Love Letter



Hyukjae’s POV


Why… why it happened to me?



“WHY?!?!?!?! Ouch--”


“yah! Stop whining and help me you idiot!”

I glared at  kyu who just hit me with menu-list board, but he just ignored me and went to give the foods to the bunch of girls.

“here, hyukkie” I heard hae said as he gave me ice cappuccino. I stared at him for awhile, waiting for something, but hae just staring back at me and tilted his head in confusion.

I sighed. I patted his head and took the ice cappuccino from his hand then put it on a tray before went to serve it. I could feel hae still staring at me worriedly.

i just want him to say 'stop serving them' to me.





hae and I and the other people who passed by our class jumped a little as we heard jaejoong’s voices echoed around the hall way, and we flinched again when suddenly yunho being thrown away from the class and landed on the floor in front of us, then got a heart attack again as we heard the door being slammed close, hard.

“son of a fish?” hae mumbled and tilted his head cutely.

…Ok calm down monkey. Don’t squish him now. There are a lot of people here.


“AAAAAARGH WHYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!” yunho screamed in frustration and pulled his hair desperately on the floor. Earning a lot of weird stares from the people. And me too, I frowned while looking at him as if he was some kind of weirdo.

Hae squatted down beside yunho and asked “what’s wrong” to him as he patted yuho’s shoulder to make him calm down. I couldn’t help but felt a little jealous. Okay put that jealousy aside, right now this guy that lying on the floor here clearly is having a problem. I bet he did something stupid again.

“why he called you a fish?” hae asked innocently again but this time he tilted his head in an extremely cute way while blinked his eyes. I turned around to see something that could calm my heart down and blew some air. Cuteness.

Yunho got up, so he sat on the floor now and started to pout not-so-cutely. “I did something stupid”

I nodded and sat down on the floor beside him too, ignoring the weird stares from students. “I know, but what exactly?”

He glared at me for a second, but then he pouted again and said, “I told him to stop doing the host thingy..”

“hm hmm and?”

“he asked me why..”

“okay so what did your—“

“I told him because he looked like a ”

and I kicked him hard on the floor furiously.


-end of flashback-



Stupid yunho bastard! Now I have to continue this thing! Stupid stupid stupid not helping at all! Should I just tell jaejoong that yunho likes him? No no, I should just announce it to the whole school.

“what’s wrong oppa? Is there something bothering you?” a girl named jiyeon asked me. She offered me her drink but I shook my head lazily.

“nana, don’t give him your drink, he wont like it. Give him mine instead”

huh? Oh.. so it’s not jiyeon? Her name is nana? Wait, so which one is jiyeon?

“hey it’s inappropriate, you two! Just order him the new one” the other girl with short hair said, and the two started to pout, “sorry jung-a”

jung-a? who the heck is jung-a?????

I pulled my hair in frustration and quickly stood up. Saying “im sorry I must go” to them politely and ran away after gave them a fake smile.


I was about to go to see hae, just to check if he’s okay and see his beautiful face so I could charge my energy, when suddenly someone said, “hyukjae, this beautiful girl wants you to serve her”

I turned to the sound, wanted to glare and shout at whoever it was, but then I stopped when I saw who ‘that girl’ was and frowned.




Donghae’s POV


I was deep in my thought as I made waffle dough. I couldn’t help but remembered what happened some minutes ago.

Actually, when hyukkie was busy kicking yunho on the floor in front of the class, I saw jaejoong served the customers with smile on his face. But I didn’t know why.. I felt like that smile was really heartbreaking, made my heart flinched. And there I saw jaejoong turned away from the girls and looked on the floor with a blank expression. I blinked my eyes, trying to scan his face. And then I widened my eyes when I saw jaejong’s watery eyes.

I still couldn’t get jaejoong’s face at that time out of my head. I didn’t understand.


“are you finish making the dough?” suddenly I heard jaejoong’s voice beside me, made me jumped slightly.

“n—ne.. a little bit more..” his sudden appearance caught the guard of me! Gosh I nearly had a heart attack.

“its okay, take your time” jaejoong said softly and went to sit on the chair near me. I throw a glance at him and saw his tired face as he closed his eyes. I pouted unconsciously. I quickly finishing the dough and gave it to sungmin so that he could make the waffles and I started to make a hot tea.


“here” I said as gave the hot tea to jaejoong. He seemed surprise and stared at me confusedly. I smiled at him, “you look so tired”.

Jaejoong chuckled, he took the tea and started to drink it. After took some sips, he sighed. “its the most delicious tea I have ever drink, thank you donghae” he smiled so so so softly at me. Made me blushed.

Wow! I talked to jaejoong and made him a hot tea! I’m a brave person now, nemo!! Uhh if only nemo has handphone..


Jaejoong sighed and groaned suddenly. “why?! That bastard!!” he shouted, made me shocked. I always afraid when someone started to shout.

“why why why why why!!!!!!” he continued to shout and slowly water started to form in his eyes. I didn’t know what to do, so I just stood there confusedly.

“I hate him..” he said with a weak voice.

“jaejoong.. you—“

“jaejoong!!!” seungri shouted suddenly, made me pouted and glared unnoticeably at the person who just cut my words. Seungri panted hard as he showed us his phone.

And we widened our eyes immediately. It was a picture of B-class café, but the difference is, there are a LOOOOT of people queue there, most of them all girls. Making the hall way was fuuuulllll of people!

Wow.. it looks like a queue in the amusement park.

Okay, maybe not. But still..

But then something caught my eyes. Even if it’s so small, but in the picture, I could saw someone familiar, standing in the middle of some girls with one of the girls looked like pecking his cheek.




“that stingy brat!” jaejoong took seungri’s phone and threw it else where. Made me widened my eyes in shock and quickly help seungri  - who was screaming “my phone!!! -  searching for his phone.

“we must do something” jaejoong mumbled as he bit his thumb’s nail, but seungri and I couldn’t be more careless when we found the broken phone. I patted seungri’s back as he cried loudly, “MY NEW S3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”


“if he took the girls, then we should bring the boys” jaejoong kept mumbling, but I was still busy patting seungri’s back as he cried louder.

“seungri, I know what we should do! Bring all of the girls and—“ jaejoong said but then stopped when I tilted my head up to look at him. Seungri was still crying.



“…donghae you…”

I frowned and tilted my head. Then I felt how my body being dragged by jaejoong along with seungri  -who was still crying- beside me, being dragged outside the class too. But before we reached outside, I saw hyukkie chatted happily with.. yoona?

His face looked happy, and he smiled his.. my favorite gummy smile to her.






“donghae, come outside!” jaejoong called from the outside. We were in the toilet right now, with me inside one of the cubicles, and jaejoong and seungri outside the cubicles. Seungri was already okay now after jaejoong said he would buy a new S3 for him. Well.. still sulking though.

I shook my head furiously even if I know jaejoong wouldn’t see me. My face was as red as a tomato now, no, it was more than that!!! Oh gosh why this happened to me?????

“yah lee donghae! if  you’re not going outside right now, I will break the door for sure!”

I widened my eyes in shock hearing jaejoong’s words, I hesitated at first, but then I quickly opened the door when I felt jaejoong was gonna shout again.

And when I opened the door, I saw they froze immediately.…





I knew it!! It’s as embarrassing as being in front of nemo!!!

I quickly went back to the cubicle, wanted to hide myself but got stopped when jaejoong held my wrist.

“nonononnono donghae don’t!!” he panicked and started to look at me in disbelief. I already had my eyes watery.

Uh.. I need hyukkie now..






“d—don’t tell hyukkie.. please..” I said for the third time already to jaejoong and seungri who were now dragged me back to the class. Everyone in the hallway stared at me with shock expression. Im scared..

“I won’t I won’t I promise! I promise to you too that I will do it too! And some of the guy will do it too of course” jaejoong said excitedly as he kept dragging me.


Actually.. jaejoong had this idea. Since yunho’s class attracted almost all of the girls, then our class should attracted the boys. And at first, he wanted to use the pretty girls from our class to promote our café around the school. But then he said, when he saw me on the floor looking at him just now, he changed his plan. He wanted to make our café to be all girls. Hmm I mean, all of the waiters will be girls and all of the boys will dress as girls too, well, just some of them who looked good in skirt he said. And of course it will catch the girl’s attention too, since girls like to see a cross-dressing guy, right?


And here I am.. being dragged by jaejoong and seungri, wearing a maid uniform and a black long-straight wig with a cute little white ribbon on it… I totally looked like a girl now..  oh gosh… WHY ME??           


Without me knowing, I already stood in front of the door with jaejoong and seungri beside me. And within a second, everything became silence around me. All of the customers started to stare at me with wide eyes, and my classmates stared confusedly at me, with their wide eyes too.

I bent down my extremely red face.

I didn’t like it… its scary…


“donghae, everybody looks at you in amazement because you’re really beautiful” jaejoong whispered to me, and I couldn’t help but blushed. “be confident, you’re so pretty” jaejoong smiled widely at me. And blushed again.

“yeah, even prettier than the girls in school” seungri said while stared at me in amazement, only to make my face went redder than it already was.


“who’s this, jaejoong?” one of my classmates asked with his shock eyes. I bent down my head. Am I really that different?

“its haeji, my cousin, and don’t you dare to touch her” jaejoong said, made me snapped my head in shock. What the—who’s haeji???

“o—okay.. chill...” he said nervously and went away after send me a wink. I buried my face in my palms when jaejoong and seungri started to laugh.


“donghae, hold this board and went around the school, okay? I will follow you later. Go ask hyukjae to accompany you, don’t go alone” jaejoong said as he gave me the cute board with our café’s name on it, “oh and don’t forget to change your voices if you don’t want anyone to know” he continued and I nodded my head, still blushing.


“hahahahhaha seriously hyukjae” I snapped my eyes when I heard that voice and I immediately spotted hyukkie and yoona sitting beside the window, chatting happily. I frowned, slightly pouted. And without me knowing, I already approached them and stood in beside their table.

Yoona gasped when she looked at me, “o—omo..”

I quickly bent down my head in embarrassment. Stupid lee donghae! what to do... you should've thinking first before doing something, what are you going to do now! I felt how hyukkie staring intently at me. I—I need to change my voice.

“h—hyukk—hyukjae.. uh..” I stuttered and I felt my hands trembling a little. I know it’s hyukkie I’m talking with, but still.. wearing this kind of clothes in front of him… Did he know that it’s me?

“ja—jaejoong said.. we should—went around th—the school while.. holding t--this—“

“who are you?” hyukkie said with a cold tone.

e-- eh?


“who’s haeji?” hyukkie asked, frowned, still with his cold tone. Why he used that tone..?

“j-- jaejoong’s cousin..”

“well, whatever it is, do it with the other student. I don’t want to”

my heart flicked. It hurts.

I bit my bottom lips as I bent down my head. I know I didn’t want hyukkie to know that it’s me, but… is he really couldn’t see that it’s me?


“yah! Hyukjae! Help her will you?!” jaejoong shouted from afar and glared at hyukkie. I bit my bottom lip more.

I heard hyukkie sighed and got up from his seat. Leaving me and yoona here. I tried my best not to drop any single tear.

“haeji? Is that your name?” yoona asked, smiling beautifully at me. Ahh.. she really is beautiful. no wonder hyukkie fell for her. “you’re so beautiful” she said.

I was shocked at her words. I blushed and said slowly, “y—you’re the one who’s.. b—beautiful”

Yoona chuckled and said, “no I’m not”. I was about to say something when I felt my phone was vibrated. I said sorry to yoona and looked at my phone, only to widen my eyes.


Incoming call



I turned to look at hyukkie across the class, and I saw how hyukkie walking back and forth panicky while messing his hair.

My heart felt warm immediately..

“hyukjae, haeji, go now!” jaejoong shouted, made hyukkie hissed in annoyance and went outside, and I follow him to go outside hesitantly while hugging the board in my arms.




Along the hallway, we didn’t talk to each other even a single word. Hyukkie kept checking his phone impatiently and I busied to hide my vibrated phone in my dress pocket.

Is he always this cold towards the other girl? It’s similar with what sungmin and kyu told me before..

But he was so kind with yoona just now.

I frowned and held back my tears. does he still have a feeling towards her or something?


“aish where’s he????” I heard hyukkie hissed again for the fifth time already.

I threw a glance at him and I was shock. He looked really frustrated and desperate. His eyes wandering around panicky, he gritted his teeth, and pulled his hair messily. clearly extremely panic.

Uh.. nemo… i’m sorry hyukkie…

“h—hyukjae..” I tried to call him, not forgetting to change my voices. I wanted to make him calm, but I don’t know how.. should I tell him that it is me?

He stared at me with his cold eyes. Made me shivered and bent my head down immediately.

“a—are you searching for.. your g—girlfriend?” I asked unconsciously. Aarrgh I just didn’t know what topic I should bring!

Hyukkie didn’t say anything but just looked at elsewhere. Clearly ignoring me. I pouted.

“I thought that girl is your girlfriend..” I mumbled as my heart started to brake into pieces with my own words.

And to my surprise, he answered me, “no she’s not” he said, and I couldn’t be more relief when he finally talked to me.

“o-- oh.. she’s beautiful..”

“my boyfriend is more beautiful”

I widened my eyes instantly. I blinked my eyes in confusion as I felt my face getting red.

“r—really?” I said and he hummed in response, still wandering around, searching for.. err.. his boyfriend.

“how does he—he look like..?”

“he looks like a fish” hyukkie said and chuckled, I stared at him in horror. FISH?!

“…a cute one though” he continued while smiling widely. And I blushed again. I want to know more I want know more!!

“d—do you love him??” I asked and tilted my head to look at him, trying so hard to hide my curious face but failed.

He frowned and turned to look at me, “what do you—“

I blinked my eyes as he stared at me with his cold eyes which slowly getting softened. I waited for his answer but he kept silence. Did—did he find out..?

Then he sighed and smiled softly at me, made me stunned, “yes I love him.. so much”

I quickly bent down my head again to hide my flushing cheeks. O—omo… he smiled at me!! Oh my.. why I felt like I was back to the time when I was still have one-sided love towards him?

“you kinda remind me of him” hyukkie said and I stared at his soft eyes. “he looks like you”

KYAAA that stare!!

… wait...

he… didn’t find out?

“o..oh, really?” I mumbled while looking down again, he hummed again.

“especially your eyes” he said as he took the board from my hands and lifted it up so that people could see it. “they’re watery” he continued, and started to talk to people that passed by us to visit our café. Began promoting.

I pouted and just follow him.






it’s been an hour since we walked around the school’s yard, and its really crowded in here! there are a lot of stands! awww i want to visit them one by one!! gosh... if only i didn't wear this kind of clothes...

As we walked around, I could feel all of the people who passed by us looking intently at us in amazement. I heard some of them said ‘beautiful’ and ‘handsome’, and some even said ‘they look good together’ which made me blushing madly. And we succeeded to make a lot of people to come to our café.


And.. well.. in this one hour, hyukkie and I didn’t say anything.. yes.. anything! Not even a single word came out from our lips. And it’s killing me inside. I wanted him to hold my hand like he always did when he walked by my side. Staring at me lovingly. Hearing his laugh, visiting all of the stands happily… but… it’s more than okay though.. it’s better than seeing hyukkie serves those girls. Uh..

And as if hyukkie could read my mind, he suddenly held my wirst and pulled me to his side, made me shock. I tilted my head to look at him.

“its too crowded here, don’t get lost” he said and he started to guide me through the crowd.



I didn’t know how to feel.

I was happy.. hyukkie held my hand, this is what I wanted. But..

He didn’t hold hae’s hand now, he held some other girl’s hand named haeji.


“look, ice cream. You want some?” hyukkie asked as he pointed to the ice cream stand not too far from us. my eyes getting sparkle, and when I realized, I already stood in front of the stand

Hyukkie chuckled and said to the guy, “one strawberry ice cream for me”.

“one chocolate ice cream please!” i squealed happily when the guy started to scoop my chocolate ice cream.

“for the most beautiful girl” the guy said while handed me my chocolate ice cream and I blushed at his words.

“watch out your words” hyukkie said to the guy but I was so careless that I didn’t even realize, I my ice cream happily.

“you like it that much?” hyukkie asked, and I nodded my head furiously. He chuckled, “my boyfriend loves it so much too”

I stopped.

But I’m.. your boyfriend..


“are you tired? Do you want to go back?” hyukkie asked as he wiped the ice cream on my lips with his hand.


i—I want to go back. I want to be back as donghae again and hug him tightly.. a-- and begging him not to do these kind of things to the other girls like  this..

I nodded my head slowly.

Sungmin.. kyu.. you liar.


We were going back to the class again now, with hyukkie held my hand tightly and my head hanged low.

Uhh my eyes felt hot.

“you okay?” hyukkie suddenly asked, made me snapped my head. But then I heard him gasped.

“w—why are you crying?” he asked and cupped my face with his gentle hands and began to wipe my tears, only to make me cried even harder.

“w—wait, don’t cry, please.. ha—haeji..” he said panicky as he kept my cheeks softly like he always did when I cried. And when he leaned his head closer to mine—

this is it.

“d—don’t” i pushed him away from me and started to run.. run.. and running away far from him. Ignoring people who walked oppositely and just let my body getting hit as I kept running.








I opened my eyes slowly as I felt my head hurt like hell. I looked at the clock on the wall and it read 17.45 in the afternoon. I reminded in my position for awhile, trying to scan what was happening and.. I widened my eyes in horror immediately and quickly got up from the bed.

Oh my god..

i—I slept for 3 hours???

Actually, after I ran away from hyukkie, I quickly hid myself in the infirmary –which was empty and no one was there – and locked it, crying my heart out on one of the bed and without me realized, I already fell asleep. And now i—wait… I widened my eyes more.

So the festival was already over????

I started to getting panic.

o—okay, the festival is held for 2 days, so there’s still  tomorrow. Calm down hae, you still can apologize to jaejoong and make it up tomorrow. I sighed again and tried to calm myself down.




now here I am.. alone in this empty room which getting dark already. What should I do now?? I was really afraid, but then I heard the sound of students laughing happily. I quickly went to the window and looked outside, seeing how all of the students played happily with the big smiles on their faces.

I could saw some students were chit-chatting with each other, some were running here and there, some were playing with the campfire that placed in the middle of the school’s yard, and some were just enjoying the moment with their lovers.

My heart hurts… I should’ve been there now… with hyukkie beside me, watching the students play happily and enjoying the warmth of the campfire, talking about random things with his arms around  me, with his cute gummy smile and with me blushing nonstop because of his usual cheesy words.

Without me knowing, I already searched for the familiar figure that I love the most with my already teary eyes..

where is he? My head hurts.. I couldn’t see clearly. Ugh maybe it was because I was crying too much. Seriously I need to stop for being a crybaby.


I sighed tiredly and dragged my feet away from the window and went toward the door. I miss him. I want to hug him. I want to hear his voices. But I’m afraid to see his face. What is he doing now? Did he search for me? Will he be mad at me?

I shivered when I saw the empty hallway. Thank god the lamps are on, so it didn’t look that creepy, but still.. to be alone in your school in the afternoon? I sobs inside. I need to go to my class and change my clothes quick! So that I could join the students and find hyukkie!


I looked around at the classroom which already cleaned. I couldn’t help but felt guilty. I didn’t help them to clean our class and just slept in the infirmary. I wiped my tears that started to form in my eyes.

I searched to find my clothes, and when I finally found it, I sighed in relief. I wanted to remove my maid clothes that I wear right now but I need to take off my wig first. so started to take off my wig and—

I froze.

a—anyone knows how to take it off…?


I cried silently and sat on the floor. Sobbing.

h—how could I go out there now? I couldn’t remove this wig.. hyukkie wont recognize me.. a—and what if I couldn’t take it off for the rest of my life????? Th—then I need to live as a girl? Then—then hyukkie wont recognized me for the rest of my life too???? Noooooooooo! I looked at the window in horror as I imagining that things when suddenly I felt a pair of hands wrapped around my waist. I gasped.


“there you are” someone whispered in my ear while panting heavily.



then I released all of my tears out.





TTTT TTTT THE BIGGEST thousands thousands thousands thank yous for @willhaebemine TTT TTT thank you so much unnie for promoting this story really TTT TTT oh my.. i still can't believe my favorite author read my fic... /SOOOBSS/

and thank you for those who subscribed and commented to this story ;___; i looooove you all /HUGGGSS/

will update the next chappie as soon as possible! ^^ love!! <3<3<3


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PhwePhweKhin #1
Chapter 49: I’ll be waiting for your next chapter! 😭💙 This is so cute 🥺💙
sjvirus #2
2022 and still remembering this cute fic 😭😭Hope u will continue creating new chapters for this amazing work.
16 streak #3
Chapter 49: ah i hope you'll update this soon...
aize96 #4
Keep coming back to this story.. love it so much... Hope you update this soon
Eunhaefanfic #5
Chapter 49: This is my number 1 fanfic I ever read I have already read and re read this numerous times but still it feels super fluffy, cute and lovely to read again pls pls pls author nim update this fic . I hope you are doing good in your new place 🤗
dramanime #6
Chapter 49: I just found this story and i couldnt stop reading becos its soo cute and fluffy i felt like i was watching anime with all the school setting and school trips and all!!! I love tis story soo much even tho its incomplete and will be rereading tis many many times in the future!! <3
minamoru26 #7
Sweet and innocent Donghae and possessive and jealous boyfriend Hyukjae. I like this story and when I first read this story's chapter one, it gets me hooked. Thank you author for this amazing story. Hope to see your amazing work in the future.
Chapter 49: Where ars u authornim ??:'''
Chapter 49: Omo, don't stop here.... Please continue and update this story again.... I wanna see they graduate and getting married ... Please complete this story, author nim...
nourawad #10
hey there, i think a lot of people is going to die to read an update , please update , i read this story 5 times already and I'm dying for an update.