Chapter 48. Interview



The music faded away, and the MC started to talk again, “Welcome back everyone. You have tuned in to Radio Kiss, and if you didn’t know yet, the last song was Ironic by Lian from HANA featuring Baekhyun from EXO. Before we move on with the weekly charts I would like to introduce our guests today. Please welcome B.A.P.”  There was some prerecorded cheering and applauding, before each member introduced themselves. “So before you perform your latest hit live, I would like to ask some questions and listeners you can ask your questions via our homepage, and maybe I will ask it for you.” She shifted her papers and looked at the members, “First, hmm Himchan? Could you tell me a bit more about the song you are currently promoting?” “Of course I can,” Himchan answered with his signature smile, “The song is about a boy who asks his girlfriend to believe in him. Cause he can’t handle it when she gets mad, he wants to do anything for her to make her smile.” Himchan glanced at Yongguk, “Actually.. Yongguk helped writing the lyrics for the song.” The MC of the show looked at Yongguk, “That’s unexpected news, which brings me almost naturally to the subject I was going to start anyway.” There was a short silence, “There have been many rumors about Lian visiting your company, and a possible collaboration? Yongguk-sshi, could you give all the curious ears an explanation?” Yongguk sighed slightly, this wasn’t unexpected, “It is true Lian has been working at our company for about a month. To explain this I’ll have to start with HANA first. We had gotten to know each other while HANA and B.A.P were promoting simultaneously. And after HANA had finished their promotions they were to be promoting alone for a month.” Yongguk took a small sip from his bottle of water, “The other members are either acting or singing, but Lian wanted to try composing. Thus our companies agreed it would be interesting to let us work together, and if that worked well we might collaborate one day. But right now we have no plans so far. I simply helped and taught Lian some tricks about composing.” The interviewer nodded, “Aah, but if you don’t mind me asking, why isn’t your name in the credit’s from Ironic?” Yongguk chuckled, “Because it was all her work, I hadn’t heard the song before. It is indeed the first song she has written completely herself.” The interviewer nodded again, and continued, “Well thank you Yongguk, for being so honest with us. Before you go and get ready for the live one last question, what do you think about the song Lian wrote? Just any comment is good, you might even imagine her listening? Let’s start with the maknae. Zelo?” Zelo leaned closer to the mic, “Lian? You did an awesome job with Ironic! When are you coming over to TS again to play? You promiced we would dance together again!” Zelo finished with a pout, and it was almost hearable how the noona’s swooned. “Jongup?” “Yes, Lian! Awesome song! I didn’t know you were that talented!” The MC smiled, “Jongjae?” “Lian! Let’s sing the song together once!” “Daehyun” “I have no words, I really love the song. Great work from both of you.” Himchan started without waiting for the MC to introduce him, “You did an great job Lian! I already bought the song the moment I heard it.” Yongguk was last, “Yongguk, do you have anything to add?” There was a moment of thought before Yongguk answered, “I am really proud, you were able to capture the right emotion. Also,” another silence, “Don’t let anyone get you down, or tell you you don’t belong here. If you follow you dream you will always find a way to reach it.” “Thank you very much, I think Lian will be delighted to hear your complements. Now while B.A.P is getting ready to perform their latest hit Stop it, we will listen to a rookie just as promising. Now Lee Hi’s 1,2,3,4. Stay tuned for B.A.P’s live!”




“Please,” I breathed heavily, “just a five minute break.” Beakhyun looked down at me. He was still standing, but his face was shining with his sweat, and he was a bit out of breath too. I was laying on the floor, feeling light headed and exhausted. We had been practicing for hours, I had lost track of time, this seemed to become a nasty habit. Though I didn’t really care for time anymore, only for the moment the training would end and I would be able to roll into bed. He held out an bottle of water while he sat down next to me, “Are you okay? You seem like you could faint any minute.” Truthfully it also felt that way, but I answered, “Nah I’ll be okay in a few minutes. This,” I gestured at my sweating and pathetic body, “Is probably because of the lack of sleep, and the irregularity of it.” He didn’t look very surprised by my explanation, and changed topics.


After we had rested for a while and talked through the usual topics Baekhyun looked at me again. “You know Gayo Daejun is only two weeks from now.” I sighed, “I know.” “Have you been practicing with the rest of HANA?” I thought back to our last practice, Nana had been absent and Yumi had to rush off halfway during the practice, but I smiled, “Yes, and you? You were practicing for your comeback anyway.” He nodded. There was a silence. “Should we practice the whole routine again with vocals this time?” He suggested. I sighed, but agreed anyway.




The next weeks went by in a flash, and before I realized it was the day of the new year’s performances. It was different from all the other shows I had attended. The air backstage was way more relaxed and cheerful since it was also a celebration day for us. It was also busier backstage than normally, since there were so many artists. I had been preparing, mentally too, for this day. I had prepared a gift of tropical fruits, and I had found out the boy who had handed me the mics on the performance in which we had defective mics. The boy also worked backstage this time, and I decided to pay him a visit. I easily spotted him, he was directing the artists and handing them the mics, also he was doing something with the music, and I guessed he was checking to make sure the mics were transmitted right.


I tapped him on the shoulder, and when he turned he almost jumped from shock. “L-lian?! Anyeong hasseo. How are you? Do you have a question?” I smiled at his nervous attitude. “Hello..? What was your name again?” He bowed, “my name is Kim Jonghyun” “Ah Kim Jonghyun, I wanted to thank you for handing me the mics so quickly last time. It really saved the show.” He blushed a bit, and I guessed he didn’t get that much compliments nor attention for his job, “Thank you very much for those kind words Lian-shi, but it was merely my responsibility. And it was my fault I hadn’t checked them properly.” He certainly took his job serious, he bowed again, “If I could ever do anything to make it up to you.” I smiled at his manners, and I had already started to refurse when I got an idea. “Oh, no that’s… Well actually. You now Jiyeon from T-ara right?” He looked at me, somewhat scared of what I was about to ask. “Oh no, it isn’t something big. I just want to ask if you could keep her busy for about, hmm 20 minutes?” He nodded slowly, “I can do that, though I don’t want to ask you why.” He looked a bit suspicious, but not too much, so I wasn’t worried about him telling on me. “I just need some time to do… something. You need to keep her busy, let’s say for 20 minutes, after the stage from B.A.P” He nodded again and I raised to my full length again, only realizing now that I had inched closer and down to him to make sure no one could eavesdrop. “Thank you, you really are a life saver.” He finally smiled back to me, though a bit weak, “That’s okay.” I waved at him while I walked back to my room. HANA would perform at the beginning, and after that I had a large gap of spare time, and just before the closing ceremony I would have my live with Baekhyun. I didn’t have any other stages, though Lee So Man had proposed a dance stage like last year, but I refused, still trying to keep from making too much use of my body, just in case.


Now I only needed to wait until B.A.P their performance finished and be sure to have everything done before they returned to their room. This was going better than I had planned.



A bit of a shorter chapter again…

Still hope you like it!


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Wohoooo Almost reaching the end! I think this story will finish around 60 chapters! Please keep reading and commenting


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Solitario #1
Chapter 50: Oye! Big chapter, curious to see how you have yongguk deal with this new info XD
Solitario #2
Chapter 47: I hope she makes up with the boys of BAP soon! :) good update :D
Solitario #3
Chapter 45: I wanna hug Lian right now! Aw :/
haha! got curious about the title :3 "Lian" well it turned out to be the name of the girl. hehe! new reader here /popsout/
Leosaloner #5
Axdfvhnkhh more please!!! :D:D
Leosaloner #6
Love this story!! Can't wait for the next chapter :D