Love Letter



TADA~~~~~! since im being such a really really reaaally bad author for the past few months here, im giving double updates!! 

so make sure you read the previous chappie (47) before you read this okay, babies <3




Donghae's POV




Everyone was still in the library (except yoona and the teachers), feeling all exhausted and dropped their bodies everywhere to rest.

And… uh…

…it’s been like 10 minutes already hyukkie hugged me sooo tight, didn’t even let go even an inch.

He was practically wrapping me with his arms, with one hand gripped so tight on my waist, and the other hand held the back of my head to bring me closer. His face buried on my hair.

Thank god I didn’t forget to wash my hair this morning…


“you made me really worried…” hyukkie whispered, made me skipped a beat,

“i—im sorry…” I whispered back on his chet, burying my face on it.

He sighed and kissed my head, before pulled me even more closer,


“I cant believe it was yoona who did it…” sungmin mumbled and sighed, “I knew I didn’t like her, but still…”

“well, she isn’t really at fault tho…” jaejoong said and sighed also, “but I understand how you feel…”



someone called me and i quickly pulled away from hyukkie to look who it was, ignoring hyukkie’s pout,

“thank you so much… for… trusting me” Jessica smiled softly, made me smiled back,

“I know you wont do those kind of thing… youre a really nice girl” I smiled widely at her,

and I got panicked when I suddenly saw her eyes getting teary, “jes—Jessica?”

she was crying, and I knew she was trying so hard to hold back her tears. And without me realized, I already hugged her and patted her back. I knew she was shocked, but then she let her tears flow even more.

“hey! Hey!” hyukkie protested and was about to pull me away, but he got stopped immediately looking at my pleading eyes. He stopped and sulked.


“im sorry” hyukkie said suddenly, making me lifted my head and realized he was actually talking to jessica, “for… accusing you”

I could really see his guiltiness. Jessica smiled, “it’s okay, I understand tho why you thought I was the one who did it”

“well, before we continue, can you please let go of my boyfriend first? I feel a bit uncomfortable here” hyukkie clear his throat, Jessica hissed while pulling away from me,

“for your information, your boyfriend was the one who hugged me just now” she smiled teasingly, earning a big pout from hyukkie,

I giggled looking at hyukkie.

It’s weird tho, he’s jealous over someone who actually I got jealous before.

“but why were you so sure she wasn’t the one who did it?” hyukkie asked me,

I smiled, “because she gave me her orange juice?”

Jessica laughed, “you remember that?”

“of course” I giggled,

hyukkie looked not amuse at all, he frowned, “yah whats with this orange juice and all?!”

“your crybaby boyfriend will explain it to you later about our secret relationship” Jessica said teasingly, earning protests from us.

“im not a crybaby!” I pouted,

“what the hell , your secret relationship?!” hyukkie protested, he turned to me, “hae??”

i got panicked, “it’s really nothing hyukkie”

hyukkie sulked, “you must tell me about this later”, he sighed, “but seriously, im really sorry” hyukkie bowed to Jessica, making us widened our eyes in shock,

“hey stop it! I understand!” Jessica panicked, pushing hyukkie’s shoulders a little so he would straighten his body up again.

I frowned looking at her hands on hyukkie’s shoulders.

Hyukkie straightened and smiled at her, “you’ve changed” he said,

Jessica scoffed, “look at what this guy turned me into” she pointed at me, made me blinked my eyes in confusion. “you should look at your mirror too, you know” she said to hyukkie,

Hyukkie laughed, “I know right”


I pouted.

What? What change??

She really knows how hyukkie was before, doesn’t she…

Uhh my tummy felt weird.


“hey guys, someone is jealous at your closeness you know” yunho shouted, but I was too busy pouting at the floor.



I wanted to know what kind of guy hyukkie was before I became his boyfriend.

“hey don’t be jealous, baby”

I snapped my head hearing hyukkie’s voice. I immediately shook my head. “i—im not”

Hyukkie lifted his brows, “really?”


“okay then” hyukkie smiled, “Jessica, friendly hug~”

I gasped and snapped my head up looking at hyukkie in shock, earning a chuckle from hyukkie,

“just kidd—“

my eyes were already getting teary,

“h-- hae?? No no no” he panicked,

I pouted even more and closed my teary eyes imagining hyukkie hugging Jessica. Does he really want it??

“hey hey I was just joking, baby” he hugged me tightly,

I sniffed softly,

"ba--baby dont cry please, omg im sorry i--"

“hyukkie c—cant hug her” I mumbled,

hyukkie stunned for a while, before grinning like an idiot. He chuckled, “I wont I wont, I don’t want to hug that old lady either, hae. I only want to hug you only~” he hugged me tighter,

“hey who you called old lady?!” Jessica hissed and rolled her eyes, “annoying boyfriend and a crybaby boyfriend. Perfect” she said and walked away to the door,

but before she left, she turned around to look at us, and said, “...thank you, and... see you”, she smiled and left the room.


“wow… she’s actually nice” jaejoong muttered, couldn’t believe at what he just witnessed,

“what? Who’s nice?!” yunho protested, and started whining and bickering about jaejoong interested in Jessica which made jaejoong groaned at his stupid boyfriend.


I pouted and wiped my tears, feeling insecure suddenly.

I heard hyukkie chuckled, “hey I was just joking, hae…” hyukkie whispered while caressing my cheeks, smiling so sweetly making me melted.

He kissed my forehead and brought me closer to him, hugging me tightly while showering soft kisses on my face with thousands ‘I love you’s.


I hugged him with equal tightness and buried my face on his chest.

He had done so much for me…

Protecting me… loving me…

It made me think, what did I do in my past to have a perfect guy like him as my boyfriend…


“hyukkie…” I pulled a little to look at him, “thank you… so much…” I smiled softly, “I don’t know how to thank you… you’ve done so much for me…”

“well you don’t have to thank me or anything. Isn’t it my job to protect you from any harms?” he smiled widely, making me blushed and punched his chest playfully.

“oh no, I just heard something which made want to throw up” kyu mumbled to sungmin, and hyukkie needed to cover my ears before shouted something at him.


“ah” I gasped, remembering something. I pulled away from hyukkie’s hug and turned to the others.

“um… im… im sorry for causing so much troubles… i really am thank to all of you…” I said with my teary eyes.

I really can feel their loves toward me… it made me warm inside.

“yah yah yah what was that?? Don’t you dare to cry again!” yunho said and immediately got kicked by jaejoong,

“he meant you don’t have to worry and don’t have to thank us at all” jaejoong beamed happily,

“stupid bunny~” sungmin pouted while walking towards me, I smiled widely when he hugged me and said, “we are yours and youre ours~”

"yea, it's our job to protect our OTP~!" luna squealed, followed with seohyun's chuckle.

huh? otp? what's otp??


“but hae, why are you here? I thought hyukkie didn’t let you go to school” sungmin’s question made choked, remembering that I still had a little problem here with the guy beside me,

“well, that’s the same question that kept remaining in my mind since then” hyukkie sighed and playfully glared at me,

I bit my lip and smiled sheepishly, glancing at hyukkie, “w—well… I was in a hurry to find taemin to… help me”

Hyukkie frowned and everyone looked at taemin. Taemin then showed us his cards shyly, making hyukkie gasped,

“ah!! That’s right you can do that! Eh… but, can you really do that?” hyukkie frowned even more, looking doubtfully at the cards,

my eyes brightened immediately just by imagining how amazing taemin was.

“look! Look! He was amazing hyukkie! He could do magic with his cards and it was correct!!” I beamed excitedly while pulling hyukkie’s shirt repeatedly, “he said the person who did it would come to the library soon, and yoona did come! Well, even though he couldn’t tell who it was in specific, and we were kinda confuse too because Jessica was there also, but still what he said is correct!”


everyone went “woah!” at my words and started to ask taemin here and there, such as like “you can really do that?!” and “try tell us about our future!”, and I was too excited that I didn’t realized that taemin actually had a hard time.

Hyukkie didn’t say anything and just stared at me,

“and and remember when he said about us?? he said something will happen, but happiness will always surround us!” I jumped a little while still holding on to hyukkie’s shirt,

but hyukkie was only staring at me, making me nervous all of a sudden, “…d—did you… forget…?” I asked sadly,

hyukkie smiled warmly at me, “of course I remember… it’s just… your bright smile caught my breath”

I blushed hard and pulled down my hands, “p—pabo”











hyukkie and I were on our way to my home, deciding to come home earlier than the rest feeling all exhausted. Teachers understood and allowed us to go home early since they knew hyukkie already had hard times these past few days, and me for the trauma.

I glanced at hyukkie and saw he was yawning and rubbed his sleepy teary eyes cutely. I squealed inside at the sight.

“sleepy?” I asked softly while swung our intertwined hands playfully,

he smiled and brought our hands to his cheek, “a little~”

I was scanning his adorable sleepy face, when suddenly his expression changed into a frown, looking at my hand. I stared at him confusedly.

“did someone hurt you, or you fell or bump onto something?” he asked with a serious face while looking at my bruised hand,

I quickly pulled my hand, but got caught again by his hand, “i—I just fell…” I stuttered,

Hyukkie frowned even more and started to scan all over my body. I blushed at his action and quickly stopped him. “im okay”

“how could you be okay?? You have bruised on your hand, arm, and knee” hyukkie panicked, looking at my knee,

“but im really okay! It just hurts a little, really” I assured,

he stared at me for a while before sighed and stood up, holding my hand tightly. “im sorry I didn’t take care of you well…”

I widened my eyes and quickly shook my head, “no no no! it’s all my fault, im the one who insisted to go to school”

Gosh, why is he even sorry for something like this, and why did I blush.

“but… I should’ve known that you would come to school…” he mumbled and lowered his head,

I widened my eyes looking at his state.

Oh my gosh, why so cute!!

His words sound stupid and too exaggerated, but my heart still melted.

I chuckled silently.

“hyukkie… the main reason why I really wanted to... go to school actually wa--wasn’t because I wanted to ask... taemin…” I started to talk while playing with his hand which still intertwined with mine,

“um… last—last night… I wanted to say something but you already hang up…” I mumbled shyly,

GOD! Now what to do???? ive started it already, and now Im too embarrassed to continue!

“hmm? What is it?” hyukkie asked with his warm smile,

my heart went melted in an instant, looking at how sincere hyukkie’s smile was. Ah… I did a big sin… making this perfect guy misunderstood because of my shyness.

“i… I was joking about… I don’t—don’t love you… but…” I tried to say,

“ah…” hyukkie placed his hand on his chest, “don’t say it again, it hurts…” he smiled sadly,

ouch. My heart.

“no! that’s—that’s why what im going to say is… um…” my face went redder, didn’t know how to say it.

hyukkie chuckled and smiled so warmly, “it’s okay hae, I understand” he kissed my hand, “I’ll make you fall in love with me more until you say you love me again”




He thinks I didn’t love him enough??


hyukkie shocked at my sudden little shout.

I pouted as i clutched on hyukkie’s front shirt. “it’s not what I meant…” I mumbled, before leaning my face to his, until my lips reached his.

My face went redder and redder and redder each time goes by as I felt how hot my face was. And it didn’t help at all when hyukkie didn’t move even an inch. So I pulled away a little and quickly hide my face on his shoulder.






Hyukjae’s POV




“ah! Welcome home~” hae’s mom welcomed us happily with hugs. “eh? What happened? You seemed happy today? Even happier than yesterday?” she asked looking at my super happy face.

my already wide grin became even wider as I replied, “hae just—“

hae palmed my lips with his hands, “nothing! mom we—we’re hungry!” he said panicky,

donghae’s mom frowned suspiciously looking at the both of us at first, but then she beamed happily again remembering something, “oh! that’s righ! I made spaghetti today! Come come!” she skipped inside.

Hae sighed and removed his hands from my lips, which immediately revealed my wide grin again.


How to not smiling widely though




“hyukkie, stop grinning like that… im scared” hae pouted, making me squealed inside, trying so hard not to crash this super cute guy.

“but im soooooooooo happy” I continued grinning like an idiot I am, recalling the kiss scene again and again and again and again and aga—

“lets—lets just go inside” hae quickly said and walked to the kitchen, but I didn’t miss seeing his red ears, making me chuckled at his cuteness.




So he insisted to go to school today because he didn’t want me to feel sad because of my stupid misunderstanding…?

How sweet my boyfriend is…

He even hurt himself in the process…


“does my son really that handsome until makes you cant stop staring at him?” hae’s mom cut off my daydreaming, making me snapped my head up.

Hae was blushing madly while playing with his food. I smiled widely again looking at the cute sight.

“he does” I said happily, earning what I wanted; hae’s blushing face.



Hae’s mom laughed and gave me my food, “ahhh no wonder hae head over heels for you”

I chuckled, and hae was just blushing while playfully tried to hit his mom’s arm, which was failed.

Hae’s mom giggled and started to eat her foods, along with us. “how could you two ended up being together by the way? you two havent told me the story! Hae is so silent in school, isn’t he? And hyukjae must be loved by everyone. I bet every girl gets attracted to you”

I smiled at her words, “hae is irresistibly adorable, how could I resist to not looking at him?”

Hae’s mom laugh, and I turned my head to look at my cutie pie, expecting to see a cute blushing face of him, but I frowned when I see a sad hae.

Hae’s mom was still talking about how lucky hae to have me and all, but I was too distracted by hae’s expression. He was looking at his food quietly, and his eyes were a little bit more teary than they already were.

Hae’s mom’s phone rang suddenly, and she immediately excused herself to pick it up. I smiled at her and quickly back to see my baby.

“hae?” I called him,

he seemed tense a little, and hummed as the response.

I caressed his cheek with the back of my fingers, “hey what’s wrong? why are you suddenly quiet?” I asked as soft as possible,

He shook his head a little.


What happened now????

We were so lovey dovey just now and he even KISSED ME AND………….. okay put that aside first or I’d be a mess fanboy.

Okay hyukjae think think think. What did you do wrong. okay think………



…okay I’d better think of how to make this baby of mine smile first.


I moved my chair closer to his and wrapped my arm around his back, holding his waist and leaned my face down a little to see his face clearly.

“hey baby?”

no responds.


still no responds.

I pouted.

I kissed his cheek, and finally he looked at me with his adorable confuse face.

“I called you but you gave no response” I smiled at him, earning a lil blush on his cheeks.

“...hyukkie…” he mumbled while playing with his fingers.

“hmm?” I really enjoyed looking at his sweet face~

“im sorry im… not perfect…” he muttered sadly.

I was taken aback by his words.

I froze for a while, “what?” I frowned.

"n--nothing" he said quickly, and just as the same time as hae's mom's return.









you probably hate me now for being such a really bad author :( but seriously i promise i'll never leave this story... so pleaseeee bear with my /super/ late update pretty please :'''(

i really hope you wont leave this story as well...

im really trying to update as soon as possible...


anddddddd if you wondered when will i post the next chappie or so, you can follow me on twitter~  @rubbyflows ^^ i'll post here whenever im going to update, and if you bored, you can talk to me also :D 


ps. im sorry for the bad chappie :( still hope you'll like it... love you <3<3

pps. your comments really give me strenght. thank you so much and love you always <3<3




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PhwePhweKhin #1
Chapter 49: I’ll be waiting for your next chapter! 😭💙 This is so cute 🥺💙
sjvirus #2
2022 and still remembering this cute fic 😭😭Hope u will continue creating new chapters for this amazing work.
16 streak #3
Chapter 49: ah i hope you'll update this soon...
aize96 #4
Keep coming back to this story.. love it so much... Hope you update this soon
Eunhaefanfic #5
Chapter 49: This is my number 1 fanfic I ever read I have already read and re read this numerous times but still it feels super fluffy, cute and lovely to read again pls pls pls author nim update this fic . I hope you are doing good in your new place 🤗
dramanime #6
Chapter 49: I just found this story and i couldnt stop reading becos its soo cute and fluffy i felt like i was watching anime with all the school setting and school trips and all!!! I love tis story soo much even tho its incomplete and will be rereading tis many many times in the future!! <3
minamoru26 #7
Sweet and innocent Donghae and possessive and jealous boyfriend Hyukjae. I like this story and when I first read this story's chapter one, it gets me hooked. Thank you author for this amazing story. Hope to see your amazing work in the future.
Chapter 49: Where ars u authornim ??:'''
Chapter 49: Omo, don't stop here.... Please continue and update this story again.... I wanna see they graduate and getting married ... Please complete this story, author nim...
nourawad #10
hey there, i think a lot of people is going to die to read an update , please update , i read this story 5 times already and I'm dying for an update.