Chapter 52. Seoul Central Hospital



Slowly I woke from my slumber. I could hear the sounds of people talking, but it seemed far away, and not important at the moment. I was lying in a very comfortable bed, the only problem was the bright lights, burning through my eyelids. I tried to lift my hand to rub my eyes, and to turn away from the light, but I realized I was unable  to. A suffocating fear crept up on me. What was wrong? What had happened? I dug in my memory, but I couldn’t recall anything past the time I the music and had started to dance.


Scared of the impact the unknown cause had had on my body, I tried again to move, no result, instead I tried opening my eyes. Very slowly I opened my eyes, wary of the light. The faraway voices suddenly stopped, and I felt someone grab my hand. At least I had some feel in it. My sight was blurry, and when it finally sharpened I looked right into the worried faces of my dearest friends. Nana, Sujin, Jinae and Yumi they were all here, just like manager Kim. And the last person, who was holding my hand, made my heart jump, Baekhyun. I blinked, and continued to look at them.


“Where am I?” Baekhyun lightly squeezed my hand, “We are in the hospital Lian.” I furrowed my eyebrows, “Why?” He sighed, but with a smile, a relieved smile. He brushed my cheek, leaving it burning, “I should be asking you that!” He scolded me playfully. I heard a knock, and the nurse entered. “Good you are awake. Do you remember anything before you woke up here.” I frowned, thinking deep, “No, nothing more than I went to practice dance, and then there’s a black hole, and then I woke up here.” She scribbled something down, and looked up again, “Okay, well I hear one of the other trainees saw you laying down, and it seemed your head had hit the ground hard.” Instinctively I touched the back o my head, and indeed I found a painful bulb there. When I let my hand down I noticed I had been able to move my hand without effort. She continued to talk to me, “We think you tripped during dance, and you hit your head on the floor.” She glanced at her board again, and finished, “You seem okay, but we would like to do some more tests with you. And also we haven’t found any medical records here, the doctor will come to talk to you about that in about thirty minutes.” I nodded, but immediately regretted that, “Yes” I said, and the nurse left again.


Sujin strode to the other side of my bad, and grabbed my hand too. “Well Lian, I’m glad you are okay. I was so worried!” She looked at me with pain and I was sure she felt sorry. “I’m terribly sorry, I would prefere to stay, but I rushed here, and I skipped my recordings. They decided to record a few scenes without me. But I can’t let them wait when everything is fine with you.” She lightly hugged me, I was glad she considered my head. “It’s okay Sujin, I understand. I’m already very happy you were here when I woke up. Thank you.” I looked at the others, and felt guilt build in my heart. “You don’t need to stay, they are going to release me anyway after these tests.” Nana hugged me too and Yumi and Jinae just patted my feet. “Thank you Lian.” “Take care of yourself!” Manager Kim paused in the door, “I’ll drop them off at their work, and I’ll return for you.” I smiled weakly, “Thank you.” She left too, and only Baekhyun and me were left in the room.


I looked at the boy, still holding my hand, he was looking at me too. He sighed, and laid his head down on my lap. “You have no idea how worried I was Lian.” I patted his head, slowly his hair. “I’m glad you are here.” I felt simply at ease in his company, he shifted his head and asked, “Do you want me to stay for the tests and your talk with the doctor?” I realized what a sacrifice it would be for him and EXO, “No, I’ll be fine. You have to return to EXO too.” He looked up, into my eyes, as if he was reading them. Then he smiled and laid back again. “Sometimes I wish you were less responsible. And say stuff like, No Baekhyun don’t leave, stay with me. Like most girls would say.” I resumed his hair. “But then I wouldn’t be me, and I’d just be average. Isn’t this why you like me?” I smiled, he nuzzled closer to me and sighed, content. “Yes, you’re right, but  man can dream right?”


There was a knock, and the nurse reappeared. “The doctor is here, are you ready?” She raised her eyebrow to Baekhyun, I squeezed his hand lightly, “I’ll be okay Baekhyun. Go back to EXO.”He looked up, still hesitant to go and I added, “Once we know something I’ll let you know first.” He nodded, reluctant to let go of my hand. He rose from his chair, and bend over to me, placing a soft and warm kiss on my lips. Ashe pulled away he whispered, “I love you.” He kissed me again, stronger now, as if he wanted me to know how much he meant those words. In response my hand traveled up and pulled him down, trying to convey the same feeling. When the nurse purposely clicked with her heel Baekhyun and I let go of each other. “Say hi to the other members from me.” He nodded “I will”, and waved before he closed the door behind him.


The nurse cleaned some things, and helped me sit up before the doctor walked in. He looked very friendly, and he was one of those persons you just feel comfortable with immediately. I returned his smile as he sat down next to my bed. The nurse left again, and the doctor looked at his clipboard. “Hello miss Romy Ginger. How are you feeling?” “Just a bit weak, but nothing major.” He nodded, and looked at me again. “Well, my name is dr. Cho, and I’ll be your doctor during your stay. I believe the nurse already informed you on the situation of your medical profile?” “Yes,” I answered, “I’ve grown up in the Netherlands, and later in the United States, my file should be somewhere there.” He nodded again, and penned something down. “Can you tell me where you lived? It’ll be easier to search for your file that way.” I gave him my address and he told me that would be all that’s necessary to find my medical file. “Could you brief me on your medical history?” I sighed, I had expected this, that was one of the reasons I hadn’t wanted Baekhyun to be here.


“When I was younger, about the age of 12, I moved to the US to study dance, and during my education there they found my heart had a dysfunction. That’s why I had a major surgery, and the doctors said it had been successful and I didn’t need to worry about it anymore.” The doctor frowned, and penned some more. “But lately I have been very busy with my schedules and with dancing and stuff. Last month I passed out once for real and once almost,” I paused, “and I think that’s what happened yesterday.” I frowned too, “or this morning.” I added confused. He nodded slowly, and asked some more questions regarding my surgery in the States and about my symptoms. Finally he closed his clipboard and looked at me, “Miss Ginger, we are done for now, you are clear to go.” He paused, “I do recommend, you take a rest, and evade intensive exercise or performances.” “I would like to ask a favor of you, dr Choi” He looked surprised, “I haven’t told my manager nor my boss about this, could you keep this quiet for now?” He frowned, “We have a strict patient secrecy guidance, you can count on it.”


He rose and walked to the door, “The nurse will come back, and she will write down your contact addresses, we want to invite you back for more testing after we have retrieved your medical reports.” I nodded, “Yes I understand. Thank you dr Choi.”




Sorry this is a bit of a shorter chapter again… I lost subbies again T^T

Please don’t leave me!

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Wohoooo Almost reaching the end! I think this story will finish around 60 chapters! Please keep reading and commenting


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Solitario #1
Chapter 50: Oye! Big chapter, curious to see how you have yongguk deal with this new info XD
Solitario #2
Chapter 47: I hope she makes up with the boys of BAP soon! :) good update :D
Solitario #3
Chapter 45: I wanna hug Lian right now! Aw :/
haha! got curious about the title :3 "Lian" well it turned out to be the name of the girl. hehe! new reader here /popsout/
Leosaloner #5
Axdfvhnkhh more please!!! :D:D
Leosaloner #6
Love this story!! Can't wait for the next chapter :D