Chapter 13. Day off.



“So, what are your plans for today?” Yumi asked me. “I haven’t really thought about it, I don’t have any family here to visit, nor any old school friends…” “You can tag along with me!” Sujin proposed happily. “I am going to visit my older sister. My parents are busy working, but my sis runs a nail salon, so we can go say hi, and maybe if we help her out a bit, she will do our nails.” “Cool!” Nana yelled, “can I come too?” “Sure,” Sujin smiled, “we can lunch in town and maybe even go shopping for a bit.” “How about Jinea?” I asked our maknae, who was still unusually quiet. “Oh, I was planning to meet up with some school friends,” she blushed a bit, “but I am only going to lunch with them, so I will call you if I am done, and I can meet you in the shopping centre.” “Sure,” I replied with a smile. Obviously, those school friends included a guy she fancied.


The door bell rang. “I’ll go” Nana offered, and ran to the door. I heard the voice of our manager and someone else, but I couldn’t make out what they were talking about. As I decided to walk to the door to find out, the mystery was solved. Nana rushed in to the room, with an exited blush on her cheeks. “They finished editing it already!” She explained, while connecting the USB with her laptop. “Well that’s because of your concept,” Kim added, “we are striving for a pure and rough aura. We didn’t add much touchup’s to your voices. We wanted to keep some of the roughness of the voices. This creates a better dimension than all touched up, and there are enough rookies, of which most can’t sing half of the song the same as on the CD live.” The last sentence added a bit off a proud expression to her face. “I will leave you alone for now, if you are planning on leaving the dorm you have to let me know, I’ll also leave a bodyguard here.” We all mourned, we wouldn’t be able to go shopping and have fun with a bodyguard tailing us. “Minah? Please come in.” Kim called to the hall way.


A small girl stepped in. She looked very vulnerable, and didn’t seem to be much older than me. We looked at her with curiosity. She could easily fit in with our group on the streets, nothing special with six girls having fun and shopping. But when I met her eyes I saw she wasn’t as soft as she seemed. She had an aura of confidence, and I knew instantly that I didn’t want to make her mad.


“Well that’s settled then, I’ll be leaving. Make sure not to make an scandal on your first time off.” With these last words manage Kim left, and we were alone with Minah. “Hi, I’m Nana and this is Sujin, Yumi, Lian and Jinea.” Nana quickly introduced everyone to her. “We,” Nana pointed at me, Jinea, Sujin and herself, “are going to a nail salon and after that we are going to eat lunch. Than Jinea,” she gestured to Jinea, “will join us, and we will go shopping in Hongdae” Minah smiled and nodded. “I will just follow you.” We were all a bit uncomfortable, but still listened to the USB. I was glad how the songs turned out, and I hoped our debut would come soon. I couldn’t wait to stand on stage again.




“ It’s a shame Jinea couldn’t join in.” Nana whined, “It was so much fun.” She looked at her nails, loving the effect of the nail art. Sujin’s older sister had been very happy to meet the members of HANA. She wouldn’t let us help, but she insisted on doing our nails. It had been a happy and relaxing morning. We were walking around the park, when my phone rang. “Oh, sorry” I excused myself, while I walked away a bit. The other members sat down at a bench nearby, they enjoyed the sun, Minah was still standing, and waited for me to finish my call. I turned away from them and answered the call.


“Hello, with Romy”

“Euhm Romy, with Jinea.”

”Hi, Jinea, are you done with your date? How did it go?” I smiled

“H-How did you know it was a date?”

“Oh, it was just a feeling. Nothing bad happened right?”


“What’s wrong” I grew concerned, “where are you now.” The other members sensed my change of mood.

“*Sniff* nothing bad happened. He just blew me off. He didn’t want a relationship with someone who had so little time for him.”

I felt bad for her, “I am sorry for you. But if he can’t understand your dreams he is not worth of your love.”

She hiccupped, laughing and crying at the same time. “I am in the metro, I will be at Hongdae in a few minutes.”

“Okey, we will pick you up there, see you.”


I hang up and turned to the others. They faces were uncertain and concerned, for our little maknae. “The guy dumped her.” This caused several reactions.

“,” Nana scoffed. “Pour girl,” Sujin and Yumi said. We all sighed in unison. Then I got one of those enlightening moments. “We have to distract her, and lift her mood a bit.” I proposed. “But how?” Yumi asked. “Come with me, I have an idea!”



Soooo how did you like this chapter??? Are you curious for the next chapter xD??

My chapters are getting longer and longer, do you like it?

Have you all heard the new song of BAP? Goodbye, with matoki? XD I love it, it really is something different…

Currently I am also in love with the song Girlfriend of Wondergirls. Frond their newest mini album. I don’t know why, but I already knew the meaning of the song before looking up the English lyrics. And I can really relate to the song… It has been on nonstop on my phone xD


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Wohoooo Almost reaching the end! I think this story will finish around 60 chapters! Please keep reading and commenting


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Solitario #1
Chapter 50: Oye! Big chapter, curious to see how you have yongguk deal with this new info XD
Solitario #2
Chapter 47: I hope she makes up with the boys of BAP soon! :) good update :D
Solitario #3
Chapter 45: I wanna hug Lian right now! Aw :/
haha! got curious about the title :3 "Lian" well it turned out to be the name of the girl. hehe! new reader here /popsout/
Leosaloner #5
Axdfvhnkhh more please!!! :D:D
Leosaloner #6
Love this story!! Can't wait for the next chapter :D