Chapter 4. Trainee Days



Beakhyun walks towards me, he closes the space left between us, and hugs me. Which I really didn’t see coming. “You did great,” he whispers to me. He lets go of me and teasingly asks me, “How come I am not your bias?” He smiles to me, it could be my imagination, but something seems off. His smile doesn’t look like his usual smile. While I still stare at him, troubled about what could be wrong, Nana interrupts my thoughts. “Heey Beak!” I see his expression change, he hated it when people called him like that. “How did you think it went?” She asks him? “You did a great job.” He answers flatly. He turns to walk back to s, “Lee So Man will be very happy with you!”


I look around to find Sujin. She was standing a few feet away, talking with our manager. Our manager was a nice woman. About the age of 23, very young for a manager, well that was probably the reason she had gotten us. She was a great manager, always on time, and always organized. I loved and trusted her like a mother. I was glad we had gotten her, instead of some stuck up old man.


I signaled Nana and we both walked towards our manager. “We will go back to the dorm immediately.” She stated, Sujin already walking away to get our last two members. “Why such a hurry?” I asked her. “Tomorrow we are going to have a busy day. First we will have a staff meeting at 7 o’clock without HANA, you will be practicing. After that you will have an evaluation of the past month and will hear about the upcoming plans at about 9 o’clock.” I sighed, the way she was talking made it clear we would have a very long and tiring day. She continued explaining our schedule for tomorrow while we walked to the car. Sujin, Jinea and Yumi had caught up with us. We got into the car. “We will have dancing practice as last at 9 PM.” I stared out of the window, watching the night lights passing by. “I hope I don’t have to remind you all that tomorrows evaluation decides when you will make your debut. If everything goes like we planned, tomorrow will be the last day fruitlessly practicing. The day after tomorrow we will be beginning recording your debut album.” She looked back from the front seat, beaming at us. “That of course, only if Lee So Man decides you are ready.”


The rest of the ride our car was silent. We were all far away with our thoughts. I just let my thoughts wander while I watched the lights of the night in Seoul. My thoughts wander from our first variety appearance to Bang Yongguk. Would he have seen it? A slight blush creeps on my face. This time I am not uncomfortable and I don’t try to hide it. What would he think if he saw it? My thoughts wander away again. Beakhyun face suddenly pops into my head. His smile so clear, so clearly wrong too. There was something off about it, but before I could find out the reason I was wakened from my daydream, or night dream? Yumi poked me, obviously trying not to roughly with waking me. “We’re here.” I nod and smile. Yumi was a silent type of girl, but when she grabbed the microphone she suddenly gained so much charisma and swag. She was an amazing artist. I loved her for her silent and humbleness. I could sit next to her for hours and read books and do my own stuff without her annoying me or making me uncomfortable. She was the first person I could get along with well, during our trainee days. Thinking about our trainee days brought a smile to my face. Right now we have officially been a group within SMent for about a month, but we have known each other for way longer.


I joined SMent in 2010 after being scouted in the US. When I came at the SM academy it was all such a big change. I was very shy and uncomfortable. After a few weeks I got to know everyone better. I got used to all the practicing, going to school and more practicing. I got to know a group of people. We all grew to be friends and all got along really well. This group was part woman and part men. Most of our men friends left with the time, but the few who remained became part of EXO-k and M. Also not all of the girls made it. We had about 10 girls in our group of friends, which included me, Nana, Jinea, Sujin and Yumi. I was disappointed when my roommate decided to quit and move on with her studies. She was native Korean and had been very helpful with my lacking Korean. She explained it was not so much of a deal to her, she liked dancing, but she also liked studying. I was sad she would leave, but we promised each other we would do our best and meet each other again someday.


I hope you all still like where this is going xD

Thank you Orangeday119 xD

I am sorry for the short chapters T^T, there will be coming a few longer ones I promise

Keep reading and keep commenting xD

Love SeyahMyv <3333

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Wohoooo Almost reaching the end! I think this story will finish around 60 chapters! Please keep reading and commenting


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Solitario #1
Chapter 50: Oye! Big chapter, curious to see how you have yongguk deal with this new info XD
Solitario #2
Chapter 47: I hope she makes up with the boys of BAP soon! :) good update :D
Solitario #3
Chapter 45: I wanna hug Lian right now! Aw :/
haha! got curious about the title :3 "Lian" well it turned out to be the name of the girl. hehe! new reader here /popsout/
Leosaloner #5
Axdfvhnkhh more please!!! :D:D
Leosaloner #6
Love this story!! Can't wait for the next chapter :D