Love Letter



Donghae’s POV




I winched a little as I heard jaejoong’s shouting voice from B-classroom. I blinked my eyes furiously in confusion as hyukkie pulled me into the crowd by securing his arm around my shoulder tightly, until we reached in front of the door and finally got into the classroom.

We immediately found jaejoong already kneels on yunho’s desk, while grabbing yunho’s collar shirt tightly. Ready to punch him anytime soon.


“calm down~ why are you so freaking out like that?” yunho chuckled and smirked at jaejoong as he sat calmly on his seat, folding his arms coolly. And I could see how jaejoong even more upset. Everybody just watched the scene intently, clearly knew that they would get killed anytime soon if they made a sound even just a bit.


“jerk. We already deal with it” jaejoong greethed his teeth with his dark eyes, and I swear if stare could kill people, yunho probably already scattered into pieces like a dust and flew away with the wind. because it was just too scary, seriously.

“you said you would make some band performances or something like that, not a ing café. You really want to mess up with me, huh?” jaejoong said with a…. super dark scary tone. Made me shiver and held into hyukkie’s shirt tightly.


“come on, it’ll be fun, don’t you think? It could make this competition even more exciting!” yunho said cheerfully with big grin on his face, and he continued, “or you scared that you will lose?”

and that made jaejoong pushed him hard until he fell on the floor with his chair, made us flinched as we heard a loud “bang”.


“okay if that’s what you want. Challenge? Accepted.”

Jaejoong walked to our direction calmly, but I couldn’t even dare to lift my head, too afraid to see his scary eyes.

I peeked a little at him, and found he already looking intently at hyukkie.


“what?” hyukkie said as he narrows his brows at him.

“you.. come with me”  then he dragged hyukkie by his arm to the outside, along with seungri’s help. And  I could hear how hyukkie screamed some things like “what the hell” “what are you doing” “ let me go” and………. “donghae”


I frowned and started to pout.

Why they took hyukkie away??? I don’t like!


“found you!” suddenly I felt someone hugged me from behind, and I didn’t freak out even a bit since I knew it was sungmin. he looked at me and pouted too.

“They took kyu away too” sungmin said clearly annoyed.


“well.. what are these cuties doing here?” yunho put his arms around our shoulders from behind, and before I could react, sungmin already kicked his leg, hard, made him fell on the ground and groaned.


“don’t touch us, you dirty man! Let’s go donghae” sungmin said as he went to the door, and I was about to follow sungmin when suddenly I caught something on the floor beside yunho who was trying to get up.



Isn’t that a picture?


Yunho quickly took the picture and put it inside his pocket before got up from the floor,

“yah cutie! Your stupid bunny friend already waited for you outside” he said, and somehow I felt like he was kinda nervous.


I frowned and looked at him suspiciously.


He looked back at me. And just only 2 seconds, he parted from the eye contact. I could see he clearly is nervous.

Don’t tell me he…..


“yah donghae, let’s go” and sungmin dragged me to our classroom before I could say anything to him.




Hyukjae POV


“I. Don’t. Want. To.” I said, emphasized every word I say as I staring at nowhere.

Seriously I’m really pissed off right now.


“argh please please please!! . You know I never beg someone like this before! But please..” jaejoong said, pleading, followed by seungri and all of the students in class.


Okay let me explain something.

This unbelievably-white-skin-guy, jaejoong, our class president, had just told me that I should be a host. Yes. A freaking HOST!!!

And what I mean ‘host’ is a REAL host. I should serve all of the people especially ladies who came here like a real HOST!!!!!



“I don’t want to too” kyuhyun said with a flat expression.


Well.. not only me, but also kyuhyun ,and the other male and female students who he believes ‘attractive’ that must be host as well. Of course he himself, jaejoong, included too.


“well, im okay with that” sunny said with sparkles filled in her eyes, “there’ll be a lot of students from other schools right?? There must be a lot of handsome and cute guys~” she squealed happily, and the other girls squealed too.


I looked at jaejoong, only to find his wide grin, smiling in satisfy. “great!!”

I rolled my eyes.


Well, actually the reason why all of the students were excited and in fire of being win is because there’ll be a present for the most favorite class-stand, and it will be voted by all of the people who come to this school. Last year, the winners went to jeju island when the other students must studied at school like usual.

But.. it’s kinda different for our class and yunho's class. our class and B-class are rivals ever since the first week after we went to the second grade, there’s no way we can chill.

It was because when the sports festival months ago, yunho and his classmates always made fun of our class. We didn’t even know why they did that. And at that time our class loose against them, so they were teasing us even more, even did some unpleasant things. And that really made everyone in our class pissed off, especially jaejoong, since yunho wouldn’t stop bothering him.

And since then, we always compete against each other in every subject. And there always be a punishment for the loser, like a bet.


Oh right, what’s the bet this time anyway?


“come on hyukjae! Kyuhyun! It’ll be fun! There’ll be a lot of cute girls you know” seungri said excitedly, and all of the boys in our class became more excited, except kyuhyun and I.


“look, imagine, you definitely will look extremely handsome and hot with messy waiters clothes, and all of the girls surely will drool over you” taeyang said with a mischievous grin plastered on his face, “and just with a wink, they definitely will fall and come to our café! And who knows that one of them will catch your attention and—“

i gave him a deathful glare and he stopped immediately, then muttered “sorry” while looking at everywhere but me and kyuhyun.


“aww but he’s right! You two, I mean, you three with jaejoong, surely will catch all of the girl's and even boy's attention with your y appearance” krystal said as she put her index finger on her chin, made the other girls squealed.


I sighed and rolled my eyes again.

I. Won’t. Do. It.


“but donghae oppa will be sad~!” luna exclaimed and pouted. And seohyun added while pouting, “sungmin oppa too”


“then make them hosts too! They’re quiet cute and hot though” sunny said with sparkles eyes, like imagining hae and sungmin with host clothes.

Kyuhyun and I glared at her immediately, made her pouted and hide behind seohyun.


Jaejoong groaned. “aaarrgghh!! Stop!! Seriously hyukjae, kyuhyun I begged you once again please please please!! Be a host just this once!!”


I was about to say something when suddenly someone yelled and ran towards us, hugged kyuhyun who seemed shocked.


“NOOOOOO! WHAT HOST?? I WONT APPROVE!!!!!!!” sungmin cried in kyuhyun’s chest as he hugged him tightly.


I was shocked and immediately looked to the door’s direction, only to see donghae with an unreadable expression. I quickly ran to him.



“I won’t” kyuhyun patted sungmin head as he hugged him back.


“please please please I begged I really begged!!! If not, we are all dead meat for sure!!!” jaejoong cried in frustration as he pulled his hair desperately.


Hae lifted his head up to look at me with his round big eyes. Gosh. He looked like a hamster in Bedtime Stories movie that amber watched last week. Extremely cute!

I caressed his head and ruffled his hair lovingly as he blinked at me cutely. I smiled at him and caressed his cheek softly, and I was about to kiss his nose when suddenly I hear the girls screamed like crazy.




oh right.

We’re in the middle of the class, discussing about that host café thingy.

I nearly forgot.


Hae lowered his head, hiding his blushing cheeks, and I could only smiled at him as the girls still squealing happily.


“but.. host.. uhh.. it means serving  the customers with some flirts here and there right..” sungmin mumbled, looking at kyuhyun with his watery eyes.

Kyuhyun panicked. He hugged sungmin tightly and buried his face on sungmin’s neck while muttered “I wont”. Only to make the girls squealed even louder seeing the cute sight.


Jaejoong hugged seungri in defeat. Clearly didn’t know what to do anymore. But then I just realized, I haven’t known what the punishment is.


“What’s the punishment by the way?” I asked while closed the door’s class and pulled hae to the crowded students.


“huh? Wait..YOU DON’T KNOW???” jaejoong yelled in shocked, made us jumped on our feet. All of the students except seungri shook their heads.

Jaejoong glared at seungri who slapped his own forehead in panic.


“I forgot…. To tell them….. I’m….. sorry…..” seungri lowered his head as he hide behind seohyun.

Jaejoong sighed in frustration and ignored seungri, too tired to punish him.


“well.. that explains why all of you seemed calm about this festival.. This time, the loser will be the winner’s slave for 4 months” jaejoong said.


We widening our eyes immediately.



 and everything became chaos.








I hugged hae tightly who looked scared because of the chaos.



suddenly everyone stopped screaming



wait, why are they looking at me like that?


“hyukjae, kyuhyun, please we begged!!”


“please please we need you two!!’


“we’ll be dead for sure!!”




everyone swarmed around me, hae, kyu, and sungmin. Begging us to be hosts. Some students  even bowed on the floor to us while screamed “it’s about pride!!”


I was deep in my thought. I was thinking.. I don’t want to be a host for god’s sake!! But if we lose, we’re in danger, and B-class students will definitely make me do some kind of things especially girls!! And.. THEY MIGHT DO SOMETHING TERRIBLE TO HAE!!


I’m afraid if hae will be sad if I become a host and serve some es from another schools..


Suddenly I heard hae chuckled.

I looked at him who still in my embraced with a confuse look. Everyone stopped immediately as they heard hae’s chuckle just now.

Hae covered his mouth with his palms in shock.

I chuckled, “why were you laughing??”

He shook his head

“why??” I asked again.

“they were.. cute” he whispered, pointing at the students who still bowed on the floor, but since the classroom is in silence, we could clearly hear what he was saying.





I was about to squish him tightly until he couldn’t breath when I realized everyone was so quite.

I looked at them and saw how they covered their faces with their hands.



They kept like that until seohyun lifted her head up and wiped some little tears on the corner of her eyes while muttered, “ah.. why so cute..”


And everything became chaos once again as they screamed “so cute” “lee donghae you’re so cute” “it's lee donghae for god’s sake” “cuteness overload” “I’m in love” “I think I’ll become gay” “I should’ve known it from the start” …ect.


And I need to hide hae completely in my embrace and killed them one by one  with my glare. Afraid at the fact that they realized his cuteness  and will try to steal him away from me.






I sulked.

I hate it.

I don’t like it.


All of the students in class had their mouth gaped open looking at me, kyuhyun, jaejoong, seungri and taeyang in front of the class.


With waiter’s outfit.

Jaejoong had just called his driver to buy these clothes for us to try and within fifteen minutes, the clothes already in our hands. You would never know how rich this brat is.


Actually it was just an ordinary waiter’s clothes, white shirt, black pants, black vest, and black tie. But..

They made it like a “jerk”’s clothes. The shirt is ed until the third button, with the tie hanging loose around our neck, sleeves rolled up messily, messy vest, messy hair, and now I really look like a……. *sighs* you could imagine it by yourselves.


Everyone’s cheering. Throwing some invisible confetti everywhere.

And I rolled my eyes.


I ignored their screams, and just went to hae’s direction who sat comfortably on the seat in the center of the students. I guess he just being interrogated by the students while I was changing because I heard they asked a lot of things about me and him, and I bet hae didn’t answer a single thing and just blushed. Ahh cuteness.

He had his head low. I squatted down in front of him and peeked to look at his face, I was afraid at the thought that he wouldn’t like it or something like that.


I called him and he lifted his head slowly while biting his lower lip cutely. And I could see his red face. Was he blushing or mad?


“hae, do I look weird?”

he shook his head and avoided my eyes.

“you don’t like it?”

he shook his head.

“look at me”

I said softly as I put my hands on his hands, but he still didn’t look at my eyes. I waited for him to say something, still looking at him concernedly. Until he whispered something that made me felt like i was flying to the cloud nine, dancing with all of the strawberries and unicorns in the world with a rainbow as its background. i couldn’t help but smiled really really reaaallly widely, showing him my gums.


He just whispered “you look handsome” to me.

I grinned happily at him, couldn’t hide my happiness as I said “thank you” to him and buried my face on his knees. Couldn’t stand his beautiful face when he whispered that with a slight pink on his cheeks. Seriously, so beautiful. i squealed hard inside.


“kyu you look perfect!!’ sungmin squealed as he jumped up and down happily in front of kyu, kyu smiled and patted his head.

“but.. you won’t do anything naughty, will you?” sungmin pouted at him, made kyu chuckled and ruffled his hair, and said “of course not”


Usually, everyone would scream seeing our little moment, but they’re now drowning in jaejoong’s little world which made me feel relief.

They’re drooling over our class president’s perfect figure who was still rolling his sleeve in front of the class innocently. Have I said this before? But jaejoong is the most handsome guy in school, even more handsome than me. Oh hell yeah of course I know I’m handsome! Maybe I’m the second in this school.


I turned my head to hae.

okay scratch that.

Jaejoong is the most handsome guy in school, but hae is the most beautiful handsome guy in school and in this entire world.

So.. I’m the third?

Yeah. That’s right.


“what are you thinking?” hae asked with a low voice.

I smiled and stood up a little to kiss his nose, then back to squat down again. Got a blushing face of his as the result.


“hae I REALLY don’t want to do this, but if I don’t do this you might get in trouble. But if you said you don’t like it, I won’t do it for sure” I said to him, concern and sincere fill in my eyes.

Hae smiled at me and shook his head, “it’s okay hyukkie, you can do it” he gave me an assuring smile and added, “it’s okay”


“ahh~ love is in the air~” jaejoong sang playfully as he pretended to look at the sky, I glared at him and he just chuckled,

“it’s okay hyukjae, you don’t have to flirt with them, just do some little services like a kiss on the cheek after they order or a little hug--” donghae widened his eyes and I almost threw jaejoong a table beside me when he quickly added, “okay okay you won’t!’

he sighed in relief when I put back the table and back to squat in front of  hae.

“okay then for you two, you’re exceptional. you don’t have to do that kind of things” jaejoong said as he pointed at me and kyuhyun, made us grinned happily at him.


“aaahhh there’ll be a lot of girls~” taeyang sighs with a satisfy smile, leaning his body on the wall, giving us a pure playboy aura.

“I know right, it’s heaven” seungri said as he put his legs on the desk.

“tch, don’t be too full of yourselves, two idiots. All the girls and even boys will completely attracted to me” jaejoong muttered boredly while looking at his phone.


I rolled my eyes and played with hae’s fingers while pouting.






4 days had passed with a lot of  struggles. From decorating our class, helping some school’s staffs to prepare the school with some decorations, preparing our clothes, until fought with our enemies by throwing each other empty cans. Childish much huh.

Sooo school started to fill with a lot of people now, most are high school students from different schools. And.. wow. I didn’t expect this seriously. There’re a really lot of people came here.


“hyukjae-sshi, what do you recommend us for the food here?”  one of the girls with long wavy hair asked me.

I faked a smile, “this one is really delicious if i can tell” I pointed at the words ‘strawberry waffles paradise’ on the menu list.

“strawberry waffles?? Okay I’ll take this!” she exclaimed happily at me and I just nodded and wrote it down on the paper in my hand.

“aww hyukjae-sshi, choose for me too!” the other girl with a brown short hair said and pouting not-so-cutely at me.

I faked a smile again, “if I were you, I’d choose this one”

“hmm? Strawberry parfait??” the third girl with a straight hair said and looked at me with an amused smile, “do you like strawberry? You suggest us the ones that related to strawberry”


But of course not. I kept it cool.

I nodded.

“aaawww so cute!!” the wavy hair girl squealed and pinched my cheek.






I was about to push her hard with all my strength until she fly outside the window when suddenly I felt someone hugged me from behind, made me came back to my sense.

“sorry ladies, he must go and take your orders, let me accompany you instead” jaejoong said and winked at them as he pulled from the hug and pushed me to the place where the other students prepare the food. I gave them a quick glare before went away to take the orders but they seemed didn't notice it at all since they already drowned in jaejoong's world.



“ah! Hyukkie..? You scared me” hae gasped as I hugged him from behind, he was making waffles for my order.

I groaned. “I feel like throwing up”

“huh? Why?? You still sick?” he turned his body to me and put his hand on my forehead.

“yeah sick with their annoying flirts. I don’t want to do this anymore” I said while putting my head down on his left shoulder.

“eh? What did they do?”

“she pinched my cheek hae, my cheek!!” I whined and kicked the floor.

He patted my back softly.

“she touched you here?” he caressed my left cheek.

“no, the right one”

he caressed my right cheek gently, made me closed my eyes immediately, enjoying his soft fingers on my face. “what are you doing hae?”

“erasing her touch”

I chuckled and grabbed his hand on my cheek before kissed it softly. “you’re so cute, you know that?” I muttered and he just blushing madly.



“are you sure about this?” I asked as I watched him put an ice cream on top of the waffle. There’s a short silence before he answered,

“this is the nth time you asked me that”

I rested my chin on his right shoulder as I help him pouring the syrup on the waffles, “I could stop right now if you want me to hae” he didn’t say anything and just bent down his head. I continued, “just say ‘stop’.. then I’ll stop right here right now.. and I could help you making the orders instead.”

He bite his lower lip before he shook his head hesitantly, “it’s egoist hyukkie..”

I frowned, “everyone’s counting on you now.. I don’t want to be an egoist person..”

“but you—“

“here” he cut my words and gave me the plate of  delicious beautiful strawberry waffles, “don’t droll over it and send it to the costumers” hae said smiling beautifully.

“I’ll made one for you later, now go”

I smiled and ruffled his hair, and dragged my feet while sighed lazily to the bunch of people.


“hyukjae, that customers want you to serve them”

“hyuk, serve them”

“hyuk that girl wants to talk with you”

“hyukjae they want to take a picture with you”

“hyukjae.. “

“hyuk.. “

“hyukjae.. “



i groaned loudly. “SERIOUSLY?!”


I sighed for the 928473829th  time already as I laid my body on the floor beside kyu. We’re at our ‘spot’ in the corner of the class right now, a place that covered from the others and for us to rest. I haven’t mentioned it, but classes in our school really are big.

“they are..” I mumbled tiredly.

“monsters..” kyu finished for me.

It had been 4 hours since we open the cafe, we served them professionally with a big fake stupid smile on our faces when they flirted with us.

It really is a hell for us.

Well.. what I mean with ‘us’ is just for me and kyu. For the other students, this is heaven I guess. Since they enjoyed being around the girls and boys, especially taeyang, seungri, Jessica, and sunny. Flirting here and there, they EXTREMELY enjoyed it.

I closed my eyes and sighed again. But just only 3 seconds, I snapped my eyes open again.

“where’s hae??”





i'm sorry TTT___TTT




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PhwePhweKhin #1
Chapter 49: I’ll be waiting for your next chapter! 😭💙 This is so cute 🥺💙
sjvirus #2
2022 and still remembering this cute fic 😭😭Hope u will continue creating new chapters for this amazing work.
16 streak #3
Chapter 49: ah i hope you'll update this soon...
aize96 #4
Keep coming back to this story.. love it so much... Hope you update this soon
Eunhaefanfic #5
Chapter 49: This is my number 1 fanfic I ever read I have already read and re read this numerous times but still it feels super fluffy, cute and lovely to read again pls pls pls author nim update this fic . I hope you are doing good in your new place 🤗
dramanime #6
Chapter 49: I just found this story and i couldnt stop reading becos its soo cute and fluffy i felt like i was watching anime with all the school setting and school trips and all!!! I love tis story soo much even tho its incomplete and will be rereading tis many many times in the future!! <3
minamoru26 #7
Sweet and innocent Donghae and possessive and jealous boyfriend Hyukjae. I like this story and when I first read this story's chapter one, it gets me hooked. Thank you author for this amazing story. Hope to see your amazing work in the future.
Chapter 49: Where ars u authornim ??:'''
Chapter 49: Omo, don't stop here.... Please continue and update this story again.... I wanna see they graduate and getting married ... Please complete this story, author nim...
nourawad #10
hey there, i think a lot of people is going to die to read an update , please update , i read this story 5 times already and I'm dying for an update.