if they do recognize us? I guess I don’t have to remind you that the first impression is the most important, we can’t start off with a scandal.” Sujin looked intently in my eyes. I understood her concern, “We will be fine, if we get recognized we just slip away and go straight home.” I patted her shoulder. She gave in and smiled, “okay then.”


We all exchanged one more look, I gave Shin the signal, and he pushed the button. A few people were lingering, curious what we were going to do. I was happy we had all worn jeans, we would have been in trouble with skirt’s with the dance routine. I smiled to myself as the music started, this was the best way of life. At one point Nana had almost slipped, but besides that the dance went very well. We were in sync, and didn’t make any noticeable mistakes. At some point during the dance I caught the eyes of Junhyung. He and his crew were watching from a distance, they seemed impressed with what they saw, but as soon as they noticed my gaze, they switched back to their arrogant smiles and gestures. I felt anger boil, who would have thought they were as arrogant, not to be able to admit our skills, well  we would show them how much we could do.


The song ended, and just now I realized how much people were watching us. They applauded, waiting for more. I caught the eyes of Sujin, her face glowed with excitement, her worries forgotten. I smiled widely and walked back to Shin and Nina, Minah was also sitting with them I had almost forgotten her. “Thank you Shin”, I said to Shin. Though I had just met him, I knew I liked him very much. He was friendly and helpful, even though he belonged to the crew of Junhyung. I felt that we could become really good friends. “Could you play the second song of the USB in a few minutes? Well drink some water and then continue.” He nodded, “You did a great job.” “Thank you,” we said in unison, and smiled widely.


I threw a glimpse in the direction of Junhyung and his crew, he didn’t notice me looking, he was in a fierce discussion with the rest of his dance crew. I felt a little smirk creep up on my face, I quietly gestured to the other members and whispered, “You know, I’ve been to a lot of street dance battles, and they all have one thing in common, they are just a group of individual dancers. If we keep this in mind during the real battle, we have a great advantage.” They all nodded, stealing glances at the group in the shadows of the square.


“Shin, we are ready, can you start the second song?” He nodded and gave us a thumbs up, before pushing the button. This time we did even better, the crowd went wild. Everywhere I looked I saw people smiling and taking pictures. We did better than we ever did while practicing, no mistakes, all in sync. I could only hope we would do as well on our debut performances. When the song ended I saw a guy with a hoodie turn around, and push through the crowd, he disappeared quickly, something about the way he walked, it reminded me of someone, but I couldn’t recall who. But I didn’t have long to think about it. My members all jumped on me and each other, for a big group hug. We were all ecstatic about the performance.


I felt a smirk creep up on my face, this was going to be very entertaining. These girls were not something to underestimate. I turned my back to the event, and disappeared in the still growing crowd.



Hello, here I am back again. I wrote this when I was still in France. I didn’t have any internet, or I would have uploaded this sooner. Do you like this chapter?

(omo, I have never written this many chapters for one fanfic. So Happy XD)


OMG Guy's did you see their performance today on Music core (BAP) It was soo awesome.

How much I wish I was korean and could have been there. T^T



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Look forward to the next chapter, it will be extra long!

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Wohoooo Almost reaching the end! I think this story will finish around 60 chapters! Please keep reading and commenting


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Solitario #1
Chapter 50: Oye! Big chapter, curious to see how you have yongguk deal with this new info XD
Solitario #2
Chapter 47: I hope she makes up with the boys of BAP soon! :) good update :D
Solitario #3
Chapter 45: I wanna hug Lian right now! Aw :/
haha! got curious about the title :3 "Lian" well it turned out to be the name of the girl. hehe! new reader here /popsout/
Leosaloner #5
Axdfvhnkhh more please!!! :D:D
Leosaloner #6
Love this story!! Can't wait for the next chapter :D