Chapter 10. Hwang-nim



Today was the day of the recording. This thought had been haunting me for a week now. Since I had started practicing with Beakhyun I hadn’t been able to free my mind of this thought anymore. Every day I would practice with HANA and take my extra classes. After my regular schedule I would go to the practice room and find Beakhyun already there. He somehow convinced my manager to let me go home later. So I could practice with Beakhyun after HANA’s schedule finished. Yeay….


I was not like I didn’t enjoy our practice, and Yes I did improve thanks to him. But those practices were also the reason I had not been able to sleep peacefully the last week. Every time my mind was distracted from my upcoming death, it was time for my practice with Beakhyun, and soon after that I would go to bed. And soon after, everything would start over again.


Though I had cursed my choice of teacher more often as the time went on, deep inside I was glad I had chosen him. Our practices were never the same and always very interesting and efficient. For example, Beakhyun let me hear the difference between songs with and without feelings. He let me practice with it. And he taught me to live in to the role and the setting of the song. We practiced songs which had a lot of emotion in it. Like, BIGBANG’s Haru Haru, and many more. I couldn’t even remember the amount of songs he had let me sing. He was a devilish teacher, though a good devilish teacher. Many times I didn’t even recall the ride home, that’s how tired I had been.


But today was finally the day the recording would take place. I had dreaded this day, but I could no longer run away. Today we would be recording our album. WHY did I choose to be an Idol again? Well… How much could go wrong? This was what I kept telling myself, hoping to calm down my nerves. We were all very silent this morning, we were all a bit nervous. Even our manager was less talk able than usual. We arrived at the company. It was later than normally because we would be recording instead of practicing. On these days we were allowed to sleep in a bit. Not that this was used, we all had a hard time sleeping.


We all hurried in the recording room. First we would meet our producer and we would talk a bit about the song and the feeling and stuff. After that we would all individually record our parts. I hoped the hours of practice would help me. I was certain I would do better than I would have done without the help of Beakhyun.


As soon as I walked in I noticed there were more people than just our manager and the producer. I noticed two younger boys in the corner. Of which I recognized Beakhyun the first. “Beakhyun oppa?” I almost screamed in shock. “Why are you here?” He turned around at the sound of my voice, or rather at the loudness of it. I saw he had been busy with the equipment of the studio before we came in. “Well… what does it look like?” He asked me back, with a mocking tone in his voice. “I-I don’t know…” I was surprised, why was he here, during our recording? He smiled, watching me still being oblivious. “I asked mr. Lee to give me a chance to produce. Since I also major in music production, he gave me a chance, and he liked it.” He told me and HANA this while looking a bit shy but also proud. “I told you though,” he continued, “I produced the main song of your debut album.” I hadn’t expected I could be even more shocked, but I was. I looked at the other members of HANA.


Surprisingly they didn’t seem as shocked as I was. “Lian,” Sujin said with a sigh, “Manager-nim told us. When she gave us our song material she told us, you were there, how come you don’t remember?” She looked at me with a frown in her beautiful face. “Well it doesn’t really matter, let’s sit down first.” the other guy said. I didn’t recognize him, so I guessed he was our producer and recorder. We all greeted him quickly. And sat down while we talked about the different songs and the arrangements we would use while recording.


I secretly looked at Beakhyun. He wasn’t looking at me, but at mr. Hwang, our producer. He seemed to listen intently. At one point he seemed to notice me looking at me and he met my eyes. We smiled sheepishly. I was glad he was here. My nervousness was completely gone. With him here nothing could go wrong. We would make an awesome debut, I was confident about it.



AAAARG this chapter really wouldn’t work T^T My English , and the story wouldn’t flow T^T I AM SO SORRY!!! T^T

I have the feeling this chapter didn’t really work out that well T^T

Even though I wanted to give you all a birthday present T^T because I am turning 18 on the 1st of July Yeay xD…. Well I guess I will make up with you soon!!!

Mouhaha I like where the story is going.

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Wohoooo Almost reaching the end! I think this story will finish around 60 chapters! Please keep reading and commenting


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Solitario #1
Chapter 50: Oye! Big chapter, curious to see how you have yongguk deal with this new info XD
Solitario #2
Chapter 47: I hope she makes up with the boys of BAP soon! :) good update :D
Solitario #3
Chapter 45: I wanna hug Lian right now! Aw :/
haha! got curious about the title :3 "Lian" well it turned out to be the name of the girl. hehe! new reader here /popsout/
Leosaloner #5
Axdfvhnkhh more please!!! :D:D
Leosaloner #6
Love this story!! Can't wait for the next chapter :D