Chapter 36. Lucky fan



Today was really the last stage. I already felt sad and empty inside when I woke up, and the feeling only grew as the day progressed. Tomorrow we would also have our individual discussion with Lee So Man about the upcoming activities. I hadn’t heard from Yongguk again about it, and I was curious if he had remembered and how he would approach Lee So Man. As we reached the building of Inikigayo I noticed all the people. It was very busy for the time of the day, we were later than normal, but still way to early for the audience to arrive. Still there was a mass of people crowding the parking lot. They seemed to be waiting for someone, and I couldn’t make out the words on the signs.


Manager Kim parked the car, and she stopped the engine. “Gosh, such a hassle. Make sure you don’t get caught up in the mass and stay together okay? I’ll lead the way, and try to make a path.” We nodded, the whole ride we had been silent. She opened the driver seat and walked over to our door. As soon as she opened the door I could hear the screams, and finally I could decipher the text on the signs. All the signs mainly included HANA and B1. My hart jumped, we had made so much fans with just one month of promoting. The crowd moved a bit to make way for us, and we were able to pass them without any troubles. When we reached the back entrance for the artists I looked back again and I smiled and waved at our fans.


“Wow” Nana’s high pitched voice hurt my ears. “I didn’t know we had that much fans!” Even Yumi couldn’t contain her excitement. “We really have to give our best today!” We continued our way to our room. “So, I forgot to ask.” I said, as I quickened my pass to keep up with our manager, “was B1 decoded as our fan name?” Manager Kim opened the door for us, but I let the other members go in first, and followed last before manager Kim also entered. “Oh, Lian, Yes we agreed to stick with that name. I really liked it. How did you get to that name?” I smiled, “I asked our fans trough Facebook.” I paused as I searched in my phone, and showed the screen to her, “I made a screenshot, this girl was the first to come up with this name.” I hesitated, “Maybe, we could do something for her?” Manager Kim nodded, thinking about it. “Yes that’s a good idea. She is an international fan right?” I nodded, “Yes.. I believe she lives in France.” “Hmm, I’ll think about something. You just concentrate on the stage.” I smiled as I nodded again, and walked to my chair. The stylists began their usual routine, and about 30 minutes later they were done and I dressed myself in the clothes they had prepared.


Though we had been later than normally we were still ready a few hours before the show. “Yumi, what are you doing~” I said in a bored tone, as I looked over her shoulder at her phone. “Nothing much, just derping on the internet.” “I’m bored~” I whined. Yumi looked at me, but Nana was the one to react, “Then come with me~!” I looked at my energetic member, “where are you going?” She smiled widely, “I’m going to take a look at the people waiting outside.” “Hay, that doesn’t even sound so bad.” I rose and felt more energetic too, you could not feel down around this girl. “We’ll be back soon.” We said before leaving the room quickly so Sujin couldn’t say anything. I heard Sujin call something after us as I closed the door behind me. “Which way?” I asked Nana as I followed her. “I was thinking about looking from the windows from the hall over there.” She answered as she pointed in front of us. We were on the first floor, and we could see the mass op people below us. I opened the window and the fans below noticed us. They screamed as we waved and made hearts. I fished my phone out of my pocket, and took an photo of the crowd, I posted it on our facebook with the message, I touched the sent button and showed Nana. She smiled and continued waving.




The window opened and my favorite members appeared. I screamed my lungs out as I waved at them hysterically. Lian took out her phone, and took a photo, after that she was busy tiping on her phone. I felt mine vibrate, and Lian showed the screen to Nana. I quickly grabbed my phone and read the message on the fanpage which had notified me. “wow so many people came to see us off on our last performance on Inikigayo, O,O. Such an indescribable feeling right now! We will give you the best show tonight! ~Nana&Lian” Omo they are so cute and pure, my fan girlish kicked in. I yelled even harder as they waved for the last time and they closed the window again. “Omo, they are so cool.” I yelled in the ears of my best friend. “I know, I can’t wait for the performance tonight!” The group calmed down a bit again. We pushed through the crowd to our spot we had been waiting before. Next to the windows of the main floor. I chatted a bit more with my friend, until we noticed some movement behind us, on the other side of the glass. My heart stopped as I recognized Lian her face. A huge man opened the window, and his deep voice was heard above the fan screams. “If any of you try to push through or are in anyway threatening to HANA or to the other fans, they will leave immediately. Please remain calm, and civilized, then you all will have the chance to interact with them. ”My heart jumped again, would they give signs? I was so lucky. I lifted my bag on my shoulders and clenched my paper and pen in my hands. I was so lucky that my parents had given me this present. Silently I prayed a thanks to them. I grabbed the hand of my friend and we got in the line.




I smiled as the fans formed a neat line. I looked at my left and I saw Nana, Yumi and Jinae. Sujin had stayed in the room since she wasn’t feeling very well. I hoped she would be fine during our stage. We positioned ourselves at the window, the look on the faces of the fans were priceless and I was glad to have proposed this. The first girl walked forward, she was almost too nervous to even tell me her name. Her blond hair waived around her face, her hand was shaking with the paper, and I held her hand for a moment, “What’s your name?” She stuttered, “Louise Philips.” She didn’t sound Korean. I wrote down her name and continued to talk to her, this time in English. “You’re not Korean are you?” She blushed and looked down, with an heavy French accent she said “No, I am from France, I came here specially for your last performance. Together with a friend of mine.” I was astonished, “Wow that’s amazing.” A bell rung in my head, I looked at her closer, “Hey, aren’t you the one who came up with our fanclub name?” She blushed even more, and showed a big smile. “Really, did you choose Bee1?” I smiled as I shook her hand again, “Yes, we changed the style to B1, but it was thanks to you!” I turned my face to Nana, Yumi and Jinae, and added in Korean, “girls, this is Louise, she was the one who came up with our fanclub name!” They stared at her, “Omo, so nice to meet you!” She stepped to them for the next signatures, and she was lovingly welcomed by them. I watched them a bit more. Until I greeted the next fan. It felt so great to be able to meet these people who shared a passion for music, and to interact with them. I felt completely happy and bubbly when we had to go. I signed the last paper for a small Korean girl on the arm of her mother. I caressed her hair, “I’m sorry we have to go.” I grabbed the voice strengthener from the table and raised from my chair. “I am sorry, but we have to leave to get ready, you will also be able to enter the concert hall in a few minutes. Please look forward to our goodbye stage~!” I waved a bit more and followed my friends back out of the room, and to our backstage room. I sighed, fully content, completely forgetting my earlier gloomy mood. “That. Was. The. Best.”



Hey guy’s how did you like the chapter?

I'm sorry T^T I haven't updated in 10 days, and I dare to give you such a boring chapter T^T I'm sorry


Please look forward to the upcoming chapters

A lot of interesting things are about to happen!


Please comment to help me with the next chapter. I always get more energy from ready the fun comments!



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Wohoooo Almost reaching the end! I think this story will finish around 60 chapters! Please keep reading and commenting


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Solitario #1
Chapter 50: Oye! Big chapter, curious to see how you have yongguk deal with this new info XD
Solitario #2
Chapter 47: I hope she makes up with the boys of BAP soon! :) good update :D
Solitario #3
Chapter 45: I wanna hug Lian right now! Aw :/
haha! got curious about the title :3 "Lian" well it turned out to be the name of the girl. hehe! new reader here /popsout/
Leosaloner #5
Axdfvhnkhh more please!!! :D:D
Leosaloner #6
Love this story!! Can't wait for the next chapter :D