Love Letter



Hyukjae's POV


"Oppa wake up or you're gonna be late for sure!!"

I coughed and groaned due to the pain in my head.

"Tch oppa jinjja.. Wake up wake up wake up~!" I felt someone pulled the blanket from me before throwing it on the floor and started pounding on me. Made me groaned louder. I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't, I felt weak I didn't have any strength. I coughed. Urgh my head really hurts..

I heard some noises but I couldn't hear it clearly so I started to try to open my eyes slowly with an extremely painful headache when slowly I saw the familiar figure in front of me. Huh?


"Ha-hae..?" I whispered weakly.

'I love you' I heard hae's soft voice from the back of my head, and I started to smile with a tiny strength of mine, remembering what happened 2 days ago. He said he loves me.. Again.. "I love you too.. Hae.." I mumbled weakly and pulled him into a tight hug.

"What? Hae? WAA--!!"

I closed my eyes and kept hugging my hae in my arms with a weak smile on my face while mumbling 'I love you's while coughing but then my heart cracked when I felt he struggled from my hug and pulled away.

"YAH! OPPA I'M NOT HAE WAKE UP!!! NOW!!!!!" Suddenly I heard amber's voice clearly as she slapped my cheeks with both hands, "a-- aa!! amber-- amber stop!!" I used my strength to stop her slapping my face. Uhh.. So that was just a dream? I groaned again.

"Amber.. Get off.." I said as I grabbed my head with my hands and put some pressures on them hopping the pain in my head would go away.

"Hmm? Oppa what's wrong?" I felt amber get off of me and putted her palm on my forehead then gasped loudly. "Oppa your face's so hot!!" She put her other hand on her own forehead, comparing the temperature. "Oh my.. I guess you have a fever!"

Huh..? Fever..? "No I don't.." I said as I tried to get up.

"What do you mean 'you don't'? Your body's burning! Oh god!!" Amber panicked as he put his hand on my neck and my arm and quickly ran outside while shouting something to my mom about me and fever. Leaving me coughing.




I groaned for the nth time already as I finally reached my class. I heard the teacher said something to me but I just managed to catch the word 'late' from her and I slowly went to my seat.

. I really am sick. It must be because yesterday.



"Hae why are you buying a lot of cokes? You might get sick of its soda and ice" I frowned looking at 10 cokes on the cafetaria table in front of him.

"I didn't buy it" he pouted, "luna gave these to me"

I widened my eyes "What?! Luna?!"

And without thinking I already drank them all in one go, made hae panicked.



So that's why

Wait.. Oh! One more thing,

And that night I was bathing choco my dog with amber in the bathroom but we ended up wetting ourselves by splashing each others water and played with choco in the water, and I fell asleep on the floor because of the exhaustion.

Well.. Stupid I know.

I rested my head on my desk.

"Hyukkie you okay?" I turned my head weakly to my left side slowly while still resting it on my desk staring at an angel's concerned eyes, I smiled weakly. "What's wrong? Are you sick?" He whispered softly afraid if the teacher would caught him talking in class.

"I'm sorry I didn't pick you up" I whispered and smiled apologetically at him. He shook his head, motioning me that it's okay and continued looking at me worriedly. He didn't say anything afterwards because the teacher started to give us lessons. And I just reminded in that position staring at my beautiful boyfriend who had his eyes concerned while giving me few glances through the whole lesson.



"Oppa are you okay??"

"Do you want me to bring you a medicine??"

"Oppa I'll get you tea if you want"

"Oppa you should rest!"

"I'll send you home oppa!"

Oppa.. Oppa.. Oppa.. And oppa..


I groaned silently. Could they just shut up?! My head really hurts due to the lot of loud noises, especially with their shrill voices.




I heard some noises, it was like someone just kicked the desk or chair until it fell. And I knew who did that when that someone said with a deep familiar voice,

"Shut the up and get off"

I heard silence immediately, and I just could hear some footsteps that went away quickly and some whispers like 'kya he's so hot when he's angry' 'I know right but hyukjae's more hot' 'two princes' ect.


"Hyukkie, eat this" sungmin said after sending the girls a glare and put a bowl of porridge on my desk. Uh.. Lunch time. But my stomach not feeling good I feel like throwing up. I buried my face on the desk.

"What's wrong? You don't want to eat?" Sungmin asked concerned but I just shook my head weakly made him sighed. I felt a warmth hand my back gently, and I smiled immediately knowing whose that hand belongs to just by its warmth.

"Hyukkie you should eat" hae said softly while kept my back, I tilted my head to his side while kept resting my head on my desk and pouted at him, shook my head weakly again. He bent down a little so his face was in front of mine but not too close, "Why? Are you really not feeling good? Stomachache?"

I stared at the beautiful eyes and nodded my head slowly, made him sighed.

"You should go to the hospital hyuk" sungmin said worriedly while patted my shoulder, "you look really weak"

Then I felt kyu's hand touched my forehead but pulled out immediately, "!" He blew some air to his hand and tried to get rid of some hotness.

"What's wrong kyu?" Sungmin asked as he touched my forehead too and pulled his hand immediately too and gasped, "OH GOD! HYUKKIE!"

Hae frowned and tried to touch my forehead too but I quickly held his hand, preventing him from doing so. But I guess he still could feel how burned my body was from my hand, since he gasped loudly and stared at me with wide eyes.

I didn't know what happened but in a second I already felt hae's hand had gone, but I couldn't catch him up when he went away due to my strength.



"Where's hae..?" I asked with my hoarse voice, he already gone for seems-like-forever to me but he hadn't come back yet.

"He went to the infirmary for awhile, seriously hyukkie why did you go to school? You know you can't-- wait hyukkie where are you going??" Sungmin stopped me when I was about to go to the outside.

"Looking for hae.. Why is he in the infirmary? Did he hurt? Who hurts him? Or he hurts himself? I must--"

"YAH stop worrying him when you're the one who should be worried about!" Kyu said and pushed me to my seat again made me winched in pain. And he muttered "sorry", but I kept trying to stand up, I couldn't let hae alone, what if something bad happened?

"Hyukkie stop that! He just went for awhile and he didn't get hurt!" Sungmin said but I just ignored him and went outside with all my strength.


Wow. I felt like I'm in the moon I couldn't keep my balance its like the gravitation was against me. The other students that passing by in the hallway looked like an alien. I laughed sarcastically. Its funny yet frustrating.

Then I doubt it I was in the moon when I heard an heavenly voice, "Hyukkie? What are you doing??"

Ahh my angel's voice. See? I'm in heaven. But I heard the angel's voice became a blur as I heard him called my name with a full of worriedness in his voice. "Hyukkie!!"




Donghae's POV


I looked at the sleeping figure in front of me and sighed. Seriously hyukkie..

"Why did he go to school when he knows he can't even walk properly?" I mumbled to myself softly.

"I guess it's because of you, donghae" I turned my head to look at sungmin who had a bunny smile on his face, "he couldn't even leave you alone for 5 minutes when you went to the infirmary just now, then how could he leave you alone all day long in school? He might die you know" he chuckled as he saw my wide eyes and went to pinch my cheek.

"You should've seen his face when he tried to search for you" kyu chuckled and smirked at me. Made me shivered a little.

"But I'm not an elementary kid" I pouted and tightening my fist that held a medicine that I bought for him when lunch time just now in my hand, "did he even drink medicine before he went to school?"

"He hates medicine donghae, kya~ you're so cute when you pout!" sungmin said as he pinched my already red cheeks with a happy face.

"Hate..? Why..?"

"Neh, he said medicine won't help you to be healthy, instead makes your body even more in pain" sungmin pouted too and I frowned at his words.

"I guess we should go back to class now or the teacher would kill us" kyuhyun said as he checked the clock. Right, it had been 15 minutes since class started.

I looked at hyukkie who slept on the infirmary's bed again. But I couldn't leave him alone, mrs. Kim hadn't come back yet from the teacher's office. And even if mrs. Kim had come back, I still didn't want to leave him..

"You can stay here donghae, I'll tell teacher and explain everything" sungmin patted my head, smiling.

"R-really??" I looked at sungmin and he squealed again while hugging my head.

"Of course! but before that, give me your phone first" I stared at him who had leave my head and scratched his hand to me, waiting for me to give him my phone. I frowned but gave him my phone anyway.

He typed something with my phone and his phone vibrated immediately, he typed again and kyuhyun's phone vibrated too. "Finish!" He said, satisfied at what he had done while smiling widely. "The first one is my phone number, and the second one is kyu's, if anything bad happened don't hesitated and call us immediately okay?"

And after that, sungmin and kyuhyun went back to class, leaving me with my sick boyfriend alone.



I looked at the weak figure in front of me, it's already 30 minutes i stared at his handsome sleeping face. Sighed. The truth is I already predicted it that he might get sick since yesterday he kept coughing. Is it because the cokes he drank two days ago? I sighed again and poked his cheek with my index finger lightly. Hyukkie pabo..

I frowned. Why did he sweat so much?? I took a towel from the table and wiped his forehead. He looked uncomfortable with his eyes shut tightly and frown.

"What's wrong..?" I mumbled worriedly as I continued to wipe his sweats with the towel gently. "Oh gosh.. I guess it's getting worse"

I went to search for a thermometer in the drawer, and when I found it I quickly went back to hyukkie before settled the thermometer on him. And when it was done, I looked at the 2 digits on it and I my eyes widened in horror immediately.

40 degrees..?!

"Hmmh.." I snapped my head to look at hyukkie, he moved uncomfortably on the bed while sweating. It's like he had a nightmare or something like that.

What..what should I do??

I quickly grabbed hyukkie's hand and it gently with my teary eyes, didn't know what to do. I continued hyukkie's both hands with my left hand while my right hand went to his soft strawberry scents hair as gentle as possible.

And to my surprise, he calmed down slowly as I continued doing it and started to sleep calmly again after about 15 minutes. I sighed in relief and buried my face on the crock of his burned neck while crying silently. I'm afraid.

After calming down myself and making sure hyukkie already slept peacefully, I decided to text sungmin, since I would disturb the class if I call him and made the teacher mad at sungmin.


To: Sungmin

From: Donghae

Sungmin, hyukkie's temperature's 40 degrees and he was sweating so much. I guess it's getting worse.. What should I do? :( I'm sorry for disturbing the class..


To: My Bunny Donghae

From: Sungmin



I chuckled at his replied and at the fact that it just need 2 seconds for me to get a reply from him. And in a split of second, I already heard some footsteps came nearer in a quick space and the door opened immediately, revealing a little panting-hard blond guy and a calm tall guy.

I smiled at them in relief immediately and sungmin went to hug me tightly, saying "are you okay?" I nodded and hugged him back, trying my best to not cry in front of him as he my head while kyuhyun started to check hyukkie.

"It's really getting worse, I'll call mrs. Kim so we can bring him home okay?" Kyuhyun said as he patted our heads and went outside.


"U-uhh.." Sungmin pulled from the hug as we saw hyukkie sweating and moved uncomfortably again on the bed. No.. Not again..

"Whats-- what's wrong?? Hyuk you okay?" Sungmin hyukkie's shoulder in panic but hyukkie didn't seem to calm down even a little and continued moved his head from left to right slowly. I quickly went to hyukkie's hair panicky, hoping he would calm down again. And I was really surprised when hyukkie calmed immediately and stop moving for the second time.

I continued hyukkie's hair softly watching his perfect handsome figure deeply as he started to sleep peacefully again. Ignoring the fact that sungmin stared at my already blushing cheeks with a really big smile on his face.


Not long after that, kyuhyun finally came back with mrs. Kim who already had a key car on her hand. She checked on hyukkie for awhile and motioning us to bring him to the car. Kyuhyun then immediately lifted hyukkie and brought him to the car.

Kyuhyun put hyukkie gently inside mrs. Kim's car with my and sungmin's help, I settled hyukkie's head with a pillow so he could sleep comfortably in the back seat car.

After I finished, I smiled to kyuhyun, made him blinked his eyes at me and said "what?"

I just shook my head and covered my grining face with my palms, made him snapped at me and sungmin hugged me while mumbling "so cute!"

"Yah! What are you smiling at fishy!" Sungmin smacked kyuhyun's head with his hand as he said "don't snap at my bunny!" Made kyuhyun pouted.

I chuckled "I'm sorry.. But it was just so cute.. Seeing you piggy backing hyukkie.." I giggled a little, "you always when in fact you really care about him.. And it's just.. Too cute"

And I swear to all nemo's friends in the sea he blushed! Kyuhyun's blushing! I just could stared at him in disbelief, while sungmin already laughed and hugged kyuhyun tightly. And kyuhyun mumbled "shut up"



As we arrived at hyukkie's house, kyuhyun piggy backed hyukkie again which made me and sungmin smiled silently and followed him inside.


"How could you open the door? We haven't even.. Rang the bell and wait for his mom to open it" I asked confusedly, sungmin just grinned and dragged me inside.

"His mom's not home yet donghae, she always picks up amber from school at a time like this and will go to hyukkie's dad office until evening" sungmin said made me tilted my head in confusion.

"We already knew hyukkie since childhood and we really close with his family, his family already being my family and of course mine is them too" sungmin explained as we helped kyuhyun to put hyukkie on his bed, "so it's definitely an ok to take the key house from hyuk's bag. Here's yours" sungmin continued and winked at me as he handed me.. My bag?? H-how..? There's hyukkie's back too.

I looked at him in confusion again and he just laughed while saying "we took it for you, you're welcome bunny!" Made me blushed and said "thank you" softly.


"Kids, are you sure you don't want to bring him to the hospital?" Mrs. Kim said as she examined hyukkie,

"No mrs. Kim, he really hates hospital, he might kill us if we bring him there" kyuhyun said with his serious face. Hates? I frowned.

"Donghae, I'm really sorry but.. We need to go back to school for awhile, there's a dance competition 2 weeks later and we need to practice, so I need to tell the senior about hyukkie and me, I doubt it he would hear my explanation on the phone since he's very strict.." Sungmin said while looking at me with an apologetic look, "he only listens to hyukkie and barely listens to anyone else, so I need kyu to confient him, since the senior a little bit scared with kyu for some reasons.. Are you gonna be okay if we leave you for awhile? " he continued with a full of worried-ness on his face.

I smiled at him, "it's okay, I'll take good care of him, I promise"

Sungmin stared at me for awhile before pulled me for a really tight hug, squishing me tightly, "I'll be back soon I promise my bunny!!! Be careful be careful be careful!!!!"

"I'll call hyukkie's mom and tell her about this" kyuhyun said as he pulled sungmin from the hug possessively, and patted my head "you'll be okay, we'll be back as soon as possible" he smiled. I smiled back at him and nodded.

And after that, sungmin and kyuhyun went back to school with mrs. Kim, she needed to go back too due to the unfinished meeting and she had to report and explained to our homeroom teacher what had happened. At that time, we really grateful that we had a really kind-hearted teacher in school, even if she's not a real teacher but a doctor's school.




I sat on the floor with my hands and head rested on the bed beside hyukkie. I draw some patterns with my fingers on hyukkie's soft cheek, sometimes wrote 'lee donghae' on it. My fingers slowly went down to his sharp collarbone softly. His jawline is really flawless. My fingers moved again to his eye lashes and to his perfect sharp nose. He really is handsome, so perfect. I still couldn't believe that he's my boyfriend and that we're this close.

And without me knowing, my fingers already landed on his plump lips which was a little bit pale because of his sickness. I blushed. This lips.. Lips that already touched mine for several times already. I still could remember how this lips moved on mine so gently. So soft. How I miss this lips..

I pulled my hand and buried my face on the bed immediately. How could you donghae.. What did you think.. I felt my face became really red.

"Ha..e..?" I snapped my head immediately as I heard a hoarse and almost inaudible voice calling me. "Are you.. H-hurt?" He said as he caressed my cheek weakly, his eyes still closed.

"Hyukkie??" I felt my eyes started to getting teary. I miss his touch already. "I'm not hurt.. Are you okay??" I said as I grabbed his hand that still on my face but I felt my heart cracked as I felt his hand dropped to the bed.

I-is he sleep again? I held his hand tightly as I wait for several minutes, and sighed when I knew he slept already.


whats this.. why am i.. missing him so much?



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PhwePhweKhin #1
Chapter 49: I’ll be waiting for your next chapter! 😭💙 This is so cute 🥺💙
sjvirus #2
2022 and still remembering this cute fic 😭😭Hope u will continue creating new chapters for this amazing work.
16 streak #3
Chapter 49: ah i hope you'll update this soon...
aize96 #4
Keep coming back to this story.. love it so much... Hope you update this soon
Eunhaefanfic #5
Chapter 49: This is my number 1 fanfic I ever read I have already read and re read this numerous times but still it feels super fluffy, cute and lovely to read again pls pls pls author nim update this fic . I hope you are doing good in your new place 🤗
dramanime #6
Chapter 49: I just found this story and i couldnt stop reading becos its soo cute and fluffy i felt like i was watching anime with all the school setting and school trips and all!!! I love tis story soo much even tho its incomplete and will be rereading tis many many times in the future!! <3
minamoru26 #7
Sweet and innocent Donghae and possessive and jealous boyfriend Hyukjae. I like this story and when I first read this story's chapter one, it gets me hooked. Thank you author for this amazing story. Hope to see your amazing work in the future.
Chapter 49: Where ars u authornim ??:'''
Chapter 49: Omo, don't stop here.... Please continue and update this story again.... I wanna see they graduate and getting married ... Please complete this story, author nim...
nourawad #10
hey there, i think a lot of people is going to die to read an update , please update , i read this story 5 times already and I'm dying for an update.