Love Letter





Donghae’s POV




It’s been a month since our vacation in Jeju Island, and now we’re in the middle of the business for the final exams…

Gosh we’re going to the 3rd grade next 2 months, time flies sooooooooo fast!

And to think about it, it’s really sad to know that leeteuk hyung will graduate soon… I couldn’t imagine if I were kangin… since hyukkie always beside me all the time here, I couldn’t...


Speaking of hyukkie…

He’s kind of weird these days. He always looks tired, like he did a marathon all day long. He often slept in the classroom and he always used the 2nd break to sleep at the rooftop.

I was really worried since the exam is near and he kept sleeping in class, I was afraid if it would effect his good grade, but…

I glanced at the paper on hyukkie’s desk who’s now sleeping peacefully.

It marks A+.


How could he do that?! He didn’t even listen to the teacher and slept peacefully! (I tried to wake him up billion times secretly without teacher knowing but always failed).

I sighed as I started to caress the sleeping-guy’s hair. Actually I was going to wake him up 15 minutes ago since the class already over and the classroom is empty now, but I don’t have a heart to disturb his peaceful sleep. I continued caressing his hair.

I’m really glad it didn’t affect his grade… Even though I’m kinda envy him.


OF COURSE I ENVY HIM come on I knew he always sleeps after dinner as soon as he got home and he still got perfect marks?!?!?! (I knew this from amber 4 days ago when we accidentally met in the supermarket and I asked her if hyukkie’s okay since he looked really tired, and she said that.)

But on the other hand, I’m really proud of him. He’s not just handsome and all, but also damn clever. his parents must be proud of him. And his future wife is such a super lucky wife.

why the atmosphere suddenly became gloomy here

AHH why am i so bipolar these days?!

Just thinking about him getting married with someone already made my heart hurts…

“what do you want to be hyukkie?”

“your husband”


“what are you thinking, baby?”

I jumped unconsciously hearing hyukkie’s sudden voice.

He chuckled, “why are you blushing that hard?”

“w—what?” I palmed my cheeks panicky.

“what was on your mind?” he grinned excitedly.

“I wasn’t—I wasn’t thinking of anything!” I said really panicked and was about to stand up and walked away, but then my heart stopped beating for a sec when I felt something wet on the floor and I slipped.



My heart was beating really fast.

If it wasn’t hyukkie who grabbed and hold me right now, my head would already hit the table and I probably fainted on the spot.

I looked at the floor and blinked my eyes confusedly.


But… how?

I didn’t see it when I walked to hyukkie’s desk 15 minutes ago.

I gasped when suddenly hyukkie hugged me tightly, really tight until I could hear his heart’s beating so fast.


I tilted my head to look at him and saw his eyes filled with anger.






hyukkie’s grip in my hand kept getting tighter each time goes by, and I just followed him with my ultra-confused-yet-scared-feelings.

Hyukkie right now is really scary… I really want to ask what’s wrong but I’m afraid..

I was kinda shocked when I realized we already arrived in front of my house, but none of us loose our grips. Instead, hyukkie held it even more tighter.


he suddenly kissed me, made me utterly shocked.

I let him kissed me and after a while, I kissed him back.

I don’t know what is wrong with his kiss, it’s kind of rush and filled with emotions. As if he’s in a such worry state and wanted to erase his worries by kissing me. His grip on my waist became tighter as we kissed more.

After a while, I pulled from the kiss and panted. He held the back of my head and pulled me into his chest, burying his face on my neck.

I shivered a little, “hyukkie ti—tickles” omg I could feel his hot breath and plum lips on my neck!

“if anything happens, tell me okay?” he whispered, and I couldn’t hide my worry,

“what’s wrong hyukkie? You seemed weird today” I caressed his back as gently as I could.

“nothing… just…” he mumbled, nuzzled on my neck making me bit my lower lip, “just please be careful”

he pressed his nose and lips on my neck even more and inhaled my scent, made my grips on his shirt tightened. Oh gosh.

He pecked my neck before and bite it, making me gasped and fisted my grips even tighter if it's possible. I shut my eyes tightly as I felt hyukkie’s tongue on my  neck, and I need to try my best not to moan, but a little failed. i whimpered a little.

After some time, he finally released my neck and it, made me sighed and panted a little.

he pulled from the hug a little to peck my lips, I need to bit my lower lip even more to reduce the extreme blush on my face.,

“what’s wrong hyukkie…” I asked while bowed my head a little, hiding my super blushing face.

But he just smiled and pulled me into a hug.





~ 2 weeks later ~





I heard the bell rang signaling the exam is over. Students cheered loudly as they started to throw their pens and everything in the air as if those are confetti. The teacher sighed and smiled after she failed making the students calm and went out the class while shouting, “happy holiday!” making the students cheered even more.


I sighed as I put my pen on the desk. Oh gosh finally…


I can sleep until afternoon! I don’t have to wake up early! I can play with hyukkie! I can… I can… ummm.. maybe… d—date…?


oh boy oh boy

I palmed my heated cheeks

Omg its been a while since the last time we dated… it’s been………. 3 months?? We’ve been veeeeerry very very very busy this past one month because of our final exams. And now we can enjoy our holiday! Yeayyyy! I grinned unconsciously.

wait but…

Holiday means… no school. No school means… no need to wake up early in the morning… Means… no hyukkie in the early moring… no hyukkie in the morning means…


I want—I want to see hyukkie everyday like always!

I don’t like holidays!

I hate holidays!

*I heard someone chuckled but I couldn’t be more careless*


“I don’t want holidays!” I bammed my desk a little with my nemo pen and pouted.



“eh why? I thought you’re gonna super happy” I heard hyukkie’s voice so close, made me gasped in surprise. He chuckled and brought his chair close to mine, before resting his head on my desk with his hand as his pillow, looking at me.

“it’s really fun seeing your face changed every minute” hyukkie said and giggled. “your face was like, ‘oh my god I cant wait for the holidays!’, then in a second it became red like, ‘oh my, im gonna have a date with hyukkie”, then in another second it came back to the happy one, ‘but its holiday!’, then a minute later turns, ‘but I cant meet hyukkie what to do’”





“i—I didn’t think that!” I exclaimed and trying so hard to hide my blushing face.

He tilted his head, “oh really? Then am I the only one who thinks exactly like that?” he pouted.


Don’t look at him donghae its illegal!

“im happy for holidays but I cant pick you up in the morning like usual” he sighed,

Ah… so he thinks the same as i do.

I grinned widely.

awww Im so happy we have the same thought!


“whats with the mix aura here?” kyu suddenly came, hitting hyukkie’s head with his bag making hyukkie winched in pain and protested to kyu.

“bunny bunny! For the class meeting, do you by any chance want to play something??” sungmin asked excitedly, hugging my head from behind.

Oh right! We still have class meeting for one week!!

That means… I still can see hyukkie in the morning omg yeay!!!!!

Well we still need to wait for our exams’ results though………….sighs I hope I will get good grades.

Speaking of classmeeting…

“no, hae wont play anything” hyukkie suddenly said, pouting.

“WHAT WHY” jaejoong interrupted and sat on my chair too, making me moved my a little to give him space to sit.

“what do you mean by ‘what’, of course I wont let him, he might get hurt” hyukkie said, kicking kyu’s leg but failed.

“overprotective bastard” kyu mumbled and kicked hyukkie’s leg, making him groaned in pain and chase to tackle him by his neck.


“guys! Let’s talk about our seniors graduation and class meeting, okay!” krystal exclaimed suddenly, catching students’ attentions. “each classes will have its own job for our seniors’ graduation party , and our class got a work to décor! So we need to discuss it now and tomorrow, and yes this means tomorrow you guys need to come to school”

everyone groaned at the fact that we aren’t in holiday yet. While me, smiling excitedly imagining hyukkie will pick me up again tomorrow.

“…what are they doing?” luna who just came back from the toilet said, looking weirdly at kyu who’s now piggy backing hyukkie.

I chuckled.



Krystal started to talk about something for our decoration with jaejoong who’s now standing beside her, helping her explaining about the graduation and classmeeting thingy.

I heard hyukkie yawned and he started to blink his eyes furiously to get some concentration, shaking his head for a few times but ended up yawning again.

Oh god… what I cute sight… I sobbed inside.

But I actually really worried…

I tucked hyukkie’s shirt and motioned him to sleep on my shoulder which was making hyukkie’s face brightened immediately. He then leaned his head on my shoulder with his gummy smile and started to close his eyes. And 3 seconds later he already slept peacefully.

I chuckled. How could he sleep so fast like that.


After some minutes, I was listening to krystal who was still explaining in the front, when suddenly I felt hyukkie who woke up abruptly and pulled me to the side, really… really fast I didn’t even have a time to breath, then not even reached one second I heard some students screamed followed by a really loud 'bang'.

And the next thing I knew, I saw how a bookshelf which supposed to be stood strongly behind my chair, already landed messily on the floor with my desk and chairs.

Everything went silent.

I was so shocked, I couldn’t even breath as I saw the things in front of me with wide eyes.

The big bookshelf just fell right on top of my desk and chair, making my desk and chair completely broke and flat with the floor. Sungmin who sat beside me just now froze as he saw the things near him.

What was… that…

I gasped when suddenly hyukkie pulled me into his embrace, hugging me extremely tightly, without saying anything. I could feel his heart beat really fast, even faster than when I nearly slipped on the floor 2 weeks ago.

Everyone was in a deep silence, until luna broke it, “o—oppa… are you… o—okay…?” she asked carefully, still shock with what she just saw.

I couldn’t answer or say anything… I was still too shocked.


“who did this…” hyukkie mumbled with his deep voice.

Everyone was still silent.

“WHO DID THIS?!” hyukkie suddenly shouted loudly yet deeply, making me gasped in shock and everyone flinched.

He hugged me even more tight, “ANSWER ME BEFORE I KILL YOU!” everyone flinched again, don’t dare to look at hyukkie…including me.

“hyukjae calm down, this is just an accident” kyuhyun said,


I widened my eyes hearing his words. T—twenty…one…? D—die…? What… my legs weakened.

“what…” kyu widened his eyes, everyone also had their eyes wide opened.

“now answer me” he tightened the hug, his hands went trembling, just the same with mine whose now griping tightly on hyukkie’s back shirt.

After got no answer again, he suddenly kicked the desk beside us, making it fell with loud and long ‘bang’ sound since it made the other desks and chairs fell too like a domino. Everyone gasped and I need to shut my eyes tightly and buried it on hyukkie’s chest until the sound is gone.

“I SAID ANSWER ME BASTARD OR I’LL SEND YOU TO A HOSPITAL--!” hyukkie shouted again when suddenly kyu pushed him harshly until he hit he wall, cutting hyukkie’s words and breaking our hug. He blocked hyukkie on the wall by his fist on hyukkie’s collar.

“CALM DOWN IDIOT YOU ONLY MAKE DONGHAE EVEN MORE SCARED!” kyu shouted on hyukkie, making me flinched again.

It was the first time I heard kyu yelled…

my eyes got watery

Everyone just looked at them in shocked, didn’t even dare to move.

I saw hyukkie slowly calmed down even though just a little. Then he slapped kyu’s hand away and walked to me. I was trembling really bad, but calmed down immediately when I felt hyukkie’s gentle back fingers caressed my cheek.

He caressed it in an extremely gentle way, like he usually did, as if I’m the most fragile thing in this entire whole world.

He then cupped my cheeks with both of his warm hands and put his forehead on mine, closing his eyes for a while, before kissed my forehead for a good 5 seconds. I could feel so much emotions in his kiss. I don’t know what it was, but I knew there’s fear by the way he touched me.

“if you don’t want to admit it… I’ll find you. I’ll find you for sure and I’ll show you what a real nightmare is” hyukkie said, making me shivered by the darkness of his voice.


He then pulled away from me and pushed me gently to kyu, and I widened my eyes when he said something to kyu,

“I don’t mind if you need to hug him. Just don’t let anything touch him. Even just a bit”

he then walked away, making me panicked, but before he went, he said to luna, “come with me”

and they went out to the door with luna who seemed really confused and afraid following hyukkie behind.


Everything was still in silence, still in a complete shock. I could feel my eyes getting hot, tears were ready to fall.

What’s with all of these…

Suddenly luna came back to the class with her worried expression, walking towards me.

She then stood in front of me and held my hand, making me widened my eyes.

“hyukjae oppa asked me to do this…” she said to me, her face was really worried.

“everyone, it’s okay now. Let’s fix the mess together and we can continue to talk about the graduation again” luna smiled to everyone and to jaejoong who seemed startled and nervously said, “o—okay… everyone, let’s try to put back the bookshelf together and after that we can continue”.  Everyone were still shocked, but they slowly moved their feet to the bookshelf and help each other to clean the mess.


“oppa, go follow hyukjae oppa and help him, he went to the teacher’s room” luna whispered to kyu, still holding my hand. “but before you go there, go find yunho oppa to replace you here”

kyu was confused and frowned, but then he widened his eyes as if he understood something before nodded his head. And before he went, he patted my head softly and said something which made me calmed a little,

“everything will be okay”

I smiled at him before he went out.


’hold his hand, don’t leave him even just a second, don’t let anyone touch him except you, kyu, sungmin, jaejoong, and yunho, eye everyone who looked at hae”’ luna whispered to me, making me tilted my head to look at her confusedly.


’I trust you… and don’t forget to tell him I love him. I haven’t said that to him today.’ … that was… what hyukjae oppa said to me”

luna said, smiling weakly at me.





Hyukjae’s POV




how to use this thing?! !

“need help, mister?”

I flinched in shock and snapped my head to the door.

“you--” I stood up immediately when I saw it was kyu, “what are you doing here?! Didn’t I say to—“

“yunho is in charge” he said while walking to me, “calm down hyukjae”

I sighed deeply and dropped my body on the chair. i put my elbow on my knees and buried my face on my palms.

“care to tell me what’s wrong… exactly?” he asked, sat on the table beside the computer that I was struggling with.

I sighed. “it’s getting worse… “

He frowned, “what?”

“at first they were just put some insects that I perfectly know hae really hates it on his shoulder, bags, locker and all. then the next week they started to push hae, making it like an accident but I knew it wasn’t. it was really strange. And day by day it’s getting worse. They locked hae in the storage room…”

“what?! When?? How—“

“I was meeting our dance club leader at that time. It was after school and you already went home, and I made a biggest mistake by agreeing with hae, to let him wait for me outside the gym while I talked to the leader inside. A girl from the first grade student was struggling to put basket balls inside the storage room, and hae helped her. And… you know what happened.”

Kyuhyun just frowned,

“luna was there, she saw and quickly unlocked the door even before donghae asked for help. She was just finishing her musical practice and she saw everything. She didn’t want to make donghae panicked so she said it was just some kind of jokes she and her friend made. Donghae believed it, and right after that luna quickly dragged donghae to the gym to meet me.”

“wait so you mean… it’s a girl from the first grade who did this all?”

I sighed and shook my head, “no… the next day luna and I immediately searched for the girl and interrogating her. She was crying and said sorry thousands times, she said someone asked her to do it or else she would get troubles. She was too afraid to say who it was, but she said it was a senior from second grade. We pitied her so we just let her go since she really looked depressed.”

“what…” kyuhyun looked at the floor blankly, and I knew he was thinking.

“since that day luna helped me look for donghae. But no matter what we did we couldn’t find out who it was” I buried my face on my palm.

“why you didn’t tell me” kyu said, and I knew he was angry by his tone and his extremely-calm expression.

“I didn’t know what to do kyu… I really didn’t know!” I pulled my hair in frustration, “I was depressed at that time. I couldn’t think properly! I thought it would be a lot easier for me to find who it was if I was alone”

I bit my lower lip, “I was really afraid to leave hae, even just an inch. It was like an Olympic, I must put all of my concentration to be a barrier for hae, ran here and there searching for that bastards, and must study at night since I always slept in class due to the tiredness. The time for me could feel a little relax was just weekends.”

“that’s why you… always sleeping?” kyu widened his eyes. I nodded my head weakly.


“I just-- I just cant believe it! How could—how could someone do this to hae?!

I’m okay if it’s just put some insects or what! But-- poured water on the floor making hae fall and nearly hit the table, making him nearly fell on the stairs, pushing a bookshelf until his desk and chair broke into pieces… “ I clenched my fist, “it’s like theyre going to—going to kill hae… Do they want hae to… die? What kind of psycho are they?!”

“hyuk…” kyu patted my back,

“this is not right… we’re students, not some kind of mafia gangster fbi whatsoever!” I yelled, I could feel the heat in my eyes.

“I seriously cant believe it kyu…” I pulled my hair desperately, “why hae… why him… what did he do… how can they do this to the most innocent guy…”

“hyukkie calm down…” kyu patted my head, just like he always did in the past when we were still little kids, making me couldn’t help but felt warm and just looking at the ground. “calm down okay?” he continued patting my head,

i took a deep breath, trying to calm down.

“say it” I mumbled, “as much as I hate to admit it, say the words you usually said that could make me calm in an instant”

kyu smirked his evil smirk, I just stared angrily at him.



He then mumbled something and worked on the cctv that attached to the computer, earned a big gummy smile of mine.






“mister may drink your coffee calmly” he said, making me kicked his chair.








sorry for the late update again.. i did say i would update fast but.. something happened like a storm these past three weeks, i couldnt update that often :( but please dont ever think i will abandon this story because,

 *bold italic underline* 

i wont! >:)

i promise i'll try my best to update as fast as possible! ^^


while waiting for the next update, could you please check my other story? 

How to be an Angel? (still on going)

Love Stories (random stories)

Little Promise (completed)

all fluff! and have some little *cough* naughtything *cough*


please do check <3 i loooove you <3<3





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PhwePhweKhin #1
Chapter 49: I’ll be waiting for your next chapter! 😭💙 This is so cute 🥺💙
sjvirus #2
2022 and still remembering this cute fic 😭😭Hope u will continue creating new chapters for this amazing work.
16 streak #3
Chapter 49: ah i hope you'll update this soon...
aize96 #4
Keep coming back to this story.. love it so much... Hope you update this soon
Eunhaefanfic #5
Chapter 49: This is my number 1 fanfic I ever read I have already read and re read this numerous times but still it feels super fluffy, cute and lovely to read again pls pls pls author nim update this fic . I hope you are doing good in your new place 🤗
dramanime #6
Chapter 49: I just found this story and i couldnt stop reading becos its soo cute and fluffy i felt like i was watching anime with all the school setting and school trips and all!!! I love tis story soo much even tho its incomplete and will be rereading tis many many times in the future!! <3
minamoru26 #7
Sweet and innocent Donghae and possessive and jealous boyfriend Hyukjae. I like this story and when I first read this story's chapter one, it gets me hooked. Thank you author for this amazing story. Hope to see your amazing work in the future.
Chapter 49: Where ars u authornim ??:'''
Chapter 49: Omo, don't stop here.... Please continue and update this story again.... I wanna see they graduate and getting married ... Please complete this story, author nim...
nourawad #10
hey there, i think a lot of people is going to die to read an update , please update , i read this story 5 times already and I'm dying for an update.