Love Letter



Hyukjae's POV


I was standing in front of my room waiting for a certain fish to finish changing his clothes. Um.. Well..





"That was long.. I want again hae~" I said grinned happily and was about to kiss him again but then he palmed my lips with his hands, stopping me,

"I--i need.. Bathroom.." He said, looking away,

"Yes yes after one kiss~" I took his hands and leaned to him again,

"Hyukkie~" he whined and pouted, made me chuckled at his cuteness and pinched his cheek.

"Okay okay, I'll show you the bathroom" I grabbed his hand and guided him to the bathroom,

"Thanks hyukkie" he said and went inside.

As I pulled my hand away from hae's hand, he accidentally hit his head to the bathroom's door. I got panicked, I rubbed, caressed and kissed his forehead carefully while asking him 'are you okay?' Over and over again. He just blushed and muttered "I'm okay.. I'm sorry" then quickly went inside and closed the door. Left me standing worriedly.


Sighed. 'That's why I don't want to leave him even for a second'. I decided and was going to go to my room to change my uniform, when suddenly I heard hae's voice, screaming and a loud thud came from the bathroom, then the sound of waters fall from the shower.

I quickly ran to the bathroom with a lighting speed. My heart beat fastly, I quickly opened the door but it was locked, so I called him and knocked the door harshly, panic took over me.

"Hae?? What's wrong??"


"W-what..? Hae what's wrong?? Open the door!!"

I still tried to open the door harshly, I never saw or heard donghae screams like that. And when I heard some sobs I immediately broke the doorknob and went inside, and I got shock when suddenly purin, amber's white cat ran outside from the bathroom with wet fur. But I got more shock at what I saw in the shower cubicle.


Donghae was sitting on the floor with water running from the shower, hit all over his body making him wet. His eyes were wide in shock as if he just saw something more horror than a ghost. I stunned. His face, hair, clothes are all wet. And panic took over me in a split of second.

I quickly went to the shower cubicle to turn off the shower. I helped donghae to stand up carefully while checking all over his body if he had hurt somewhere and I sighed in relief when I found nothing. I took a towel from one of the wardrobe in the bathroom and wiped donghae's hair, face, and cover his body with it. I was so focused on it, I was afraid if he might catch a cold or something like that. But then I snapped myself mentally for not talking anything to him when I saw donghae was looking down while biting his lower lip.

O-oh. I know this.

I quickly kissed his right eye, left eye, his forehead, to his nose, his both cheeks while muttered 'I love you's.


"I'm sorry.."

Donghae whispered softly and I quickly hugged him while saying "No no no no I'm sorry I was just afraid you'll catch a cold hae"

"Hyukkie no! You'll get wet--" donghae said in panic as he pushed me, but we were still in the shower cubicle and the floor was wet, so.. I slipped. But I managed to hold on something on the wall and.. The shower .. And the next thing I know I already found myself in the middle of the water that showered my body from head to toe.


I bit my bottom lips as I looked at donghae carefully who was covering his mouth with his hands and his wide eyes which started to getting teary,


"Don't..you dare...to cry..hae.."


~end of flashback~



So...yeah, I'm standing here now in front of my room waiting for my crybaby guy. I was just finished taking a shower in the bathroom downstairs and he was taking a shower in my room.




"Hae, you finished alre--"


Holy .


"Hyukkie your shirt is so big.. I didn't know you're this big.. Uh, hyukkie?"


I was turning my back on him while palming my face with one hand to hide my blushing face. Oh my god. I mean.. Really OH MY GOD! What is he? seriously!! What is he?? A doll?? A porcelain?? A human barbie?? A real cute fishy guy or--


"Hyukkie why? Are you sick?" I widened my eyes as I saw his beautiful face already right in front of my eyes. His eyes were full of concern, he put his right hand on my forehead and his left hand on his.

And uhm.. Actually what made me blushed is.. He was.. Wearing my shirt and pants, and since he was shorter and a lot thinner than me, the shirt that he was wearing was a little bit exposing his flawless skin. And his hair was still wet and fell backwards, exposing his amazingly beautiful face clearly, water still could be seen fell slowly from his hair down to his ear and vanished to his shirt made it wet, and.. Uh, I don't know if I can use this word but.. He kinda looked se--


"Hyukkie..you okay?"


I snapped my head and saw how this cute creature looking at me with his teary yet concerned eyes.. WTF HYUKJAE?!


I faked a cough, "no, I'm okay. Follow me hae" I quickly went into my room and to my closet, I was searching for some clothes and when I found a pair of jeans and shirt that I used when I was still in junior high, I quickly took it and gave it to hae, without looking at his direction because I couldn't forgive myself if my mind started to think something not innocent about my pure boyfriend.


"Use this hae, it might fit you more"

"Oh.. Thank you hyukkie" he said and went to the bathroom.


I sighed heavily. I sat on the edge of my bed while thinking.. I slapped myself mentally for the nth times. Donghae seriously is beautiful, with his big clothe hanging on him made me could saw his flawless skin more, I still could remember donghae's milky white skin, his collar bone, his neck, his cute jawline. And his clear beautiful face.

I wonder.. Why I didn't see that he's really that beautiful long time ago? I mean, he always sat beside me in class. I'm sure all of the people will like him and started to admire him if they saw him clearly, just like me, sungmin, and amber. Well, kyu is an exception you know, he only attracted to his games and sungmin.


The bathroom's door slowly opened, made me washed away my thought as I saw donghae walked carefully to my direction. Hmm, I guess he's still a little bit uncomfortable around me.

I smiled to him and he immediately bent down his head.

I frowned. I know!!

"Hae, come here"

He slowly came nearer to me and stopped right in front of me who still sat on the bed. I took the big clothes from his hands and put them on the bed beside me, and I took both of his hands.


"Why you always looking down?" Yes, I know now why I couldn't see his beauty, it was because he always bowed his head down all the time! Even in class he would bent his head down a little.

He just shook his head while blushing, urgh why he has to be so cute?

"You should put your head up a little hae, so they could see your beauty and stop hurting you from being so gloomy" I said as I caressed his hands gently, but he bowed his head more while..pouting? And muttered "I'm sorry" softly.

"N- no hae, I didn't mean it to be something bad or what, I just don't wanna see you hurt again.." I said as I stood up and pulled him onto my chest carefully, hugging him.

"You're beautiful, remember? And not just you face, but your heart too, I'm really sure they won't hurt you anymore if they saw your beautiful side" I smiled as I saw his ears getting red.

"Will you try? I'll always beside you" I put my forehead on his and looked at him in the eyes, his face went flushed and he nodded his head slowly made me grinned widely.


"Oh yes, hae, what happened in the bathroom just now?" He widened his eyes and his face went panicked after I asked him. He turned his head to his left and right side, and wandered all over my room with his panic expression, it was like he was being chased by a ghost, monster or something like that. I frowned.

"What's wrong hae?"

He turned his body to me and his eyes went wide and his face went shocked. Huh? He froze while looking at behind me, and I slowly turned my body and.. I saw purin on my bed.

"Ah purin~ you're here? Since when?" I picked it up and hold it on my hand, and when I turned to donghae, I saw him already besides the door looking straight at purin and me from afar with a horror expression. And I laughed.

"Hae? Are you afraid with cat?" I asked while laughing, and he shook his head furiously while said "no! I hate it"

"Why? He's cute you know? His name is purin, he's amber's cat, and he's a good boy" I said while chuckling as I went approaching him. He widened his eyes more and was about to open the door but he hit the door instead.

"Hae! Are you okay??" I panicked and tried to approach him, but he quickly ran outside and nearly slipped, my heart went more panicked but thank god he wasn't fall.


"No!! Don't come near!" He shouted while leaning on the wall near the staircase outside.

"O-okay I won't move! But you too don't move!" I shouted back and carefully put purin onto my bed again, I was really afraid at the fact that he might hurt himself more if he kept running like that.

The door was still opened and I carefully went outside, approaching him. He was still leaned his back on the wall across my room and with his still-scared expression.


But then he gasped and widened his eyes when purin suddenly jumped from the bed and ran outside, and he immediately ran downstairs.


"Wait! Donghae!"


And I heard a loud thud.



My heart went crazy. I quickly took purin on my hand and put him into my room, preventing in case he would chase after donghae again, and I ran to the staircase and went downstairs. I don't know what will I do to myself if I saw something bad happened to donghae.


The first thing I saw as I arrived downstairs was my dad who was going to stand up from the floor and was about to help the guy who's still on the floor. It looked like they were just crashed onto each other when my father went outside the kitchen, since the kitchen is just beside the stairs. And donghae.. I saw the scene that made my heart feels like being squished with something really tightly. When my father's hand reached his shoulder, he immediately covered his head with his arms.


"I- I'm sorry.. Please.. don't—don’t hit me.." He said more like a whisper and almost inaudible and some sobs could be heard.

I froze at my place as he kept saying 'I'm sorry' repeatedly. I didn’t know what happened and I didn’t know what to do.

My dad went panicked, didn't know what to do too, and I immediately went to donghae and kneeled down beside him.

I wanted to hug him but when I touched his hair, he flinched, and his sobs went harder while saying between his hard sobs "I'm-- I'm sorry.. Please--"

Oh god..

I pulled him by his arms gently to help him stand up and hugged him tightly.  He clutched his hands on my shirt and buried his face on my shoulders while crying really hard.

"Sshh.. Donghae its okay.." I shooed him softly and whispered to him as I caressed his back gently. "No one's gonna hurt you.."

Seriously, It really hurts to see him like this, seeing him crying begging for forgiveness over something that was not his fault. Why he thought that someone would hurt him just by a little accident? Were those people really mean to him? Just thinking how donghae’s feel made me hurt, upset, mad, and sad. I know he's fragile, but I didn't know he's really this fragile. It was like he could break just by a single word i saw. Oh my..


I kept soothing him but he wouldn't stop crying, "hae, its okay.. Its okay.. I'm here.. No one's gonna hit you.." I could feel my shirt wet due to his uncontrollable tears, I kissed his head and hugged him more tight, "I promised I'll protect you, remember? Its okay.. Don't cry.." I looked at my father direction and he was.. Err.. Really shocked, his eyes widened and he's stunned, I guess. But I couldn't be more careless, I just care about this crying guy in my arms.


I buried my face on his shoulder, it’s been some more minutes and I was so frustrated because he won't stop crying. His sobs are really hard, I guess he's really afraid at the thought that maybe someone would hurt him again.. But it won't happen, I promise I won't let him hurt again.

"Oh god, hae.. Please" I really frustrated right now, I wanted to cry, why he didn't stop crying..? "Please stop crying.. I love you hae, please.. I promise I won't leave you alone, I won't let anyone hurt you, please.." I bit my bottom lips to suppress my frustration, I couldn't stand seeing him cry.

"I love you, hae.. I really love you.. I love you please stop crying.." I kept whispering to him a thousand 'I love you's and I couldn't be more relief as I heard his sobs started to soften. I kept hugging him tightly, and I saw how my dad smiled at me and started to approach me.


I smiled at him as he was going to caress donghae's head when suddenly donghae flinched at the sudden touch and buried his face more on my shoulder, started to sobs again.

My father back away and went panicked. I rubbed his back gently, "hae, its my dad, he's not gonna hurt you.." He still sobbed hard, "he won't hit you.. I promise.." I felt relief again when his sobs slowly went softened again.

I smiled to my dad, and he started to approach me again. He touched donghae's head carefully and this time donghae didn't flinch, and he started to caressed his head.


"Its okay, son"

I pulled him slowly and let my dad caressed him more, letting him know that my dad was actually never going to hurt him anywhere. As I pulled him I could see how red and puffy his eyes were and my dad carefully pulled him into hug and patted his head and back. I smiled at the sight, it hurts to see his puffy eyes but I couldn't help but slightly happy at the fact that my dad hugged hae as if he was his real son.


"I won't hurt you, son.. Its okay.. I was the one who didn't look at where I walk, I'm sorry alright?" My dad smiled as he kept rubbed hae's back, and donghae slowly shook his head while muttered "I'm sorry" softly more like a whisper and my dad immediately said "no its okay".


Donghae's hard sobs finally replaced by a soft one made me relieved. I pouted unconsciously at the fact that my dad still hugging my hae since 3 minutes ago. "Dad stop hugging him!"

I was about to pull donghae from him when suddenly he snapped my hand away while saying "no hyukkie, I won't let you touch him!"

"What the-- but he's my boyfriend!" I pouted,

"But he looks really fragile, I'm afraid if he would break if I pull away from him" my dad pouted too, made me chuckled. I know right.

"I know, that's why I will protect him by myself. Give him now! Come on dad~" I started to whine when my dad won't pull away from him, but then my dad chuckled and pulled away from donghae slowly.

"Come here hae" I pulled donghae into my embrace gently and smiled when I got him in my arms, I wrapped my arms around him tightly and kissed his head.

"Tsk, I don't know you're this possessive hyukkie, I thought you were an ignorant person" my dad hissed at me and I stucked out my tongue at him.


"daaad~! Have you called hyukkie oppa and prince oppa?? Dinner almost finish!" I heard amber shouted from the kitchen. Oh, so they're home already.

"Neh amber! I just met them here, they'll come after awhile" my dad shouted back and received a loud 'okay' from amber,

"Since when they were home?" I asked my dad since I really didn't know that they were actually home already.

"Since about 20 minutes ago, and I came home 5 minutes after they were arrived" my dad said and I slightly shocked at the fact that they already came home for a quite long time before but I didn't know.

"come to the kitchen after he perfectly calmed, okay?" My dad said and smiled as he patted donghae's head gently



My dad then went to the kitchen left me and hae alone in the living room. I continued caressing hae’s head while hugging him. I feel really relief that my dad actually fine with donghae, I mean I know he's perfectly fine about my gender preference since my mom told me so, but to know that my dad care and treated donghae like his own son really makes me happy.



I snapped at my thought as I heard donghae suddenly called me with his soft yet cracked voice, I immediately pulled a little from him to see his face more clearly, "hae what's wrong? You okay?"

He nodded his head and I could saw his super extra puffy eyes, and I quickly kissed them made his face flushed.

"I'm sorry hyukkie.. I didn't.. Mean to cry like that.. Uh.. I mean.. I-- umph--"

I immediately cut his words by kissed his thin lips softly made him widened his eyes in shocked, it was just a short kiss and I smiled at him as I pulled from the kiss.

"Its okay baby hae~ I don't mind hugging you all day though" I said with a teasing smile and his face went double red at my 'baby hae' just now and my teasing made me chuckled.

"But hae, as much as I love to hug you all day, it really hurts to see you crying.. Please stop thinking that everybody would hurt you" I said with a concerned and worried look, and I could saw sadness in his eyes.

"Hae, not everybody wants to hurt you.. There are people who atend to hurt you, but there's people who hurts when seeing you hurt, like me" I caressed his cheek as he kept looking at me with his watery eyes.

"And if there's one who wants to hurt you, just remember what I always told you.. That I'll always besides you, okay?" He buried his flushing cheeks on my shoulder and nodded his head. I smiled, "arasso?" I said in a playful manner to him made him chuckled and said "arasso".


I smiled my gummy smile and leaned my face to him carefully, wanted to kiss him. He hesitated a bit at first but then closed his eyes slowly as our lips came into contact. I moved my lips carefully on him and I smiled when he kissed me back. I put a lot of loves in my kisses, I wanted him to know and feel that he's not alone, that I always be here, and that I love him so much.

I tightened my hug and pulling him closer to deepening the kiss. I nibbled his lips slowly and I could felt that he's blushing right now, made me smiled in our kiss. I started to kiss him with more passion when suddenly I heard a loud of footsteps and amber's voice that came nearer from the kitchen.

"Oppppaaaaa!! Let's eaaattt!!!"

Donghae quickly pulled from the kiss and from the hug, and a second later amber came into view. I sighed and pouted.

"Ah!! Here you are! Come on oppa, mom had finished making dinner, ah!" Amber went approaching us but then she gasped when she saw donghae,

"Hyukkie oppa what did you do to my prince oppa!!" I frowned, and still pouting, "why your eyes are puffy, oppa?? Did that monkey hurt you??" Amber asked donghae concerned while holding his hands.

"Yah! I didn't do anything and stop calling your handsome brother monkey!" I pouted even more but then smiled as I heard donghae chuckled. Finally!! He smile! Suddenly all of the burden and madness inside me went away.

Amber stared at me suspiciously and then dragged donghae into the kitchen, "ignore that monkey, oppa. Let's eat!"

"Yah!!" I pouted and I could heard donghae laughed softly, made me smiled again.

I was still outside the kitchen and was about to follow them into the kitchen when suddenly donghae turned to approach me and..

He kissed my left cheek..



My left.. Cheek..

Then he said "thank you" softly with a really red face and went inside the kitchen again.


And I couldn't stop grinning like a total idiot.





hi!! im really sorry for the very very late update and for the fail chappie :"""(   i've been busy lately seriously.. you know.. school and other things..  TT___TT  *sighs*  

but i promise after this, maybe this weekend, i will update faster! i just hope you didn't get bored with this story :'( 

anyway, hope you'll like this fail chappie  <3 *sobs* <3



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PhwePhweKhin #1
Chapter 49: I’ll be waiting for your next chapter! 😭💙 This is so cute 🥺💙
sjvirus #2
2022 and still remembering this cute fic 😭😭Hope u will continue creating new chapters for this amazing work.
16 streak #3
Chapter 49: ah i hope you'll update this soon...
aize96 #4
Keep coming back to this story.. love it so much... Hope you update this soon
Eunhaefanfic #5
Chapter 49: This is my number 1 fanfic I ever read I have already read and re read this numerous times but still it feels super fluffy, cute and lovely to read again pls pls pls author nim update this fic . I hope you are doing good in your new place 🤗
dramanime #6
Chapter 49: I just found this story and i couldnt stop reading becos its soo cute and fluffy i felt like i was watching anime with all the school setting and school trips and all!!! I love tis story soo much even tho its incomplete and will be rereading tis many many times in the future!! <3
minamoru26 #7
Sweet and innocent Donghae and possessive and jealous boyfriend Hyukjae. I like this story and when I first read this story's chapter one, it gets me hooked. Thank you author for this amazing story. Hope to see your amazing work in the future.
Chapter 49: Where ars u authornim ??:'''
Chapter 49: Omo, don't stop here.... Please continue and update this story again.... I wanna see they graduate and getting married ... Please complete this story, author nim...
nourawad #10
hey there, i think a lot of people is going to die to read an update , please update , i read this story 5 times already and I'm dying for an update.