Love Letter



Donghae's POV


I woke up by the sound of door being closed. Hmm.. What's wrong?

I tried to open my eyes but it was too comfortable to wake up. It must be mom who wanted to wake me up. Uhh.. But I don't want to wake up yet.. I hugged nemo plushie that hyukkie bought me tightly. 

Nemo plushie is really the best!! So comfortable, so warm, makes me wanted to hug it all day long. I smiled a little to myself.
I moved and pulled my nemo even closer to me. Ah.. I really love its scent, it was like hyukkie's scent.. Strawberry.. Hmm? I didn't remember nemo smells like strawberry. Did I give it perfume? Or maybe hyukkie's scent lingered on it? But hyukkie never hug it or so.. Ah whatever I love it anyway~ 

I heard some giggles and a slight 'click' sound or whatsoever. "Mmh.. mom.. Stop.." I mumbled against nemo's warm neck and buried my face on it.




And I felt how this 'something-which-i-thought-is-nemo' wrapped my body by its warmth and hugged me tightly.
'Nemo's warm..neck?' Since when nemo has neck?? And WHAT THE-- it-- it hugged m-me..?

I opened my eyes slowly, expecting to see an orange fur or something like that, but instead I saw a broad chest which covered by a green thin fabric right in front of my eyes. I tilted my head only to see the most perfect figure in front of me who had his eyes shut calmly.. Peacefully yet oh-so-handsomely. I widened my eyes and quickly got up, only to see two pairs of eyes looking at me with a teasing smile on their face while the taller one holding his hand phone in front of his face, it was like he just snapped some pictures with his phone.

"Anyeong donghae! Sleep well?" Sungmin beamed happily with a cute teasing smile and I was about to open my mouth to say something but gasped instead when suddenly the sleeping figure beside me pulling me again onto the bed and hugged me tightly.

And I blushed madly by his act.

"Hyuk--hyukkie" I tried to get up but he held me really tight. I tried to pull from his hug again slowly and gently with my already super ultra red face and was about to successfully get up, when suddenly he pulled me again made me fell on the bed again and he hugged me even more tighter.

I heard sungmin's giggle and I don't know how red my face right now. "Hyukk--kie.." I tried to struggle free from his super ultra mega combo tight hug but instead he hugged me even tighter and tighter until I could hear his heartbeat clearly.

"Hae.. Don't.. Go.." He mumbled in his sleep as he tightened the hug and buried his face on my hair, made me even more and more red by his action and at the fact that sungmin and kyuhyun are still here. Plus, I knew kyuhyun was taking some pictures of us.


"H-help" I scratched one of my hand to sungmin's direction but he just laughed and took it with his right hand and interwined our hands together playfully while saying, "just sleep bunny! I'll tell hyukkie's mom that his son's still asleep with his princess"

I gaped my mouth "W-what princess?!"

Sungmin laughed and played with my hand. 

"We just came about 5 minutes ago and found you two slept together cutely" he squealed, "it's okay donghae, it seems like hyuk really comfortable like that!"

Sungmin then left my hand, made panicked, afraid if he left us alone so I held it again immediately, "wa-wait! W-where's hyukkie's mom??"

Kyuhyun smirked, "she arrived here before us" and my eyes became extremely big.

"She squealed happily when she saw us and she told us that you two were sleeping peacefully, and amber showed us some perfect pictures" he winked and I gaped my mouth, enable to say anything.

"Why she didn't wake me up??"

"Because she said you two look cute sleeping together"

I tried to unwrap hyukkie's arms again with my still red face, and I sighed in relief when this time I could successfully get up. I pulled the blanket and settled it until reached hyukkie's neck. I tucked him in and smiled.

"Aww~ why you left him bunny??" Sungmin whined and had a full of disappointment on his face.

"Just-- just let him sleep peacefully"

Sungmin pouted and we went downstairs.

"If you want him to sleep peacefully, you should go back to his embrace you know" kyuhyun said teasingly and I just ignored him due to the embarrassment.


We're at the kitchen and sit on the dining table now, with hyukkie's mom who prepared for dinner and kept talking about why I woke up and I should just sleep with hyukkie because it was extremely cute. 

And with amber who told me happily that she took some pictures of us sleeping together with her mom's phone and how cute and calm we were. I tried to grab hyukkie's mom's phone from amber's hand for several times but always failed, made they laughed happily and I just pouted with my double triple quarter extra combo red face. Plus kyuhyun's and sungmin's teasing weren't helping at all.

Oh and I didn't even realized though that we were sleeping for 3 hours, and it was already 6pm now.


"Dinner's ready" hyukkie's mom said with her sweet voice and smile as she settled the foods on the table. And we smiled immediately as we saw and smelled an extremely delicious foods in front of us.

"I want to check on oppa if he's already awake! Maybe he wants to eat with us!" Amber said happily as she scouted down from kyuhyun's laps and dashed out upstairs. 

I smiled at the fact that amber really loves and cares of his brother.

"Uh.. Auntie? Where's.. Um.." I wanted to ask where's hyukkie's dad but I didn't know how should I call him. Uncle? Hmm..

"My husband? He had an extra work, he had to work out late today" she said slightly pouted, made us chuckled at her cuteness.

"Call him dad" hyukkie's mom suddenly said sweetly to me, made me stopped from my action which already had a fork with spaghetti in front of my mouth. "Call him dad donghae, and call me mom!" She continued as she squealed happily along with sungmin.

"W-what?" I blinked my eyes furiously.

"I want you to call me and my husband as mom and dad!" She clapped her hands together and started to look at me with a pleading eyes "will you?"


"Come on~ sungmin and kyu also called us mom and dad, and you're hyukkie's boyfriend who'll be my future son in law so you should call us mom and dad too~"

And I stared at her with my already big eyes and a slight gaped mouth, "s-son.. in-- in.. law..?"
She laughed and pinched my right cheek along with sungmin who pinched my left cheek. Made we winched and pouted.


Suddenly we heard amber's scream from upstairs, made us stopped from doing whatever we did. We looked at each other and quickly went upstairs.

What's wrong?? My heart went panicked.


"Amber what happened??" Hyukkie's mom asked panicky as we entered hyukkie's room. And we saw amber on the bed with hyukkie hugged her tightly.

"mom help!! Oppa won't let me go and he keeps crying I don't know why" amber said panicky as she wiped hyukkie's tears on his face, still being hugged by him "and he keeps sweating and I guess his temperature heated up again"

Hyukkie's mom quickly checked on him. "Oh gosh, he must haven't drink medicine yet, did he?"

"Uh.. He drank it this afternoon, auntie.. But it's already more than 5 hours so I guess we should give him again, besides his temperature isn't as hot as before" I told her as I put my hand on his forehead, and suddenly I felt how they.. Err.. Hyukkie's mom, amber, sungmin and kyuhyun to be exact, stared at me in horror. Made me bucked a little and looked at hem questioning.


"He drank.. Medicine..? W-when?? How??" Hyukkie's mom asked.

"Did you choke him down donghae??" Sungmin said made me shook my head furiously while still staring at them panicky.

"Did he misunderstand the medicine as a banana or strawberry because of his illness and stupidness??" It was amber's turn that made me smiled in amusement.

"Or did you seduced him?" Kyuhyun's turn with a smirk but got slapped by his boyfriend on the head before I panicky said "no!" With my red face.

"It was a long story.. But eventually he did drink it" I smiled to hyukkie's mom, "it's okay auntie, he will drink it for sure" I said as I wiped the tears on hyukkie's cheek with my fingers gently. Why did he cry anyway?

Hyukkie's mom smiled at me and kissed my cheek, "I believe in you donghae.. so would you take care of him? I mean, you're the only one who can make him drink medicine, so I can count on you right?"

My face flushed. I smiled and nodded. I couldn't help but felt slightly happy at the thought that I'm the only one who could made him drank medicine, it made me somehow felt like I'm special. 

I smiled unconsciously as I kept hyukkie's cheek gently, but then gasped as I saw there was tears flew from his eyes.

"Noooooo!! Oppa cries again!" Amber who finally succeeded releasing herself from hyukkie's hug some minutes ago, went off the bed and hugged kyuhyun. "I can't stand seeing him cry I can't!" She said and kyuhyun lifted her up, so she was carried by him.

"Ssshh.. It's okay ambaby don't cry" kyuhyun soothed her as he caressed her hair and with sungmin who patted her back.

I was staring at them in amazement, it was a really cute sight. When suddenly I felt someone grabbed my hand weakly, made me gasped in shock.

I looked at hyukkie who stared at me with weak yet teary eyes and red face due to his burned body. His face looked really pale, made my heart ached in pain.


He didn't say anything but only looked at me and blinked his eyes.

"Oh thank god hyukkie you awake! You okay?" Hyukkie's mom asked worriedly as she put her hand on hyukkie's head, trying to check his temperature but hyukkie didn't respond anything, he just continued looking at me with those teary eyes.

"I'll make you porridge, okay honey? Oh wait, was that the last pill that you gave him donghae??" Hyukkie's mom said as she took an empty plastic from the night stand. I nodded my head while muttering "neh".

"Aigoo we run out of medicine, i forgot to buy for some spares, what to do.." I looked at her worried face.

"Ah auntie, let me buy it, there's a pharmacy near here right? I'll buy--"

"no no, no way" suddenly kyuhyun who just kept silent from then cut my words, "no way, that monkey will kill me if I let you buy it. Let me buy it instead"

He said as he put amber down, and amber panicked immediately. "nooo! I'll go with you I'll go with you!"

Sungmin chuckled and patted amber's head, "then kyu and amber will buy medicine while me and mom cook porridge, okay?"

He said excitedly and went to reach the door. And this time it was me who got panicked.

"H-how about me??"

"Of course you'll here honey, take care of my son neh? We'll be back with the food!" Hyukkie's mom said as they all went to the door, and amber shouted "I'll be back, prince oppa! Wait for me!" Before kyuhyun closed the door, leaving me alone with hyukkie.


I pouted and turned to hyukkie who still holding my left hand weakly while staring at me with watery eyes. I held his hand with both hands.

"Hyukkie you okay?"

He just blinked his eyes and sighed. He tried to sit up and I quickly helped him so that he sat on the edge of the bedside, facing me who still stood up. And as he sat properly, he hugged me immediately and buried his face on my stomach.


I was shock, but then giggled at the ticklish-ness, "hyukkie, ticklish" I tried to pull away but it just made him held me even tighter.

"I had a nightmare" he suddenly said with a hoarse voice, almost inaudible and like a whisper, made me stopped struggling and looked at him. I tried to see his face but he hid it fully on my stomach.

"I was hugging you in my arms peacefully.. but then someone called you and you immediately broke the hug. Leaving me behind" I just blinked my eyes hearing what he said, i could felt how his hands trembling so i held it tightly. "I called you but you kept running away, I tried to chase you but I didn't have any strength. Until you disappeared."

He nuzzled his face on my stomach and I couldn't help but giggled again.

"But then when I found you, you were being hugged by another person I don't know.." His voice became softer, lower and weaker, and I had to bend down my head a little so I could hear him, and his hug became weaker too. "I was so angry so I pulled you again in my arms. But you were struggling, trying to pull away from my hug.. I don't want to let you go but it was like you tried your best to pulling away from me"
I felt he tightened his fist on the back of my shirt, "so I let you go"


Hearing his words.. I couldn't help but felt warm inside. He's afraid if I leave him..? Even if it was just a dream, he became like this.. 

This is the first time I see him really fragile, hugging me weakly with his trembling hand, couldn't even sit properly, hiding his face. I don't know what to do. I just kept silent and rest my hand on his shoulders. I slowly moved my hands and wrapped them around him, securing him in my arms and hugged him tightly. I remembered everytime I cry, he would pulled me into his warmth gentle tight embrace. And it always makes me calm.

I caressed his hair. "Hyukkie I'm here" I said softly, "I won't go anywhere" it hurts to see him like this, he looked very breakable, but still, I felt warm..


I waited for him to say or to do something but he just reminded silent. So I pulled from the hug a bit and regret it immediately when I saw his eyes started to getting teary. I panicked and quickly hugged him again.

My eyes widened, seriously.. Seriously I never thought hyukkie could be like this. Jinjja.. I didn't know what to do.. I blinked my eyes furiously thinking about something to make him feel better as I hugged him tightly.


"Uh.. Hyukkie..?" I called him softly but got nothing for response.

"Hyukkie" I called him again and patted his head but received nothing again. I pouted.

"Hyukkie~" I whined but he kept silence. I frowned and pouted even more.

"Hyukkie hyukkie hyukkie!!" I really didn't like it when hyukkie ignored me. I was really frustrated so I jumped up and down unconsciously, ignoring the fact that it was really childish.

He chuckled and pulled me to him more so I sat on his laps. I was so happy that finally he laughed but I was blushing instead because of our position.

He grinned and pinched my cheeks, made we winched, "aw! Hurt!" I palmed my cheeks and pouted. He laughed weakly again and pulled me even closer, he rested his forehead on mine and stared at me intently. our nose brushed with each other's.

Oh no oh no oh no too close! Too close! I looked everywhere but his eyes and my face was already as red as a tomato. And I punched his chest playfully when he laughed.. Again.



"Feeling better?"

"Hm-hmm" he nodded his head weakly.

I smiled and hugged him more. I was still on his laps since 10 minutes ago and I became used to this position and felt comfortable. He was hugging me tightly on my waist since then, burying his face on my shoulder, while me burying mine on his warm neck and my arms wrapped around his neck.



"Don't.. Uh.." I hesitated a bit, "Don't ever think that I would.. Um.. Leave you.. Because, I really love.. Your hug.. It's so warm.." I buried my red face on his neck more.

He pulled a little so he could see my face and smiled widely at me before chuckling. He kissed my nose softly and slowly his lips went to my lips, connecting them gently. He just put our lips together and didn't move his lips, and I knew it was because he was still sick and he didn't want me to get sick too.

He pulled from the kiss and kissed my red left cheek before smiled widely at me, "you'll never know how much I rrreeeeaaaalllllyyyyyyyyyy love your hug hae!" He said excitedly and I laughed at his cuteness.

Not long after that, hyukkie's mom and sungmin came with foods on their hands. Thank god I already pulled from hyukkie as soon as I heard their footsteps, but they still teasing us though since my face was deep red.

I realized how hyukkie frowned looking at the porridge, I patted his head gently, "it's okay hyukkie, just eat it slowly" he pouted more at me and looked down, nodded his head weakly like a little kid who just forced by his mom to eat vegetables.

I chuckled and helped him to sat on the bed and rested his back on the bed board, hyukkie's mom settled the tray of his food on his laps. She then said she must went back to the kitchen to clean up.

"Here donghae, you haven't finished your food yet right, so I brought it here. Eat it with hyukkie, neh? I'll help mom in the kitchen" sungmin said smiling his usual cute smile and followed hyukkie's mom after I said 'thank you so much' to him which he said 'welcome!' Happily.


"Don't play with your food, hyukkie"

"But my stomach.. Urgh I feel like throwing up just by smelling it's smell hae"

I pouted, "then don't smell it, cover your nose"

"Huh? How??"

"Here" I pinched his nose so he couldn't smell anything and fed him the porridge. He swallowed it slowly.

"How was it??"

"It felt weird.." He said staring blankly while blinking his eyes cutely, and I laughed looking at his cute face.

I ended up feeding him and sat on the bed beside him, since he insisted me he didn't want to eat unless I fed him, "if you feed me, it'll lessen the pain!" Well, that was what he said which made me couldn't help but blushed a little and obeyed him to feed him.

"Hae tomorrow I'll pick you up like usual, okay?" He suddenly said and smiled at me after swallowing the food. I frowned.

"What do you mean? You still must take a rest at home tomorrw"

And it was his turn who was frowning. "No, I'll go to school tomorrow"

"Na-ah" I shook my head as I fed him the porridge again and I smiled when he eat it obediently.

"But I'm already okay, just need some sleep to recover"

I shook my head furiously.

"You know I can't leave you alone hae"

I looked at him with a sad expression and a pleading look, he stared at my pleading eyes which getting teary a little and I knew he was getting panicked.

He groaned in frustration and said, "fine" as he pinched my cheeks. I was smiling widely and let him pinched my cheeks.

As much as I didn't want to be separated from him even just a second, I still couldn't stand seeing him in this state, I want him to recover soon.

"You'll be okay right..?"

He bent down his head and stared at his food, clearly there was a pure sadness on his face.

"Yah! I'm not a kid" I pouted again.

He chuckled and ruffled my hair gently, "but I'm more worried about you than a five year old kid"

I pouted even more and shoved him a spoon full of porridge. He complained because of the hotness but I just stuck out my tongue made him laughed.

"Listen, you have to be careful, okay hae? Don't bent down your head when you walk or even you sit. Don't run even if you're in a rush, you'd better late than hurt yourself. Be careful everytime you open the door, making sure there's no one on the other side so you won't hit your head. In canteen just tell kyu to buy you food because it's too crowded, I'll tell him don't worry, and--"

"Hyukkie~!!" I whined and I already had a deep pout on my lips. "I know, you don't have to worry"

"How can I not worry??" He sighed, eat the last spoonful of porridge and put the empty bowl on the night stand, and pulled me into a hug. "One more thing.. Don't get near jessica"

I frowned deep at his last words. Somehow I felt like his voice became serious. "Why?" What did he mean by that?

"Just.. Don't get near her and ignore her if she tries to talk to you or gets near you, okay?"

I didn't say anything. He sighed and kissed my forehead sweetly, I looked at him in the eyes.

"It's not like what you think hae, it's just.. I have a bad feeling towards her. I just don't want you to get hurt"

I looked at him confusedly, but then I smiled. "It's okay hyukkie, she won't hurt me and why would she? and I can take care of myself. I tell you once again, I'm not a kid!"

He laughed and pinched my cheeks, "arasso" and he kissed me lightly on the lips. Made my cheeks slowly became rose.




After that, kyuhyun and amber came with the medicine, and thank god hyukkie drank it obediently without any trouble. Hmm.. Well there's only one trouble though, kyuhyun and amber kept screaming in horror about hyukkie drank the medicine. They kept saying "how could him! How could him!", "what's with the sight!" And "my heart hurts to think that he didn't want to drink it when I gave him!" And even "could it be it's near the end of the world? We need to go to church more often" which all made hyukkie couldn't sleep because of the annoyance.

And not long after that, I went home after hyukkie finally fell asleep. And sungmin and kyuhyun kept insisting me to send me home, and they didn't even listen to me when I said 'I'm okay', 'I'm not a little kid' and 'I'm not a girl'. Sighed. They're just the same with hyukkie, huh? Not bad though, but just.. Stubborn.

And today, kyuhyun and sungmin picked me up to school and they didn't even leave me for a second, unless when we were in class or I went to the restroom. Well, I'm not complaining tough, because it made me even closer to them. They really are good persons and perfect friends, I never felt like I'm being left out because they're a couple, and they kept talking to me and joked around even without hyukkie, they're so funny and always made me laugh.

Before, I just could talk comfortably and freely with hyukkie, but now little by little I could talk more comfortable with them too. I thought kyuhyun was completely a serious, calm and a cool person, but I was wrong. I mean.. A 'little bit' wrong. Because he always whined everytime sungmin hugged me, and when I saw he laughed loudly when kangin fell because of his stupid-childish-prank, I just could stare at him in disbelief and thought of one word.. "Wow"

"He used to keep all calm around you just because he didn't want to scare you donghae. He's a pure calm person, but inside that body, there's a giant evil little kid who's ready to eat you up! But now I guess he's comfortable around you so he could trolling like that" that was what sungmin told me when I asked him about kyuhyun.

I laughed at his words. I scared a little at the words 'a giant evil little kid who's ready to eat you up' though, but I felt really happy at the thought that kyuhyun just felt the same way as me, that we felt  we started to become more comfortable around each other. And.. Well, sungmin, I already really like being close with him since the very first start, he's so cute and cheerful, and I really love that kind of personality. even if sometimes he scared me with his extremely ultra mega combo tight hug, somehow it made me felt like he really likes me.



i felt how my phone vibrated, I took it out from my pocket carefully and opened the new message.

'I know right! He's an evil inside, believe me! Even sometimes he's very kind and always help me though.. Anyway, hae you okay right?? Did you bump onto something?? Someone?? No one hurts you right?? I already told kyu and sungmin to bring you home. You must be tired because of the festival preparation, you don't have to come here, i'll eat and drink the medicine i promise, just take a rest okay? I'll recover soon and will go to school as soon as possible!! promise!!'

I chuckled at his message. I was in the middle of the lesson and since this morning we kept sending messages and he kept asking me if I was okay. I didn't feel annoyed though, I found it cute if he cares about me, even sometimes he's exaggerated it.



hmm? New message again? Hyukkie? But I hadn't replied his message yet. I frowned. But then I chuckled and smiled widely immediately as I read the message, and my face went rose.

'I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you'


I stared at the empty desk on my right side.

i miss you too pabo.. more than you miss me. get well really really really soon, hyukkie.




was this chappie boring?? :( im sorry nehh :'( hummm.. i was thinking about this story for days and i want to try to make it longer, but im afraid if it will turn out boring ;___;

oh and thank yooouuu so much @hyukiesfuturewife!! yes i will be reeeaaalllllyyyy happy if you guys give me some ideas for this story!! :''''DDD would you all like to help me?? pwease? *sobs*

aaaaaaanyway, i'll try my best!! hope you'll like it love love love <3<3<3


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PhwePhweKhin #1
Chapter 49: I’ll be waiting for your next chapter! 😭💙 This is so cute 🥺💙
sjvirus #2
2022 and still remembering this cute fic 😭😭Hope u will continue creating new chapters for this amazing work.
16 streak #3
Chapter 49: ah i hope you'll update this soon...
aize96 #4
Keep coming back to this story.. love it so much... Hope you update this soon
Eunhaefanfic #5
Chapter 49: This is my number 1 fanfic I ever read I have already read and re read this numerous times but still it feels super fluffy, cute and lovely to read again pls pls pls author nim update this fic . I hope you are doing good in your new place 🤗
dramanime #6
Chapter 49: I just found this story and i couldnt stop reading becos its soo cute and fluffy i felt like i was watching anime with all the school setting and school trips and all!!! I love tis story soo much even tho its incomplete and will be rereading tis many many times in the future!! <3
minamoru26 #7
Sweet and innocent Donghae and possessive and jealous boyfriend Hyukjae. I like this story and when I first read this story's chapter one, it gets me hooked. Thank you author for this amazing story. Hope to see your amazing work in the future.
Chapter 49: Where ars u authornim ??:'''
Chapter 49: Omo, don't stop here.... Please continue and update this story again.... I wanna see they graduate and getting married ... Please complete this story, author nim...
nourawad #10
hey there, i think a lot of people is going to die to read an update , please update , i read this story 5 times already and I'm dying for an update.