Chapter 40. My very own schedule



“Manager Kim, what is the building of TS like?” She sighed, “Lian, just wait, in a few minutes we will arrive.” I had been pestering her with questions about TS all morning. It was about 10 o’clock, and we were driving from the SM building to the TS building. HANA had just finished morning practice, yesterday after the talk with Lee So Man we had agreed to keep practicing in the mornings as often as possible. I was happy to have at least one time in the day to see my members, since we would do individual schedules for the next months, this was a good way to keep up our teamwork and our routine. I sighed, trying to ease my nerves with no success, and stared out the window.


My thoughts went back to my phone call yesterday. His voice echoed in my head, and I remembered how annoyed he had sounded. Geesh this didn’t help my nerves. Why did his personality switch so easily? One moment he was raging at Zelo, the next he was teasing me, and then he sounded like I only annoyed the hell out of him. I didn’t understand one thing of him.


The car stopped an I looked up at Kim’s face. She nodded encouraging at me, “We’re here.” She smiled, and fished in her pockets. “I almost forgot, this is the pass you need to get in the building.” She handed me a blue card with the words employee on it. I clenched it in my fist and grabbed my bag from the backseats. “Thank you. I’ll do my best.” I gave her a bit of a shaky smile and rose my fist, “Fighting!” She answered my gesture and after a small silence I finally opened the door.


I stood in front of a small modern building. It was bright white and nicely taken care of. There were a lot of windows, but I couldn’t make out what was behind them. I slowly walked to the door and held the small card in front of the scanner. There was a beep, and the doors rolled open. I stepped inside and the doors close behind me. The hall was brightly lid, and I saw a reception in front of me, with an bored girl behind the counter.


“Excuse me?” No reaction, I noticed her headphones in her ears, “Excuse me?” I repeated a bit louder. The girl finally lifted her head an looked at me, she pulled out her headphones, and said, “Yes?” A bit shocked by her attitude I stumbled over my words, while she continued looking at me and chewing her gum. “I’m Lian? I am here for Yongguk.” Uninterested she replied, “I don’t know how you got in here, but I can’t let an fan roam though the building. You fan’s get really annoying you know.” She grabbed the phone, and I realized she was going to call the security. My pride hurt I retaliated, “Go ahead, call the security. You will be fired on the spot for your attitude. I’m Lian from HANA, and I am here to WORK with Yongguk.” Her eyes shifted back to me, evaluating me, and obviously mocking me. “Yeah, we could all say…”


She wasn’t able to say anything more, because a voice interrupted her. “Yah, Lian!” I turned and recognized the maknae of B.A.P run towards me. “Zelo!” He crashed into me and hugged me tightly, lifting me from the floor. “Lian! It has been so lonely on the music shows without you!” He whined, I patted his back and grinned at the face of the annoying reception lady. “It’s okay now” I escaped from his hug, and looked at him. “Could you bring me to Yongguk? I don’t know my way around here.” He took my hand and dragged me behind him. When we were out of reach of the ears of the reception lady he whispered, “was she difficult to you?” I grimaced, “A bit, but you saved me at the right time.” He snickered, “Sorry though, we hired her because lately some seasang fans have gotten hold of our employee cards and they went roaming around the building.” He shivered, “Wow scary,” I replied. I followed behind him, he guided me through a few corridors and then in the elevator. He pressed the button to the 3rd floor, and we waited for the elevator to reach its destination.


I felt a bit awkward with him, in the small room alone, “S-so you are still promoting Crash right?” He nodded, “Yeah, but we will finish up soon too I think.” I nodded too. And the silence returned again. Luckily a bell rang and the doors opened, we had reached the 3rd floor.  Zelo lead me through another labyrinth and finally he stopped in front of a small room. He opened the door and waited for me to go in. Hesitantly I stepped inside. The four boys turned their heads. Himchan was the first to great me, “Hey Lian.” I waved a bit weird, “Hey Himchan, and everyone.” I felt awkward. I had often visited their backstage room, but their practice room was different. I looked around, noticing Yongguk wasn’t here yet. “Please sit down, Yongguk will come soon I think.” Himchan looked at the others, “Actually we don’t know where he is.” He smiled back at me, “But that’s fine. Like this we can have fun. No leader who keeps blabbering about work.” I smiled relaxing a bit more. I sat down on the floor besides Himchan and Jongup. We talked for a bit, and the boys munched on their lunch. “Do you want something?” Zelo asked from the opposite side of me. “Oh no thanks, I already ate something on my way.” Zelo looked disappointed and handed a drink to me instead. “Do you like Iced coffee?” I smiled at him, he really was a sweet maknae. “Yes, I love it.” I responded while I accepted the cold can.


When they finished the food, and I my coffee we continued chatting, until Jongup suddenly stood. “Lian do you want to learn the dance for Crash?” I hesitated. “I would love to, but lately I haven’t been feeling so well. The doctor said I can’t push my body to much for the time being.” “Bwoh, are you alright? What’s wrong?” “Should you be working then?” “You should stay home and rest!” Himchan, Zelo and Yongjae yelled in unison. I giggled at their worry and cuteness, “It’s okay, as long as I take care of my body carefully. Calm down.” I smiled. “If you practice I’ll watch, and when my health gets better we will dance it together, okay?” I proposed to them. With an worried expression Zelo nodded and rose too.


I felt content just watching them practice, their eyes really changed as soon as the music started. They seemed so concentrated, I was unable to move, it was that captivating. None of us noticed the door opening again and a guy walking in. I realized the person when he was standing behind me, and his warmth radiated through my back. I turned and stood eye to eye with Yongguk. He didn’t look at me, his gaze was fixed on the performance of his friends. I looked back at them too, the last tones finished and when they turned to me, they also noticed their leader. “This is the first time you were actually practicing when I enter.” He mocked them. Zelo made a pout, and I couldn’t contain my laughter.




“Well are you coming?” She shifted her eyes back at me, with an look of shock in them. On a warmer tone I continued, “this way.” I guided her trough the well-known halls, and I felt her follow me closely. I sighed, she didn’t deserve my tantrums, I would deal with the devil later. I stopped in front of the door, and she almost bumped into me. I held the door open, and after she looked at me with question for a moment, she stepped in the room. I closed the door behind me, and when I turned to face her I saw she was taking the room in. “This is my composition room.” She turned, she seemed a bit more relaxed hearing the one of my voice. “Your room?” I felt a small smile creep on my face, “Yes mine, TS gave it to me when I started composing. They wanted me to have the room to myself. You know, a song comes from the heart, and you have to feel at ease while writing it.” I paused, “That’s why they gave it to me.” She nodded and continued looking around, at the pictures and posters. “It really nice, and warm.”





I stepped closer to one of the pictures on the wall. A beautiful girl was seen, smiling widely to the camera. “Who..” I heard Yongguk move around behind me, and when I turned I saw him sitting on the chair, with an small black notebook in front of him. “That’s my sister. She lives with my dad in the states and I haven’t seen her since the day that picture was taken.” I took a closer look at the pictures and noticed the girl wasn’t older than 14 in the pictures. I also noticed some pictures with two identical boys, smiling the smile I loved so much. Of course I knew he had a twin, though I had never met him. “I’m sorry. If you don’t mind me asking, how long haven’t you seen her?” I didn’t know his parents were divorced. I couldn’t see his face, but I heard he was smiling, “It’s okay. I think it has been over 6 years? But don’t feel sorry for me, I still have my brother, she doesn’t.” There was a silence. “Well,” I looked away from the pictures and looked at him. “Tell me why exactly you want to try composing?” I was a bit taken aback by the sudden switch of subject, “Uhm..”



I’m so sorry for not updating!! I promice a dubble update today!!

Somewhere in a few hours I think the second chapter will be up!


Omo when I wrote this chapter I even got nervous as she went to the TS building for the first time.

(though it might have been because of the interview I had to take later that day…)


Did you feel her nervousness?

Please comment and keep reading!

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Wohoooo Almost reaching the end! I think this story will finish around 60 chapters! Please keep reading and commenting


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Solitario #1
Chapter 50: Oye! Big chapter, curious to see how you have yongguk deal with this new info XD
Solitario #2
Chapter 47: I hope she makes up with the boys of BAP soon! :) good update :D
Solitario #3
Chapter 45: I wanna hug Lian right now! Aw :/
haha! got curious about the title :3 "Lian" well it turned out to be the name of the girl. hehe! new reader here /popsout/
Leosaloner #5
Axdfvhnkhh more please!!! :D:D
Leosaloner #6
Love this story!! Can't wait for the next chapter :D