Chapter 26. Stage



The practice had just finished and we pushed through the crowd of people to get back to the backstage room. Many technicians were working on the last finishing touches, and there was a lot of hassle going on. With a lot of effort we finally reached the room of Super Junior. “Excuse me.” I tried to push trough. I was the last in line and the others had already entered the room, but these people wouldn’t let me trough. Still no movement. A bit annoyed I looked up, the guys were a lot taller than me, ”Excuse me? Can you move aside?” The head with blond brownish hair tuned around, “what?” Shocked I took a step back, for as much as was possible in the overcrowded corridor. “Oh,” I managed to say, “hello, Bang Yongguk.” I felt a bit uncomfortable, being so close to him, “could you move aside? I am trying..” the rest of my words were lost, as Yongguk pushed me through the crowd to the door which I had been effortlessly trying to reach. “You have to stand up for yourself more, if you want to survive in this kind of world.” He told me, without his usual smile, his thoughts were elsewhere. He turned to walk away, and before I knew it the words had already left my lips. “How did you know about the battle?” He turned back to me, still half, I could see his perfect side profile, his eyes looked at me in question, and I grew a bit uncertain, had I miss understood? I asked again, “How did you know about the dance battle? You said something about my way of distracting the red hair, Kibum.” I clarified, “only our group dance was leaked only, the battle has been removed.”


I searched his face, for something that could explain if he was honest or lying. He inched closer, his eye reached my ear, “Are you curious?” I swear, even if I hadn’t already been a fan of his incredibly husky voice, I still would have shuttered as I did now. His voice was so y, I felt goosebumps form on my back. I simply nodded, I couldn’t manage to move my lips to say anything. If his voice wasn’t enough his smell would do the rest. I don’t know why but the combination of his whisper, his smell, his warmth radiating from his body and his closeness just shut me down. I couldn’t think strait anymore, I could only drown myself in his smell. I heard a little chuckle, “you really are entertaining,” he said a bit loader, while standing up strait again and walking away, swiftly moving through the crowd. I remained standing there, frozen on the spot. While I was spacing out the people around me continued their way, at some point I came back to earth and I noticed people staring at me. I quickly opened the door and stepped in the room, back to safety.


“What took you so long?” Nana whined, “dinner is ready!” She gestured at some packed dinner boxes on the table. “Oh, I just couldn’t get through the crowed,” I swiftly lied. I didn’t know why I didn’t tell the truth to my own members, maybe I wanted to sort things out first, or maybe I felt a bit uncomfortable under the stern gaze of Yesung. I grabbed a box and a pair of chopsticks and a spoon, and I started to dig in. “So what are we doing now?” I asked to no one in particular, the answer came from a unexpected corner. I saw Yesung swift his gaze back to his food and he started, “Well, since you were away you didn’t catch it, but we have decided that you.” And he looked at us, “will be watching our performance from backstage, to get a good impression of the way things work there.” His dark eyes looked in mine, and I knew immediately he hadn’t believed my lie. “You can also watch the other performances from there, but I think it would be best if you stay here first, and watch the preparations, and after our performance you can continue watching the show.” I nodded, and smiled my sweetest smile, hoping to restore my mistakes from earlier, and hoping he would still believe my lie. “Thank you, so when is your turn?” “We’re fifth,” Donghae yelled from the other side of the room, “so you’d better finish that, we’ll probably leave in about ten minutes.” My eyes enlarged, “ten minutes??” And I gobbled up the remaining of my dinner. Jinae looked at me in awe, I shot a death glare at her, but quickly continued eating, she only giggled and looked away again.


Soon after I finished my food Leeteuk rose from the couch and said, “Let’s go.” The other Super Junior members rose from their relaxation, and we followed their example. “Good luck,” Leeteuk said, “and remember enjoy.” This was one of the main points, though they were very focused, they always did enjoy. The goofing around of Donghae and Kyuhyun stopped too, they suddenly gained a serious expression. Relaxed and confident they followed after their leader. I was amazed, the people just moved aside for them, I was not sure if it was because of their fame, or because of their aura. I just kept an close eye on them as they did the last preparations, and waited for their turn. They seemed both relaxed and so focused, all their playfulness of the hours before were vanished and the cool image of super junior remained. I felt my nerves tens up as the seconds passed by slowly, my stomach tensed up and I regretted eating so fast. When I looked back at our Sunbae’s I couldn’t discover anything like tension at all. They still remained professional, relaxed and serious. The song before them ended, there was a loud applaud, the girls walked off the stage, politely greeting their sunbae’s. And finally it was time for them to get up the stage. “Good luck”, I yelled above the screaming fan’s, I wasn’t sure they had heard, but Leeteuk did smile at us before he walked on the stage as the last one.


The song started and I was intrigued. It was very different, watching from the side than watching the broadcast. I had only once or twice been to a real concert, and never to a broadcast concert like this. It was really different, and I could only imagine how it would be like to be on the stage.



I really had a hard time writing this part T^T

I hope you like the little BangxLian moment xDD


I feel so happy and sad at the same time. Every time i have 14 subcribers, then suddenly I gain two new one's which makes me so happy.

But after two chapters I lose two again T^T. 14 is my doomed number.


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Love my readers, commenter’s and my subscribers <3


Thanks to Skulls and Leosaloner for commenting <3

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Wohoooo Almost reaching the end! I think this story will finish around 60 chapters! Please keep reading and commenting


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Solitario #1
Chapter 50: Oye! Big chapter, curious to see how you have yongguk deal with this new info XD
Solitario #2
Chapter 47: I hope she makes up with the boys of BAP soon! :) good update :D
Solitario #3
Chapter 45: I wanna hug Lian right now! Aw :/
haha! got curious about the title :3 "Lian" well it turned out to be the name of the girl. hehe! new reader here /popsout/
Leosaloner #5
Axdfvhnkhh more please!!! :D:D
Leosaloner #6
Love this story!! Can't wait for the next chapter :D