Love Letter



Donghae's POV



That night, was the worst night ever in my life. I cried that night, no, I cried really really hard that night. Tears falling uncontrollably from my eyes. I pray, pray, and pray to God I want to wake up, I want to wake up from this nightmare. Please let this be a dream. Someone please say this is only a dream and I should wake up soon.

I buried my face on my pillow and crying again again and again the whole night until I fell asleep from exhaustion.


Morning came. I'm afraid to pinch my cheek, afraid if its not a dream. And I know its not a dream, its real, hyukjae, he has a girlfriend. Yoona. They're sitting together at school cafetaria. At first I really don't want to go to school today, but I need to know, I need to find out, I need to see, and I regret it immediately as I saw hyukjae smiled at her.


I cried silently the whole day, even in class, I buried my face on my desk and my arms covered it so no one knows that I'm crying, even if I know no one cares, but one person who sat on my right side. I tried really hard to avoid him. I could felt he stared at me, I know he's worried because its already noon but I just remained in that position. He's a really kind-hearted guy, I can't blame him. But I'm afraid to look at beside me. Afraid if I saw his eyes. Afraid if I will fall for him more.


Stop it lee donghae. Of course he has a girlfriend, he's freaking straight. No way in this world he likes you. No way.

There's no more left hands, there's no more letter on my left hands, there's no more letter on his left hands, there's no more cute talk, there's no more blushing, no more gummy smiled to me, no more..

I cried again even more.


The next day I didn't go to school. The truth is I don't want to go to school. My mom kept asking me what's wrong and telling me to stop crying again and again but I just kept crying and didn't said anything. I'm really grateful she's such a caring mother, she's okay if I didn't go to school in this state and took care of me.


The next 3 days I had a fever so I didn't go to school again. My fever was really high because I'm too exhausted from crying and I barely eat my meal, my head really hurts, but now its getting better. I was lying on my bed and stared at the ceiling.

Enough, its okay donghae, you're gonna be okay without him. I know.. I know that he always protect me, its obvious because these days I barely hit something or someone because whenever I'm about to hit something or someone he would called me so I turned my head and didn't hit anything. Its okay, really you should protect yourself donghae.

But why.. Why he has to be so kind? Why he greeted me that day? Why he wrote those words on his left hand? Why he helped me? Why he tried to protect me? Why he makes me fall for him more even in this kind of state? Why..




I snapped from my thoughts and turned my head to my right side immediately, to something beside my bed, and I got the shock of my life






I stared blankly at my feet.

I sat weakly on the floor and leaned on the aquarium in my room.

I don't know. I can't think straight. My eyes had dried. I cannot cry anymore. My eyes hurt. My legs weak. My hands weak. I couldn't stand up. I don't have any strength.  I couldn't feel anything.







He's gone








I couldn't feel anything


Until I felt warmth around me and I know this warmth. Someone who I missed the most. Someone I'm longing to see.




"Its okay donghae, I'm here"

And I know I'm in heaven right now because I know..




This voice

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PhwePhweKhin #1
Chapter 49: I’ll be waiting for your next chapter! 😭💙 This is so cute 🥺💙
sjvirus #2
2022 and still remembering this cute fic 😭😭Hope u will continue creating new chapters for this amazing work.
16 streak #3
Chapter 49: ah i hope you'll update this soon...
aize96 #4
Keep coming back to this story.. love it so much... Hope you update this soon
Eunhaefanfic #5
Chapter 49: This is my number 1 fanfic I ever read I have already read and re read this numerous times but still it feels super fluffy, cute and lovely to read again pls pls pls author nim update this fic . I hope you are doing good in your new place 🤗
dramanime #6
Chapter 49: I just found this story and i couldnt stop reading becos its soo cute and fluffy i felt like i was watching anime with all the school setting and school trips and all!!! I love tis story soo much even tho its incomplete and will be rereading tis many many times in the future!! <3
minamoru26 #7
Sweet and innocent Donghae and possessive and jealous boyfriend Hyukjae. I like this story and when I first read this story's chapter one, it gets me hooked. Thank you author for this amazing story. Hope to see your amazing work in the future.
Chapter 49: Where ars u authornim ??:'''
Chapter 49: Omo, don't stop here.... Please continue and update this story again.... I wanna see they graduate and getting married ... Please complete this story, author nim...
nourawad #10
hey there, i think a lot of people is going to die to read an update , please update , i read this story 5 times already and I'm dying for an update.