Chapter 24. Continuation of Strong heart.



I waited for my friends to stand too before we left the filming set. We walked to the nearest couch. “Do you want something to drink?” I asked. “Just water please,” Nana and Yumi answered. Sujin nodded, and Jinea said, “I’ll help you.” We walked to the fridge and grabbed five bottles of water. When I closed the door I stood eye to eye with Yongguk. I blushed heavily, Jinea noticed the atmosphere and grabbed the four waters in my hand and quickly left. “Hi,” Yongguk greeted, “I am Bang Yongguk, nice to meet you.” He extended his hand, I accepted it and shook it, “Nice to meet you too, I’m Ginger Romy, or my stage name Lian.” I smiled a bit nervously.


He grabbed a bottle from the fridge too, and leaned against the couch behind him. “So…’ he began, and his smile grew, “You like Power, huh?” His face gained a bit of a proud expression. I almost giggled, such a small thing blew up is ego, “Well it was okay,” I glanced at his face from the corners of my eyes, his cockiness fell a bit, good. I giggled, this made him turn his eyes back to me, curious why I was laughing, “You should have seen your face.” I smiled at him warmly, “Yes I like Power very much. That’s one of the reasons we were able to dance it without preparation, we had already done the choreography so many times we would be able to dream it.” He nodded, looking at me, his eyes stood a bit distant like he was thinking deep. Suddenly he came back to earth and he smiled back at me. “I guess I got disappointed” he replied, with a little pout. “You know, the MC said that we would make a performance, but we didn’t bring all members.” While he said this he went back to his silent thinking mode. I thought for a second, “You can give a dance tutorial of no mercy?” He looked at me, thinking about my idea. “Actually,” he smirked, “that’s not such a bad idea.” He started to walk off back to Jongup and Himchan who were looking in our direction, curious what took their leader so long. When he passed me, he put his hand on my shoulder, “Thank you, and by the way, your street performance was awesome. Especially the way you distracted the red hair.”


I was stunned, how did he know about the rest of the battle. I searched in my mind. I was sure there were no video’s of our battle, only of the introduction. At some point in the battle I had danced around a red haired guy, and had distracted him while I tried to piss off Junhyung. During the distraction I had danced a bit to mature for the younger people. I was sure SM had all the video’s of the battle removed from the net. How did he know about the battle? Had he been part of the crowd? I knew the answer was just a bit further in my memories but I just couldn’t recall. I vaguely remembered a guy in the crowd, with a hoodie, but I hadn’t seen his face, and I had seen him walk away after the introduction. My eyes followed Yongguk’s back as he walked away. And I found myself walking back to my friends as well. Sujin and the others looked at me with curiosity, but I didn’t say anything and just sat down, still pondering if Yongguk had been there.


When the 15 minutes break was done we were told to go back to the set and sit down again. The MC’s started the show again and they continued the conversation with Glam and Nu’est. I just couldn’t concentrate, at some point I noticed myself just staring at Yongguk, while I kept wondering how and if he had seen the battle. I blushed at bit thinking back about the dancing with Kibum. It would be so embarrassing if he had seen that. I couldn’t explain why it was more embarrassing if he had seen that, than by the other public who had been present. I was harshly pulled back to reality when Yongguk suddenly turned his head and met my eyes. I felt my face redden and quickly looked down. I caught in on the conversation again. “Well I have promised the viewers a performance of B.A.P, what have you prepared for us?” “Yongguk smirked,” I could sense the devilish amusement behind it, and I had a bad feeling about what he was going to say.


“I have to apologize, since not all members were able to attend the show, we can’t really perform No Mercy for you.” He looked directly at the camera, and he sounded very sincere, but his mood lifted when he continued, “But we have prepared something else. But I do need a dancer who doesn’t know the choreography of No Mercy.” He pretended to look around the artists, but his eyes met mine and I knew he had planned this since I proposed to him he should give a tutorial of the dance. “I heard you are a fan of us right?” He asked me sweetly. The MC seemed surprised, “Really, why didn’t you tell us earlier. Wait a minute,” he gestured to replay the moment of B.A.P entering but now focusing on my face. I saw that my face turned red on the screen and that I quickly looked down as soon as B.A.P had entered. “How come we didn’t notice sooner.” The MC smiled, this would definitely raise the viewer ratings. “Please come to the front.” Hesitantly I rose from the chair and walked to the dance floor in front of the seats.


Himcham took the initiative and continued explaining their plans, while Jongup whispered in my ear, “you don’t need to be nervous, I’ll teach you the choreography.” I continued listening to Himchan, and I nodded slowly, both to Himchan’s speech and to Jongup’s whisper. “We will give you a live tutorial of the dance for No Mercy. We have our lovely assistants Lian and Jongup, who will show you the moves.” Jongup glared at Himchan which made the crowd explode in laughter. “Yongguk and I will explain the main points of the moves.”


First Jongup demonstrated the move, and while Jongup slowed down and I tried to copy him, Yongguk and Himchan explained the move and gave me and the viewers some tips. Jongup learned me the whole part of the refrain. And as soon as we finished the tutorial the music played and the four of us demonstrated the dance once again. It was really fun to learn the dance directly from B.A.P, and thus I couldn’t control the smile on my face. As soon as we finished and moved back to the seats the MC directed his questions once again to me. “So, how does is feel to directly learn from your sunbae’s and you Idols?” I smiled even wider, “Great!” Yongguk laughed his husky laugh. “I do want to know why and since when you are a fan of them.” I thought for a moment. “I don’t really know. I guess I became a fan of Yongguk’s voice since his collaboration with Jieun.” I paused for a moment while I glanced from the MC back to Yongguk, he was looking at me, almost staring, and I quickly looked back at the MC. “Though I didn’t see his face clearly back then, I loved his voice. It was so raw and real,” I blushed a bit more, “since then I liked all their songs from Remember till No Mercy” I smiled sheepishly at the MC. Himchan interrupted, “You are not a fan of B.A.P, but mainly of Yongguk.” He sounded teasing, but he also pouted. We all burst out in to laughter, seeing the glares between Yongguk and Himchan. “I do have something else to announce.” They all calmed down again. I glanced at Sujin who nodded almost unnoticeable. “Maybe some of you are wondering why we are here and why we are releasing teasers. Well, we are proud to announce our debut stage will be held on the first of September.” I smiled, “and we will also have a debut showcase on the 26 of august. About 10 lucky fan’s will be able to win tickets to this showcase.” I turned to Sujin. And she continued. “I hope you will anticipate our debut, and details about the contest to win tickets will be released on the site of SM.”


The MC seemed shocked, “I thought you said on earlier shows that you would debut in the beginning of 2013, why this change?” Nana took the opportunity to answer, “Well since we did a good job on the streets our CEO decided it was time for us to debut.” The MC nodded and whistled trough his teeth, “You have had a lot of luck indeed. I wish you the best and certainly I will anticipate your debut.” He turned back to the camera. “With this shocking announcement we will conclude String Heart. I hope you enjoyed it.” The camera’s went out and suddenly there was a lot of hassle, with thanking each other and making our way out to our van. I was relieved to go back to the dorm, I was dead tired and couldn’t wait to go to bed. But one scene of the night kept replaying in my head.



Every time again. Around the 500 600 words I wonder how many words I have. And I think by myself, okay I need at least around 900-1000 for one chapter. And then when I think okay this is a good ending of the chapter, suddenly I have 1500 words O,O

You can be happy xD, this way you get more to read per chapter xD

(I swear the chapters look so much longer in Word T^T)


Love my readers, commenter’s and my subscribers <3

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Wohoooo Almost reaching the end! I think this story will finish around 60 chapters! Please keep reading and commenting


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Solitario #1
Chapter 50: Oye! Big chapter, curious to see how you have yongguk deal with this new info XD
Solitario #2
Chapter 47: I hope she makes up with the boys of BAP soon! :) good update :D
Solitario #3
Chapter 45: I wanna hug Lian right now! Aw :/
haha! got curious about the title :3 "Lian" well it turned out to be the name of the girl. hehe! new reader here /popsout/
Leosaloner #5
Axdfvhnkhh more please!!! :D:D
Leosaloner #6
Love this story!! Can't wait for the next chapter :D