Love Letter



Hyukjae’s POV


I was still struggling with yunho on the ground when suddenly I heard some footsteps running further away. We stopped immediately as we heard those footsteps. I turned my head to hae, who had a shock expression on his face. His eyes widened and his mouth gapped open like a cute fish.

“hae?? What’s—“

“that was... jaejoong…” my words got cut by hae’s words.




“WHAT?!” yunho and I shouted at the same time, made hae jumped a little and i quickly hugged him and muttered "sorry" to him, and I could saw yunho’s face turned pale. Too shock. Oh gosh!

“did—did he hear..? every—everything…?” yunho mumbled while staring blankly at the hallway with his pale face.

“ya—yah!! Chase him pabo!! Quickly chase him!!” I shouted panicky as I started to pull yunho from the ground and pushed him to make him chase jaejoong. He was too shock, his body was stiff.

“but—but what if… what if he—“

“SHUT UP YOU IDIOT! JUST CHASE HIM AND CONFESS!!” I shouted loudly and pushed him hard, made him nearly fell but he wasn’t, he started to run. but then he turned to us again, worry filled in his eyes.

“JUST GO!” hae and I yelled panicky, and yunho immediately turned again and ran as fast as he could in a lightning speed, chasing after jaejoong.


Hae and I were still shock, we just stood here, froze.

Some seconds later, I started to chuckle. Hae turned his head to look at me and frowned, I ruffled his hair as I said, “even your yell is so cute hae” made him blushed.

He hit my arm softly while muttered, “it’s not the time for cheesiness hyukkie!”, laughed.

"well... what about we start our date??" i said smiling widely,

i saw his face flushed a little but then he frowned, "but yunho--"

"let them be, they're gonna be okay" i smiled as i caressed his cheek, and my hand started to pinch his nose playfully, "i miss our quality time hae"

he chuckled with his red face, and smiled beautifully at me.

"i'll take that as a yes" i said happily and kissed his cheek before grabbed his hand and walked happily to the school's field.








“you want that?” I asked and hae nodded his head furiously with his sparkling eyes, I chuckled at his cuteness and talked to the guy behind the stand.

I held the long toy-gun that the guy had given to me and preparing myself to shot the small blue fish plushie named dory on the table kinda far from me. I gave all of my concentration to the little creature, aiming that blue fish with hae who gripped my  shirt slightly, well I told him to do that since I’m afraid if someone would kidnap him, and I could tell he was nervous too. Okay. Must. Win. This. For. Hae.

I was ready to shot and already pulled the bullet when suddenly--


I heard a piercing loud voice came from the school’s broadcast room, someone had just screamed on the mic made the sound system produced a loud piercing ‘ngiinggg’ that could make your ears deaf all of a sudden. I winched and dropped the toy gun immediately and quickly buried hae’s head on my chest, covering his ears with my palms.


everyone screamed and covered their ears as the amazingly annoying piercing ‘nging’ sound didn’t fade for a quiet long time. Fck! My ears hurt!!

After the sound faded, hae quickly pulled from me and looked at me panicky. I was blinking my eyes furiously, trying to regain my ear’s ability but then that ‘someone’ screamed again.


hae quickly covered my ears with his palms, but I could still hear the piercing sound and everyone screamed hysterically. I blew some hot air to my palm and quickly put it to my ears to lessen the pain.


“YAHHHHHHH! JUNG YUNHO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I screamed in frustration as I covered hae’s ears again. Everyone was busy making the pain in their ears’ fade.

“ehm, test test. Okay. Well… YAH KIM JAEJOONG WHERE ARE YOU, BASTARD?!” the guy who screamed on the mic –which I completely believed it was that stupid yunho- talked and shouted again, but this time not making the piercing sound.

I palmed my face and groaned. “that idiot” I mumbled annoyingly and quickly turned to the stand again, grabbing the toy-gun and shot the small blue fishy plushie, and (surprisingly) this time it hit the fish perfectly. I blew some air, feeling relief and quickly told the guy to give the little plushie to me.

“come here quickly, you stupid! I searched for you everywhere but I couldn’t find you! WHY ARE YOU RUNNING AWAY FROM ME?!!!!!!!!!”


“YAH STOP SCREAMING JUNG YUNHO!!!!!!!!!!” I screamed as I palmed my ears. “yah! Quickly give me the plushie!” I yelled and the guy seemed kinda confuse since yunho’s voice made him dizzy I bet. He quickly took the plushie and gave it to me. Since I already pay for the game – it was a game where you pay for 3 times shot, and whatever hit your bullets, it became yours – I immediately took it from the guy and pulled hae who still dizzy from that bastard yunho’s scream by his waist and began to walk through the people.


“I don’t know what to do anymore dammit! Why wont you listen to me?! Why wont you TRY to listen to me?! Why are you so stubborn?!” yunho still talking nonsense things on the mic, made everybody stopped whatever they were doing and listened to what he said through the speakers that attached on the wall all over the school. Tch that super idiot guy! What is he thinking?!


“hyukkie, where are we going??” hae asked as I kept guide him inside the school, which was really difficult since there are a lot of people here.

“Broadcast room, we need to stop that idiot. Hang on me hae” I said and I felt how hae fisted his hands on my shirt tightly.


“I know it’s all my fault. But I couldn’t do anything goddammit! I was so frustrated! I’m not a man who could say those gentle words like hyukjae and kyuhyun! I always express myself with harsh words and some violence.”


“WHAT?! Should he really mentioned my name?!” I hissed loudly as I kept walking through the people with hae in my arms. I heard hae giggled and I couldn’t help but felt calm immediately hearing his voice. I pulled him closer and kept going until we reached the empty hallway which will lean us to the broadcast room.


“you know that, don’t you? You understand that, don’t you? You know me, so how could you not understand what I said to you yesterday?! Until when you become this stubborn and clueless?!”


“whoa yunho…” hae mumbled in amazement, his eyes sparkled. I chuckled and kissed his cheek, I couldn’t stand with his sparkle eyes! it's soooo cute! He blushed and palmed his cheeks. I chuckled loudly and started to walk even faster, well, I didn’t want to run since I don’t want hae would be hurt again.


“should I tell you everything here? Saying what’s on my mind when I first saw you until now?!”


“gosh! Why is he so stupid?!” I mumbled while still walking, when suddenly I felt a wind blew from my right side. Eh??

Someone just ran SO fast beside me, as fast as a lightning speed. Then hae said, “hyukkie it’s jaejoong!” made me shocked.


“I saw you at the café near school, you were drinking your favorite hot cappuccino beside the window alone. I saw you and you looked so calm with your eyes closed. You looked like… I don’t know... all I know was I want you to look at me”


“seriously that guy?!” I hissed and quickly lifted hae in my arms, made hae gasped in shock, and started to run.

“hyukkie!! Put me down!! I can run by myself!!” he said panicky with his extremely red face.

“no way I let you run” I said as I kept running with hae in my arms.

“whoa!” hae was panicked when I started to run even faster and he quickly circled his arms around my neck, afraid if he would fall – which I wouldn’t let that happen of course.


“so I started to annoy you, starting a fight, and unconsciously making you hate me. But what else can I do?! Dammit you hate me for god’s sake! You hate me while I lo—“ *tek*


suddenly the mic turned off, made everything became a complete silence all of a sudden.

then suddenly I could hear everyone in the outside and inside the school screamed like a mad man, curious about what was he going to say. Hae was burying his head on my shoulder, I guess he was afraid with the screams, since… seriously it was a real chaos! Thanks to that stupid guy.


“ARE YOU TRYING TO EMBARRASS ME OR WHAT?!” I heard jaejoong’s voice inside the broadcast room as we arrived in front of the room. I put hae down on the ground on his feet and immediately welcomed by his ultra deep red face. I chuckled and was about to kiss his cheek when suddenly we heard yunho yelled loudly, made us flinched.


“STOP USING BAD WORDS TO ME BASTARD!! WHY YOU ALWAYS LIKE THIS?! I HATE YOU!!” jaejoong yelled and suddenly we heard a really loud “bang” from inside made hae and I flinched again. I could see hae’s scared face, he looked like he was about to cry so I pulled him into my embrace again. I flicked my tongue. What’s wrong with those two seriously!

I peeked the room through the small glass on the door only to widen my eyes. There was a broken chair on the floor in the middle of those two, completely broken and it became into pieces, and I’m really sure it was yunho who did that. I saw jaejoong stood with wide eyes and mouth slightly open looking at the broken chair, clearly shock at what just happened. Yunho palmed his face with his bandage hand.

It was silence for a while, then suddenly yunho sat on the floor and said something that made jaejoong’s eyes became even more wide. What?? What did he say??? I couldn’t hear anything since his voice was so soft! I pressed my ear to the door. Then my eyes widened even more when I heard yunho said with a really soft voice,

“why can’t you understand…? I love you dammit…”

and I’m 100% sure I heard some sobs.


yunho was still sitting on the floor, palming his face which I’m COMPLETELY sure he tried to hide his tears. But he failed of course since we still could hear his soft sobs. Oh god, yunho cried……………………………….... it’s not the end of the world right…?

DAMN! It’s yunho we’re talking about!

And HEY! I still want to get married with hae!! I prayed to god silently to make this not the end of the world.


“yah… you—you’re not serious… are you…?” jaejoong asked, stuttered, still having this shock expression on his face while staring at yunho.

I could see yunho gritted his teeth and pulled his hair furiously. “can’t you just dump me…? Don’t make me like this please… I beg…” yunho said desperately.

Gosh jaejoong you stupid…

But then I was so shocked at what I just saw. Jaejoong slowly walked closer to yunho and squatted down in front of him. He took yunho’s bandage hand which covering his face. and as yunho’s right hand being pulled away from his face, I could see yunho’s tears still flowing uncontrollably from his eyes. Oh my… then I saw something I never thought would happen.

Jaejoong stared at yunho for a while, then started to caress yunho’s right cheek soooo gently, wiping his tears with his fingers while his other hand still holding yunho’s bandage hand. I could tell yunho was shock as hell. His eyes widened as he stared at jaejoong. Jaejoong just wore his expressionless face.

“is it still hurt?” jaejoong asked as he caressed yunho’s bandage hand. Yunho opened his mouth, trying to say something but I guess he was too shock so no words came from his lips.

“pabo…” jaejoong muttered and put yunho’s bandage hand to jaejoong’s cheek. He closed his eyes, “why are you so stupid jung yunho…” he said and I could see there’s some tears started to flow from his eyes. Yunho was shocked and quickly wiped it with his hand which still on jaejoong’s cheek.

“then who’s yunjae?” suddenly jaejoong asked, made me stunned.

“huh? What’s yunjae?” yunhae asked back, stunned too at the sudden question.

“yah! I heard your conversation with hyukjae and donghae! Don’t act like you don’t know!” jaejoong hissed. I blinked my eyes in confusion.

“wa—wait… If you heard, then you should know that I love you!” yunho said, shocked. But jaejoong just frowned his brows.

“wait wait, what did you hear back then??” yunho asked again curiously,

jaejoong seemed like thinking for a while,“hmm.. you said you want to confess to someone, then hyukjae said ‘yunjae’. Yah! How dare you said you love me when you planned to confess to someone else!” jaejoong shouted, made yunho shocked.

“yah! You are the one who I wanted to confess to!!” yunho shouted in panic, and this time it’s jaejoong’s turn who widened his eyes.

“what..? then—then who’s yunjae??” jaejoong asked confusedly,

yunho started to chuckle and caressed jaejoong’s cheek with his hand which still on jaejoong’s face. “no wonder you were mad…”

I looked at hae who was still really shock too. He stared back at me.

“so… is it our fault… hyukkie…?” hae asked cutely while pointing at his face,

I chuckled and was about to laugh but hae quickly covered my lips before it happened.

“shut up” I heard jaejoong said and yunho chuckled.

“so… what’s your answer?” yunho suddenly asked as he stared at jaejoong with his serious expression. Jaejoong didn’t say anything for a while, but then he said, “say it again”, made yunho raised his brows.

“say what?”

“say that you love me”

yunho frowned, but then chuckled and said slowly, “I love you, kim jaejoong”

“say it again”

yunho frowned again, “huh? I love you”


“I love you”

“one more”

“I love you jaejoong”

“once again please”

“yah!!” yunho shouted a little, and jaejoong started to laugh.

Yunho chuckled and began to lean his face closer to jaejoong. When their lips came into contact, I quickly covered hae’s eyes with my palms. Hae was struggling, tried to free himself but I kept it still until they parted from each other. And as soon as hae looked that they already apart, he whined cutely, “hyukkie~!” made me chuckled.

“sooo… is that mean a ‘yes’?” yunho asked, grinned widely.

“well… I didn’t say that” jaejoong said, made yunho frowned.

Jaejoong chuckled and cupped yunho’s cheeks with his hands, then their lips connected again.

I sighed in relief and dragged hae from the door while covering his eyes, made him whined again. I chuckled and wanted to kiss his lips when suddenly we heard footsteps coming from the hallway.

whoa!! Kyuhyun and sungmin!!

Kyuhyun face looked so pissed, I guess he wanted to punch yunho in the face for mentioning his name in his speech. I chuckled.

I saw sungmin was about to yell something to us, hae and I panicked immediately and quickly made some signs to them to not making any sounds like we did to yunho earlier since we still near the broadcast room. They seemed understand and quickly shut their mouths.

Hae and I walked silently to them, “yunho and jaejoong are inside, a new couple was born” I said and smirked. They were shocked as hell. Since no one knows about this since the beginning except me and hae. I chuckled seeing their precious expressions.


Suddenly hae stepped closer to sungmin and hugged him tightly. Made me, kyuhyun, and sungmin gasped in shock, and our faces became……….. no shape since we were too shock.

“b—bunny…?? What’s—what’s wrong???” sungmin asked panicky, but he hugged hae back. Hae just shook his head slowly and buried his face on sungmin’s shoulder.

Sungmin’s face became brightened and a wide smile started to creep on his face, he squealed happily and hugged hae more tighter. Different from kyuhyun and I, who had our annoyed expressions, staring at the two.

Okay, I know hae was sad because of that scene we saw in the school’s backyard earlier, but I couldn’t stand it! I pulled hae from sungmin by his waist and hugged him from behind, while kyuhyun pulled sungmin too and held his shoulders possessively, made sungmin whined and stomped his feet, “I want to hug my bunny more!!!!!”

I pouted looking at hae as sungmin squealed happily, “kyaaaa!! I cant believe hae just hugged me!!!” Hae just blushed and looked down. And kyuhyun was having a hard time to make his boyfriend calm.






“one chocolate ice cream and one strawberry ice cream please” I said to the guy who immediately started to scoop the ice cream.

Hae was smiling widely seeing the guy scooped his favorite chocolate ice cream and put it on a cone. I chuckled seeing his perfect figure, he was no longer wearing his maid dress, but he still wearing his wig. Well… I was the one who made him like that though, since I couldn’t stand seeing people staring at his body up and down like fdksdedjiejow -I don’t even want to mention it-. I insisted my classmates to let hae wearing his uniform, but I couldn’t make him removed his wig since our classmates said we still need his girl-figure for our promotion. Tch.

But… well, instead of weird, he was extremely cute though. It’s not like a guy who wear a wig, instead he looks like a girl wearing a guy’s uniform. I wonder why he’s really that beautiful.


“hyukjae hyung!” suddenly someone called me, I turned my head to the voice’s direction and found my junior, minho, ran toward me. He stopped in front of me while trying to catch his breath,

“what’s wrong minho?” I asked while patting his back,

after he caught his breath, he straightened his body and bowed to me before said, “I’m sorry hyung, but there’s something I need to tell you”

i frowned and was about to ask what when suddenly I felt someone tugged me softly from behind. Hae was staring at me with his amazingly cute round eyes while holding our ice creams in his hands. I smiled and took my strawberry ice cream from him and muttered, “thank you” to him while patting his head gently.

“whoa hyung! It’s your girlfriend??” minho asked with wide eyes, maybe shock seeing an unfamiliar perfect figure,

“nehh, so don’t dare to touch him arasso?” I said seriously as I wrapped my hand around hae’s waist. I could see hae blushed. Minho chuckled.

“easy hyung, I wont. I already have my baby” minho said happily, I chuckled back and asked, “really?? Who’s she?” i couldn’t hide my excitement since he’s my favorite junior from dance club and I’m kinda relief since he wouldn’t disturb hae then.

“well… he hasn’t be mine though” minho smiled sheepishly while scratching his head, he then grinned widely, “ just wish me luck ok hyung?”

“'he'??” I was surprised, I never thought minho attracted to guys! He chuckled seeing my shock expression, “nehh, hope it’s okay with you about my gender preference”

“what?? Of course I’m okay! I have a boyfriend too” I said, and he widened his eyes immediately. He stared at me and hae in disbelief. I laughed seeing his face.

“minho, HE is my boyfriend, lee donghae” I said confidently as I pulled hae even closer, made minho’s eyes became even more wide and his mouth gapped open, and hae blushed madly. I chuckled.

“se—seriously hyung????” he asked as he scanned hae’s face, and hae buried his red face on my chest immediately. I laughed and caressed his hair.

“so minho, what’s the thing you want to tell me before?” I asked, made him snapped his head,

“oh right! I’m sorry hyung!” he said made me chuckled again, but then my chuckled faded and I stunned when he said,

“our president club told me to inform you that he already know who took the dance club’s key”






YEAY! for the real update~

YEAY!! for yunjae!

and YEAAAAAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for eunhae winning the mnet!!!!!!!!!!!! XD you guys all are the best!!!!!! *hugggsssss you all!!* *throws confetti* *dancing in happiness*

kkkkk sorry guys~ i'll fulfill my promise in the next chapter, neh! :p mianhae bbys! i love you soooo much!!! <3<3<3 hope you like this chappie btw! ^^




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PhwePhweKhin #1
Chapter 49: I’ll be waiting for your next chapter! 😭💙 This is so cute 🥺💙
sjvirus #2
2022 and still remembering this cute fic 😭😭Hope u will continue creating new chapters for this amazing work.
16 streak #3
Chapter 49: ah i hope you'll update this soon...
aize96 #4
Keep coming back to this story.. love it so much... Hope you update this soon
Eunhaefanfic #5
Chapter 49: This is my number 1 fanfic I ever read I have already read and re read this numerous times but still it feels super fluffy, cute and lovely to read again pls pls pls author nim update this fic . I hope you are doing good in your new place 🤗
dramanime #6
Chapter 49: I just found this story and i couldnt stop reading becos its soo cute and fluffy i felt like i was watching anime with all the school setting and school trips and all!!! I love tis story soo much even tho its incomplete and will be rereading tis many many times in the future!! <3
minamoru26 #7
Sweet and innocent Donghae and possessive and jealous boyfriend Hyukjae. I like this story and when I first read this story's chapter one, it gets me hooked. Thank you author for this amazing story. Hope to see your amazing work in the future.
Chapter 49: Where ars u authornim ??:'''
Chapter 49: Omo, don't stop here.... Please continue and update this story again.... I wanna see they graduate and getting married ... Please complete this story, author nim...
nourawad #10
hey there, i think a lot of people is going to die to read an update , please update , i read this story 5 times already and I'm dying for an update.